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Brawl Character Match-Up chart

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bman in 2288

Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2007
But at the same time, going for the aether recover just makes his recovery that much more predictable. Sheik can hop out, fair/bair, and recover for the stock, assuming that she gets Ike off first.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
STH, what's your point.
what do you mean what's my point?

Sheik > Ike

that simple... there's no reason this shouldn't be the case anyway... besides.... I main Zelda/Sheik and play vs. ike frequently.. what kind of experience do you have in this matchup?

someone said aether was hard to edgeguard.. I proved him wrong....

what's YOUR point?

Zelda, likewise, has absolutely no trouble with ike... but shiek just beats Ike so much more easily...

... the fact that Ike can attack before sheik even choses a move and sheik STILL ends up hitting ike before he hits her is a rather telling sign


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Aether is not hard to edgeguard:

(the footstool couldn't be expected, but the other two times shiek can do that... and for the second life, if it weren't for FD's lip, sheik would have recovered)
Well, edgeguarding may mean something different but I thought it meant you had to actually stand on the stage. That guy kinda used it late, but I see your point Sheik does have a good advantage while Ike's off the stage.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Well, edgeguarding may mean something different but I thought it meant you had to actually stand on the stage. That guy kinda used it late, but I see your point Sheik does have a good advantage while Ike's off the stage.
EdgeHOGGING is when you block someone from grabing the edge because you are already on it

edgeGUARDING is when you pursue somone off the edge and prevent them from coming back.

GIMPING is when you interrupt or interfere with a foes recovery in such a way that it completely ruins them.

hope that cleared up some jargon issues ;)

OH... and in case you were wondering, I checked the ike boards... they agree with me... and they also agree with the zelda boards... fancy that

Sheik > Ike
Zelda > Ike

-It makes logical sense
- I can attest that, in my experience, this is the case
- The Zelda boards agree with this
-the ike boards agree with this

... so what's the holdup?


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2007
Ivaneva's not on now. His smash symbol at the lower left is gray. If that's what you were referring too by holdup.


Smash Rookie
Jun 1, 2008
Roanoke, VA
Could you recheck the Ganondorf vs MetaKnight, cause my bro and I believe that Ganondorf has an advantage to MetaKnight because of priority, weight and the fact that M.K. needs to be close to attack and that is Ganondorf‘s speciality.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I agree, but I think we should further explore the vicissitudes of the match-ups (The vicissitudes of the match-ups might not be quite as clear and apparent as they seem).
**** English majors with their made-up words... "Vicissitudes"!? What that hell that does mean!? :psycho::laugh:

Yeah, this chart hasn't taken into account Yoshi's infinite grab on Wario, amirite?
That is correct as I've never heard of it before. A quick link would be most helpful (I know, it's probably all over the Yoshi boards and all that but, y'know, I'm a lazy bum). I'd love to change a Yoshi match-up to large advantage so I'm hoping that this is true and useable in a tournament setting (i.e not some wall infinite thingy).

Could you recheck the Ganondorf vs MetaKnight, cause my bro and I believe that Ganondorf has an advantage to MetaKnight because of priority, weight and the fact that M.K. needs to be close to attack and that is Ganondorf‘s speciality.
I can't quite tell if Metaknight has the upper hand with the priority (which I should think he does since he has a sword hitbox and all that) but at the very least he stuffs Ganondorf's attacks and he has an easy time following up on them. Ganondorf's weight isn't really much of an issue here since Metaknight will be killing him by gimping rather then knockout. Being close is Metaknight's specialty, not Ganondorf's. Metaknight can weave in and out of attacks all he wants while Ganondorf will have to pick his moments. Moves like Metaknight's forward or backward aerials are very difficult to counter with Ganondorf.

DK > Mario. No question on that.
Ike = Mario? I can see that...


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2008
Sooo.... i was bored so entered all of the current matchups from the most recent sheet into excel and assigned values to each (ranging from 2 for a strong matchup to -2 for a extremely weak one) and i thought some people might be interested in the character totals...

Forgive me if anyone already did this i didn't feel like reading all 100+ pages of this thread...

