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Brawl+ - Official 5.0 RC1 Build is now online! (Re-Use Autoupdater, Snake bug fixed)

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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
sage, get the new sss. it doesnt have any of those problems
Doesn't it freeze when scrolling through the replays though?

Also, when the game shows you a warning sign, the need to slow down Onett cars doesn't seem very big. A dmg nerf to them would be fine though.

Due to personal bias, I'd prefer Pirate Ship remain the way it is and stay out of tournies possibly.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Woah, I didn't know you were in Ohio, too >.> :laugh:
Yeah he's pretty close to me, I just don't get together with him often because of how busy he usually is (and I some times forget to do something with Shell... as more often than not I say I will do something and then forget). I always forget to ask you though, what part of Cleveland do you live in anyway? I'm curious to know. :laugh:

God pies!

I should organize a Cleveland+ smash fest one of these days. If I get anything organized I'll be sure to let you all know.
That would be sahweet but completely off topic.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
So the topic of the day is stages?

Well, here's a question. Has anyone in the wbr considered making distant planet a viable CP?

The Cape

Smash Master
May 16, 2004
Carlisle, PA
Here is a list of moves they have added special effects on...
Bowser's Fsmash
Ness' bat (and I know the ping is at the tip...my post was saying thanks for that)
Jigglypuff's rest (although I don't know why)
Ganondorf's Bair and Fair IIRC

Bowser F smash = KB increase, effect for the lulz
Ness Bat had a size increase as well as the sound effect
Jiggly rest had an angle and KB change (and the effect for fun)
Ganon bair and fair had KB changes as well as their elements.

Most of these elemental changes were put in solely for fun, but they are also complimenting current moves that were changed and take up no more space.

I should organize a Cleveland+ smash fest one of these days. If I get anything organized I'll be sure to let you all know.

Can we say Ohio Capefest in mid Sept?

Stages list
We have some things working in the backroom. Let me work up what we have for you here and see what you all think:

Distant Planet - Bigger overall to stop the stalls on the main platform, make the rain come more often (maybe the stage run at 2x) to stop left side camping

Skyworld - Top Blocks Destroyed and bottom are unhittable

Green Hill Zone - Ground cant be hit, spinners have no hitboxes (but have hurtboxes. YEA SPINS!)

Bridge of Eldin - Move the Boundaries so that when the hole appears it removes one side of the battlefield. Move the death boundaries on the non exploded side a bit further out (lose 1/3 of the battle space with no ledge on the exploded side)

Hanenbow - Remove Left Side so its just the main tree

Mario Circuit - Boundaries are wider with the same camera. This way blastzone camping makes you take percent.

Mushroomy Kingdom II - GHNeko's Idea

Pirate Ship - Weaker Bombs and Catapault or just plain make them not happen

Norfair - Faster weaker lava

Halberd - Claw is weaker, or slower, or just plain gone

Spear Pillar - Idea #1: Remove two of the three top pieces and leave one on the side. Make the death boundary on that side closer, and the blown up side a bit further out.
Idea #2: Remove two of the top pieces, make Cresselia permanent, weaken her boomerangs, and make them happen a bit less often

Port Town - Severely weaken KB of cars

New Pork City - Zoom in on the right side so that the left boundary is at the left side of the swinging boat, bottom boundary KOs you before you land on the breakaway floor (or remove it), right side is extended out a bit, and ceiling is unchanged.

Pictochat - Maybe slow it down some more?

Jungle Japes - Slower water, weaker Klap Trap

Onett - Extend Sides

Green Greens - Fix Ike Explosion Glitch

Yoshi's Island (melee) - Expand KO boundaries and fix the lower blocks so that their hurtboxes are on the bottom (meaning only spikes or moves with really low hitboxes can hit them)

Shadow Moses: Current Mansion Treatment (Slower rebuild on the walls). Maybe weaker sides.

