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Brawl Character Match-Up chart

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Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Can you explain this one too? From what I've read this one is actually in Bowser's favor because of his fire (which blocks QD and gimps recovery), his greater range, his high weight, and his power (which at least equals Ike's).


Also, I posted earlier that MK vs Bowser might actually be in Bowser's favor. If this is true, I think it's pretty significant considering what it would mean for Bowser and the fact that MK is only listed as having 2 disadvantages.

(When I posted this, Gimpy's was the last response.)
I was considering putting Bowser at neutral or even small advantage for Bowser since lately I have not be doing good vs a very good Bowser. However, I chalked it up to a lack of experience vs the character.

I agree completely that fire breath gives Ike a fit. Bowser doesn't have greater range than Ike...am I missing something? His huge size makes him a pretty easy target for fair and jab, but his super high stamina makes one of Ike's greatest strengths much less effective.

Next time I get down with some Bowsers I'm going to try and more defensive approach that I feel puts the match in Ike's favor, but good point out for sure dude. I am not confident in Ike favoring Bowser slightly at all.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
your over exagerating on ike's ability... which is expected i guess.. you main him.. many people fight for their mains to be best... but the truth is you cant think of your character in this need solid fact...
No. I understand that Ike is high mid tier/low high tier at best. I am not an ignorant player. As you can see, I put him at a disadvantage vs most characters considered to be top or high tier, and at a neutral/slight advantage over characters I consider him to be near even with or better than...

Sorry for not thinking anyone with a projectile or speed owns Ike for free lol...


Apr 10, 2008
I'm just going to go through some of the points you made real quick.(btw, I think Olimar is a big check over Ike, but it's understandable(but still kinda...meh) to put it as just a check imo)

Olimar is a difficult approach made much simpler simply through sidestepping and being patient.
The thing is, you don't have the time to be patient. His pikmen throw forces you to approach quickly without taking your time. The moves in your arsenal that can kill the spammage have lag that can be easily punished through grabbing.

Up close Jab outpriotizes olimar, and short hop back fair's beat out pretty much anything he does. He also has low stamina, semi crappy KO options and besides Ivysaur is arguably the only character with crappier recovery than Ike.
Up close his jabs DO outprioritize olimar, but the thing I have a beef with is that it's pretty much impossible(imo) for ike to get close enough to do that without getting grabbed. olimar can simply roll backwards, jump dodge, and retry if he gets uncomfortably close to ike.

Did you mean bair? fair is crap, but his bair does work mostly. :)

On the flip side good Olimar make approaching very difficult, and evne with great evading they will make you hurt in some way or another. However, when Ike hits he hits hard, and good Ikes will hit Olimar.
He does have more durability, I'll give you that, but it doesn't outweigh the cons in the least bit. (imo from what I explained above)

These are just my opinions, but seeing so many Xs on Ike's bar is a joke IMO. He doesn't have nearly that many disadvantages. Many of those Xs should be neutrals or advantages for Ike. Ike loses to Samus? Cmon yo lol.
yehhh... ike>samus definitely. It's kinda weird to put samus>ike.

Like I said it is understandable. There are plenty of terrible Ikes, and very few decent/good ones.
K, thanks for your time!


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I think kirby should be neutral against Marth. Kirby controls the air against him when on the side of the stages with his neutral B. It could just be my personal matches but every time i go against a Marth i find it pretty simple to suck him up when he chases of the stage or at least combo into it. Then its a simple move to spit him out under the stage and float back. This limits marth's playing field by having to stay in towards the middle. On the ground marth has the advantage though which should lead to a neutral.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
Because if Ike blocks anything Ganondorf does he gets a free jab into pressure follow up lol.

I don't think Ganondorf beats or goes neutral with any character in the game. Though I believe I went overboard with large advantage. Small advantage is more like it.

Ike's best moves that will most likely hit Ganondorf are

A. Jab combo

B. Bair (being his fastest aerial)

Counter is actually isn't all that fast, and if it wasn't enough that Ike can easily be punished if he uses it without result. Ganondorf's Flame choke goes through Counter. (Flame choke goes through almost everything it seems)

Ike's recovery suffers so much. If Ganon goes for any aerial attack on Ike when he's returning to the stage, Ike is basically done for if he's not close enough. He practically has to be right at the stage for Aether to save him, and Quick draw is just to easily gimped.

And Ike suffers the most from not only cool down lag, but start up lag also. In fact, I'd say Ike is the "laggiest" of all the characters. We're not talking about just lag on the end of the attacks, we're talking about full lag on basically everything except the jab combo. (Which is basically one of Ike's weaker moves)

And if ganondorf blocks anything on Ike, he gets a good hit on.

there's two thing Ike has on Ganondorf, it's range. A darn good amount of range and knockback something Ike's known pretty well for.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
It all depends on your basic level of skill anyways.

