k manuel.....
first things first... i cant believe you said nomsain LOL
manuel this is the first time you explained something without me thinking you were a fake nice guy ( even though you are really nice, i usually dont see it in your post for some reason ) but i get what your saying, this is my list though
1. eric
2. tony
3. manuel <-- maybe if you did better at one more tourney.. i just cant see you at second at this point, sorry.
4. ryan
5. john
6. tiep
7. sion
8. tim
9. Roby... i guess, even though he went to johns tourney, he didnt really participate did he? O_o dnt remember
10. yakal/matt <- i cant see falco losing to DK but maybe if matt used fox he would get this spot. not sure.
sion did really well at the last tourney, i wouldnt put him above tiep just yet, but id say its really close. well maybe, he told me the name of an anime so.... brownie points haha