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Brawl Character Match-Up chart

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Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
You should probably stress how much of a advantage Meta knight has over Sheik because Sheiks main way to gaining kills is though gimping and Meta Knight is impossible for Sheik to gimp if the Meta knight player knows what he is doing.

Also Meta Knight has a large selection of low percentage, easy to do combo on Sheik while Sheik can only put Meta Knight into a tilt lock until maybe the low 40's. It's a horrible match up and it more then deserve to be listed greatly in Meta Knight favor.

I would rather fight Snake or the Ice climbers over Meta Knight any day of the week.


Smash Cadet
May 17, 2008
Seattle area
I posted a thread on the MK board asking about how to approach Bowser and how to fight that matchup in general. Gimpy posted a response suggesting that Bowser actually has an edge on MK and I'm thinking he's probably right on this one, and not just because he's great with both.

To summarize, the main reasons for this are that 1) MK has a tough time approaching Bowser and Bowser can force MK to do so with his range/fire, 2) Bowser bomb KO's make pursuing bowser dangerous for MK in the air, and 3) MK tends to die at low %'s and kill at high %'s while Bowser is just the opposite.

It's not an overwhelming advantage by any stretch of the imagination, but the current matchup chart shows Bowser as having a disadvantage - a pretty significant difference, especially for Bowser players.



Smash Cadet
Feb 13, 2008
Could you also put down bit next to the char's that shows how many positives and negatives each char has for quick reference?

Like for Snake: is effective against 24/39 of the characters and has 4/39 characters being effective when used against him...


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
after a few more games tonight i still think Sonic Vs IC and squirtle should be looked at.

Squirtle gives me no trouble whatsoever, ivysaur and charizard seem to be the only ones capable of getting enough damage on sonic to ko him.

and i still dont think sonic should be a X vs ice climbers. as i said before, once you separate the two, all it takes is a hypen usmash, sonic can juggle nana all the way to the top for an amazingly cheap star KO. there are many character who can juggle nana well, but sonic is the only one who can 0-death nana consistently, and popo will never catch him. IC have the advantage in many other aspects (fyi, sonics fsmash is considerably more stronger than both IC's fsmash at once, and has more range) but i dont think its enough to warrant a disadvantage, when if they get separated, a good sonic player should be able to kill nana at every opportunity.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Hey, just letting you know that I don't think everything listed for Ike is correct. I'm working on a match-up list right now and will try to inform you as much as possible later on. One thing is certain though, Ike is at huge disadvantage against Lucas and Ness. It's a big cross. Best match-up for Lucas according to their thread and I'd say it's one of the worst for Ike.


Apr 10, 2008
Could someone explain the big red X for Ness vs Olimar. Ness vs Marth is a lost cause, no question, but I'm not sure why Olimar is so awful.
I posted this a few pages ago. no-one really commented(=agreed? idk) Anything in "[,]" I put in just now to clarify

Anyone else agree olimar>ness-big check?(if we're going to use this new thing) Here's why:

-everyone knows about the pikmen-pk2 gimp and the cg [important factor]
-ness has low range-olimar has high
-olimar's aerials>ness' [outrange mostly]
-olimar's ground game especially>ness [big plus]
-olimar's range game>ness
-olimar's approach game>ness
[-olimar's pikmen nullify ness' approach game](new)

Need I go further?
Feel free to argue against it. I'll be there too, though.

Edit: pikmen can be thrown over pk1 easily.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
Wolf > Jiggs
Wolf > Bowser
G&W > Pika

Cool, cool. I'll fix all that up as soon as I can tomorrow. Post as much as you're sure of and we'll be able to consider it out of 'beta' soon enough. :)

Should Shiek and Pokémon Trainer's sub-characters really be considered separate? They can switch to whomever is most appropriate for the job (and doesn't PT HAVE to switch?) and it'd be that character that would be considered when comparing. I can see the advantage of splitting them though...
You gave a match-up based only on G&W ability to stop pikas spam xDDD GG

If this is the case pikachu > Pit simply because pit is light and easy to kill, plus his camp starts dont work well agest pika because pikachus speed and agility

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I've posted before, but just to reiterate:

Zelda Vs. DDD = BIG CHECK in zelda's favour
Luigi Vs. Sonic = BIG CHECK in luigi's favour
Olimar Vs. Sonic = even matchup
Kirby Vs. Sonic = might be BIG CHECK in kirby's favour.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
I don't think its a big check for Kirby.
I believe its definitely an advantage but not a massive one.
Maybe 6:4 in Kirby's favor mainly since he does not shut Sonic down as Luigi does.
If I face a mediocre Luigi i could still lose but against a mediocre kirby I would still win.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
I don't think its a big check for Kirby.
I believe its definitely an advantage but not a massive one.
Maybe 6:4 in Kirby's favor mainly since he does not shut Sonic down as Luigi does.
If I face a mediocre Luigi i could still lose but against a mediocre kirby I would still win.
I'll agree with this then.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
Possible mistake

Captain falcon is at a large disadvantage to toon link yet T link does not have a large advantage over captain falcon.

Also, I think olimar should have a large advantage over toonlink, olimar out projectiles T link and has priority in many situations. As a toon link main, I find Olimar very hard to approach.


Apr 10, 2008
Also, I think olimar should have a large advantage over toonlink, olimar out projectiles T link and has priority in many situations. As a toon link main, I find Olimar very hard to approach.
he eh...that's what they all say. :)

Edit: off topic-anyone know how to get their avatar over to the left changed to a saved picture?


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Some misconceptions with Ike’s match ups so I’m going to go over some of them. I understand that many are not good with Ike/have not fought a good Ike, so I can certainly understand the idea "oh Ike is slow so he loses this one I guess". I feel my Ike is really good, so if have any questions about the match ups please ask and I will elaborate on while I feel the way I do.

Bowser – small advantage for Ike

Captain Falcon – large advantage for Ike

Charizard – small advantage for Ike

Diddy Kong – neutral

Donkey Kong – small advantage for Donkey Kong

Falco – large advantage for Falco

Fox – small advantage for Ike

Mr Game and Watch – small advantage for Game and Watch

Ganondorf – large advantage for Ike

Ice Climbers – large advantage for Ike/small advantage for ice climbers(if infinite is allowed, which most tourneys are starting to ban)

Ivysaur – Large advantage for Ike

Jigglypuff – large advantage for Ike

King Dedede – large advantage for D3

Kirby – small advantage for Ike

Link – neutral

Lucario – small advantage for Ike

Lucas – neutral

Lucas – small advantage for Ike

Mario – small advantage for Ike

Marth – small advantage for Marth

Meta Knight – large disadvantage for Ike

Ness – small advantage Ike

Peach – Neutral

Pikachu – small disadvantage for Ike

Pikmin and Olimar – small disadvantage for Ike

Pit – small disadvantage for Ike

Rob – large disadvantage for Ike

Samus – small advantage for Ike

Sheik – neutral

Snake – small disadvantage for Snake

Sonic – large advantage for Ike

Squirtle – small disadvantage for Ike

Toon Link – small disadvantage for Ike

Wario – neutral

Wolf – small disadvantage for Ike

Yoshi – small advantage for Ike

Zelda – neutral

Zero Suit Samus - neutral

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
that's a very very biased list for ike... as a proficient player of Zelda, Shiek, Link and sonic... I find your matchups... very wrong.

Zelda beats ike

Shiek beats ike even more

Link beats ike.

sonic is at least even with ike


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
Could you elaborate on the Lucario match-up? It seems to me that lucario's speed with aerials combined with comparable/in some situations better range allows him to out preform Ike. In addition to this, Lucario's Roll, being extremely fast and very long range also allows him to avoid and punish Ike pretty easily.

I would say a small advantage for Lucario...being that Ike can still kill lucario pretty easy but other than that Lucario seems to have the edge.

Also, for the Kirby match-up I believe that it is probably even or maybe even very slightly in Kirby's favor(but still probably only enough to consider it even). Kirby can use air control to gimp Ike VERY easily especially if the Ike needs to cover horizontal distance and due to his multiple jumps, Kirby can easily intercept an >B and stop Ike in his tracks. This combined with his speedy ground game in comparison to Ike's definitely makes it not in Ikes favor.



Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
How does Olimar have an advantage over Toon Link? I can never win against my friend when he's TL, but I can when he's anyone else...

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Ike has slight advantage on Sonic.

Just hold the A button son and Sonic is limited.


Other then that...yeah Sonic the Hedgedawg is right IMO.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
that's a very very biased list for ike... as a proficient player of Zelda, Shiek, Link and sonic... I find your matchups... very wrong.

Zelda beats ike

Shiek beats ike even more

Link beats ike.

sonic is at least even with ike
Even with Ike...Sonic? Sonic pretty much isnt even with anyone. Sonic has no priority. Sonic can;t kill very well, and Sonic has below average stamina. I won't even elaborate on this match up because I think it's nonsensical you would even claim this.

I've fought many Zeldas and I'm yet to see how this is a match in her favor? Din's fire is not the wrench in an Ike player's game plan, and can be used against her in fact. He out ranges her, can kill her at low percentages and can punish all of her best moves with easy. Her recovery, from my point of view, is terrible and very punishable. Zelda is a great camper, and a fantastic punisher. Up smash is terrific, but can be DIed out of. Same situation with forward smash. IMO it's an even match up.

Sheik beats Ikes even more...how exactly? Sheik cannot kill for anything and lacks range(most characters lack range compared to Ike). Up close is when she is most effective, and Ike can keep her out of close range very well. Sheik can gimp Ike more effectively than most, and up close has the advantage in priroity. From my experience(and I've fought many, many good Sheiks) this is an even match up.

Link beats Ike. Why? Because of his projectiles? Those are not difficult to penetrate offline with perfect shielding. Up close Ike eats Link up and does the same at mid range. I do admit that out of all of these characters I lack experience vs many Links, though.

I would like to play ya. I'll hit ya up on AIM. Mine is VersatileRTC. Show me how any of these characters go anything but neutral vs Ike


Apr 10, 2008
I think olimar should have a large advantage over toonlink, olimar out projectiles T link and has priority in many situations. As a toon link main, I find Olimar very hard to approach.
How does Olimar have an advantage over Toon Link? I can never win against my friend when he's TL, but I can when he's anyone else...
from what I can tell, do you,egaddmario, approach toonlink? and not play defensively?


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
this kinda bugs me... care to elaborate?

Yes, I can see the olimar match up being controversial for some. While I beleive Olimar beats Ike, I don't find it to be severe. Olimar is a difficult approach made much simpler simply through sidestepping and being patient. Up close Jab outpriotizes olimar, and short hop back fair's beat out pretty much anything he does. He also has low stamina, semi crappy KO options and besides Ivysaur is arguably the only character with crappier recovery than Ike.

On the flip side good Olimar make approaching very difficult, and evne with great evading they will make you hurt in some way or another. However, when Ike hits he hits hard, and good Ikes will hit Olimar.

These are just my opinions, but seeing so many Xs on Ike's bar is a joke IMO. He doesn't have nearly that many disadvantages. Many of those Xs should be neutrals or advantages for Ike. Ike loses to Samus? Cmon yo lol.

Like I said it is understandable. There are plenty of terrible Ikes, and very few decent/good ones.

In response to Lucario, Lucario is extremely weak and pretty easy to gimp. It's not uncommon for Ike to be at 140% and Lucario at 90% and Ike getting the kill from my experience. He has range, but Ike has more. He has a decent Jab, Ike's is better. He also seems to be more vunerable to star Kos than others, making up tilt, up smash and up air even more powerful.

I personally believe Lucario is extremely overrated and don't see much redeeming qualities. His dair is amazing, though.

EDIT: Yes his roll is amazing, too. Nair catches opponents who try to roll on Ike too much, though.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Pikachu can't chain him to 60% and camp him to death after all.

Advantage you mean.

Yes, sorry. Snake definitely beats Ike.

The chain is a lame, yes. Ike can camp Pikachu too.