These "Matchups" Are not going to change much in a 1 on 1 match and in a 3 player or 4 player match They're practically useless unless all the other players use the same char
Oh come on. you're kidding right?


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Well, when I said patient I don't mean just standing there waiting for Olimar to come at Ike(which he won't). I mean when approaching, being smart about how you do it. Air dodging, sidestepping, BLOCKING, rolling, etc. Not just walking into the destruction. Sidestepping throw gives Ike a free punish in jab, and so do many Olimar's other attacks(down smash, forward smash, etc). Ike has an answer to rolling just like any other character(and please don't get forward smashed for doing it predictably), and Ike has plenty of tools to beat air dodging.

Just my 2nd cents on the match up. Make no mistake that Ike loses.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Ike's best moves that will most likely hit Ganondorf are

A. Jab combo

B. Bair (being his fastest aerial)

Counter is actually isn't all that fast, and if it wasn't enough that Ike can easily be punished if he uses it without result. Ganondorf's Flame choke goes through Counter. (Flame choke goes through almost everything it seems)

Ike's recovery suffers so much. If Ganon goes for any aerial attack on Ike when he's returning to the stage, Ike is basically done for if he's not close enough. He practically has to be right at the stage for Aether to save him, and Quick draw is just to easily gimped.

And Ike suffers the most from not only cool down lag, but start up lag also. In fact, I'd say Ike is the "laggiest" of all the characters. We're not talking about just lag on the end of the attacks, we're talking about full lag on basically everything except the jab combo. (Which is basically one of Ike's weaker moves)

And if ganondorf blocks anything on Ike, he gets a good hit on.

there's two thing Ike has on Ganondorf, it's range. A darn good amount of range and knockback something Ike's known pretty well for.
I personally rarely quick draw with Ike to recovery unless I am forced to. Air dodge Ganondorf's attempt to aerial off the stage, then aether. Quick draw should be the absolute last resort when recovering with Ike IMO.

The way you are talking it's as if Ike can only use Jab the entire fight vs anyone or he's impossible to play. A well placed fair is close to impossible to punish, did you know that sir?


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
I personally rarely quick draw with Ike to recovery unless I am forced to. Air dodge Ganondorf's attempt to aerial off the stage, then aether. Quick draw should be the absolute last resort when recovering with Ike IMO.

The way you are talking it's as if Ike can only use Jab the entire fight vs anyone or he's impossible to play. A well placed fair is close to impossible to punish, did you know that sir?
That "well placed fair" has horrrible start up and cool down lag. While Ganondorf's say "fair" lacks the start up lag (or at least doesn't suffer as much as Ike) and works just as well KOing.

The two attacks I mention are the attacks that will give Ike the least amount of lag.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
By the way, am I reading this correctly?

Ganondorf has the advantage vs Squirtle?

I'm not knowledgeable to any glitches or weird happenings that makes this true. Can someone elaborate? From my experience this fight works like this: wait for Ivysaur to come out so you have a chance. Turtle(no pun intended) hard body until that happens.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Yoshi has a very large disadvantage against Zelda.
It's such an uphill battle, that any Yoshi mainer should be packing a counter.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Something tells me you're fighting Ikes who are big fans of just putting themself out there to be punished all day, SonicTheHedgedawg.

Play my Ike and show me how Zelda vs Ike isn't even close. Same for Sheik. I can use a good Link fight, too, since I have not played many good ones.

Your analysis of Sonic is poor to me. Maybe I'm just not seeing his potential, but I'd bet its more you not fighting good Ikes. Like EL said, Jab beats pretty much everything sonic does.
VersatileBJN said:
The way you are talking it's as if Ike can only use Jab the entire fight vs anyone or he's impossible to play. A well placed fair is close to impossible to punish, did you know that sir?
@Sonic match-up
So what happens when the Ike uses a non-jab move? >_> What happens if Ike is approaching Sonic? N-air is fine and all, but you can't just go N-air> Jab if Sonic goes behind you (and this can be done under Ike via dodge, or over Ike via spring> d-air)

Sonic really puts the focus on punishing mistakes. I'll use a Ganondorf example here. Ganon's jab is one of his 'least punishable moves'. Sonic can stand 1/3-1/2 Final Destination away from him and grab him while he's bringing his hand back :ohwell: It's not like smashes are the only punishable moves from a distance XD

That said, Ike's F-air landing lag is punishable. Tilt lag, definitely punishable. Landing lag on non n-air aerials, punishable.

Keep in mind that Sonic has the spring as a projectile/spacer, too, and that can be used to force shields, rolls, dodges, and if the spring hits, it can lead to a (yes, a real) combo.

Ike is somewhat vulnerable from under him [anti-juggling], I'd think, unless you can read and lead 1-2 seconds ahead consistently.

