You list Meta Knight and Snake; both are hard to believe. Snake is zoning you in the first place with things like grenades, and he can easily ftilt Bowser out of fsmashes if he happens to be close.
Obviously Snake will be camping you with grenades. I'm talking about when there is only a small bit of distance between Bowser and Snake. Snake probably will throw out a spaced Ftilt and this is where the Fsmash will win. However, if Snake is right next to Bowser, then obviously the Fsmash will lose because the drawback can't be utilized. (he'll just be hit by that frame 3 knee of doom) Still, UpB OoS beats non-spaced attacks anyway, as long as you predict the Ftilt is coming and shield beforehand. (Which you should, because it's Snake. If Snake is in Bowser's face, you really should either shield or roll away. There's no other realistic option.)
Meta Knight has the same ftilt situation, even better really. If Meta Knight does maximum speed ftilts, the third hit of his ftilt combo comes out on frame 9.
If MK is spacing Ftilts, Bowser's Fsmash generally wins assuming both players swing at around the exact same time. This is the usual scenario, since using the Fsmash drawback is based on prediction most of the time versus reaction.
When Bowser's Fsmash hitbox comes out isn't as imporant as when the drawback comes out. Again, assuming both players swing at around the same time, Bowser's Fsmash drawback usually lasts long enough to dodge and then punish the lag after MK's ftilt.
frame breakdown:
1-2 startup
3-4 1st hit hitbox out
6-7 2nd hit hitbox out
9-10 3rd hit hitbox out
11-40 cooldown
Assuming it's used correctly, Bowser's Fsamsh will hit in the cooldown of the move. This is how the Fsmash works. Even if it be Snake's Ftilt, Marth's Fsmash, or whatever.
I can't imagine it at all; we're talking about a move that uncharged isn't getting armor until frame 16 and isn't hitting until frame 26. That is pretty sluggish. For reference, Ike's forward smash uncharged hits on frame 31, and Ike has the advantage of a much faster hit after charge release than Bowser and significantly more range to boot (Ike only has to wait until frame 7 after charge release to hit, instead of frame 15 or something like that for Bowser).
This is completely understandable. This is the impression that most people get from Bowser's Fsmash. It's something that is extremely difficult to explain in words, but it actually works. I know, sounds stupid. It's certainly not proving my argument in any way by repeatedly insisting that it works without actual proof.
Again, how fast the hitbox comes out (from a charge or not) isn't that important. What matters is that the drawback comes out near instantly. Bowser's Fsmash is slow, but if you dodge something with the drawback, there's usually always enough time to punish whiffed attacks. Of course, this is how it functioned in regular Brawl. The Super Armor just gives his Fsmash the ability to plow through things without using the drawback.
I'd be happy to be proven wrong; feel free to abuse Bowser, prove him to be the best character in the game, or whatever.
I do no think that Bowser is the best character in the game. My argument from the begining was that I believe Bowser was already up to standards with the rest of the cast, and the super armor was unnecessary on a move that already had an extreme drawback.
I've already had loads of fun abusing the drawback on Bowser's Fsmash. (oh believe me, it's wicked fun) I just think it's unecessary for the balance of the character.
I just think I'm pretty reasonable in not expecting this to happen and for Bowser's forward smash to pan out just fine.
It's reasonable to leave the super armor in because it's not like anyone will complain about it in the first place, since no one really uses Bowser in the first place. lol
But seriously, I'm not going to be super anal about this since you
did tweak the super armor window. (unsure if it was because of my complaining or your own deductions, but either way, this is a plus) In all fairness, it's useless for me to keep complaining about something when you did tweak it. So I'll reserve further judgement until I play the next build.