I believe a defensive Ike who can space well is a nightmare for Kirby's lack of range and power. Up close Kirby is very tough though. I can see this beingl, but from my experience it favors Ike...slightly


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
yeah uhhh i dont think marth is a loss to snake... althout snake is really powerful and all his projectiles are slow and easily punishable by marth's, in the beginning (first month) not knowing his move set and all i admit i did lose to many snakes but after fighting them regularly it became easily defendable against and many punishable opportunities arose... anyways id say that marth vs snake ends up being nuetral >__> but thats just me... and as far as the zelda vs ness/lucas im not sure what your judged this on but id have to give that win to zelda by far... i may be mistaken but i feel as if the reason you gave them the win is due to their ability to recover off of her din's fire... if so i think anyone who picks zelda knows lucas/ness has the down b so they would only use it as lucas or ness was trying to recover other than that id say it seems accurate


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
Yes, I can see the olimar match up being controversial for some. While I beleive Olimar beats Ike, I don't find it to be severe. Olimar is a difficult approach made much simpler simply through sidestepping and being patient. Up close Jab outpriotizes olimar, and short hop back fair's beat out pretty much anything he does. He also has low stamina, semi crappy KO options and besides Ivysaur is arguably the only character with crappier recovery than Ike.

On the flip side good Olimar make approaching very difficult, and evne with great evading they will make you hurt in some way or another. However, when Ike hits he hits hard, and good Ikes will hit Olimar.

These are just my opinions, but seeing so many Xs on Ike's bar is a joke IMO. He doesn't have nearly that many disadvantages. Many of those Xs should be neutrals or advantages for Ike. Ike loses to Samus? Cmon yo lol.

Like I said it is understandable. There are plenty of terrible Ikes, and very few decent/good ones.

In response to Lucario, Lucario is extremely weak and pretty easy to gimp. It's not uncommon for Ike to be at 140% and Lucario at 90% and Ike getting the kill from my experience. He has range, but Ike has more. He has a decent Jab, Ike's is better. He also seems to be more vunerable to star Kos than others, making up tilt, up smash and up air even more powerful.

I personally believe Lucario is extremely overrated and don't see much redeeming qualities. His dair is amazing, though.

EDIT: Yes his roll is amazing, too. Nair catches opponents who try to roll on Ike too much, though.
Lucario is actually much harder to edge guard than people think, especially for someone with very limited air movement like Ike.

Also, being able to double team one of Ike's longer startup moves makes it very easy to get a very reliable kill, especially if both of them are at roughly 100%.


Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Even with Ike...Sonic? Sonic pretty much isnt even with anyone. Sonic has no priority. Sonic can;t kill very well, and Sonic has below average stamina. I won't even elaborate on this match up because I think it's nonsensical you would even claim this.
sonic doesn't have incredible power and has awful priotiy, true, but sonic gets fairly easy gimp kills, and ike is easy to gimp. Also, sonic's entire playstyle revolves around punishing foe's mistakes. Once you consider Ike's incredible cooldown lag on most of his attacks, you see he's one of the most punishable charcters int he game in that respect. And it's not like ike can shake off sonic very well at all. He can hit him while he's trying to approach, but he can't do much once sonic is inside. once sonic gets Ike in the air, sonic is in complete control. it's only because sonic is so light, weak and has such poor priority that the matchup is even instead of in sonic's favour.

I've fought many Zeldas and I'm yet to see how this is a match in her favor? Din's fire is not the wrench in an Ike player's game plan, and can be used against her in fact. He out ranges her, can kill her at low percentages and can punish all of her best moves with easy. Her recovery, from my point of view, is terrible and very punishable. Zelda is a great camper, and a fantastic punisher. Up smash is terrific, but can be DIed out of. Same situation with forward smash. IMO it's an even match up.
Zelda might not have the range, but she doesn't need it. Why? because Din's fire FORCES ike to approach and, quite simply, zelda's defensive game > Ike's approach game. despite zelda's moves having shorter range, they are much faster and are still quite strong. This matchup isn't even that close.