Also, kinda bouncing off the "you only fought Ikes who put themselves out to be punished" comment, your emphasis on Sonic's priority makes me feel like you've only fought aggressive offensive Sonics who stay next to you all day. There are times to create space and times to close space. Priority only matters when the attacks meet each other. =/

On gimping:
-Spring (projectile) can force a Quick Draw to go off prematurely, or force Ike to attack it and fall to his death off-stage. Can also be used to knock Ike inwards/under the level during Aether.
-Sonic has alot of low-launching moves (F-air, d-air, dsmash, dthrow...)


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
a good sonic player shoulc be able to consistently kill ike at lower % than ike kills sonic. gimping QD is just too easy, and roll-dodging - edgehogging destroys aethers recovery. its truly amazing how few people are actually aware of this tactic, and how much it owns recoveries like marths, squirtles, space animals etc. anyone that has to SS the ledge to live.

im not biased against ike, hes one of my mains too, but i sorely regret ever teaching my brothers how to roll-dodge to the edge - instant ledge grab. it really is amazingly effective at killing ike at low %'s.
all sonic has to do is throw ike off the stage with a dthrow at around 30% and its pretty much GG.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
a good sonic player shoulc be able to consistently kill ike at lower % than ike kills sonic. gimping QD is just too easy, and roll-dodging - edgehogging destroys aethers recovery. its truly amazing how few people are actually aware of this tactic, and how much it owns recoveries like marths, squirtles, space animals etc. anyone that has to SS the ledge to live.

im not biased against ike, hes one of my mains too, but i sorely regret ever teaching my brothers how to roll-dodge to the edge - instant ledge grab. it really is amazingly effective at killing ike at low %'s.
all sonic has to do is throw ike off the stage with a dthrow at around 30% and its pretty much GG.
even I'm thinking this is a bit extreme... Tenki had it right.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Wow, a lot of good posts here. I dare say that the chart has achieved at least one goal in getting a bunch of people to discuss match-ups rather in-depthly.

Sadly, due to fighting with my new computer, working on projects, and playing Pikmin 2, Tomb Raider Legends (great game - go pick it up in the bargain bins for ten bucks), and plenty of Brawl, it's been more than, like, two or three weeks since I've given the chart the full attention it deserves. A lot of the match-ups could use a good changing now. Yes, Bowser, Ike, Donkey Kong and possibly Sonic are terribly underrated. You view characters so very differently once you play against somebody whos skill with those characters approaches the current "metagame". If my computer get finally get fixed tomorrow I'll spend a solid three hours or so "fixing" everything up.

I like the thought of posting all of the changes per update, I'll be sure to add that to my edits from here on in.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
even I'm thinking this is a bit extreme... Tenki had it right.

No, he really didn't.

No disrespect of course. I'm sure you're a very good Sonic, but to think this match up is even is insane to me. You can play as patient as you want, but the bottom line is that Sonic has no priority and Ike has plenty of it. Ike is one of the heaviest characters and Sonic has trouble killing. Ike has a jab that beats out most of what Sonic can do. Yes, Sonic can punish Ike just like any other character. Unfortunately, a good Ike limits the amount he can be punished with high level spacing and movement. A well placed fair on block is very safe, and more times than not any attempt to punish him will result in a jab to the face or another fade away fair.

Am I saying Ike owns Sonic for free? No, I believe if you take away Snake and Meta Knight that pretty much anyone can beat anyone, and I also believe MANY more characters can beat Snake and MK than most believe. However, I do not believe this is even.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
you know what fox/wolfs dsmash does? and how it completely owns ike, link and anyone with a weak recovery? thats the same as sonics dthrow, only his throw actually sends enemies below the stage. you simply cannot recover from that as ike against anyone who has half a clue how to edgehog properly. you cant ignore his strongest kill move against ike. you wouldnt describe a match up with ike vs someone like MK and ignore his shuttle loop.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
a good sonic player shoulc be able to consistently kill ike at lower % than ike kills sonic.[blabla]

im not biased against ike, hes one of my mains too, [blabla]
Like... what?

Also, how many mains can one person have? Before Brawl (read Smashboard doubling members will all kinda beloved new users) your main was the character you always used and stuff. Most people had a solid secondary/counterpick but just for bad match-ups.

@Sonic match-up
So what happens when the Ike uses a non-jab move? >_> What happens if Ike is approaching Sonic? N-air is fine and all, but you can't just go N-air> Jab if Sonic goes behind you (and this can be done under Ike via dodge, or over Ike via spring> d-air)
Nair>Bair is the correct answer. Also, good Ikes jump back when using nair, so you can't roll dodge it. And dair is the correct way to approach a sonic.