Game & Watch - 39
Marth - 29
Meta Knight - 29
Snake - 28
Falco - 27
Toon Link - 23
Pit - 21
ROB - 19
Zelda - 18
Pikmen & Olimar - 15
Wolf - 14
Ice Climbers - 10
Pikachu - 10
Lucario - 7
Wario - 7
Kirby - 6
Zero Suit Samus - 6
Diddy Kong = -1
Fox = -1
Lucas = -3
Donky Kong = -4
King Dedede = -4
Sheik = -4
Ivysaur = -6
Ike = -7
Link = -8
Ness = -9
Squirtle = -10
Luigi = -11
Sonic = -14
Charizard = -15
Samus = -17
Peach = -18
Mario = -19
Jigglypuff = -24
Bowser = -26
Yoshi = -28
Cpt Flacon = -38
Ganondorf = -39

Well have fun with those numbers, i must say most of them seem to coincide with the tier lists i've seen


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2004
Everyone and their mother has done that. Usually in its own topic, so it would seem hard to miss. And it's not even a good way to make a tier list from the matchup chart.

That being said, Dedede's matchups need a look. His tournament placings put him at third best, but all known lists made from this chart put him around mid. Either tournament players are wrong, or Dedede has more than we give him credit for. Since the latter seems more likely, I think we need an overall reevaluation of Dedede's matchups.

Oh, and Ivan, I notice you no longer link to the spreadsheet version of the chart. May I ask why?


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
@ Ivaneva

you asked about Lucarios chain grab


this is one of the few tourney vids ive found that actually shows the CG, starts at 4:20. also you should probably note lucario could have easily grabbed-dthrow-fair-nair instead of another force palm at 59% to bring the CG combo all the way up to 80%.

nessbounder also made a list with rough %'s the CG can go up to


this isnt even including the d/uthrow fair nair combo (practically undodgeable). so add 10-20% to all of those numbers

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
in case you were wondering, I checked the ike boards... they agree with me... and they also agree with the zelda boards... fancy that

Sheik > Ike
Zelda > Ike

-It makes logical sense
- I can attest that, in my experience, this is the case
- The Zelda boards agree with this
-the ike boards agree with this

... so what's the holdup?
since IvanEva decided to pass over it.

Finally got to test my skills against a pretty decent Ike: Bo4KT

results: Shiek was domination Zelda was not so much. She wasn't awful but the matches certainly weren't hugely in her favor if in her favour at all.... can't say a whole lot about the reprecussions for absolute pros, especially considering mild lag, but shiek seemed like there was no reason for the matchup NOT to be slanted in her favour.... there is even SOME potential for a BIG CHECK in shiek's favour though the fact that Ike can kill shiek at such low damages makes this a far less likely outcome.


Apr 10, 2008
Yeah, this chart hasn't taken into account Yoshi's infinite grab on Wario, amirite?
^^ Good call.
Yo, Ivan... Yoshi >> Wario.
have y'all taken in account wario's side of the matchup? You can't just say yoshi has an infinite and thus yoshi>>wario. IC has an infinite on every character, (AND IC ARE BETTER THAN YOSHI) but they aren't ahead of every matchup? Have you considered that it's very hard to grab wario among all the characters in the first place? All of these one line explanations are making me sick.

shiek is a better edguarder than a lot of other charcters... and Ike is more easily edgeguarded than a lot of other charcters... and shieks chain actually lets you edgehog aether... if you are really daring.
Sheik sucks at edgeguarding, seriously. Ike just sucks at recovering even worse though.

yes, but MK DOES matchup well against ike for much the same reason... the difference is DK's Range+ Priority / lag on attacks.

ike simply can't get attacks out quickle enough.

If sheik is applying good pressure, there's no way ike can shake him/her off really easily. once sheik gets in close, which is not difficult becuse, if you decide to run in, ike can't get anything off quickly enough to hit you.

Once shiek has closed the distance, you can either use a grab if ike shieds or a dash attack if he doesn't. either way, once you get him in your hands, you can combo him like crazy. Ftilt can trap combo into itself or a utilt, and once ike finally DIs out of the combo, he's a sitting duck for shiek in the air since all of shiek's aerials are so fast and all of ike's so slow.

plus, it's not like ike has any resonable approaches vs shiek considering Needles destroy quickdraw and ike doesn't have many reliable approaches anyway.