/late home from work


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009

why is it possible to tech ganon's side b again?
i noticed this too! can someone fix this? it is really stupid.

o, and in the old nightly build, I noticed that, when you pick an independant pokemon (i.e. Squirtle), and you play, when you die, the next pokemon in the cycle comes out, and instead of being an independant pokemon, pokemon trainer comes out -.-

was that supposed to happen? was this fixed?


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
@alphatron: as far as i know, all SSSes do that.

@frozn: i technically did answer that, but yes, no, and no

@cape: hmmm, looks like i may have to expand the SSS soon
I haven't had that problem since playing B+. Odd...


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
*cracks fingers* OK!
We have some things working in the backroom. Let me work up what we have for you here and see what you all think:

Distant Planet - Bigger overall to stop the stalls on the main platform, make the rain come more often (maybe the stage run at 2x) to stop left side camping
me likey!
Skyworld - Top Blocks Destroyed and bottom are unhittable
yes, very nice.
Green Hill Zone - Ground cant be hit, spinners have no hitboxes (but have hurtboxes. YEA SPINS!)
sounds cool.

Bridge of Eldin - Move the Boundaries so that when the hole appears it removes one side of the battlefield. Move the death boundaries on the non exploded side a bit further out (lose 1/3 of the battle space with no ledge on the exploded side)
YOU CAN DO THAT!? then yes, very much yes.
Hanenbow - Remove Left Side so its just the main tree
still not a very big hanenbow fan... even with this i still want it to be banned...
Mario Circuit - Boundaries are wider with the same camera. This way blastzone camping makes you take percent.
sounds good. we'll have to see if it can really be a good CP.
Mushroomy Kingdom II - GHNeko's Idea
bigger stage? ok. i like the idea, but again, we'll have to see how it works.
Pirate Ship - Weaker Bombs and Catapault or just plain make them not happen
just freeze the stage and call it a day.

Norfair - Faster weaker lava
good, good

Halberd - Claw is weaker, or slower, or just plain gone
you can just get rid of the claw? what about the laser? maybe just slow down the stage.

Spear Pillar - Idea #1: Remove two of the three top pieces and leave one on the side. Make the death boundary on that side closer, and the blown up side a bit further out.
Idea #2: Remove two of the top pieces, make Cresselia permanent, weaken her boomerangs, and make them happen a bit less often
i like Idea #1 better

Port Town - Severely weaken KB of cars
*goes to add it to CP list*

New Pork City - Zoom in on the right side so that the left boundary is at the left side of the swinging boat, bottom boundary KOs you before you land on the breakaway floor (or remove it), right side is extended out a bit, and ceiling is unchanged.
i'll need to see it, but this sounds pretty cool.

Pictochat - Maybe slow it down some more?
i think its fine as is. it was a good CP in vBrawl and its still fine now

Jungle Japes - Slower water, weaker Klap Trap

Onett - Extend Sides
what exactly was keeping it from being a CP in the first place?

Green Greens - Fix Ike Explosion Glitch
what glitch?

Yoshi's Island (melee) - Expand KO boundaries and fix the lower blocks so that their hurtboxes are on the bottom (meaning only spikes or moves with really low hitboxes can hit them)
i like the idea of lowering the hitboxes.

Shadow Moses: Current Mansion Treatment (Slower rebuild on the walls). Maybe weaker sides.
weaken sides and slower rebuild would work wonders on this stage.

so, to sum up, we can add *pretty much* all of these to the CP list?


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
all of these CPs are going to make the SSS complicated as hell.

edit: i just updated my SSS with *some* of these new CPs and it started getting crowded. if the goal is to have every stage neutral/CP then a SSS may not even be necessary. O_O

*bites tongue*

Deleted member

Distant Planet - Bigger overall to stop the stalls on the main platform, make the rain come more often (maybe the stage run at 2x) to stop left side camping
Maybe making the rain permanent, if that's possible.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2008
The Cape said:
Distant Planet - Bigger overall to stop the stalls on the main platform, make the rain come more often (maybe the stage run at 2x) to stop left side camping
I would say maybe 1.5 so the rain isn't an instakill and the bulborb isn't flying all over, but sounds good.