Sonic really puts the focus on punishing mistakes. I'll use a Ganondorf example here. Ganon's jab is one of his 'least punishable moves'. Sonic can stand 1/3-1/2 Final Destination away from him and grab him while he's bringing his hand back :ohwell: It's not like smashes are the only punishable moves from a distance XD
Well Ike has this as well. I think it's a very boring match-up. Ike has to stay on about fair range but using nairs going back and forth around that same spot, trying to lure sonic out. And sonic should just increase the distance and try to close it real quick.

That said, Ike's F-air landing lag is punishable. Tilt lag, definitely punishable. Landing lag on non n-air aerials, punishable.

Keep in mind that Sonic has the spring as a projectile/spacer, too, and that can be used to force shields, rolls, dodges, and if the spring hits, it can lead to a (yes, a real) combo.

Ike is somewhat vulnerable from under him [anti-juggling], I'd think, unless you can read and lead 1-2 seconds ahead consistently.
Bair is barely punishable, although a bit hard to land. Utilt isn't that punishable either.
Also, though spring can be annoying, when Sonic approaches Ike just needs to jump back and nair. Also, eruption. It has SAF and works wonders against Sonic.

Also, kinda bouncing off the "you only fought Ikes who put themselves out to be punished" comment, your emphasis on Sonic's priority makes me feel like you've only fought aggressive offensive Sonics who stay next to you all day. There are times to create space and times to close space. Priority only matters when the attacks meet each other. =/

On gimping:
-Spring (projectile) can force a Quick Draw to go off prematurely, or force Ike to attack it and fall to his death off-stage. Can also be used to knock Ike inwards/under the level during Aether.
-Sonic has alot of low-launching moves (F-air, d-air, dsmash, dthrow...)
Thing is here, a good Ike will just abuse the middle of the stage and when outside of the stage, should use counter more then quickdraw. Ftilt can kill sonic at amazingly low %. And uair is great because Sonic goes above Ike a lot.

I'd say in general a very good Ike vs a very good Sonic is at a 35-65% so slight disadvantage towards Ike. A poor Ike vs a poor Sonic is probably a 60-40% for Sonic. Also, stages matter a lot. I dare any Sonic to fight me on green greens. :p

you know what fox/wolfs dsmash does? and how it completely owns ike, link and anyone with a weak recovery? thats the same as sonics dthrow, only his throw actually sends enemies below the stage. you simply cannot recover from that as ike against anyone who has half a clue how to edgehog properly. you cant ignore his strongest kill move against ike. you wouldnt describe a match up with ike vs someone like MK and ignore his shuttle loop.
LoL, that doesn't add up at all. Sonic his dthrow being his best killing move alone proves Ike his advantage, imo. Anyway, let me give my opinion about the matchups:

Bowser – small advantage for Ike

Captain Falcon – large advantage for Ike

Charizard – small advantage for Ike

Diddy Kong – neutral

Donkey Kong – small disadvantage for Ike

Falco – large disadvantage for Ike

Fox – small advantage for Ike

Mr Game and Watch – small disadvantage for Ike

Ganondorf – large advantage for Ike

Ice Climbers – neutral

Ivysaur – small advantage for Ike

Jigglypuff – large advantage for Ike

King Dedede – large disadvantage for Ike

Kirby – small advantage for Ike

Link – neutral

Lucario – small advantage for Ike

Lucas – huge disadvantage for Ike

Mario – small-large disadvantage for Ike

Marth – small disadvantage for Ike

Meta Knight – large disadvantage for Ike

Ness – huge disadvantage for Ike

Peach – Neutral

Pikachu – small disadvantage for Ike

Pikmin and Olimar – small disadvantage for Ike

Pit – small disadvantage for Ike

Rob – large disadvantage for Ike

Samus – small advantage for Ike

Sheik – small disadvantage for Ike

Snake – small disadvantage for Ike

Sonic – small advantage for Ike

Squirtle – small disadvantage for Ike

Toon Link – small disadvantage for Ike

Wario – neutral

Wolf – small disadvantage for Ike

Yoshi – small advantage for Ike

Zelda – small disadvantage for Ike

Zero Suit Samus - neutral


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Nair>Bair is the correct answer. Also, good Ikes jump back when using nair, so you can't roll dodge it. And dair is the correct way to approach a sonic.
Ah, true about defensive N-air, :x I meant forward N-air though. It was one of my approaches when I used Ike more often, guess it changed a bit x.x;

N-air>B-air, I'm not sure atm (I'll check and update later) but I think a rising B-air is too high to hit Sonic height.

D-air to approach Sonic, really? Short hop or Full hop? I don't think SH d-airs auto cancel, and FH d-airs don't reach the floor, I think.

Well Ike has this as well. I think it's a very boring match-up. Ike has to stay on about fair range but using nairs going back and forth around that same spot, trying to lure sonic out. And sonic should just increase the distance and try to close it real quick.
@.@; if you put it that way, then it's really just based on the players, not so much the characters. Patience game and all.

