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Best Friends

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Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
I searched and couldn't find a topic on this.

I was just wondering what was everyone thought about Best Friends? What separates them from other friends? What makes a good best friend? What does it take ruin these friendships, and what does it to take to keep these friendships strong? I've been thinking about it lately and I was just wondering what other people felt about it.

Tell me your thoughts and feel free to discuss it.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Hmm... Creo que si... A best friend as a TRUE friend. My life is full of pleasant people that are fun to be around. Although they are great to party with or something, they really don't know the "real me." They may help me out in times of distress but they know little about what makes me tick and what my essence is.

Basically, I don't have best friends. I just have a bunch of aquaintences... and a few people who know me well enough to have the prestigious title of "friend." I have fairly strong bonds with these people, since they know me inside and out.

On to your question...

If a friendship breaks for any reason, then were you friends at all?


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
posted in the something bothering you thread...

best friends.

I met my best friend through a best friend that i have had since kindergarten. We met in kindergarten and were super close with each other until like 7th grade because he had to repeat a year and we went to separate high schools. We got closer again when i got my car...my best friend became a user. To this day, he always asks for a ride places, never has any money, always wants to smoke weed and or drink but has no money. Talks **** about me/goes on me when hes drunk just because hes known me for so long. He thinks im the better version of him so we're always clashing...like in a good way i guess.

The great thing about him is that he let me befriend all of his friends...when i had none lol i was a loser. I got super close with one of his friends and we became best friends over the course of one summer. We would spend everyday together. I knew everything about him and he knew a lot about me to. It was a true friendship. I ****ing love the guy, he'll prob be the best man at my wedding. True friends help eachother out not only with words, but deeds and actions. We have been super close, closer than i am to my own brother, relationship for like four years now.

Its a great feeling to genuinely love and be loved. NO HOMO lol. we are comfortable enough with eachother to sleep in the same bed, share drinks, not be worried about awkward touching (like arms or legs bumping whatever). we can change in front of eachother... He even takes a **** with the door open... We both know we're straight. We're just natural...its stupid to be super awkward about homophobic stuff...We even went skinny dipping once with girls too...ive seen him buck naked lol But yea...best closest friendship ive ever had! I can count on that guy I just met him four years ago.

So even if you have known someone forever...doesn't mean yr close or have the best situation. Male friends are great but sometimes hard to find.

Im good with resolving problems too? any questions?

A wise man once said: You're lucky if you have one true friend...maybe two. I do whatever it takes to keep the one i have close to me.

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
the people i hung out with and considered my best friends have changed a lot over the past 2 years.

oddly enough, melee is what brought me and my best friends (as of now together) and now i consider these friends the best friends i have ever had. i am just so comfertable with them and they feel like family. they're pretty **** and stuff

<3 shoutouts to sharkasm


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Hmm... Creo que si... A best friend as a TRUE friend. My life is full of pleasant people that are fun to be around. Although they are great to party with or something, they really don't know the "real me." They may help me out in times of distress but they know little about what makes me tick and what my essence is.

Basically, I don't have best friends. I just have a bunch of aquaintences... and a few people who know me well enough to have the prestigious title of "friend." I have fairly strong bonds with these people, since they know me inside and out.

On to your question...

If a friendship breaks for any reason, then were you friends at all?
I appreciate everyone's input but this really annoys me. When my former best friend and I decided not to talk to each other anymore she asked me the same question.

A lot of factors can contribute. To a friendship breaking. I.E: People change, and these changes in character may cause personalities to clash, to the point where it becomes easier to end the friendship than continue it. Another factor is learning more about your friend, like you said a lot of your friends don't know the real you and I have to ask do you think you know the real them? Learning more about people and some of their under desirable and sometimes down right disgusting qualities is another factor which may break a friendship.

If you're asking whether or not you're still friends when the friendship ended as opposed to were you ever friends then I guess I could understand our argument. Seeing as friend wouldn't just out right abandon another friend.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Meeting best friends over the internet is much easier, because people are open there about who they are and what they are into. That way, if you meet irl, you know exactly what the person finds acceptable and fun to do.