It's not like sheik is a killing machine, but considering how well sheik can apply pressure, especially against someone as slow and heavy as ike, sheik should be able to put some massive damage on ike each time sheik gets in close...

then it's just a matter of knocking Ike off the edge for an edgeguard kill, or switching to Zelda to seal the deal... either way, Shiek wins this matchup.

I'm pretty sure most, if not all other shiek mains agree with me on this one.
This^ is what I want to see in people's discussion of matchups. Not one liners saying "OMG, YOSHI HAS AN INFINITE ON WARIO, THUS YOSHI>>>>>>>WARIO.

what do you mean what's my point?


someone said aether was hard to edgeguard.. I proved him wrong....

what's YOUR point?
Ike's recovery is bad, I agree. I'm wondering how that gives sheik, especially, an advantage over ike? It doesn't. Again, I'm not disagreeing with the matchup, but pointless arguments only clog up this thread.

... the fact that Ike can attack before sheik even choses a move and sheik STILL ends up hitting ike before he hits her is a rather telling sign
This is what I'm talking about^. Her moves are faster. So what? DK, Bowser, and DDD have some pretty slow moves, but they still have advantageous matchups. State that sheik has priority over ike, (which we can believe) and your point will be valid about how his slow moves hurt him.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Anyway... I played an ike today... he didn't think shiek would have an advantage on ike.... by the end... he said shiek ***** ike... personal experience means a lot more than theory to me... but I can't really share that with you.

coincidentally, it was for the reasons that I stated... once sheik got inside, ike couldn't shake sheik. And once sheik got ike off the edge once... it was extremeley unlikely that he'd recover. even got a few low damage kills.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Wario can get out of Yoshi's "infinite". This has been known for awhile now, and even though there are still debates on whether or not you can escape this, it stands that you can escape it.

Wario>Yoshi for many reasons.

1. Wario has better/more effective punishment choices.
2. Wario has a better recovery and can edgeguard better.
3. Wario's air game is slightly better and his ground game is less punishable that Yoshi's.
4. Wario combo's better and can exert more pressure than Yoshi can.

Don't get me wrong, Yoshi can be pretty mean when push comes to shove, but there is no way that Wario<Yoshi or Wario<<Yoshi.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
have y'all taken in account wario's side of the matchup? You can't just say yoshi has an infinite and thus yoshi>>wario. IC has an infinite on every character, (AND IC ARE BETTER THAN YOSHI) but they aren't ahead of every matchup? Have you considered that it's very hard to grab wario among all the characters in the first place? All of these one line explanations are making me sick.

Sheik sucks at edgeguarding, seriously. Ike just sucks at recovering even worse though.

This^ is what I want to see in people's discussion of matchups. Not one liners saying "OMG, YOSHI HAS AN INFINITE ON WARIO, THUS YOSHI>>>>>>>WARIO.

Ike's recovery is bad, I agree. I'm wondering how that gives sheik, especially, an advantage over ike? It doesn't. Again, I'm not disagreeing with the matchup, but pointless arguments only clog up this thread.

This is what I'm talking about^. Her moves are faster. So what? DK, Bowser, and DDD have some pretty slow moves, but they still have advantageous matchups. State that sheik has priority over ike, (which we can believe) and your point will be valid about how his slow moves hurt him.
valid point but:

-1 there is no reason this matchup should have been marked wrong from the getgo... guess that just frustrated me
-2 shiek doesn't have priority over ike... shiek just can capitalize on his laginess a lot


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
1. Wario has better/more effective punishment choices.
Not so much... pretty much every one of Wario's hard-hitting ground attacks either come out slowly or finish slowly. The ones that come out slowly he can't punish with, and the ones that finish slowly he can be punished for quite easily. Yoshi's f-tilt is the perfect punishing move, as it comes out quickly, finishes quickly, has great range, and can lead into his other moves.

2. Wario has a better recovery and can edgeguard better.
I'll concede the edgeguarding, but Wario's recovery only tends to follow one trajectory. Therefore, when he's in danger of coming back, even Yoshi's lackluster edgeguard can punish him. And you can't really edgeguard a double jump that has super armor.

3. Wario's air game is slightly better and his ground game is less punishable that Yoshi's.
Yoshi's bair outranges any of Wario's aerial moves. For the ground game, see the first comment.

