shiek is a better edguarder than a lot of other charcters... and Ike is more easily edgeguarded than a lot of other charcters... and shieks chain actually lets you edgehog aether... if you are really daring.
and I could replace sheik with MK and ike for DK and it'd make sense, but MK doesn't have the advantage over DK. It'd be better if people wouldn't be this vague in their posts...
yes, but MK DOES matchup well against ike for much the same reason... the difference is DK's Range+ Priority / lag on attacks.
ike simply can't get attacks out quickle enough.
If sheik is applying good pressure, there's no way ike can shake him/her off really easily. once sheik gets in close, which is not difficult becuse, if you decide to run in, ike can't get anything off quickly enough to hit you.
Once shiek has closed the distance, you can either use a grab if ike shieds or a dash attack if he doesn't. either way, once you get him in your hands, you can combo him like crazy. Ftilt can trap combo into itself or a utilt, and once ike finally DIs out of the combo, he's a sitting duck for shiek in the air since all of shiek's aerials are so fast and all of ike's so slow.
plus, it's not like ike has any resonable approaches vs shiek considering Needles destroy quickdraw and ike doesn't have many reliable approaches anyway.
It's not like sheik is a killing machine, but considering how well sheik can apply pressure, especially against someone as slow and heavy as ike, sheik should be able to put some massive damage on ike each time sheik gets in close...
then it's just a matter of knocking Ike off the edge for an edgeguard kill, or switching to Zelda to seal the deal... either way, Shiek wins this matchup.
I'm pretty sure most, if not all other shiek mains agree with me on this one.