I'll take the bait, I guess.
Fox running away and shooting lasers IS marginalizing skill. You say that Temple is banned because Fox can win by doing 1% and running away, right? Would you not call the win condition turning into that "skill marginalizing"?
Rainbow Cruise doesn't have to be as broken as Temple. The fact is that it makes the game take far less skill (in my opinion) than the other stages we have legal. Fox can literally run away from most of the viable characters for the entire left and top sections of the stage.
People have been dealing with it because it is tradition, not because it isn't broken. Of course you can win against the camping, but all in all it just leads to a very depth-less fight. It isn't just that it lacks depth though, it's that no one even wants to play on it BECAUSE of how it removes depth.
I love how you think that people other than you and Ripple have been telling me I'm wrong, rather than agreeing with me

And I'm not banning the stage because I don't like it, that would be stupid.
It wasn't a contradiction, actually. Think of it this way. Imagine that Smash was 100% skill. and skill was 20% stage knowledge, 20% character knowledge, 20% mind-games, 20% technical skill and 20% reaction time/decision making.
I said in my post that the person might be MORE SKILLED ON THAT STAGE but not in the other aspects. Does the person who is only skilled at 1/5th of the game deserve to win against the player who is skilled at 4/5ths of it? Hypothetical example, of course, but you get what I mean.
"skill is being able to win given the circumstances have been set with something that
isnt banned broken or overcenteralizing/ a progress of working toward playing at the highest level of play"
Exactly. Broken and over-centralizing elements of the game are banned because they
marginalize skill. I am saying that RC/RR fits the criteria.
I keep telling you, making the game take less skill is THE ONLY REASON THINGS ARE BANNED. Over-centralizing is just a sub-example of that. Just as luck-based stages are another sub-example, etc...
I play Soul Calibur competitively, the stages hardly matter. Nice try though.
EDIT: What Sveet said with the double standard applies too.