Sheik beats Ikes even more...how exactly? Sheik cannot kill for anything and lacks range(most characters lack range compared to Ike). Up close is when she is most effective, and Ike can keep her out of close range very well. Sheik can gimp Ike more effectively than most, and up close has the advantage in priroity. From my experience(and I've fought many, many good Sheiks) this is an even match up.
not even close here. Sheik's needles and aeirial mobility can easily gimp ike. Also, those needles punish ike whenever he tries to use his side B or just leaves himself open. Ike might have range, but shiek is actually fast enough to get inside ike whenever she wants considering most of ike's attakcs are slow enough that they can't stop her in time. the only way ike will be hitting shiek much is if he predicts where she'll be... any time divining future locations is necesary, it's a bad matchup. and low kill power doesn't mean much since ike can be Ftilit comboed (into itself or other moves) to a very high damage... high enough that he can be knocked off the edge and gimped.

Link beats Ike. Why? Because of his projectiles? Those are not difficult to penetrate offline with perfect shielding. Up close Ike eats Link up and does the same at mid range. I do admit that out of all of these characters I lack experience vs many Links, though.
Link's projectiles keep ike at bay... they really do. And link has almost the same range with a lot more speed on the attacks. ike doesn't have anything that puts him at an advantage here... too far away and he gets pounded by projectiles. too close and link will hit him first.

I would like to play ya. I'll hit ya up on AIM. Mine is VersatileRTC. Show me how any of these characters go anything but neutral vs Ike
Maybe later. I can hit you up on AIM, but I'm not in the mood to play smash tonight... besides, the lag online puts precision characters like shiek or sonic at a big dissadvantage.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
The chain alone should be enough to put Pika > Ike though.
Pikachu IS > than Ike. I never said that. I said it's a match up that favors Pikachu afterall.

However, I do not believe it's a pwnage fest.

Meta Knight and Falco are Ike's worst match ups. Nothing else is a severe disadvantage. Meta isn't even that bad. Falco...is ouchies. Though a very good Ike player has said it isn't too bad. I have not fought a good Falco in a long time, and I am now a much better player, so I'll have to give that fight a go again soon.

*looks at emblem lord*


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Even with Ike...Sonic? Sonic pretty much isnt even with anyone. Sonic has no priority. Sonic can;t kill very well, and Sonic has below average stamina. I won't even elaborate on this match up because I think it's nonsensical you would even claim this.

I've fought many Zeldas and I'm yet to see how this is a match in her favor? Din's fire is not the wrench in an Ike player's game plan, and can be used against her in fact. He out ranges her, can kill her at low percentages and can punish all of her best moves with easy. Her recovery, from my point of view, is terrible and very punishable. Zelda is a great camper, and a fantastic punisher. Up smash is terrific, but can be DIed out of. Same situation with forward smash. IMO it's an even match up.

Sheik beats Ikes even more...how exactly? Sheik cannot kill for anything and lacks range(most characters lack range compared to Ike). Up close is when she is most effective, and Ike can keep her out of close range very well. Sheik can gimp Ike more effectively than most, and up close has the advantage in priroity. From my experience(and I've fought many, many good Sheiks) this is an even match up.

Link beats Ike. Why? Because of his projectiles? Those are not difficult to penetrate offline with perfect shielding. Up close Ike eats Link up and does the same at mid range. I do admit that out of all of these characters I lack experience vs many Links, though.

I would like to play ya. I'll hit ya up on AIM. Mine is VersatileRTC. Show me how any of these characters go anything but neutral vs Ike
i hear so many ppl saying you can DI out of zelda's up smash yet ive not seen any video confirming this... i have looked all over youtube for it and i cant find it.. the only time i think it can be DI'd out of is if your hyphening or just normal smashing and you catch with just the tip of the magic(which doesn't happen often) other than that it seems to suck them in too deep for escape o_o


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Something tells me you're fighting Ikes who are big fans of just putting themself out there to be punished all day, SonicTheHedgedawg.

Play my Ike and show me how Zelda vs Ike isn't even close. Same for Sheik. I can use a good Link fight, too, since I have not played many good ones.

Your analysis of Sonic is poor to me. Maybe I'm just not seeing his potential, but I'd bet its more you not fighting good Ikes. Like EL said, Jab beats pretty much everything sonic does.


Smash Rookie
May 20, 2008
It all depends on your basic level of skill anyways.

