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Brawl Character Match-Up chart

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Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
I used to main sonic... I still use him... but he IS low tier
Care to explain in greater detail?

People are placing Bowser above Sonic in mid tier, a character who can't combo, can't approach, has the most disadvantages against any character.

In fact if you look at the tier list you will notice that the majority of his matchups are only disadvantages against characters is typically high mid tier and up.

Still wondering why he is at a disadvantage against Samus.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
Why would he be at a disadvantage against Samus?
I am quite sure he counters everything Samus has to offer ?d yet he is at a disadvantage. Why.
And to add to that, side B and I believe down B go through missile spam, no missiles for her!

Sonic isn't low tier, probably low mid. I know it's early, but people are doing well in tournaments with him, even winning with him, Mr 3000 for example.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Exactly. What about the tournament placements he has had?
There were at least two in which he has taken 1st place.
in the others he places where a typical mid tier character would be.

at least those that aren't filled to the brim with Snake and MK.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
WOMG 2 moves!?

No wait

Ganon's Jab is as fast as Ike's Jab. -1 fast move

Now compare all of Ike's moveset to Ganon's moveset.

Ganon is faster than Ike.
What Ike has to do is space something I think Ike does well against close range characters.
His range also can make it difficult for Ganondorf to approach.

I would normally say Ike since I also use Ike but I never have played a good Ganondorf somewhere other than wifi which provides little information.

I highly doubt you use Sonic well if you think he is a bad character.
Ask any of the Sonic mains including myself.
The only bad thing Sonic has is his lack of priority.

Range is no issue.
Killing is no issue.
Approaching and combo is definitely not an issue.
Its priority that hurts Sonic.
I also main Sonic and killing is Not easy. Gimping is his best option if possible since his moves don't kill until around 140% or higher. Everything else I agree.

Concerning fighting Zelda,she is not an easy fight or you haven't fought a good Zelda. She is very good at ruining Sonic's approach from multiple angles. I don't remember what the chart says but it should be Sonic normal disadvantage if it isn't.

Sonic isn't low tier,Iv'e messed up almost every single person's wifi game (with a decent connection) into spamming Kill moves whenever I got close.:chuckle: I have no offline experience with people as I know no one in my area that plays smash well. But the result there would certainly be even worse. He is teh Ultimate MIND GAME! Your Too SLOW ! LOL

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Care to explain in greater detail?

People are placing Bowser above Sonic in mid tier, a character who can't combo, can't approach, has the most disadvantages against any character.

In fact if you look at the tier list you will notice that the majority of his matchups are only disadvantages against characters is typically high mid tier and up.

Still wondering why he is at a disadvantage against Samus.
simple... Bowser should be low tier too <_<


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Falco should have a large advantage against Ike, bowser and Captain Falcon. I also want to say samus, but that might be subject to argument.


Ike: Falco can almost perfectly camp Ike with his lasor. Even the best Ike will struggle to hit a well-spaced Falco.

Bowser: He's also subject to camping...and of equal skill, Falco has a relatively easy time beating bowser. Because Bowser is so big and slow, Falco can pull off some pretty awesome combos. And with D-Air, gimping Bowser becomes extremely easy. Unless Bowser gets the chance to Bowsercide...he doesn't stand much of a chance.

C. Falcon: Useless against Falco, mainly because none of Falcon's attacks are effective. Falco can easily space himself when Falcon gets near with his reflector, and shoot lasor from afar. All of Falcon's B attacks are cancelled by Falco's lasor or his reflector, making most of Falcon's game useless. Falco has a better ariel game. This leaves Falcon with standard melee fighting, and he'll struggle to get close enough.

Samus: From what I've seen, Samus is a pure projectile fighter. Falco's reflector looks deadly. I've never had the experience of playing a good Samus, so I can't say for sure. But it looks like Samus would have a difficult time competing against a good Falco.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
On a seperate none Ganon vs Ike note. Why is Yoshi and Jigglypuff still at an advantage to Ganon. More so the Yoshi part.

at the very least I think I've decently proved Ganondorf>Yoshi.

I've yet to have a counterexample for why Yoshi>Ganondorf. Nobody has said why Yoshi>Ganondorf.

Whenever someobdy has answered, its always been that Yoshi and Ganondorf should be neutral to each other.

The same thing goes for Jigglypuff, though I believe the advantage to Puff won't be as good as to say the advantage to Yoshi.

The only counterexample I've gotten was that Puff would spam fair.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Yoshi might beat Ganondorf even worse than Ike does.

Ike is better than Yoshi, but I think for that match up Yoshi's tools eat Ganon up.

Not much experience wiith Puff, but she plays similar to a slower Squirtle with even better air movement. I believe she beats Ganondorf too.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
simple... Bowser should be low tier too <_<
Really now?

First part of argument.

If you notice Sonic's amount of advantages/neutrals to disadvantages is typical of a mid tier characters.
(3 of them are arguably neutral but we'll assume worst case scenario)

This is compared to Ike's matchups which are much greater in disadvantages. So hey lets knock him low tier as suggested.
Yet what about king DDD? That is a character that is arguably high tier and yet his amount of disadvantages are in similar amount.

Same for Mario who is most likely going to be mid tier.

Now combat wise.
Sonic has 3 moves with invincibility/extremely high priority.
U smash

3 definite killings moves

Other moves capable of killing are Fair, Nair, Uair and spincharge (hit with the bottom from the air)

Throws are unremarkable except for his U throw and D throw which allow him to chase the enemy. Or place them under the stage (Dthrow)

His DAC carries him half way across FD.
His Fsmash can be stutter stepped to hit close to 4x its original range

The speed of his moves are slightly above average the slowest being his Dsmash, Fsmash and Bair which is typical since they are killing moves.
He has several approaching methods including spinshotting, DAC, spin jump cancel all of which move faster than his dash.
They let him move faster through the air as well making them good for edgeguarding.
Fair~Fair kills all but the heaviest of carries.

Spring gimps all but the best recoveries.

The sheer speed of his movement means he will rarely be unable to keep up with an enemy and his spring makes it difficult for characters with dedicated vertical recovery to avoid being pressured.

What is his weakness though
Priority. Heads on he loses.
however when has a Sonic ever attempted to fight head on with another character?
Chasing and pressuring is his best option and his grab range is great and capable of allowing him to set up an enemy for a chase. This makes it that only high tier to top tier characters as well as the ones on the higher mid tier list can truly counter him. He can limit the options the opponent has in the air, an important strategy this game due to the lack of hitstun and the airdodge system. Something that only a handful can do.