It's much harder to meet people first and find their boundaries if they don't show them to you. That's why I don't bother too much with trying to find best friends in real life, just good friends. Then I meet some people from here and I'm like "man you're a better friend than the guy I knew for 3 years".



I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
My best friend and I are like a gay couple but without the sex. There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for him. He knows more about me than my family does. Generally I'm a very introverted person, but not with him.

We also don't need much to keep this friendship going. We do try to see each other as often as possible, but if it ain't possible, it's no problem. Our bond certainly hasn't become any weaker because of it or anything. When I went to Australia to live for 6 months over there, he was the only one who knew the exact date when I was coming back(unlike my family) and our friendship continued like I never left.

Also, when something would happen to him(dying IE), I absolutely can not imagine what I'd do.

In a way we definitely are like JD and Turk from Scrubs. Only we both are white ;p.


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub
A best friend is someone you can laugh and cry with, someone who you understand and who understands you. A person who is with you during tough times, and won't ever make you feel truly alone. A person that you may not talk to everyday, maybe even less then that, but when the time comes they're there for you. A person you may not agree with all the time and might argue with, but also a person that will forgive and laugh with you later. A best friend is someone who is not only the person you just "hang" with, but also the person you experience life with. Friends come and go, but best friends stay forever.

That's my opinion.


Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2010
In the Meat Dimension
I find that best friends are the ones you, share the most in common with, agree with each others thoughts, look out for each other in rough times and share any thoughts that may be botheriung each other.
basicly they must be very loyal to you, snd you must be back (jeeze, sounding like best friends are dogs much? lol).
sadly, they are very hard to find, but you will know when you find one.
heck the lyrics to bein' friends describes them quite well too...


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
I mentioned before that my best friend and I stopped speaking to each other, but after reading everyone's post I have to wonder if she and I were ever best friends. She and I confided in each other, and we did support each other, but we fought a lot cuz our personalities clashed. And I never felt completely comfortable around her, there were certain things I would never tell her that I could tell other people. We may have been really close but I think it's more like she was my favorite friend instead of my best friend.

Just a personal thought.


SD God
Jun 11, 2009
Being a Scrub
I mentioned before that my best friend and I stopped speaking to each other, but after reading everyone's post I have to wonder if she and I were ever best friends. She and I confided in each other, and we did support each other, but we fought a lot cuz our personalities clashed. And I never felt completely comfortable around her, there were certain things I would never tell her that I could tell other people. We may have been really close but I think it's more like she was my favorite friend instead of my best friend.

Just a personal thought.
Fighting is perfectly normal in any good relationships, forgiveness is where it counts. And IMO feeling comfortable is a must around best friends.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Man, the only way to recognize wether I see people as friends is when I can be in their presence in complete silence without feeling awkward and either of us trying to break the silence.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Fighting is perfectly normal in any good relationships, forgiveness is where it counts. And IMO feeling comfortable is a must around best friends.
Well we fought too much, sometimes we were fighting more than we were being friends.

Man, the only way to recognize wether I see people as friends is when I can be in their presence in complete silence without feeling awkward and either of us trying to break the silence.
I have absolutely no problem staying in a room completely quiet with any of my friends. Unless I'm on a date silence isn't gonna make me feel awkward. We're all different I guess.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
^Well we actually forgave each other countless times, I sure that wasn't the problem.

And I don't know if this applies to friendships in general or if it was particular to my case; but I found that after each blow out, after we forgave each other the friendship would be damaged. Even though we made up, the friendship wasn't as strong as it was before; and the more we fought is the more it happened until the friendship hardly mattered anymore.

Of course a single fight won't damage a friendship, but after like 3 blow outs I think there will definitely be some cracks in the relationship.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
A best friend is a person that you can feel totally comfortable around no matter what.

Someone who you have shared good and bad times with.

Someone who knows more about you than other people.

Me and my best friend Paddy live 5 seconds away and have known each other for 18 years now.

I have a few friends I'd consider in the "best" catagory to be fair.