These "Matchups" Are not going to change much in a 1 on 1 match and in a 3 player or 4 player match They're practically useless unless all the other players use the same char


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2008
Burlington, NC
Some misconceptions with Ike’s match ups so I’m going to go over some of them. I understand that many are not good with Ike/have not fought a good Ike, so I can certainly understand the idea "oh Ike is slow so he loses this one I guess". I feel my Ike is really good, so if have any questions about the match ups please ask and I will elaborate on while I feel the way I do.

Ganondorf – large advantage for Ike

As a Ganon mainer, I must know how Ike has the Large advantage. In fact, I'd like to know how Ike even has the advantage. Right now, I see neutral at the best (just like the chart said)

But do elaborate.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
Something tells me you're fighting Ikes who are big fans of just putting themself out there to be punished all day, SonicTheHedgedawg.

Play my Ike and show me how Zelda vs Ike isn't even close. Same for Sheik. I can use a good Link fight, too, since I have not played many good ones.

Your analysis of Sonic is poor to me. Maybe I'm just not seeing his potential, but I'd bet its more you not fighting good Ikes. Like EL said, Jab beats pretty much everything sonic does.
you make it sound like your some god of smash with ike... dude zelda owns ike all day long... he says your not fighting good zelda's and you say he isnt fighting good ike's dude bottom line is based on what he states it shows zelda has the upper hand im not just saying this because she is my 2nd main but based on the facts man.. you may have beaten many zelda's but that doesnt prove ike is better... it only shows your skill was greater than the scrubs you played.. zelda > ike end of story man :/

Lord Aether

Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Ellicott City, Maryland
I agree with Versatile on MK not being that bad a matchup for Ike. Bad, but not THAT bad.
Falco's pretty bad...

Only thing Ganondorf has over Ike is faster ground game (not as powerful though), but Ike has a better Aerial Game. I'd say they're about even at the worst, and it favors Ike slightly at the very best.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Some misconceptions with Ike’s match ups so I’m going to go over some of them. I understand that many are not good with Ike/have not fought a good Ike, so I can certainly understand the idea "oh Ike is slow so he loses this one I guess". I feel my Ike is really good, so if have any questions about the match ups please ask and I will elaborate on while I feel the way I do.

Ganondorf – large advantage for Ike

As a Ganon mainer, I must know how Ike has the Large advantage. In fact, I'd like to know how Ike even has the advantage. Right now, I see neutral at the best (just like the chart said)

But do elaborate.
Because if Ike blocks anything Ganondorf does he gets a free jab into pressure follow up lol.

I don't think Ganondorf beats or goes neutral with any character in the game. Though I believe I went overboard with large advantage. Small advantage is more like it.


Smash Cadet
May 17, 2008
Seattle area
Originally Posted by VersatileBJN
Bowser – small advantage for Ike
Can you explain this one too? From what I've read this one is actually in Bowser's favor because of his fire (which blocks QD and gimps recovery), his greater range, his high weight, and his power (which at least equals Ike's).


Also, I posted earlier that MK vs Bowser might actually be in Bowser's favor. If this is true, I think it's pretty significant considering what it would mean for Bowser and the fact that MK is only listed as having 2 disadvantages.

I posted a thread on the MK board asking about how to approach Bowser and how to fight that matchup in general. Gimpy posted a response suggesting that Bowser actually has an edge on MK and I'm thinking he's probably right on this one, and not just because he's great with both.

To summarize, the main reasons for this are that 1) MK has a tough time approaching Bowser and Bowser can force MK to do so with his range/fire, 2) Bowser bomb KO's make pursuing bowser dangerous for MK in the air, and 3) MK tends to die at low %'s and kill at high %'s while Bowser is just the opposite.

It's not an overwhelming advantage by any stretch of the imagination, but the current matchup chart shows Bowser as having a disadvantage - a pretty significant difference, especially for Bowser players.

(When I posted this, Gimpy's was the last response.)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2008
your over exagerating on ike's ability... which is expected i guess.. you main him.. many people fight for their mains to be best... but the truth is you cant think of your character in this need solid fact...
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