He controls spacing really well, something that can hurt characters such as Zelda and Lucas who rely on the ability to space because their close quarter moves tend to leave them open or have a start up time that can lead top punishment.

If you notice the only characters that he truly has issues with are characters that are definitely hgh tier to top tier material.
Everything else below is arguably neutral or an advantage and if he does have a disadvantage, it typically is a minor one that depends on who carries the momentum of the match.
This is typical of a mid tier character.

If he were low tier the amount of disadvantages would be greater. Not only that overall his character would be poorer.
It would mean he would also be unable to combo (captain falcon), approach (bowser).

Then you also have the incredibly high learning curve that is comparable to Fox's in melee.
This is a factor in his tier placement as well as matchup dictation because compared to other characters, the amount of time necessary to invest in Sonic is greater.

If not only because of the reasons Sonic should be mid tier simply because the amount of time invested in Sonic's game has not been enough to constitute whether he is truly low tier.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I used to main sonic... I still use him... but he IS low tier in my opinion

yoshi beats slow guys pretty bad, i cant see why he would be disadvantaged against anyone slower than him, his b-air and d-air are just toog good for punishing at every opportunity

another thing, sure sonic has bad priority, but when does it matter. out of interest i filmed myself playing a few matches of myself against the priority kings (luigi, ike and wolf) and you would be lucky is there was more than 1 instance every minute when 2 attacks hit each other and sonics attacks were beaten out. in one match i filmed against ike, there was only 1 time, in 3 whole minutes where attacks collided and i was beaten out of it. just seems like people thing its the difinitive reasoning behind tier placings etc, when there are a lot more other aspects, equally or even more important to consider.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
The reason priority is important is not when moves clash. Its for offensive purposes. If I am attacking your luigi I can't just pressue as i normally would. The lack of hitstun means you can counter by simply attacking.
Ike isn't an issue since he is slow.
But for characters like MK and Marth the priority issue sticks out even more.
Especially if you are trying to set up and offensive strategy, lack of priority can ruin things.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC

yoshi beats slow guys pretty bad, i cant see why he would be disadvantaged against anyone slower than him, his b-air and d-air are just toog good for punishing at every opportunity

Bair has absolutely no knockback. If it did, its pathetic. It can also be DIed out of very easily. Not only that, Ganon's aerials already out reaches and out prioritorize it.

Same thing goes for D-air, but at lesser degree.

Ganondorf>Yoshi on the ground for these reasons.

1. Reach, every single one of Ganon's moves out reaches Yoshis moves.

2. Power and damage, every single one of Ganon's moves is more powerful than Yoshi's

3. Priority

Ganondorf>Yoshi in the air (and Yoshi is considered better in the air) For basically the same reasons.

1. Reach

2. Power and damage

3. Priority, even more here. I don't see any aerial move where Yoshi has more priority.

Going by the "True combo list" Ganondorf has more combo capability than Yoshi. Not at a significant degree, but more nonetheless.

Yoshi has a severe lack of knockback on many of his attacks.

If there's one thing Ganon won't be able to do to yoshi, it's edgeguard him well, and that's only because Yoshi's second jump usually allows him to cover more than enough distance to return to the stage.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
since the change on the chart has not been made and i am not sure if ivan has seen this yet i will repost this yet again

Here are my thoughts on the diddy vs zelda since the fight is still a ?. so diddy's banana's are annoying but while he is taking it out he can be hit by a din's plus the banana can be refelcted back at him. one of diddy's strongest points is his air game which zelda's up-smash ruins. Also since diddy has a hard time killing zelda's wieght is not a big deal. diddy's ground game can be dangerous since its fast but zelda's d-smash is fast and her reach and hitboxes out range diddy. off the edge diddy's up-B can be gimped by din's.

I know this seems very one sided but even through i think zelda has the advantage i don't think its a huge one if diddy gets good momentum he is hard to stop and once he has you traped with his banana game you will be in trouble and he will rack up dmg. Also if zelda is in the air diddy's speed and good air game might be able to juggle zelda up there or at the very least knock her around a little and rack up dmg (yes i know zelda's nair and fair/bair will out prioritize diddy's air game but diddy's speed might still help him get some hits in). He is also pretty small and is a character who when used right seems to me like he should always be moving so he will be pretty hard to sweet spot with a fair or bair.

But overall i give this one to zelda for her ground game racks diddy's air game which is to importent for him to lose and his banana game can be stoped by her


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Yes, Ike is slower than Ganondorf. I don't think I really need to explain that. Jab isn't going to counter everything, for one its already out reached by a simple Jab from Ganondorf. I'd say Ike is the slowest attacking character in the game to be honest.
Jab counters most approaches though. I haven't seen a lot of Ganons use jab as an approach. So I don't see what the jab has to do with my argument that Ike's jab can cancel Ganondorfs approaches. Ike can do a lot of other things in close range.

Ike's aether has HORRIBLE horizontal recovery. So I'm not sure what you're talking about. Safe height or not, Quick draw is perhaps the easiest gimped recovery in the entire game. How bad can it be when you're oppoent can just jump in front of you, take a little bit of damage, while Ike falls to his doom. Next to his slow attack speed, Ike's recovery is going to to completely wreck him.
Vertical recovery is what I'm talking about. And on a safe height, quickdraw isn't as gimped that easy. Because even if you miss you can still reach the ledge, I've used this a lot of times. And slow attack speed? And Ike has some fast moves you know.

Most of the attacks you mentioned can just be dodged or shielded. Fair, Dair, Up-tilt, whatever. They can all be seen from a mile away. Ike will never be able to Spam Fair and beat Ganondorf. It's already too slow to begin with. Ganondorf has a majority of quick executing attacks.
Lol, any attack can "just be dodged or shielded". Also, as long as Ike jumps backwards before he can use nair. Fair is just to pressure.

1. Jab

2. Ftilt

3. Down tilt

4. Uair

5. nair

6. Bair

All of Ganondorf's smashes are faster than Ike's.

Heck, the only Ganondorf doesn't completely wreck Ike, is the fact that Ike's ability to space himself really helps. Once Ganondorf gets in, it's over.

EDIT-****, I keep getting verticle and horizontal screwed up on Ike's recovery.
But you see, Jab, nair and QD are probably the most important moves in Ike's arsenal for approaching and getting priority. Bair is his most useful killing move. And his smashes might be faster be Ike only needs to use usmash anyway. And dsmash if ganon rolls too much.