Bair is barely punishable, although a bit hard to land. Utilt isn't that punishable either.
Also, though spring can be annoying, when Sonic approaches Ike just needs to jump back and nair. Also, eruption. It has SAF and works wonders against Sonic.
Right, forgot about B-air in the moment.

SH eruption? Grounded eruption has that post attack lag. Well, while we're on that topic, Sonic's side-B has invincibility frames upon release, with a length similar to Eruption's SAF. Personally, I haven't worked on the timing myself, and I don't know of any Sonic players who try to use it often in their matches, but IMO it's the same deal with Ike's Eruption SAF: good when it works, but rarely done.

Thing is here, a good Ike will just abuse the middle of the stage and when outside of the stage, should use counter more then quickdraw. Ftilt can kill sonic at amazingly low %. And uair is great because Sonic goes above Ike a lot.
Counter off-stage? Unless you're high off stage, I would have thought that was suicidal. On-stage, the counters that I've triggered were usually out of spindashes or dash attacks, and I was usually behind Ike by the time the attack triggered.

There's not much to say about the f-tilt comment. It's one of those attacks that people in general watch out for.

As for u-air justification, that could be based on player's style. If I'm above Ike (or any character), I usually drop a spring. My aerial attacks are usually done shorthopped or under Ike.

Overall, alot of this matchup is hypothetical, with both sides citing their wins (eg: djbrowny's unbelievable gimp lol). I highly doubt that an Ike will stay in one place jumping N-airs back and forth with occasional jab for a whole game, or that a Sonic will just stay out of range and attack Ike's jumps all day. That an Ike will somehow be able to avoid ever going off stage, or that a Sonic will always spring drop, etc.

I'll agree with Versatile's actions and say that someone needs to put up a few matches between a good Ike and a good Sonic and see what happens in actual game play xD


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Ah, true about defensive N-air, :x I meant forward N-air though. It was one of my approaches when I used Ike more often, guess it changed a bit x.x;

N-air>B-air, I'm not sure atm (I'll check and update later) but I think a rising B-air is too high to hit Sonic height.

D-air to approach Sonic, really? Short hop or Full hop? I don't think SH d-airs auto cancel, and FH d-airs don't reach the floor, I think.
Depends on how the nair connects I think. I've used it against a friend his Sonic, who is ok, but not real good.

Shorthopped dair, but the very last hitbox (after the sword stops swinging). Most lag will be over by the time it lands. It's good against sonic because of the danger of getting hit early when he tries to roll it, or dash towards you to wreck approaches. Come to think of it, seeing how many approaches Sonic can destroy it might be harder then I thought.

@.@; if you put it that way, then it's really just based on the players, not so much the characters. Patience game and all.

Right, forgot about B-air in the moment.

SH eruption? Grounded eruption has that post attack lag. Well, while we're on that topic, Sonic's side-B has invincibility frames upon release, with a length similar to Eruption's SAF. Personally, I haven't worked on the timing myself, and I don't know of any Sonic players who try to use it often in their matches, but IMO it's the same deal with Ike's Eruption SAF: good when it works, but rarely done.
Well it's always about the players. ;)

Anyway, no grounded eruptions, just combo breakers or aerial defense. I catch a lot of air moves with eruption. Wouldn't try it online though, the lag usually ruins your SAF momentum.

Counter off-stage? Unless you're high off stage, I would have thought that was suicidal. On-stage, the counters that I've triggered were usually out of spindashes or dash attacks, and I was usually behind Ike by the time the attack triggered.

There's not much to say about the f-tilt comment. It's one of those attacks that people in general watch out for.
As long as he swings the sword you'll be fine, it's always better then just getting gimped anyway. But yeah, I sort of meant you shouldn't use quickdraw outside of the stage that much. If possible, not at all. So the counter more then quickdraw comment was more referring to quickdraw it's downsides.

As for u-air justification, that could be based on player's style. If I'm above Ike (or any character), I usually drop a spring. My aerial attacks are usually done shorthopped or under Ike.

Overall, alot of this matchup is hypothetical, with both sides citing their wins (eg: djbrowny's unbelievable gimp lol). I highly doubt that an Ike will stay in one place jumping N-airs back and forth with occasional jab for a whole game, or that a Sonic will just stay out of range and attack Ike's jumps all day. That an Ike will somehow be able to avoid ever going off stage, or that a Sonic will always spring drop, etc.

I'll agree with Versatile's actions and say that someone needs to put up a few matches between a good Ike and a good Sonic and see what happens in actual game play xD
Yeah I guess we are going in too deep now. Everything is hypothetical this way.

It's annoying I can't find any good Sonics, I'm willing to take one on for sure.

But like I said, the stage will be very important.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
No, he really didn't.