Skyworld - Top Blocks Destroyed and bottom are unhittable
Perfect, if it's possible. Skyworld would be such a fun stage without all the spiking, and those sound like excellent ideas.

Green Hill Zone - Ground cant be hit, spinners have no hitboxes (but have hurtboxes. YEA SPINS!)

Bridge of Eldin - Move the Boundaries so that when the hole appears it removes one side of the battlefield. Move the death boundaries on the non exploded side a bit further out (lose 1/3 of the battle space with no ledge on the exploded side)
Not bad, sounds kinda weird though.

Hanenbow - Remove Left Side so its just the main tree
Eh, I still don't like the tilting main platforms and fake water and whatnot, but we might as well try.

Mario Circuit - Boundaries are wider with the same camera. This way blastzone camping makes you take percent.
Good idea.

Mushroomy Kingdom II - GHNeko's Idea

Pirate Ship - Weaker Bombs and Catapault or just plain make them not happen
PS will never be neutral, but no hazards might get it close. I'll leave it up to you guys, but both sound like workable ideas.

Norfair - Faster weaker lava
Weaker good, why faster?

Halberd - Claw is weaker, or slower, or just plain gone
Same as Pirate Ship.

Spear Pillar - Idea #1: Remove two of the three top pieces and leave one on the side. Make the death boundary on that side closer, and the blown up side a bit further out.
Idea #2: Remove two of the top pieces, make Cresselia permanent, weaken her boomerangs, and make them happen a bit less often
Cresselia is a big no either way, so I vote #1.

Port Town - Severely weaken KB of cars
Love it, Port Town would be so much better without 30% car deaths. Gogogo!

New Pork City - Zoom in on the right side so that the left boundary is at the left side of the swinging boat, bottom boundary KOs you before you land on the breakaway floor (or remove it), right side is extended out a bit, and ceiling is unchanged.
Eh, I'll always hate NPC. Do what you want with it.

Pictochat - Maybe slow it down some more?
I don't know, it seems fine as it is. It's already a pretty definite counterpick.

Jungle Japes - Slower water, weaker Klap Trap
Yes, yes! Klap Traps don't cause me much trouble, but I hate nearly instant water deaths just by falling off the left side. Wonderful ideas.

Onett - Extend Sides
New Pork City

Green Greens - Fix Ike Explosion Glitch
Why not?

Yoshi's Island (melee) - Expand KO boundaries and fix the lower blocks so that their hurtboxes are on the bottom (meaning only spikes or moves with really low hitboxes can hit them)
Box idea sounds good, but the KO boundaries are going to have to move a lot to make it workable. As it is, the left boundary is nearly touching the green pipe.

Shadow Moses: Current Mansion Treatment (Slower rebuild on the walls). Maybe weaker sides.
Sounds good.

/late home from work
Ten characters.

EDIT: I forgot to add, I was having some freezing problems on the last nightly build. Whenever I would press Start to skip through the results screen of a match, it would always freeze - same with the score screens in 1P modes. I haven't tried the newest build yet so I don't know if I'll have the same problems, but I thought I might as well mention it.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Wander, it's a known problem, it deals with the CSS if you press start too fast to get to the CSS it freezes. Take your time!! (I never have this problem btw... so you must be pressing it real fast!)


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2008
Yeah, I kinda mash it. After so many thousands of matches, I get tired of hearing THE WINNER IS. Guess I'll have to slow it down...any idea what causes it, or how to fix it?