Anyway you might wanne fight an Ike that does not spam fsmash all day.

And I dunno what you meant with his recovery now.

WOMG 2 moves!?

No wait

Ganon's Jab is as fast as Ike's Jab. -1 fast move

Now compare all of Ike's moveset to Ganon's moveset.

Ganon is faster than Ike.
What Ike has to do is space something I think Ike does well against close range characters.
His range also can make it difficult for Ganondorf to approach.

I would normally say Ike since I also use Ike but I never have played a good Ganondorf somewhere other than wifi which provides little information.

I highly doubt you use Sonic well if you think he is a bad character.
Ask any of the Sonic mains including myself.
The only bad thing Sonic has is his lack of priority.

Range is no issue.
Killing is no issue.
Approaching and combo is definitely not an issue.
Its priority that hurts Sonic.
Erm, nair is pretty fast as well, also Ike's Jab > Ganons jab. It's the AA and AAA combo's that do it. Anyway, yeah we might want to have a good Ganon play a reasonable to good Ike just to show the advantage.

Also, Sonic IS low tier.

since the change on the chart has not been made and i am not sure if ivan has seen this yet i will repost this yet again
Maybe he just doesn't think your opinion is so much more important then those of everyone else that he changes it without any discussion just because you post it over and over again. So stop reposting please. Also, have you ever actually seen a Zelda beat a Diddy Kong?


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA
DK has a MASSIVE advantage against bowser, IMO I would say DK counters bowser instead of them both being neutral. If DK gets the ledge spike off, bowser has alot of trouble getting back due to his lack of verticle recovery. His back air also outranges many of bowsers moves


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Yes, he does, but even without that Yoshi still beats Ganondorf. Ganondorf has no real answer to bair and egg zoning.

Also, I think it'd be best that no one tries to refer to that match up chart as a basis for discussing tiers. It's incredibly flawed.


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
why do you say that? when the chart moves over to a 1-10 scale and we get a lot more opinions/tournament results/experience under our belts this chart will certainly be an excellent, well defined reference. I don't expect the back room to use it to decide the official tier list, but this chart won't be too far off i would imagine.

Deleted member

Wow those yoshi matchups are...very very wrong. Id better make a matchup thread.

Also if u wanna know the ganny vs yoshi matchup, play pride with gannon =P Eggs and cgs ftw!


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Maybe he just doesn't think your opinion is so much more important then those of everyone else that he changes it without any discussion just because you post it over and over again. So stop reposting please. Also, have you ever actually seen a Zelda beat a Diddy Kong?
if you read my other posts of this you would see i asked for anyone to agree or disagree with what i wrote. since no one disagreed with it and at least one person agreed and i did not feel like repeating myself again asking for someone to discuss when i know no one will.

Why would i not repost this? if i think it is right and no one has said otherwise and the guy who controls the chart has not even commented on if he thinks its right or wrong (which he usually does in his post so i believe he has not seen this post)

in the end i am saying this is a valid argument and until someone says it is wrong or right with proof or a better argument i will repost this.

PS i have fought diddy's before and i use to be a diddy main


Apr 10, 2008
What's stopping any competent Ness player from doing a Nair before he recovers? This knocks them off immediately, and due to his falling, you can't throw another pikmin and land a hit. Ness can recover from many of the blindspots of the throw, especially below, so I don't see how this does much.
-Oh, i get it, ness can float infinitely and nair all the pikmen? yellows survive longer versus ness anyways b/c many of his attacks are electric. yellows arc over the edge. problem solved naturally. Plus, olimar's dair can be used to spike ness from above. If all else fails, Olimar can fall into ness when he has to use his recovery, and gimp him that way. If ness does make it back to the stage, It's hard for him to make it onto the stage safely with his mediocre range without getting grabbed or hurt.

Ness has an easier time gimping you than you gimping him. His forward and back throws can easily launch you off the edge where Ness will destroy you. Ok, some of your attacks might have the range, but they're slow.
They're not slow at all. All of Olimar's attacks are fast and have great priority, so I'm not sure what point you're arguing here.

Ness has great maneuverability in the air and quick effective aerials. Once you're off, he can easily drag you out with Fair -> Fair, and recover with his second jump, effectively ledge guarding you. Not to mention, with your limited recovery options, you're a predictable target for his might foot spike. A Bair off the ledge will easily destroy Oli, too.
Olimar's upair outranges ness' dair easily. Olimar's fair outranges ness' fair and his bair, so you're wrong on this one too. Olimar's dair outranges ness' upair, so...

and Dtilt is funny on Olimar right next to the ledge, as it gets rid of his pikmin and knocks him off. Gimped with a flurry of kicks.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here. It doesn't make sense at all.

Olimar has superior vertical control with his aerials, but compared to Ness' horizontal aerials, they're not too good. Ness' stops all pikmin save yellow with his Fair, and that makes a good approach.
how so?

His Bair kills Oli like it's his business.

The Uair will kill quite early and it comes out faster than Olimar's Dair.
not true.

The Uair on Olimar isn't a threat because Ness isn't going to be dropping down on him for a pike.
ok, olimar's upair has BEASTLY priority. You'd know that if you mained ness OR olimar. It goes right through his spike and it's faster too. Olimar's upair outranges and prioritizes every move ness has, so no, it is a threat btw.

Firstly, I'll talk about stopping pikimin from being thrown.

Ness' Dash attack and Fair stop all but yellow
Pk Fire stops all but red
PK Thunder kills all but yellow
Nair kills all
Jab knocks off any.
Yoyo stops any from getting on if timed
Ok, you've got me. Ness can kill pikmen. So what? so can everyone else, and pretty easily might I add. Olimar's purpose in throwing pikmen in the first place is get you to use those moves like to bat and the yoyo. Whether you want to realize it or not, When you jump and kill the pikmen, you're giving olimar the advantage right there. It's quite easy for olimar to run in and grab you when you land or to throw more pikmen, whether you airdodge, pk1, attack by other means or not.

Olimar isn't a strong campy character in the projectile spam sense. Olimar is a campy character in the light that he plays strongest when sitting just outside of his or his opponent's range and attacking when they enter the space. Latch is NOT a good projectile when compared to the rest of the projectiles in the game. It has little to no priority on other projectiles, it has no knockback on a consistently reliable basis, its range isn't the most impressive, its damage is very preventable, you don't even need a disjointed hit box to connect with it in order to prevent any damage. Just think about latch, compared to almost any other projectile in the game it pales in comparison against a real life opponent.