No disrespect of course. I'm sure you're a very good Sonic, but to think this match up is even is insane to me. You can play as patient as you want, but the bottom line is that Sonic has no priority and Ike has plenty of it. Ike is one of the heaviest characters and Sonic has trouble killing. Ike has a jab that beats out most of what Sonic can do. Yes, Sonic can punish Ike just like any other character. Unfortunately, a good Ike limits the amount he can be punished with high level spacing and movement. A well placed fair on block is very safe, and more times than not any attempt to punish him will result in a jab to the face or another fade away fair.

Am I saying Ike owns Sonic for free? No, I believe if you take away Snake and Meta Knight that pretty much anyone can beat anyone, and I also believe MANY more characters can beat Snake and MK than most believe. However, I do not believe this is even.
Ike is also one of the easier characters to combo or gimp... sonic does both of these things pretty well.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2004
-everyone knows about the pikmen-pk2 gimp and the cg [important factor]
-ness has low range-olimar has high
-olimar's aerials>ness' [outrange mostly]
-olimar's ground game especially>ness [big plus]
-olimar's range game>ness
-olimar's approach game>ness
[-olimar's pikmen nullify ness' approach game](new)
Hmm, those are good points. Obviously pikmin gimp the PKT recovery horribly, but then again, Olimar isn't exactly hard to gimp either. I think Ness can still approach fairly well with dashing usmash, and PK jumps come in at an awkward angle for Olimar. PK Fire may explode on pikmin, but having the fire column on the field always helps Ness.

It's almost certainly an X for Ness, but I think Ness has enough going to not make it a big X. I'll have to try this matchup more. And that means finding good Olimars.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Ness doesn't have much going for him vs. Olimar. Ness has a harder time gimping Olimar than most of the cast does. However, Olimar can gimp Ness from anywhere on the stage. Not to mention what the other guy said: Olimar out ranges and out prioritizes Ness's moveset, both on the ground and in the air. At least Oli can't infinite grab Ness, but he could fsmash and ftilt out of grab release, which could lead to you dying...


Smash Cadet
Oct 16, 2007
Final Destination
What's up with Falcons matchups? Seriously, Falcon has a slight advantage over most the heavier/larger characters. Bowser and Ganon are at least neutral matchups.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Ness deserves some love.

-everyone knows about the pikmen-pk2 gimp and the cg [important factor]
What's stopping any competent Ness player from doing a Nair before he recovers? This knocks them off immediately, and due to his falling, you can't throw another pikmin and land a hit. Ness can recover from many of the blindspots of the throw, especially below, so I don't see how this does much.

Ness has an easier time gimping you than you gimping him. His forward and back throws can easily launch you off the edge where Ness will destroy you. Ok, some of your attacks might have the range, but they're slow. Ness has great maneuverability in the air and quick effective aerials. Once you're off, he can easily drag you out with Fair -> Fair, and recover with his second jump, effectively ledge guarding you. Not to mention, with your limited recovery options, you're a predictable target for his might foot spike. A Bair off the ledge will easily destroy Oli, too.

and Dtilt is funny on Olimar right next to the ledge, as it gets rid of his pikmin and knocks him off. Gimped with a flurry of kicks.

So his throws will put you in an awful place, where if you get him off, he can still handle it.

Ness' Edgegame > Olimar's in this case.

-ness has low range-olimar has high
Ness is not low range by any means. You mention aerials and ground game next, so I'll ignore this part, and you can get the gist of this part from those two.

-olimar's aerials>ness' [outrange mostly]
I doubt it. Olimar has superior vertical control with his aerials, but compared to Ness' horizontal aerials, they're not too good. Ness' stops all pikmin save yellow with his Fair, and that makes a good approach. His Bair kills Oli like it's his business. The Uair will kill quite early and it comes out faster than Olimar's Dair. The Uair on Olimar isn't a threat because Ness isn't going to be dropping down on him for a pike.

Ness Nair kills pikimin before they hurt him, and Olimars cancels out PKT.
Needless to say, Ness' is better in this matchup.

Oli's aerials are bad when compared to Ness'.

Ness' Air game >>> Olimar's

-olimar's ground game especially>ness [big plus]
Nope. Ness has a better approach, stops your pikmin throw easily, and has the yoyo!!!
I'll get into approaches soon.

Firstly, I'll talk about stopping pikimin from being thrown.

Ness' Dash attack and Fair stop all but yellow
Pk Fire stops all but red
PK Thunder kills all but yellow
Nair kills all
Jab knocks off any.
Yoyo stops any from getting on if timed

This is important. The bat will kill pikmin if he hits them, but, if he misses with the bat slightly, the pikmin get knock backed onto Olimar. It's easiest vs the yellow pikmin. They get thrown highest, and the bat reflects them as the drop down in their arc. It's possible for any, but the bat counters yellow the most.