4. Wario combo's better and can exert more pressure than Yoshi can.
I really doubt even Wario can combo at Yoshi's level. Granted, combos barely exist in Brawl, but Yoshi still manages to chain a few hits together, and a lot of his combos lead into his KO moves.

Good enough reasoning for you, DanGR?


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Personally I have no problem fighting Sheik or most other fast characters (just beat a Marth 3 0) so really personal experience is based more on skill level. That being said Ike has to be aggressive so saying he has nothing if Shiek runs in is kinda pointless considering that Ike would, most likely, run in too. Also Ike has more range than Shiek and Shiek is light. One mistake and Shiek could very well be done for. And to get Shiek off of you, you can use nair which is a very long lasting attack, counter if you can time it right, utilt oneof Ike's quicker attacks, jab combo, neutral b if you high enough above Shiek.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
I'm pretty sure with precise inputs from both people, that Yoshi's CG only works until 100-ish damage and then Wario can begin to double jump out of it if timed perfectly. Its not the easiest to pull off, but its certainly a factor. A free 100 damage isnt something to laugh at. Oh, and Wario eats an automatic Usmash from yoshi when he's released.

I feel the matchup should be in the favor of Yoshi, as I don't see much of an advantage that Wario has over Yoshi otherwise. There is an advantage, but it's not the biggest. With the "infinite" it should be moved to Yoshi > Wario.

Yoshi has an air game very similar to Wario's; Both have killing Uairs, both have high damage dealing Dairs, and both move very quickly in the air. Yoshi has a good approach and spacing game with his Bair. Wario does have the grace to have a fair's that link into each other. Yoshi's nair is so quick that it's both a combo breaker and a killing move.

On the ground, Yoshi has the range with his tilts, and Wario feels like he has the power.
Yoshi has a nice projectile game, and Wario has some interesting tech chases.
Both have pretty decent recoveries in their own rights.

I can see Yoshi vs Wario as a neutral matchup.
With the CG, this might be moved up to an advantage to Yoshi.
It might not.

1. Wario has better/more effective punishment choices.
Better is quite subjective. Yoshi can punish well with his grabs which leads to a CG (which works on a lot of characters), a Dair which racks up a tooon of damage, jabs that easily and fluently link into tils, and obvious smashes. Wario has a lot too, but its quite arguable that one has a more effective punishment game. And, even if one did have a punishing game that fits better with their metagame, that has NO bearing on the matchup. Yoshi is quite hard to punish, he really is.

2. Wario has a better recovery and can edgeguard better.
This is irrelevant to the matchup, it really is. Wario may have a decent recovery, but Yoshi may not even need to chase. His egg toss game racks up a lot of damage and unstales his moves, so I can see him doing that while Wario recovers.

Edgeguarding doesnt make much sense here because Yoshi is quite hard to gimp off the edge. His Niar has spectacular speed, and challenges the range on your Fair. More importantly, Yoshi's second jump is HUUUUGE and it has SA frames throughout the whole thing. You will rarely edgeguard Yoshi. You may be better at chasing, but Yoshi can get back unharmed, and he doesnt need to chase you when he can sit back and toss some eggs.

3. Wario's air game is slightly better and his ground game is less punishable that Yoshi's.
You really can't claim one his better than anothers unless it's painfully obvious. There are many nuances, and I dont want to argue how each works in the air. Yoshi should be able to go toe-to-toe against Wario up there.

How is Yoshi's ground game punishable?

The one thing I can think of as being punishable is his grabbing, and this is only punishable when it isnt a pivot grab.

His jabs are very fast, and Yoshi's tilts work immediately out of his jabs. Speed is quite hard to punish. This sort of conflicts with your first point if you argue these. If Wario is good at punishing, then he's also punishable. Ike is a prime example of this; Dedede, and Ganon are also examples of this.

So whats so punishable about Yoshi's ground game that Wario can capitalize on?

4. Wario combo's better and can exert more pressure than Yoshi can.
Yoshi's Nair is a combo breaker in this case. It's speed is crazy and it has some range to it, though it isnt huge. Yoshi's second jump will be able to break out of many things. Yoshi can link Bairs into more Bairs, Dair works into some other things as well, and as I mentioned too much so far, jabs work into his tilts.