But so often its called SOOO good! Why is that? Easy, latch is good against Other campy characters or playstyles. So people afraid of latch, who don't rush olimar out of fear or whatever, do suffer from pikmin barrage, and comment on it. So what does this mean for the competative less extreme player? Consider latch as not a projectile, but actually a very good Anti Projectile. In the simplest sense, many incoming projectiles are blocked by tossed/returning pikmin. That gives you more space and time to approach the correct spacing. Even better than a random disjointed hit box that can act as a wall and allow you to approach your projectile spamming opponents untouched, if you do land a latched pikmin, it puts your opponents at a crossroads. They must either continue their barrage, and eat damage from the latched pikmin, or they must stop their attack to do a different attack and deal with the flower incessantly head butting them. By forcing this situation, you can respond to their decision, if they take the damage sure keep up the latching, if they stop get setup, or if in range maybe you can even land an attack. Anyway i'm starting to ramble, i've made my point. Latch isn't a projectile but an anti projectile, camping doesn't just mean sitting on a side and throwing/shooting stuff, and Liverpool FC is the best team around.
Pikmen aren't for camping with. They're for distracting opponents and following up. The pikmen serve very well to nullify pk1 as I mentioned earlier in a different post.

This is important. The bat will kill pikmin if he hits them, but, if he misses with the bat slightly, the pikmin get knock backed onto Olimar. It's easiest vs the yellow pikmin. They get thrown highest, and the bat reflects them as the drop down in their arc. It's possible for any, but the bat counters yellow the most.
ok, so it reflects. Big deal. Nayru's love reflects, but it still isn't any good versus olimar? He can run in and grab when ness pulls out the bat.

The yoyo has range vs Olimar, and it shield pokes. I believe it out ranges Oli's shield grab, too. It stops pikimin, as noted above, and it's just awesome. It may not get a kill (Unless it's his Dsmash and Oli's behind him, where it may launch Olimar far off the edge), but it's a really good move in this matchup. It stops Olimar a good deal.
It doesn't outrange olimar's shieldgrab. None of ness' attacks do. Olimar's grab outranges snakes ftilt and can shieldgrab it every time.

As noted above, Ness has many ways to deal with your projectiles, and I feel that the Pikmin toss is largely ineffective. Pkfire sets up into a lot of his combo's and it's a viable approach. It also acts as a shield because of it's effect of blooming into a pillar of flame.
It's a viable approach against most characters, but against olimar it isn't. It doesn't have much range versus, and olimar can jump over it and throw. easy.

PKT2 kills Oli like nothing else. Even if it didn't score a kill, it puts him in a ****ty place.
how so?

Approaching with the pikimin throw doesn't work, so I don't know how you can even attempt an approach against a Ness.
it is an approach and it works v ness if you ever get in the situation.

His airgame is better by leagues, and his ground game is on par.
His air game is on par and his ground game is abysmal versus olimar. Every attack ness has can get shieldgrabbed or fsmashed

Ness has much better options of approaching. Where Lucas is campy, Ness is rough, so he's built to get in yo' face.
what other approach methods does he have besides fair and pk1?(which doesn't work)

Pk Jumping works wonders in this matchup.
what the heck? how does it "work wonders"? It's a recovery option.

Dash attack pushes them, so Olimar cant shield grabbed if it was timed and space right.
You haven't played ness v olimar ever, have you.

PK jumping is something new, and I think it's quite relevant and useful here.
how so?
And PK Jumping is above the throw range.
All olimar has to do in this situation is get below ness and he'll shine with upair and uptilt.

Most of his attacks involve throwing Pikmin--that means long range.
not true.

Counter his Pikmin throws with PK Fire--it will create a kind of shield which stops the next few Pikmin from coming through, and may damage him if he tries to charge for an attack.
It doesn't create a shield unless I'm throwing pikmen standing. olimar players jump and throw.

I think grabs are a good option against him, as well as the yoyos. The nice ground range on the down smash should be helpful. Count on him camping with his projectiles. Try to stay in his face so he doesn't have the opportunity to settle in and keep you far away.
yoyo does nothing. It doesn't outrange the shieldgrab. ness grabs are near to impossible to get on olimar b/c he's the master of spacing. This is what olimar players have to do-space well. If they don't, they're not any better than CF.

I'm not a Ness main but, I actually say Ness has the slight advantage, even with the gimp on him. it's easy to handle with a lightning fast Nair.
just don't argue the matchup if you don't use either one.

Now who'd argue this?
I would.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH

-Oh, i get it, ness can float infinitely and nair all the pikmen? yellows survive longer versus ness anyways b/c many of his attacks are electric. yellows arc over the edge. problem solved naturally. Plus, olimar's dair can be used to spike ness from above. If all else fails, Olimar can fall into ness when he has to use his recovery, and gimp him that way. If ness does make it back to the stage, It's hard for him to make it onto the stage safely with his mediocre range without getting grabbed or hurt.
Ok, I addressed this in the stupid thread you made because you can't argue, but I suppose I'll address it here, too.

Gimping Ness with pikmin is unrealistic in a match. First, the physics engine gives any player, especially Ness, the ability to DI upwards after a horizontal hit. This means, for those who can't visualize this, that when Ness gets knocked out near the border of a stage such as Final Destination, that Ness could of been holding up the whole time and that when he gets out of the hitstun, Ness can start moving back to the stage WITH his second jump. There are few times where a Ness or Lucas player will be forced into a spot where they have to use PKT as a means of recovery.

Next, it's not far fetched to assume that a Ness can Nair a pikmin off. What is far fetched, however, is assuming that the Ness will be in the exact same place as he was when you first got the pikmin on him. Throwing another will really likely NOT hit him. At all. Ness will be DIing and dropping down out of your range of throws. There are blindspots of where your pikmin can be tossed.

Speaking of blind spots, you cannot argue that you can just move around to rearrange your trajectory. Why? Because each pikmin is thrown differently. You can't make the assumption that you'll have all yellows that you can lob over the side. You cannot assume that you'll have a white pikmin that you can throw far if you arent near the edge that will magically gimp him. It's actually very likely that Ness wont have to Nair because you'll probably miss with the first toss anyways.