Paddy would be my best man at my wedding though.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
It's hard to think what separates a ''friend'' from a best friend. I'm close to all my friends. I'll try a negative definition:

I will only ever have arguments with two people in my life (though it is rare). My sister and my best friend. A best friend is someone you can argue with, but know you'll have the exact same relationship the next day. They are like family.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
my best friend and I have like the most legacy thingy related ever lol... his grandfather and MY grandfather were best friends, my father and his father are close friends and my best friend and I are duh.

I moved to a different town but I am always in contact or just drop to the old house and stay like 3 or 4 days in that house just to hang with him, he even stays at my home and eats from whatever i am eating.

lol we even have similar names.

My mom even gives him B-day presents and all those stuff.

we do sane debates all the time.


I have another best friend that we used to be in the same classroom since 1st grade until 2nd year of college, he used to eat and be at home sometimes bcuz he is an orphan, slept with me in the same bed( no homo), he moved to USA the other day and we still are in contact.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
My best friend knows more about me than I know about me it seems. To me we seem like very different people but she always seems to know what I'm thinking so does that mean she thinks similarly? Or is she just good at reading certain people? We appreciate pretty much every little thing that makes the other who they are, maybe we are both just curious about people in that way. We like to figure out what makes someone tick.

Its one of those friendships that grows over time, like a long span of time. We weren't real close right off the bat, but over the years we've slowly started clicking more and more. We even had some breaks where we were either living far apart or we just weren't talking much for quite a while. But I guess our friendship just sort of picked up where it left off when we finally did get back together.

Anyway, we just consider each other family now, which is a long way from where we started as we were both kind of distant with each other, despite going through military training together and living together. Don't get me wrong, we were buddies and we had great times but we still didn't really KNOW each other.

Now we talk every single day, I practically live at her house sometimes, I watched her give birth to her first son (my godson), and we are pretty much as close as close gets. She is the only person that I am truly my whole self around.

I guess a best friend can be someone that you sort of continue to learn more and more about and they also help you learn about yourself. Somebody that makes your mind tick and challenges you and helps you move through life. And I guess someone that is just always there even when you think they aren't or when you are apart for a long time. They sort of just become part of who you are.

Highlighted in case people would rather just get to the point than read all the back story lol.



Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
what is fake and gay? Please don't make troll posts in my thread.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
A best friend to ME is someone that I trust 100%, someone I can tell anything to without being embarrassed (too much), and someone I just feel comfortable being around.

I have 5 people in my life right now that I consider best friends. It's nice.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
A best friend to ME is someone that I trust 100%, someone I can tell anything to without being embarrassed (too much), and someone I just feel comfortable being around.

I have 5 people in my life right now that I consider best friends. It's nice.
We actually need to go out for drinks some time. Do an actual party/hangout thing instead of just gaming in my basement. XD


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
We actually need to go out for drinks some time. Do an actual party/hangout thing instead of just gaming in my basement. XD
lol I suppose we could.
We'd probably only end up talking about video games though xD
It's just what we do!


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
I don't really have a best friend, which is unfortunate. I rarely let people get too close to me, always putting up my walls and pushing them away.

Don't get me wrong I have a good number of friends, but none I'd call best friend. I don't tell them my secrets, problems and heart to hearts most best friend would be able to do. It's more just an string of fun times.
Mar 15, 2008
In my opinion, a best friend is a friend who you'll treat like family.

For example, in my case, my neighbors are my best friends. I know that if ANYTHING goes wrong, little or big, I can go to them and they'll help me out. Whether it's something small like advice, or something big like an emergency in which I need someone to house me for a couple of days, I know I can count on them to help me. Likewise, they can count on me if they need help.

I know my brother has done this for several of his friends. There was a period in time in which one of his friends was pretty much homeless because his mom moved and his dad kicked him out of the house. He stayed at my house for a week or so until he was able to support himself (I don't quite remember what he did, since it was a while ago). Anyways, that's a best friend to me. A person that you can trust, you know that they actually care for you, and that they have your back 100% of the time.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Yeah I think the ability to sit in silence and be comfortable is a good thing.Like on long car journeys or watching TV.

