There's a really big concern I've been having with Minus.
Every update, I see things like "this was nerfed," and "that was nerfed." You're toning down the broken things to be not so broken anymore... What you need to do instead of nerfing the broken things is BUFFING the non-broken characters to the level of the broken ones.
What you guys have done so far is make a new kind of Brawl where about a third of the cast was broken beyond comprehension, then proceeded to nerf the whole cast as time went by.
...this isn't what Minus stands for.
Monk it's a serious issue don't play it off like it's nothing. I had the same philosophy, but here's the thing.
There were key moves on characters that made it the only move worth using. Those were the specific things that got nerfed. There were also some characters that were legitimately unfair. Buffing everybody up to them just recreates the imbalance that was MvC2.
This. For the most part, these nerfs dealt with individual things... Like, let's take Sheik's fair.
No, but take Sheik or Luigi, who were apparently broken in their own rights, with UpB or Nair, respectively. How hard is it to give EVERY character a polarizing move like that?
It was a frame 5 move that killed at 70%. Even if we
could buff everyone up to that degree, it's just ****ty design. When there's a move that makes a character border on "one trick pony", then something is very wrong. These moves we nerfed because buffing everyone else up to that level would simply make Brawl- a worse game. A game that people play for half an hour, laugh at, say, "this is ********" to, and then ignore in favor of deeper games. What a coincidence-this is what happened to a fairly large number of people in
every release thus far. This is why so much nerfing happened: to prevent this from happening again.
So far, it seems like we've done a good job. It wasn't even all nerfs, FYI; some chars got some serious buffs and redesigns. It was just nerfing the things that were
clearly a bad idea. Sheik's Fair killing at 70? Luigi having a frame 2 combo breaker aerial that does a ****load of damage and either kills or sets up for an upB kill? Ganon's ftilt killing around 60? Ness's Fair basically autocomboing into itself across the stage into a guaranteed lethal spike (1.5)? Luigi's fair ensuring a guaranteed death offstage (1.0)? This is the kind of thing that
had to go in order for the game to be fun over more than a short period of time for most people, especially the competitives (which is, well, most of the smash community around here, and to be honest, the group I want to court the most).
Trust me, by nerfing things like that, we're not losing anything. We may be stepping slightly away from broken, but guess what: we're still the most broken, most fast-paced, hardcore, and amazing mod out there, and nerfing moves that need it won't change that any time soon. This also
definitely is not an indicator of us becoming "limp-wristed". It's an indicator of us being sane. If you think Minus is going to become ****ified, you are
entirely wrong. We're not dropping our philosophy. We're refining it. Sheik is still a fast-moving, invisible combo machine of death, she just can't kill you around 70 with an easy-to-land aerial. Wolf is still a flying brick with obscene followups and extreme safety on most of his moves, he just doesn't have comboing into a 0-death quite as easy any more. Samus is still a camping walling ***** with annoying moves, she just can't 100% guarantee that if you go offstage, you will die. Et cetera. Get the point? I'm sure you're not the only person thinking this way, so I want to make this point as clear as I possibly can.
Nerfing obviously ridiculous moves does not mean we are losing sight of our goal. It means we have identified a design issue and are dealing with it.
And as far as 0-death combos, I see some problem with that, as one hit = death, theoretically.
Solution: after buffing everyone, INCREASE the amount of influence DI has on a character's trajectory in compensation. Suddenly we've got a high stakes, fast paced guessing game of intense reads and extreme broken-ness on our hands.
Increasing DI and hitstun is actually not a bad idea... I just never knew how.