It's very hard in a real match to gimp Ness. Even in the thread, someone mentioned that he had trouble doing it. You have to take into account the blindspots, where he's moving, and the throwing ability of your pikmin. Coupled with the rarity of him using PKT2 to recover, I'm confident to dismiss the gimp on Ness as...


Ness will be more effective when off the edge, so chasing him off with the pikmin toss is a bad choice, as he can recover farther than you, and he's a bullet of awesome when PKT hits him, and his PKT hits him FAST. To hit him far enough that he'll have to recover means you're not near the edge, so I doubt you can make it there and off quickly enough.

Olimar's spike is way worse compared to Ness'.

AND what is stopping Ness from Fthrowing you at low percents and hugging the edge? Nothing. Ness gimps easier than Olimar, and sets Olimar up for gimps easier.

They're not slow at all. All of Olimar's attacks are fast and have great priority, so I'm not sure what point you're arguing here.
They're slower than Ness' moves in the air, which also have a better range horizontally. The only thing that can even stop Ness from carrying you to your doom is the WAC, and thats it. Ness will beat you on the edge every time, so all you can do is try to front off his attacks.

Olimar's upair outranges ness' dair easily. Olimar's fair outranges ness' fair and his bair, so you're wrong on this one too. Olimar's dair outranges ness' upair, so...
You can't even say that Olimar's fair out ranges Ness'. And the Bair? The one where he does a zelda-esque kick and extends his whole body sideways? No, Ness has the range on the sides. The obvious point is that his Uair beats out Ness' Dair, but I brought that up, and its stupid. Ness will not be using his Dair spike EXCEPT when you're off the edge, and then the Uair has too much lag to be safe. The Uair vs Ness' Dair is negligible because Ness wont be trying to approach you from above with it. Duh.

And I tested it, and Ness' Uair is quicker than you're spike and they have very similar range. The range will hardly matters because of the speed Ness can ascend and use his Uair with his second jump.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here. It doesn't make sense at all.
If Olimar is coming down and landing on the stage just above the ledge, Ness can Dtilt, which knocks your pikmin off, and then Olimar, past the edge, so he cant recover. Thats what I meant by gimping him with kicks.

But this is something you can ignore, it's as situational as the pikmin gimp.

Ness' horizontal aerials are better.

It makes a good approach because it stops your pikmin. Duuuur.
He can hit you or your shield with it and pull back out of the range of Olimar's shield grab.
Wash, rinse, repeat, and it's an amazing approach thats hard to handle.

not true.
They also have similar speed, but it's true for the most part.

ok, olimar's upair has BEASTLY priority. You'd know that if you mained ness OR olimar. It goes right through his spike and it's faster too. Olimar's upair outranges and prioritizes every move ness has, so no, it is a threat btw.
I'm dismissing it as a threat BECAUSE Ness will not ever go for the spike on the stage. He wont drop down on Olimar and use his spike. He will use his spike off the stage, and Olimar will probably not want to use his Uair because of his ****ty recovery. The best you can do is airdodge or WAC. Uair is only going to see use in Olimar's combos, which will be few because of his crappy approaches.

Ok, you've got me. Ness can kill pikmen. So what? so can everyone else, and pretty easily might I add. Olimar's purpose in throwing pikmen in the first place is get you to use those moves like to bat and the yoyo. Whether you want to realize it or not, When you jump and kill the pikmen, you're giving olimar the advantage right there. It's quite easy for olimar to run in and grab you when you land or to throw more pikmen, whether you airdodge, pk1, attack by other means or not.
The only ones that kill are the Nair, PKT, and the Bat.
First off, the PKT should only ever be used far away, or while juggling.
The bat shouldnt be used unless it's Yellow, in which it will start humpin' Olimar's face.
The Nair should be used recovering, or when you're already in the air and get one latched on you.

The point of that was to show which moves stopped your projectile game while working like they normally would in a match. It was purposefully added in there so I could reference back to it after wards when I got to the approach section. His approaching options will stop your pikmin. Thats the point I'm trying to highlight. He can also counteract your approach game, so whatver dude :p

If Ness jumps to Nair the pikmin off instead of a Jab, you will have a hard time punishing. I made a post in regards to this point back in the thread, and I'm sick of reiterating what I've already noted. He can Fair you as he comes down or PK fire to discourage your attempts.

Pikmen aren't for camping with. They're for distracting opponents and following up. The pikmen serve very well to nullify pk1 as I mentioned earlier in a different post.
The pikmin don't give you any advantage, and they definitely dont put Ness at a disadvantage. If you rely on them to distract your opponent, like a ****ty version of Diddy's bananas, you're going to do very little to Ness. His approaches mess you up, and he's not too afraid of pikmin getting on him.

I wasnt assuming you were going to just be camping, but I did bring the scenario up. Ness isn't just going to be PK Fire-ing your pikmin all day, he's going to be placing a buttload of pressure on you that's hard to handle. The pikmin dont slow him down is what I'm saying, and if Olimar wastes time on attempting things with the pikmin, he's just wasting effort.

ok, so it reflects. Big deal. Nayru's love reflects, but it still isn't any good versus olimar? He can run in and grab when ness pulls out the bat.
You're ignoring the lag on your throw. You throw, he bats, Yellow misses, he puts away. He can do what he wants. If you go faster, you get sweet spotted with the bat, which kills great. I'm not saying the bat is something you want to do, it's just another thing In Ness' arsenal that you can consider.

It doesn't outrange olimar's shieldgrab. None of ness' attacks do. Olimar's grab outranges snakes ftilt and can shieldgrab it every time.
Maybe because he lunges forward as he tilts?
The yoyo shield pokes, so that stops the shield grab anyways.
I'm making a stab at the range, so I wont argue that.
But the yoyo is great in general vs rollers, and it will mess with your shield.

It's a viable approach against most characters, but against olimar it isn't. It doesn't have much range versus, and olimar can jump over it and throw. easy.
It's a very viable approach vs Olimar, and you're silly to dismiss it. Do you know what it does? It gives a large boost after PK firing, which means, even if you do dodge it, you'll be hard pressed to punish. Srsly.

You're annoying. Stop asking me to explain the obvious. Just think for a moment.
If it hits Olimar, it sends him faaaar far away. He doesn't die? He's in a ****ty place now. He's off stage and just took a lot of damage. Thats what I mean.
it is an approach and it works v ness if you ever get in the situation.
It's a decent way to approach, but approaching Ness is a bad choice, and the situation is rare.

