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Brawl Is Serious Business 2, Featuring Blazblue! - October 16 & 17 - Montreal, Quebec


Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
If there is more than one computer, I could bring my dazzle also, so we can have more than one stream =O


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Just thought I should let it be known that I'm not going to be able to make it to this due to partly the ride I thought I had being full, and the fact I have 3 school projects due the Mon/Tues/Wed right after the tournament that I really need to get done, so yeah...


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
This post from tourney discussion is worth quoting

Stop Relying on the TO!
To everyone one that has attended a tournament or plans to in the future, I implore you to read the following paragraphs that I’m taking my time to write. As a Smash player, I have been to many tournaments, some of which that involved crossing the state lines to meet new and exciting individuals. As a tournament organizer, I’ve hosted tournaments that are spotty at best, organized events for people to come practice, and I’ve helped out my fellow TO’s when they’ve had tournaments just as they do the same for me. I merely wish to state that as a community we have become over reliant on our tournament organizers.

If a tournament fails, it is due to the short sightedness of the TO. If there is anything that goes wrong in a tournament it is his or her fault. If there are only ten set ups, then he will be the blame. If a tournament runs long, it becomes his fault for not managing time. If the tournament exceeds the length that the venue was scheduled for, it is on his shoulders to find a solution. The TO will be heckled for these things, and he has come to expect it, yet when these things happen it isn’t his fault. As a participant in a tournament there are certain rules that you should follow to the letter. I thought that they would be unspoken, yet it seems that tournaments are echoing the same issues no matter where you turn.

1. Be proactive. Ask the TO if he needs help with anything. Maybe he has a setup that he has left in his car, and if he spends time going get it, he won’t be able to work on the sign ups.
2. Bring set ups. Even if all you can bring is a Wii or a 15 inch tv, bring it. I’ve never been to a tournament that had a set up that wasn’t used. Hell, bring a power strip if that’s all you can muster.
3. Be punctual. If it is time for you to do a match, do not dawdle. Don’t make the TO hunt you down. Don’t make the TO hunt for you. If you’re going to have to step outside to grab a bite to eat in between a bracket match, make sure to let him know.
4. Be nice. Remember that the TO’s typically aren’t getting paid. Many of them don’t really even have a shot of winning the tournament that they are hosting. Hosting a tournament is a draining process.
5. Know the rules before hand. Don’t show up to a tournament not knowing that a stage isn’t banned. The TO doesn’t have time to hear Johns. More so, the day of a tournament is not the time to attempt to change the rules.
6. Be attentive. The moment that you hear an announcement about a match for one of your crew mates, make sure that they are aware. For every announcement a TO makes on a PA, he has to repeat himself ten times.
7. Report your matches immediately after completion.
8. Don’t bring large bills. Seriously, don’t be that guy. Try not to bring anything larger than a ten dollar bill. I can’t tell you how many times change runs out and sign ups are turned into a frantic hunt for who can break a twenty.
9. Create a kinetic environment. When you see someone dawdling after they’ve been called to a match five minutes ago, encourage them to actually get to where they need to be.
10. Clean up. Don’t ditch at the end of the day with the venue in a mess.

It is my belief that many times when a tournament fails that the players have a larger stake in its lack of success due to how they handle the situations. Stop relying on the TO for every problem. I’m not asking that everyone show up fifteen minutes before a tournament starts to help the TO set up. If everyone works together and is mindful of the ten concepts that I have supplied, tournaments will run better.

And most importantly. If the TO is drowning, jump in and save him.

Feel free to post this in your tournament threads, print it out and hand to players, whatever you want.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
seriously sword, just hit up the bank and tank 50-100 bucks in $5's and then when someone hands you a 20, just give them 4x $5 and then they pay... you won't run out of change ever... lol @ hovok I had to do that for illiad (you don't actually spend any money, just make change for people)

put me down for 2x extension cords and 6x power bars too.. I'll be arriving on friday in time for low tier singles reg (around 7pm) but no earlier

5 are confirmed from ottawa, though not the 5 you have listed :)

oh yeah, I'll also volunteer myself to run the BlazBlue tournament


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Dun worry, swordgard.

No matter how big or small the tourney, I also make it my duty to assist the TOs however it's possible, even if never asked to.

I'll even handwrite a copy of the rules if need-be.

For my bBrawl tourney, I wrote out a 2-sided sheet of paper, one side being the stage list (showing every possible stage and where it stood), the other side being tourney rules and general code of conduct.

I carried that with me wherever I walked to keep it on hand.

I still have that paper (although it needs to be edited after gaining more bBrawl stage experience!)

I'll totally write one up right now if you want me to. Alternately, I can type it up, save it to the SD Card, and have it open in Notepad alongside the brackets. That way, you can just CTRL+F a stage. (I'll put it on all 3 SD Cards since I don't think they'll all be used at the same time)

How does this sound? Also, I'm great at generally pestering people to get something done XDD


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
My college ended at 6:00pm at most too! Champlain must be hardcore.

Anyways, I remember swordgard saying he hijacked the BlazBlue tournament a club was hosting, so I assumed they were going to run it? If not, I can help out for that too (buenob asked too).


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
nevermind i read the **** thing.

pictochat, jj, norfair = banned, i assume?

what @ corneria allowed in brawl+ (no more set knockback... hmmm..)
ok do it.

and lol @ wifi waiting room, I haven't played there before. How far are the boundaries to the bottom, sides and top?


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Top is far, bottom is average, sides are somewhat close.

Sandbag is a neutral tactical tool. Use it to hide from laser and advance safely (by pushing it forward).

Also use it between stocks to refr--oh wait, no stale moves :/

Use it for hitlag, too.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
nevermind i read the **** thing.

pictochat, jj, norfair = banned, i assume?

what @ corneria allowed in brawl+ (no more set knockback... hmmm..)
ok do it.

and lol @ wifi waiting room, I haven't played there before. How far are the boundaries to the bottom, sides and top?
JJ norfair and pictochat for what game, b or B+. B+ I dunnow il check other tourneys rules , for brawl jj is allowed.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
well if pictochat has no patterns, allow it for brawl +. otherwise I'd ban it for all games lol =/ and I think that a majority of people would agree on banning jj norfair picto.

edit: well for brawl at least. in brawl+ I don't know if the new mechanics allow easier options to counter lame stuff on norfair and jj. probably. but still lame stages. I think you already know my views, but if necessary I can explain why if asked. I hope someone can just step in and give all those reasons about why I think they should be banned so I can just quote and say "this".

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia

My excuse didn'twork, I knew my parents would never let me go if I told them the truth, but "I am not allowed to stay on campus from friday to sunday with my group members and work on this major assignment due sunday night while studying for mid terms next week"

(I legit have midterms next week :lol: the rest is a lie)



Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
I am confirmed ^^

I'll bring a wii, brawl, melee, and if there is a computer I can bring a dazzle also

Edit: And I have homebrew, so if anyone could give me brawl+ codeset and/or infinite replay, would be amazing ^^


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Just remember; Ally can't navigate one-way streets. CP him to Mario Circuit and he'll get owned by oncoming traffic.
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