(BBrawl) This is trying to be like vBrawl so that way there is no transition between BBrawl and vBrawl.
I wanna step in here real fast, because this is not true.
If you increase the damage of a move by 3%, you have changed very little about the
execution of the move. The reward for that move is increased, but whether i'm playing vBrawl or bBrawl, its still going to need the same openings and same spacing to use. Even adding super armor or a trajectory change is not going to change much about the execution of a given move.
Allowing a player to cancel out of Fox's Illusion with a double jump is not just an execution change, it's adding a new function entirely. So if you build enough skill with using the Illusion cancel, you might go back and play vBrawl to find yourself getting punished or falling to your death because you're so used to being able to jump cancel. You might find yourself trying to Uair out of Nayru's Love in vBrawl, ultimately to botch your advantage. It's also worth mentioning that you're going to, subconsciously, be expecting these new bBrawl shenanigans from your opponent, and would have to retrain yourself.
"In other words, no one should have any problem moving between standard Brawl and Balanced Brawl. There should be nothing to learn, relearn, or unlearn as you play one or the other." Case and point.
Now it's easy to look away when it comes to some of the worst designed characters in the bottom tier of vBrawl, since they have so little to work with anyway. I mean, Ganon is hopeless in vBrawl - modifying him into a different character would have never been a problem for me. But then you have spacies, all mid-upper tiered, getting huge changes like this. Things you'd have to
bBrawl separates itself from the other Brawl mods by trying to be an official balance patch, as though it were from Nintendo themselves (right?). If they could run one single patch to try and fix up the tiers and glitches, this code set would be it. But these new changes are creating all kinds of customized ideas and new functions that's turning bBrawl into another interpretation mod.
A change to limit camping totally changes the game physics.
It is of my personal opinion that the smallest of changes to shielding or dodging or ledges or landing could be made small enough to not change the feel of the game while removing some of the frame advantages that being stupidly defensive creates.
BUT, my point was only to show that the current test is changing the game in a lot of ways contradicting the project goals.
Of course, I think Brawl was an excellent game in the first place, and I sense a premise that disagrees with that...
...It probably happened to be the case that the average defensive character was better than the average offensive character, but that's just a particular quirk of how the balance played out and in either case not worse than the other way around.
I, genuinely, like the game's slow down as I think it makes it more accessible to the less reactive players. I like that the game is floatier (more like 64) as it gives an opponent more time to look for elements of prediction. I like that there's no L-canceling, as it cut in on the balance of landing lag and the risk of aerials. I like that you can grab a ledge from behind, as that seems like a no brainer.
To call it an excellent game, though, requires that the word "competitive" be absent from the front of "game". A game who's philosophy is that the defending player have it easier is a game that encourages the player to not do anything. To not play. Smash could still be a fun game if shielding/dodging was removed, entirely, and we'd have nothing but attacks and spacing. If it were more defensive, you'd be less likely to try to attack. For any amount more offensive the game becomes, the more the game is likely to move forward and progress rather than be an idling/guessing game.
With tripping, the highest imbalance of "party" items yet, the huge waste of dev time that was the subspace emissary, the half-***** online mode and the clear lack of attention to balance that allowed things like infinites/locks... I think it's easy to see why the classic game is poorly received by those not dazzled by flashing lights and chaotic KOs.
(fixing planking) That's a secret as of the moment, BPC~
Whatever they do, a simple forced standup from the 4th ledge grab without touching the ground would do it, with minimal impact to ledgehogging or trying to get back on stage naturally.