His air game is on par and his ground game is abysmal versus olimar. Every attack ness has can get shieldgrabbed or fsmashed
Wow. NO.
Olimar is fine in the air, but Ness was made as an aerialist. Don't go saying he's on par when he clearly isn't.

The ground game is leaning in Olimar's favor, but it's close enough to be considered on par. Shield grabbing only does so much, and if thats all Olimar can hope to do on the ground, then he's in trouble.

what other approach methods does he have besides fair and pk1?(which doesn't work)
You're saying it isn't viable again, showing your ignorance. His Fair is the staple and amazing. It can be strung together and really puts pressure on Olimar. PK Fire approaching is extremely hard to punish, so it's laughable to assume that it's not viable in this matchup.

The dash attack pushes you away, and he cant get SG'd. Oh, and check the AT guide PK Cross in the Ness section. Ness can cancel the Dash Attack into a Dash Grab, which is among the best dash grabs in the game. It gives a noticeable boost with noticeable speed that can be really unexpected. He can mix it up between the three and be unpredictable. He has a variety of approaches, but his Fair is enough to mess Olimar up.

what the heck? how does it "work wonders"? It's a recovery option.
You're clueless to what PK Jumping is, arent you?
You're thinking of Lucas' Zap Jumping, which is used to recover.

PK Jumping is an AT for Ness that's used for approaching.

You haven't played ness v olimar ever, have you.
Nope, cant say I have.
I dont main either.
BUT I don't have to be a mainer to give my input on the matchup. I'm pretty knowledgeable when it all boils down, so are you saying I can't argue a matchup I feel strongly about? Are you saying my opinion doesnt matter just because I dedicate my time to Game and Watch?


I know how it works vs Olimar.
And I know how Ness can deal with it.
I'm not clueless.

How many times must you ask?
Go look up PK jumping.

All olimar has to do in this situation is get below ness and he'll shine with upair and uptilt.
Sorry, but you don't understand the effects of PK Jumping. You cant just go under him.

not true.
Thats not my quote.
It was food for thought for the matchup.

It doesn't create a shield unless I'm throwing pikmen standing. olimar players jump and throw.
It creates a shield if it hits any pikmin at any range or height.
Also, he has other ways of dealing as demonstrated.

yoyo does nothing. It doesn't outrange the shieldgrab. ness grabs are near to impossible to get on olimar b/c he's the master of spacing. This is what olimar players have to do-space well. If they don't, they're not any better than CF.
You greatly underestimate Ness.
He messes your spacing up because he can safely approach.
He can get grabs on easily, too. Shield grab? Well, if you're playing defensive, lets have Ness sidestep this and now grab you. His dash grab is also amazing and can trip many people not used to its range/burst of speed forward.

just don't argue the matchup if you don't use either one.
Ok, honestly.

Shut up.

I've demonstrated with example and possibilities how Ness has the upper hand in this matchup. What you've done is ask "how so?" and said one liners like "not true" instead of an actual discussion. You're dismissing so much for your blatant fanyboyism, and you've even dismissed me despite me putting up a helluva good arguement. If you cant keep up with a discussion, drop it.

You even went so far as made a thread in OLIMAR's subforum because you couldnt argue the points I made. Now with the thread pretty much dea, and my arguments still in tact, you've tried to stab at my credibility just because I dont main either one.

Honestly, this was a pain to reply to, not because you brought up any revolutionary points (you didn't, just that Olimar can be strategic with his camping), but because of how many short replies that did nothing but force me to either go into a little more detail, repeat what was already said, or point out that you didnt understand the stuff I was bringing up.


Olimar is a good character, who's going to see better on the tier lists anyways, and I'm no way dismissing him. I'm not. I'm playing extremes because that's all DanGR brought up, extremes. I feel Ness has the slight upper hand, and I'm fighting for it. Olimar has plenty of good matchups as it is, and this will harldy mess him up at all.

Their both cool and quirky, but his replies were frustrating.
I'm sorry everyone :[

And I don't mean to sound rude DanGR, but it really seems like you're not listening.
Even after the thread you're arguing.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
Jab counters most approaches though. I haven't seen a lot of Ganons use jab as an approach. So I don't see what the jab has to do with my argument that Ike's jab can cancel Ganondorfs approaches. Ike can do a lot of other things in close range.

Vertical recovery is what I'm talking about. And on a safe height, quickdraw isn't as gimped that easy. Because even if you miss you can still reach the ledge, I've used this a lot of times. And slow attack speed? And Ike has some fast moves you know.

Lol, any attack can "just be dodged or shielded". Also, as long as Ike jumps backwards before he can use nair. Fair is just to pressure.

But you see, Jab, nair and QD are probably the most important moves in Ike's arsenal for approaching and getting priority. Bair is his most useful killing move. And his smashes might be faster be Ike only needs to use usmash anyway. And dsmash if ganon rolls too much.

Anyway you might wanne fight an Ike that does not spam fsmash all day.

And I dunno what you meant with his recovery now.

Erm, nair is pretty fast as well, also Ike's Jab > Ganons jab. It's the AA and AAA combo's that do it. Anyway, yeah we might want to have a good Ganon play a reasonable to good Ike just to show the advantage.

Also, Sonic IS low tier.

Maybe he just doesn't think your opinion is so much more important then those of everyone else that he changes it without any discussion just because you post it over and over again. So stop reposting please. Also, have you ever actually seen a Zelda beat a Diddy Kong?
Ike has two quick attack moves. Only two. Priority isn't even an issue because since Ike is so much slower than Ganondorf, the likely hood of two attacks hitting at the same time is rare.

Ike has slow attack speed. Lag on every move except the two I mentioned.

Ganondorf can do Down smash if Ike rolls to much, and believe it or not, Ganon's down smash has more reach than Ike's down smash.

Ike can't combo as well as Ganondorf.

Ike can't take advantage of Ganon's lag as well as Ganon can take advantage of Ike's lag.

Ike's recovery sucks. It just plain out right sucks. Ganon's got it on the bad side too, but his is much better than Ikes.

Even if Fair is to pressure, it's still too slow.

Nair is slow, but with its almost 360 degree hit ratio, I will give it some merit.

Yoshi chaingrabs Ganondorf to death so I heard.
EDIT-I understand now. And I have a question.

1. Yoshi can chaingrab Bowser,Diddy, Falco, lucas, meta knight, Sonic, squirtle, and Wario. Yet, Yoshi doesn't have the advantage on none of these characters. What makes Ganon so different that he has the disatvantage yet the rest don't?

