Yeah, there will be like no point in bringing your homework, and most our tourneys are completely over at like...6? idunno lol
jack, I want to help you as much as I can, let me know what I can do for you.
help me with TVs? lol
also convince evan and matt bring their TVs too? lol
probably not gonna happen =/
btw mike, we wont be able to play or lan any comp games until the tournament is completely finished. Yakal is right on that part of having it finishing at 6 ish. after that i plan to have lots of friendlies. but after we may lan party.
also a semi-pro korean at SC / dota might be there that day, and hes so freaking fast/good O_o, you'll just have to see him for yourself.
edit: there will be no smash64 tournament due to lack of TVs, so its brawl/melee only tourney. therefore i plan to stats the tourney games, so best luck to you all!