The yoyo has range vs Olimar, and it shield pokes. I believe it out ranges Oli's shield grab, too. It stops pikimin, as noted above, and it's just awesome. It may not get a kill (Unless it's his Dsmash and Oli's behind him, where it may launch Olimar far off the edge), but it's a really good move in this matchup. It stops Olimar a good deal.

Ness' Ground game = Olimar's
Depending on how you look at it.

-olimar's range game>ness
I assume you mean projectiles. As noted above, Ness has many ways to deal with your projectiles, and I feel that the Pikmin toss is largely ineffective. Pkfire sets up into a lot of his combo's and it's a viable approach. It also acts as a shield because of it's effect of blooming into a pillar of flame.

PK thunder can outrange your projectile game, but doesn't do much because, as I said, Olimar's Utilt stops the PKT. It's still a great move for juggling Oli when he's caught in the air.

PKT2 kills Oli like nothing else. Even if it didn't score a kill, it puts him in a ****ty place.

Ness Projectile game > Olimar's

-olimar's approach game>ness
Approaching with the pikimin throw doesn't work, so I don't know how you can even attempt an approach against a Ness. His airgame is better by leagues, and his ground game is on par.
Ness has much better options of approaching. Where Lucas is campy, Ness is rough, so he's built to get in yo' face.

Fair is a great multihitter and leads into many more.
Pk Jumping works wonders in this matchup.
Dash attack pushes them, so Olimar cant shield grabbed if it was timed and space right.

So really, the fair is his staple approach move, and it brings on the hurt.
PK jumping is something new, and I think it's quite relevant and useful here.

Olimar cant approach. All he can do is set up a tent and hope for the best.

Ness' Approach game >>> Olimar's (It's nonexistant here)

[-olimar's pikmen nullify ness' approach game](new)
WRONG. The pikmin nullify nothing.
Dash attack and Fair plow them.
And PK Jumping is above the throw range.

Fair will destroy you.

Olimar - Ness
Olimar is tiny and difficult to hit. Most of his attacks involve throwing Pikmin--that means long range. His projectile range outdoes Lucas, so I feel like Ness is the better choice. His recovery is tether-based, meaning it's easily stolen. Hang on the ledge as he tries to recover, and he'll have no options left. Counter his Pikmin throws with PK Fire--it will create a kind of shield which stops the next few Pikmin from coming through, and may damage him if he tries to charge for an attack. Another good counter for Pikmin is to remain in the air and use forward aerials--they act as a shield against all Pikmin except yellow. If a Pikmin does attach to you, immediately get rid of it using a forward or neutral aerial. If you're quick enough, you will take no damage. Positioning is also important--most of Olimar's ranged attacks will hit either straight forward or straight up. Attacking from a diagonal angle above will protect you from most attacks, but beware his Pikmin chain, which attacks at a 45 degree angle up from the ground. I think grabs are a good option against him, as well as the yoyos. The nice ground range on the down smash should be helpful. Count on him camping with his projectiles. Try to stay in his face so he doesn't have the opportunity to settle in and keep you far away.

Ok, this may seem extreme, but I would have to say that Ness has the advantage vs Olimar.
His ledge game is better, his air game is superior, he nullifies Olimar's projectiles, and he is one of the very few characters who has an easy time approaching the campy spaceman and rarely gets punished.

The yoyo is amazing too.

I'm not a Ness main but, I actually say Ness has the slight advantage, even with the gimp on him. it's easy to handle with a lightning fast Nair.

Now who'd argue this?


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
Captain Falcon is just horrible. Seriously. No disrespect to the Falcon Mainers but Capt. Falcon can barely do 1/3 of the things Ganon can do, who is already considered one of the worst.

He's got horrible priority, range, and knockback. He can't combo very well, if at all. His knee has been severely nerfed which a prized attack for Falcon in Melee. Plus, other than his Jab combo, which is already weak as anthing, every single attack is has lag on it.

I'm sure a good Falcon player can do some damage, but it just stands that Falcon doesn't have a 2% of the skill he had in Melee.


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
Captain Falcon is really bad in my opinion. He can do some stuff with a skilled player, but overall he is just sucky.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
G&W Does not have a big advantage on lucas. a smart lucas player will not use PKT, he will just zap jump to magnet pull, which gets him back much faster anyways. and if G&W buckets PKF its a free hit for Lucas because of the lag after bucketing. I would say that they are neutral.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
and ouch. A single hit. Thats still another stock of the bucket full of a PK fire. Two more and thats a free stock on you. The bucket has invincibility frames after capturing something, so theres not a huge time where he can get punished.

It's very clearly a large advantage.
How does a Lucas player plan on dealing with G&W when their projectile game is destroyed?