Plus airdodging always fits unless you're move lingers or hits long enough :p

Yoshi can exert a LOT of pressure with his egg toss.
He really can, and you should fight some good users if you say it doesnt pressure well.

But I didnt come here to really argue o__O
Just my input on the CG/Infinite, and then I saw your stuff.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Personally I have no problem fighting Sheik or most other fast characters (just beat a Marth 3 0) so really personal experience is based more on skill level. That being said Ike has to be aggressive so saying he has nothing if Shiek runs in is kinda pointless considering that Ike would, most likely, run in too. Also Ike has more range than Shiek and Shiek is light. One mistake and Shiek could very well be done for. And to get Shiek off of you, you can use nair which is a very long lasting attack, counter if you can time it right, utilt oneof Ike's quicker attacks, jab combo, neutral b if you high enough above Shiek.
I've played the shiek Vs. Ike match MULTIPLE times... even against higher skilled ikes. assuming the lag isn't bad... this is sheik's game to lose.

Ike will approach , true, but if he tries to get too agressive, shiek will be able to stop his approach with needles...

... to make use of that range you are talking about, he'd have to park himself outside of sheik's range... when he does THAT... THAT's when sheik can run in and punish again.

And Ike's nair might be fast, but sheik's is faster... AND ike will be stuck in hitstun for at least a few frames before he can even think about pulling a nair out.

Utilt from ike has limited range... maing it REALLY hard to pull of on sheik.... by the time sheik is close enough for you to use it, shiek has better options than you do

Jab combo is really sheik's only problem with ike... you can take a lot of damage being blindly agressive vs. ike's jab combo... but getting trhough it isn't a huge problem either since he's needle bait if he gets over-reliant on it.


Apr 10, 2008
I'll concede the edgeguarding, but Wario's recovery only tends to follow one trajectory. Therefore, when he's in danger of coming back, even Yoshi's lackluster edgeguard can punish him. And you can't really edgeguard a double jump that has super armor.
I don't really know this matchup well, but I can assure you that Wario's recovery is one of the best in the game. It's fast, he jumps high, and wario's air game after he jumps off the bike is ridiculous. It's hard to punish if the Wario knows what he's doing.

Good enough reasoning for you, DanGR?
he eh...I'm not the smash police and I don't really know the matchup and how serious your arguements are... but they're ok. I just get pissed when people come in and say random stuff like x>y b/c x has bigger balls than y or somethin.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Not so much... pretty much every one of Wario's hard-hitting ground attacks either come out slowly or finish slowly. The ones that come out slowly he can't punish with, and the ones that finish slowly he can be punished for quite easily. Yoshi's f-tilt is the perfect punishing move, as it comes out quickly, finishes quickly, has great range, and can lead into his other moves.
Wario has Fsmash, Chomp, Jab, and even Dtilt and Dsmash to punish quickly with (yes dtilt and Dsmash definitely leave you open if you aren't successful.) I guess both characters have some punishers but it seems like Wario can also use some of them for killing, while Yoshi would have to work harder landing a killing move.

I'll concede the edgeguarding, but Wario's recovery only tends to follow one trajectory. Therefore, when he's in danger of coming back, even Yoshi's lackluster edgeguard can punish him. And you can't really edgeguard a double jump that has super armor.
Wario has an amazing recovery. He can come from above (unless he gets spiked or something), he can come from below, he can even go under some stages while trying to make it back to the stage. Saying his recovery is "one tracked" or easy to follow is a big underestimation. His biggest weakness is his reliance on the Bike and otherwise, it is up there in the top recoveries.

Wario can use Chomp and if he catches Yoshi during/after his Double Jump, it leaves him without any jumps except for the small boosts from Egg Toss. Also, Wario can footstool Yoshi and even with SA, if it ends too soon, Yoshi is in trouble if Wario knocks him out further before he can land.

Yoshi's bair outranges any of Wario's aerial moves. For the ground game, see the first comment.
The reason I said slightly is because Yoshi can't always have his back turned away from Wario. Plus, Yoshi is also vulnerable from the front and from Below when he is in the air.

I really doubt even Wario can combo at Yoshi's level. Granted, combos barely exist in Brawl, but Yoshi still manages to chain a few hits together, and a lot of his combos lead into his KO moves.
Wario can combo well. Dair to Dair, Chomp to Boost Smash, Fair to Fair, Fair to Nair, ect. ect. I don't think Yoshi has combo abilities like that.