I also don't really call it an advantage on Yoshi's side if its just becuase he can do this one move while Ganon beats him at everything else.

Yes, he does, but even without that Yoshi still beats Ganondorf. Ganondorf has no real answer to bair and egg zoning.

Also, I think it'd be best that no one tries to refer to that match up chart as a basis for discussing tiers. It's incredibly flawed.
I've already explained before, Bair doesn't do crap to Ganondorf. It's weak, and easily DIed out of. Egg throw has to be aimed and can't be spammed like say Pits Arrows.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
why do you say that? when the chart moves over to a 1-10 scale and we get a lot more opinions/tournament results/experience under our belts this chart will certainly be an excellent, well defined reference. I don't expect the back room to use it to decide the official tier list, but this chart won't be too far off i would imagine.

I never said it doesn't have the potential to be a great chart. I'm saying that right now it isn't. With a chart so flawed what would be the point in referring to it when discussing tiers? For everyone correct match up analysis there's a wrong one.

EDIT My "for every correct match up there's a wrong match up" comment was overboard. There definitely seems to be more right mathc ups than bad ones, but still not enough to be used as reference for discussing tiers.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
You're really ignorant I feel.

I want to play you.

Also, I want you to play Pride's Yoshi.

Are you up for some games sometime?
Whether you think I'm ignorant or not is not my problem. I base my sayings on the overal statistics of the characters. Their ups and their downs and see how they coreleate with each other.

Give some links to Pride's Yoshi. I guess the best thing I can do is witness what a good Yoshi player can do, maybe it will change my mind.

Trust me, I'd love to play you, but due to having no online I can't. I play with friends, and when I do get to play online, it's with one of my other friends who unfortunately doesn't even live near me. So basically I'm stuck trying to practice with friends in which we try to get better. Until I can see said friends. I won't be "ignorant" as to say I'm an awesome Ganon user. I'm positive there are Yoshi and jigglypuff mainers who can completely destroy me. I just try to bring in statistics.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Your observations are biased and flawed, though. This is because you haven't fought an Ike who is capable. You probably haven't fought a Yoshi that is capable either.

Your limited experience forces you to make observations through theories about how you think a move works rather than how it is actually used.

There is no point in trying to explain why Ike beats Ganondorf if you're ignorant to how Ike is played. I've played good Ganondorfs and use him. I know his capabilities and I've fought good ones with Ike. This is not a match up he wins. He has no match up that he wins arguably. They are all up hill battles.

I'm not going to bother elaborating since Empy pretty much outlined all the points and you still fail to realize. You are a perfect example of someone who should not be talking about match ups.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
Your observations are biased and flawed, though. This is because you haven't fought an Ike who is capable. You probably haven't fought a Yoshi that is capable either.

Your limited experience forces you to make observations through theories about how you think a move works rather than how it is actually used.

There is no point in trying to explain why Ike beats Ganondorf if you're ignorant to how Ike is played. I've played good Ganondorfs and use him. I know his capabilities and I've fought good ones with Ike. This is not a match up he wins. He has no match up that he wins arguably. They are all up hill battles.

I'm not going to bother elaborating since Empy pretty much outlined all the points and you still fail to realize. You are a perfect example of someone who should not be talking about match ups.
Actually I think I've done a pretty darn good job of explaining my reasons, unlike you. Who are you to question me on how ignorant and biasesd I am when you yourself haven't proven anything and have said nothing but "this character>that character. In fact, why don't you explain how Capt falcon>Ganondorf or how Squirtle>Ganondorf which you yourself so believe in.

I especially don't need to hear you questioning me when you have Empy fighting your battles. (Who I don't disrespect and am not trying to single out or anything. You've been backing Ike with evidnce and I respect tht.) instead of giving your own reasons.

More so, how do you know the Ikes or Yoshis I play aren't good. Are you the Yosh or Ike master and all those must come to you to see if they're worthy or not?

I could darn well say you haven't faced a capable Ganon. But I won't why? Because it would be pointless and lead into nothing but..."This character is good if you know how to use him..."
or "You need to fight better *insert character here*...)

Theories or not they've been tested. And what I've gained from those testings I use in my reasonings. Frankly, I think this is a smart thing to do.

Give me a link to whatever a good Yoshi can do. Back yourself up with some evidence. I used to believe Ganondorf>Sonic but then I was given evidence that started to change my mind.

So don't talk to me on being ignorant or Biased.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
The Yoshi's and Ikes you play aren' t good if you think Ganondorf beats either of them head to head..

Empy isn't fighting my battles. He chooses to give lengthy explanations to someone who is ignorant and I don't. It's simple. Maybe a Ganondorf who can actually see both sides of the fence would be worth my time.

C.falcon sucks, but he has better priority and can zone better than Ganondorf because of his speed. This match could be a neutral, but I don't see how it's an advantage for Ganondorf.

Squirtle has way too much priority and aerial DI for Ganondorf. A good Squirtle will make Ganondorf touching him extremely difficult.

and no, your explanations suck. Bair with Ike is weak? Ganondorf has a combo, but Ike doesn't, so that's some kind of advantage in a game where true combos don't mean much? You can shield or dodge Ike's move(what the frig..)? Fair is too slow? Flame choke goes through counter?

Face better competition please. Training mode doesn't work.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2005
Gleam, there are some points you've missed that make Yoshi superior to Ganondorf:

1. Speed. Yoshi moves a lot faster than Ganondorf. It doesn't matter about priority. Ike has priority, but that doesn't make him any faster.

2. Camping game. Ganondorf can't camp, but Yoshi can egg bomb all day.

3. Recovery. Yoshi's double jump is seriously larger than Gdorf's double jump into up-B. Even then Yoshi has an up-B recovery, too. Ganondorf CANNOT recover if Yoshi dsmashes on the stage with Gdorf at 80%+.

I think there are only three aspects Ganondorf kings Yoshi in.

1) Priority, 2) Power, 3) More shield versatility.

You know what though? Power and priority doesn't make a character good, but speed, recovery, and projectile game do.