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
cape: i like the ideas, but doubt the likelihood of their success. but then again, i doubted mushroomy and big blue, and llok at what happened there. my mantra now is to not bash something until i've given it a fair chance...

smk: never had that problem, and i have all but skipped the css to test sss layouts and stuff. could be too much strain on file patch possibly.

wbr in general: does my sss follow what could be seen as an official stage list, or should i move some stages around for another release?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
It's not File patch MK... as I had music and textures on my Brawl for awhile and skipped through just fine. Wander, for now the solution is to not rush to the CSS as far as fixing it goes... that's in the WIP bin with the other freezes and bugs. Rest assured, stuff like that will be fixed by the time we go Gold.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I do not support freezing Pirate ship, but making bombs/catapult weaker is fine. I like all of the other ideas as well.

Also, I feel Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 is a CP now besides needing farther side boundaries to stop camping.

After tonight I won't have computer access for 12 days so don't expect to hear more from me.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
I do not support freezing Pirate ship, but making bombs/catapult weaker is fine. I like all of the other ideas as well.

Also, I feel Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 is a CP now besides needing farther side boundaries to stop camping.

After tonight I won't have computer access for 12 days so don't expect to hear more from me.
I agree with this statement.
Pirate Ship would be completely dull if it didn`t move.

Why not remove the bomb and catapult period.

Honestly, nobody likes them. And it isnt doing anyone favors.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
Lol the ness mains want to keep the water lol.

Can you make the ship smaller and it not bump into the rock? That part is really campy.


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
not at you, but at ness mains in general, my main problem with infinite PKT1 is this: HOW THE **** DID YOU GUYS OPERATE IN vBRAWL WITHOUT INFINITE PKT1S!? i mean, if you complain that his recovery gets gimped to hell without it then you must have played one ****ty ness in regular brawl...
The main problem here is that everyone runs faster and FFs faster which makes gimping oh so much easier


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
The main problem here is that everyone runs faster and FFs faster which makes gimping oh so much easier
After Ness yells "Pk Thunder" Captain Falcon can cross over half of final destination and still hit Ness before Ness can get the thunder to connect with himself.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Murfreesboro, TN
The majority of the stage modifications sound pretty solid, though a few sound far-fetched. Only time will tell. I would like to say that for Pirate Ship I enjoy the stage changing and such, even if the rock portion is a bit annoying. It's the bombs and the catapult that are the problem. Beyond those, however, I would like the stage transitions to stay.

For Jungle Japes, even though the water needs to be slowed down, I hope it still stays fast enough to be a hazard. As an avid Mario user, FLUDDing the heavy characters into the water is always a very effective counter-pick for me. =)


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
For those going on about stages.

My idea for Mushroomy Kingdom 1-2 is

Adjust the bounderies a bit, reduce the HP of all blocks. Lock the camera in that position and maybe zoom out a bit. And we're good. :V

Also, my idea for spear pillar is

Both of them are pimp as hell.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
y can we tech ganon's side b again? -.-

o, and in the old nightly build, I noticed that, when you pick an independant pokemon (i.e. Squirtle), and you play, when you die, the next pokemon in the cycle comes out, and instead of being an independant pokemon, pokemon trainer comes out -.-

was that supposed to happen? was this fixed?

repostingg cuz noone answered my questions...


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
That mushroomy kingdom stage is godly. Well done Neko.

Do we have the ability to lock the camera there yet?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Murfreesboro, TN
That Mushroomy 1-2 idea is freakin' awesome, but it's SO small. That's gonna be a cramped fight. I don't even want to imagine doubles. And how would the blocks respawn without the stage moving?


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
That mushroomy kingdom stage is godly. Well done Neko.

Do we have the ability to lock the camera there yet?
Well, hopefully. :V

Only time will tell.

you need to totally get rid of the blocks for that to be a playable stage...
Or you can just reduce the HP so that a single hit from anything causes them to break. lmao.


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
I'm concerned with parts of the stage still existing - The platform on the right with the pipe, for example. Or are the boundaries just going to be ridiculously tiny?
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