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Shorthopped dair, but the very last hitbox (after the sword stops swinging). Most lag will be over by the time it lands. It's good against sonic because of the danger of getting hit early when he tries to roll it, or dash towards you to wreck approaches. Come to think of it, seeing how many approaches Sonic can destroy it might be harder then I thought.
Ah... btw, I haven't done it recently, but if I remember correctly, Ike has large hitboxes with his aerials, including D-air (?). I'm not sure if it extends to his side, since that's where Sonic's shorthop is.

One of Sonic's better aerial approaches is SH F-air. It can shut down things like Ganondorf's SH D-air, and it most likely will do the same for Ike.

As long as he swings the sword you'll be fine, it's always better then just getting gimped anyway. But yeah, I sort of meant you shouldn't use quickdraw outside of the stage that much. If possible, not at all. So the counter more then quickdraw comment was more referring to quickdraw it's downsides.
I wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately, most Ikes prefer to do it, and they usually do it low or aiming to sweetspot. It'd be better to do it higher than DJ height and push toward the center of the stage. On the other side, Sonic has spring and can probably interrupt it if he has the reflexes to.

Aether is harder to edgeguard (if you're covert about it)- coming in low will just get you spring-gimped.

Yeah I guess we are going in too deep now. Everything is hypothetical this way.

It's annoying I can't find any good Sonics, I'm willing to take one on for sure.

But like I said, the stage will be very important.
Versatile made a thread in the Sonic section looking for wifi 1v1's to test them against each other.

Just a note that Sonic players tend to have really... varying playstyles, so you don't want to judge the whole matchup based on one good fight.

When I had a functional WFC, people would tell me that I played differently from the other Sonic players they meet. I'm very spring, spin-dash, feint and KO-based, while others are more ground/tilt based, and others may be much better at gimping. My spring-based game was stronger on FD and Smashville, while other Sonic players seemed to be better on Battlefield and Delfino.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
and ouch. A single hit. Thats still another stock of the bucket full of a PK fire. Two more and thats a free stock on you. The bucket has invincibility frames after capturing something, so theres not a huge time where he can get punished.

It's very clearly a large advantage.
How does a Lucas player plan on dealing with G&W when their projectile game is destroyed?
Hmmm, maybe thats why you stop after 2 bucket stocks, and if he does get three, you use psi magnet and get 30% back (unless they grabs you, but you can avoid that since you can start spamming projectiles again)! And lucas can easily kill G&W with his large variety of kill moves. Not to mention that you can save yourself from non-sweetspotted hammers if you use the rope-snake.
Possibly it could be a normal advantage, but G&W is in no way Lucas's biggest threat.
Also, while I'm talking about Lucas, why is Link listed as having an advantage?

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
you've lost all credibility, and you obviously have never faced a G&W with adequate amount of skill.

G&W kills Lucas sooner.
Lucas will have trouble getting the kill.
Lucas projectiles are now a weapon against himself.
Lucas gets Dthrow - > Dsmashed.
Lucas is destroyed by G&W.

Its a big disadvantage, for sure. You could be able to argue a small X, but not a neutral matchup, not ever.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
Ganondorf – large advantage for Ike

Once again, Ike does not have a large advantage over Ganon. In fact, Ike would probably be down right lucky to even have a remote advantage. It stands that Ike has two quick attacks. Bair and Jab (if there's more tell me, I'd love to know)

Everything else lags, both ending and start up. Ganondorf himself is criticized for basically having horrid ending lag. Do you realize how much Ike will be affected when he himself has WORST lag on ending and start up?

If Ike at the very least had a majority of quick, executing attack, I would say he has the advantage. Not a large one, but an advantage nonetheless. However, as it stand he doesn't have a majority of quick executing attacks.

Speaking of his jab, for the punch and knee part of the combo, Ganondorf's single A jab not only has more reach, but I dare say more priority.

The way I see it, the one move that Ike will use to try to get the best result is his Jab. I'm not saying an Ike player will blantantly run at an opponent and Jab, but that seems like its his best move to string in an attack.

Everything else has to much lag, and the only time I would ever see Ike use any of his ground related moves would be when he's trying to hit Ganondorf after using a laggy attack. Which in anycase, the same thing can be said for Ganon. Wait for Ike to use a laggy move, attack!

Ike is perhaps the easiest person for Ganondorf to play defensively against. Which is something that Ganondorf tries to do, play defensively. Being on the slow side as well, I'd reckon Ike would have to play defensively as well. I certainly don't see Ike doing well if he just randomly went in and attack.

Ike can't gimp Ganondorf's recovery (something that if any character could do, they would do)

In some way, I see Ganondorf having the advantage, but I really feel that I'll biased to my own main if I say so.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Truth hurts huh Gleam.

But seriously, Ike beats Ganondorf just like the rest of the cast.

There should be an X in every single column for Ganondorf.

He has no neutrals and no advantage match ups.
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