Also, Ganondorf can't hit Squirtle if Squirtle is shelldancing. 'Nuff said about THAT matchup.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
On the Ness VS olimar debate.... i main olimar and i really havent had much trouble with lucas or ness, olimar can outcamp them both. I will admit i dont play ness a whole lot, ive played him every once in a while. I play against lucas alot and its a matchup i lookforward to. my problem matchups are falco (with his dammed annoying as hell jab and WOLF, who can outcamp olimar just by shooting his blaster and nothing else.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Ike can't combo as well as Ganondorf.
i didnt know there were negative combo potentials in brawl?

seriously though, ganons ftilt is too good against ike. i think when it comes to ease of KO'ing between the two, ganon wins since although ikes b-air is good, it sends them high up and doesnt make recovering too hard. ike has no chance of recovering from a ganon ftilt. is ikes ftilt as strong though? i know its a good KO move, but just no sure if its as good as the sparta kick


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Whether you think I'm ignorant or not is not my problem. I base my sayings on the overal statistics of the characters. Their ups and their downs and see how they coreleate with each other.
Which is completely wrong, you won't know what works and what doesn't. In theory, Falco's dthrow doesn't add to much into a Ganon - Falco debate, until you play him. You see, you might think Ike his jab and bair are "just 2 moves" but that IS ignorant. Ike his jab is really important to his playstyle and bair is his best killing move. So yeah your gonna have to deal with them one way or the other.

@Djbrowny, Ike his bair is a better killing move then Ganon his ftilt. Also, Ike his ftilt is pretty good but I'm not sure what the range is compared to sparta kick, let me get back on that.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
The Yoshi's and Ikes you play aren' t good if you think Ganondorf beats either of them head to head..

Empy isn't fighting my battles. He chooses to give lengthy explanations to someone who is ignorant and I don't. It's simple. Maybe a Ganondorf who can actually see both sides of the fence would be worth my time.

C.falcon sucks, but he has better priority and can zone better than Ganondorf because of his speed. This match could be a neutral, but I don't see how it's an advantage for Ganondorf.

Squirtle has way too much priority and aerial DI for Ganondorf. A good Squirtle will make Ganondorf touching him extremely difficult.

and no, your explanations suck. Bair with Ike is weak? Ganondorf has a combo, but Ike doesn't, so that's some kind of advantage in a game where true combos don't mean much? You can shield or dodge Ike's move(what the frig..)? Fair is too slow? Flame choke goes through counter?

Face better competition please. Training mode doesn't work.
And you call me ignorant. Tsk tsk tsk.

1. Falcon does not have priority over Ganondorf. In fact, I don't think Falcon has priority over Sonic. Falcon's running speed means jack. Litterally. He has horrible KO potential. His reach, if not worst than Ganon's, is neutral to it. Falcon's recovery if not as bad as Ganon's, is worst. Falcon can barely approach. (Ask, there's a lot of people who will say Falcon can't approach nearly as well as Ganondorf)

2. I'm really not one who knows much about squirtle but just because of your horrible lack of knowledge on Falcon/Ganon match up, I'm just going to ignore it.

3. Since when did I ever say Bair was weak? Since when? Fair is slow. If Ganon's fair is slow, Ike's sure as well is. I don't know what so hard to understand about that. Ike has less combo capability than Ganon. I've used the "Lists of All True Combos" and if I'm wrong there, you might as well say the list is wrong and the entire board is wrong. and yes, Flame choke goes through counter.

Gleam, there are some points you've missed that make Yoshi superior to Ganondorf:

1. Speed. Yoshi moves a lot faster than Ganondorf. It doesn't matter about priority. Ike has priority, but that doesn't make him any faster.

2. Camping game. Ganondorf can't camp, but Yoshi can egg bomb all day.

3. Recovery. Yoshi's double jump is seriously larger than Gdorf's double jump into up-B. Even then Yoshi has an up-B recovery, too. Ganondorf CANNOT recover if Yoshi dsmashes on the stage with Gdorf at 80%+.

I think there are only three aspects Ganondorf kings Yoshi in.

1) Priority, 2) Power, 3) More shield versatility.

You know what though? Power and priority doesn't make a character good, but speed, recovery, and projectile game do.

Also, Ganondorf can't hit Squirtle if Squirtle is shelldancing. 'Nuff said about THAT matchup.
Ganon does have better reach, just pointing that out. Yoshi's camping game is well, annoying. It'll defintely help out, and it certainly keeps Ganon from afar. But it just can't be spammed like most other projectitles.

From afar, Yoshi's going to be having the advantage, but up close, I say Ganondorf. You have though tweaked my mind and my placings.

I didn't mention Yoshi's advantage to speed because I thought it was just too obvious. Ganondorf has had advantage over characters who not only attack faster than him, but our faster than him. Still, it does bring Yoshi up.

Down smash I might have to look at. especially if it can KO at that low of damage. Owing to the fact that Ganondorf usually has to get Yoshi in the low to mid hundreds (more to the latter)

All in all, my mind hasn't completely change, but I will check it out, and you might just change my mind.

i didnt know there were negative combo potentials in brawl?

seriously though, ganons ftilt is too good against ike. i think when it comes to ease of KO'ing between the two, ganon wins since although ikes b-air is good, it sends them high up and doesnt make recovering too hard. ike has no chance of recovering from a ganon ftilt. is ikes ftilt as strong though? i know its a good KO move, but just no sure if its as good as the sparta kick
There is no negative combos. I never said there was. I said Ganondorf has more combo capability than Ike and the "Lists of All True Combos List" vouches for me there.

Which is completely wrong, you won't know what works and what doesn't. In theory, Falco's dthrow doesn't add to much into a Ganon - Falco debate, until you play him. You see, you might think Ike his jab and bair are "just 2 moves" but that IS ignorant. Ike his jab is really important to his playstyle and bair is his best killing move. So yeah your gonna have to deal with them one way or the other.

Sorry, are you the Ike master? Must I face you for you to decide if I'm right or wrong. I least have facts based on my reasonings. Priority will always be priority. Ike's priority isn't going to change from one user to another. Ganon's reach isn't going to change from one user to another. I've backed myself up and if now I'm suddenly nulled because I haven't faced you...now that's plain ignorant.

Ike has two fast moves, tell me what moves in which Ike has little start up or ending lag.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
In my experience a good powersheilding Ganon can beat an Ike everytime.

I've dabbled with both characters, but watched experienced users of both do battle


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
@djbrowny / Empy
Ike's F-tilt has more knockback and longer range, but Ganon's F-tilt comes out faster and has a lower trajectory

@VersatileBJN / Empty
Still waiting for results and comments concerning the Sonic/Ike matchups, if you actually ever got to fight each other.
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