Or when you can just give a friend a "look" and they know what your about to say.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
fake and gay
You have no heart.

In my opinion, a best friend is someone you can simply be yourself around. There is no need to watch what you say, and you can show vulnerability without embarrassment or regret.
Also, being yourself is not as common as you'd think; You'd be surprised how many people change even the tiniest bit when around different people to be accepted or to get along better. If you have to change even the smallest amount when around a person, he is not a best friend.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Well, I DO have a best friend. I remember when I met him. I was in 6th grade in my Geography class when I sat next to him. He started talking... the teacher thought it was me... then we sorta just started talking and 4 years since then we're still buds. We like all the same **** and we mess around with each other. We fight, but it's the sorta fight like when you see lion cubs doing it. We also call each other ******* constantly, but is all goo. Man, it sucks so many balls that we don't have the same classes anymore. Now I only have lunch to talk to him and we wish we could have more classes to talk... :/

But yeah, we're like bffs. And he also loves Family Guy so it's easy as hell to start up a conversation


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Nice to see this thread keep going with no input from me.

It's weird I've had a single best friend for so long, even though we disagreed on almost everything I feel like we shared a mental connection. It's like we could understand each other and we were both very reflective people.

Now that she and I have stop talking to each other, I realize that my best friends are my over emotional ex-girlfriend(we stayed close) and another friend of mine who acts so simplistic to the point where I'm convinced she must have some form of mental problem. I still love both of them to death, but I feel like we're missing the connection my previous best friend and I shared. Oh well.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Nice to see this thread keep going with no input from me.

It's weird I've had a single best friend for so long, even though we disagreed on almost everything I feel like we shared a mental connection. It's like we could understand each other and we were both very reflective people.

Now that she and I have stop talking to each other, I realize that my best friends are my over emotional ex-girlfriend(we stayed close) and another friend of mine who acts so simplistic to the point where I'm convinced she must have some form of mental problem. I still love both of them to death, but I feel like we're missing the connection my previous best friend and I shared. Oh well.
It's good to hear you have a couple best friends; I stated in the previous page what I consider a best friend, but I just realized that I don't really have any, lol. I mean, I have plenty of friends, just not best friends. :ohwell:

sammy p

Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2009
good ole illinois
i feel like i have the best friends anyone could ask for!
im pretty much inseperable from one of them. the second one lives in a different town than me..
the one i live closest to is kindof pessimistic when he gets into that mood, and im usually overly optimistic. i think opposites attract in this case. either way, niether of us could go long without the other because were such good friends.
the one that lives further away is pretty much just like me. he "my brother from another mother" you could say! totally my twin.
if i didnt have them, im not sure what i could do.
NEVER underappriciate your friends!
i went to school with this one girl a few years ago, and kept in touch with her best friend since i moved.... well, that girl died in a car accident about a month ago, and the friend i still talk to was torn to pieces.. still is.. you never know what could happen to your friends..


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
"Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it's broke... but there'll always be a crack in the motha****ing reflection"

Anyway on the subject of quotes... I felt like this one was interesting.

"An enemy would stab you in the back. A best friend... stabs you from the front and then takes care of your wounds."

I feel like it's really... really true lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
"Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it's broke... but there'll always be a crack in the motha****ing reflection"

Anyway on the subject of quotes... I felt like this one was interesting.

"An enemy would stab you in the back. A best friend... stabs you from the front and then takes care of your wounds."

I feel like it's really... really true lol.
Those are true quotes.

Well, at least now I don't have to check my front anymore, just my back. :p


Smash Apprentice
Nov 18, 2009
Norman Oklahoma
I think I'll start my post by saying that I have moved seven times. Each time I move, it is from one state to another. Thus, I've never really had many friends.

But the friends I do have... Are the best people in the world. There are a couple that live in Nashville TN, where I lived about two years ago, and I talk to them all the time. A few in different cities all along the midwest/ATL south. When I get to visit them, there's always man/hugs when I arrive, and tears when I leave, every time. We're all like siblings. It's really amazing.
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