Yoshi can exert a LOT of pressure with his egg toss.
He really can, and you should fight some good users if you say it doesnt pressure well.
Wario is not troubled very much by egg toss, whether it be while recovering or on the stage. Using Egg Toss to edgeguard is unreliable and ineffective in most cases. Also, Nair is not that good of a combo breaker, especially on Dair chains or if the combo leads into a chomp.

I'm pretty sure Wario can get out of this at any point before 100% or whatever you said the benchmark is. I know that good DI and double jumping with airdodging has gotten me out at something like 5% damage a lot. Maybe he did it wrong, but he was a good Yoshi player that knew a buttload about him, so IDK. I knew about it linking into his Usmash but so far I have never been actually chained by it.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
The reason I said slightly is because Yoshi can't always have his back turned away from Wario. Plus, Yoshi is also vulnerable from the front and from Below when he is in the air.
Yoshi doesnt need to have his back turned to Bair >__>
It's called RARing.

Yoshi isnt vulnerable from the front as Nair has the same or more range as any of Wario's aerials. He isnt vulnerable when Wario is below him because of the threat of the down B. He may of only used it once, but when you're under him, you will recognize the possibility. Yoshi will move in the air to the side slightly faster, and air dodge when needed. You definitely cant keep him in the air as easily as someone like Bowser.

Wario can use Chomp and if he catches Yoshi during/after his Double Jump, it leaves him without any jumps except for the small boosts from Egg Toss. Also, Wario can footstool Yoshi and even with SA, if it ends too soon, Yoshi is in trouble if Wario knocks him out further before he can land.
Nair should be used to discourage the chomp. Chomp only gets rid of the double jump if he uses it and you catch him with it.

If you go for the foot stool, you're gonna get Uair'd.

And, more about the chomp. If you do chomp him, whats stopping him from dragging you down with him? x]

Wario can combo well. Dair to Dair, Chomp to Boost Smash, Fair to Fair, Fair to Nair, ect. ect. I don't think Yoshi has combo abilities like that.
Funny thing is... Anybody can airdodge all of those "combo's". Dair to Dair especially. The best of those is Chomp to the boost Usmash, but then again, Yoshi's range keeps him out of the range of chomp for the most part. If he does get caught, he can DI fast enough out of range and have a nair covering his retreat.

Yoshi's Bair to Bair is quite something. Bair to Usmash also works in some situations.
And there are a lot of impromptu combos that can be made from or finished with his Dair.

Wario is not troubled very much by egg toss, whether it be while recovering or on the stage. Using Egg Toss to edgeguard is unreliable and ineffective in most cases. Also, Nair is not that good of a combo breaker, especially on Dair chains or if the combo leads into a chomp.
Yep, you havent faced a good Yoshi yet :p
The egg toss isnt "unreliable and ineffective", like ever. Wario follows a very linear path, as someone mentioned, and the Egg toss covers a large spray of area. With Bsticking, it will certainly hit you when you're out and off the stage. Airdodging isnt possible on the jump, and in general, airdodging off the stage with such a heavy character isnt the smartest thing to do.

The Nair is amazing. Dair chains aren't that good at all, and air dodge works like a charm. The nair will stop any "combo" that leads into a chomp, it should. Its a great combo breaker, making your Nair->Fair or Fair->Fair stuff laughable.

The egg toss and nair are great.

I'm pretty sure Wario can get out of this at any point before 100% or whatever you said the benchmark is. I know that good DI and double jumping with airdodging has gotten me out at something like 5% damage a lot. Maybe he did it wrong, but he was a good Yoshi player that knew a buttload about him, so IDK. I knew about it linking into his Usmash but so far I have never been actually chained by it.
I got that from a Yoshi player. I've never CG'd a Wario, and I've never got CG'd as a Wario. The reasoning for why you get out early is because of mistiming. Theres a small frame of time where this is an infinite, and if they dont grab perfectly, you will go out. This isnt an easy infinite like Marth has on Ness, so theres no reason for this to be changed to large disadvantage.

And the Usmash will always work, I believe. He's probably too concerned about doing the CG to do the Usmash. I'm pretty confident that works.

