Smash Lord
i think bring melee back would be a great idea. I would be down to run a few tournies that arent brawl and that arent necessarily gigabits.
Seibrik brawl is gay, its never goin to be better then melee. U like DDD. Pick sheik back up. Shes just as broken.
GDX. ur a cool kid, but to say that being technical is not fun, u have to be out of ur mind.
Think about it like this :
in brawl you have A+B=C
in melee you have A(Variable of A) + B(Variable of B)= C(endless possiblities and mindgames)
I really want to, as lambchops would say, train some of the brawl nubs. and yes..... you are brawl nubs.
If you learned some of the melee stuff you would look at brawl as if it were a childs play thing. And if you managed to beat THE ALL MIGHTY SKRACH, sarcasm, then i would bow down to you. You would then prove that brawlers have better mindgames and techskill then melee playas.
SO WHICH BRAWL NOOOOOBBBBSSSS are down to play and learn a few things other then pressing down smash with MK. By the way if you want to keep that kind of power just pick peach. This is no roll fest lol.
OK QUEENIE SAY SOMETHIN BOUT THIS POST, cuz that ***** is always hatin.
p.s. excuse the grammer mistakes i dont feel like rewriting
Seibrik brawl is gay, its never goin to be better then melee. U like DDD. Pick sheik back up. Shes just as broken.
GDX. ur a cool kid, but to say that being technical is not fun, u have to be out of ur mind.
Think about it like this :
in brawl you have A+B=C
in melee you have A(Variable of A) + B(Variable of B)= C(endless possiblities and mindgames)
I really want to, as lambchops would say, train some of the brawl nubs. and yes..... you are brawl nubs.
If you learned some of the melee stuff you would look at brawl as if it were a childs play thing. And if you managed to beat THE ALL MIGHTY SKRACH, sarcasm, then i would bow down to you. You would then prove that brawlers have better mindgames and techskill then melee playas.
SO WHICH BRAWL NOOOOOBBBBSSSS are down to play and learn a few things other then pressing down smash with MK. By the way if you want to keep that kind of power just pick peach. This is no roll fest lol.
OK QUEENIE SAY SOMETHIN BOUT THIS POST, cuz that ***** is always hatin.
p.s. excuse the grammer mistakes i dont feel like rewriting