At this time, it should be placed in the neutral territory.
We don't know enough about the infinite to move this to Yoshi's advantage.
What do you think, doctor?

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
I really feel that DK beats Snake, but you cant expect the chart to reflect this, as everybody loves Snake too much to see another bad matchup.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
I guess both characters have some punishers but it seems like Wario can also use some of them for killing, while Yoshi would have to work harder landing a killing move.
Let me think of what ground moves Yoshi has that can be punished...
Grab (only if it isn't a pivot grab), d-smash (only if you're on the wrong side of Yoshi first), u-smash (which doesn't hit Wario on the ground anyway, so why bother?).
If you're playing an intelligent Yoshi, they shouldn't be doing these things anyway, since performing them right is so easy to do and none of them have any finishing lag if the attack hits.

Wario has an amazing recovery. He can come from above (unless he gets spiked or something), he can come from below, he can even go under some stages while trying to make it back to the stage. Saying his recovery is "one tracked" or easy to follow is a big underestimation.
I'm not denying that Wario's recovery is great, but let's look at it this way to see how Yoshi can shut it down...
From above: Yoshi spams eggs.
From below: Yoshi goes for a spike with fair or dair... if it doesn't land, he uses his DJSA and gets back to the stage. This is really Wario's best bet.
Under the stage: Yoshi waits for him to get to the edge, stays comfortably where he is, and starts egging Wario from across the stage.

Wario can use Chomp and if he catches Yoshi during/after his Double Jump, it leaves him without any jumps except for the small boosts from Egg Toss. Also, Wario can footstool Yoshi and even with SA, if it ends too soon, Yoshi is in trouble if Wario knocks him out further before he can land.
So to avoid Chompings, Yoshi either spaces his second jump in a way that leaves him on the ledge or just recovers from above. Egg Boosts don't give you much vertical space, but they can make him move horizontally quite well, especially when he's already double jumped to a high part of the stage. And footstools aren't a Wario-specific matchup point, so they really aren't relevant to Wario vs Yoshi... Yoshi will suffer from a Wario footstool just as much as a Bowser footstool.

Wario can combo well. Dair to Dair, Chomp to Boost Smash, Fair to Fair, Fair to Nair, ect. ect. I don't think Yoshi has combo abilities like that.
Of course Wario can combo, I understand that. But Yoshi can do the same thing better. Bair to bair racks up more damage than any Wario combo except maybe the first two, but Yoshi can just do a billion damage with his own dair anyway. More Yoshi combos? U-smash to u-smash, f-tilt to f-tilt to uair to uair to uair? (No that's not a juggle. Yoshi uses the move three times while ascending.) Yoshi's f-tilt and u-tilt lead reliably into all of his aerials except fair, two of which are damage-rackers and two of which are potential KO moves.

Wario is not troubled very much by egg toss, whether it be while recovering or on the stage. Using Egg Toss to edgeguard is unreliable and ineffective in most cases. Also, Nair is not that good of a combo breaker, especially on Dair chains or if the combo leads into a chomp.[.QUOTE]

Until I started using Yoshi I thought his eggs were dodgeable too, but it turns out it's not so easy. And while they might not stop recovery, Wario was very likely to recover anyway, and the eggs are mostly just to rack up damage while he's coming back. And nair is a perfect combo breaker... it's a sex kick that hits in front of, below, and just behind Yoshi.

At this time, it should be placed in the neutral territory.
We don't know enough about the infinite to move this to Yoshi's advantage.
What do you think, doctor?
I know I'm not Doctor Mario Guy... sorry... but until the CG is fully developed, I still think this is in Yoshi's favor. I don't really see how Wario trumps Yoshi in any way.


Apr 10, 2008
can anyone else refute Olimar>Snake? If it's not advantageous for Olimar, I'd like to know why.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Wait, so how does Oli beat Snake?
I remember you posting a video a while back showing Oli getting 2-stocked o___o

and Im not a main of either, and I don't know much about both of them.
I'll leave it to a snake main.

I do personally think Yoshi wins, but some people consider Wario as a hard matchup, still. I want to hear why he was placed as having the advantage in the first place.

But I do think Yoshi does better here.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
I think....
Olimar > Snake
DK > Snake
Pikachu > Snake
Falco > Snake
Captain Falcon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Snake
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