Since there doesn't appear to be a results thread, I'll just go ahead and post my shoutouts here:
DSF - I never talked to you or anything. However, wow. I only watched you play against Blood Hawk, but that match alone scared the hell out of me. Snake never seemed more horrifying than when he was preventing any sort of approach or attack from Lucario with a constant barrage of knees, punches, uptilts, and well-timed grabs. I want to play your Snake if you don't mind, if you ever decide to come to the MW again or if there's ever a national tournament that you go to.

You have been an inspiration for me to stick with Pikachu. From what I heard, your sets with DSF were really tense and close. I will be monitoring the interwebz carefully to see when these videos pop up, I am desperate to analyze them. I might still switch to G&W against Metaknight, but that may change once I understand the matchup better. Your Pikachu prowess is profound :D. I want to see as many recent videos as I can of yours, because analyzing your game is just intriguing to me. Pikachu as a life tank in teams? You had me speechless.
Vidjo Gamer - I'm so glad we met up again! You're such a friendly guy, and so skilled at smash brothers. And not to scare you but I think you're pretty cute too. I'm kind of surprised you remembered my former alias, to be honest. You should rock the Pikachu though! Just look at Anther. You played with Pikachu quite a bit in Melee, and now Pikachu is apparently tournament viable! :D Go Pikachu! That would be awesome. Why is it that you don't attend more midwest circuit events, is it just a money issue? Your presence would definitely ignite the MW scene.
Needle of Juntah - From things I heard about you, I thought you would be kind of a **** to me when I saw we had our first match, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Thanks for complimenting my G&W and thanks for the advice. I probably won't turn off tap jump because my Pikachu desperately needs it for QAC'ing, but I will consider the tactic. Maybe I'll PM you some time and ask you to go into more detail about it, because I do have trouble with Metaknights even though I switch to G&W from Pikachu to do it.
Blood Hawk - You're such a cool dude, you know that? Then again, pokemon nerds always are, right? Your Spikehands McDougal is definitely amazing. I wonder why you and Anther don't team Lucario/Pikachu... that would be so fun to watch I think. Then again Lain would be pissed, eh?
Kel - Your Marth is very solid. I thoroughly enjoyed our Marth ditto on Corneria XD. I would be very interested in doing more Marth dittos with you. Also 'grats on placing 5th yet again! I can't get over how funny this is.
Solon (Lain) - You know what? I was unable to play you in the MM because Xiivi (my driver) had to leave ASAP during the early portion of singles. But I definitely want to take that dollar from you... and when I do, it's going to be in my signature, you can count on that. Also I think JBro would like to smoke with you if the opportunity arises at WTON.
Scarecrow - Nice placing! I am impressed. I didn't get to play you or see you play at all, but you have to have improved since the last time we played. How about some friendlies at WTON? Would be great!
Joshu - So glad you made it! Was worried that you wouldn't show up because you didn't have a ride. So if you don't mind me asking, what's your new address? I would love to invite you over on the weekends to be with the rest of my smash crew for lots of friendlies, teams, and other such things.
TheMann - Your Luigi is stunning. I was unprepared to play a good Luigi in our crew battle, no doubt about it. And you have a pretty good Melee Falco too

And you're chill as hell. But I won't unfortunately be returning to Melee ever again though. It really screwed with me when we played each other right after that in the bracket.
Overswarm - Sorry I didn't get that promised MM with you. Unforseen banking catastrophies killed me, I'm still extremely strapped for cash right now. 150 dollars, down the drain...

. But, depending on how my money situation looks at WTON, we will either do 5 or 20 (length of the set will be affected). You know the drill. Also I wish I could have played you a little bit... however Jekyll did, his Ganon is getting pretty good ne?
Chewyy - YOU ARE A *******! Well not really you, just the Ice Climbers...... I think I can buff up my G&W and defeat them though. Next time I see you, I'm challenging you to a money match. And I better not get you in my pools AGAIN. Fighting those Ice Climbers is like running away from a ****ing murderer.
Infern Angelis - The only thing I remember you from is how I kept you from taking my stock in the crew battle :D Your Ike is solid though, I'd like to play ya if you go out for another tourney sometime (thinking WTON).
Dope - Hi there. You may not remember me, but I am an oldschool smasher who used to have the forum name Ruler of Melee. Haven't seen you play and haven't even seen you until recently, but hopefully that changes.
Samurai Panda - I wanted to play you again, but time factors prevented it. Are you going to be at WTON? I would love to do some Brawl small talk and perhaps play you a little bit again. You're a cool dude. And you sound just like Chris Hansen. Would you mind doing a recorded impression of him if I gave you some money? LOL.
Smash64 - Aren't you the random asian guy who ***** my Lucas with Snake in the random tourney? You're a very skilled player. Can't wait until the next time you go to a tournament that I'm in.
Quivo - Are you the guy I had those DK dittos and Marth dittos with? Those were fun as hell! I'd love to do more dittos.
Xiivi - Sup Xiv. You goin to WTON? Oh..... nevermind

. Too bad you're leaving the area. When are you coming back?
Sci-Fi Guy - Grrrr... should not have suicided

. I had the confidence to turn that set in pools around too. Oh well. Maybe we'll have a money match sometime so that my Pikachu can prove its worth.
Rofa - Sorry about what seemed to be my agitation, Rofa. I wasn't upset with you at all, don't think that for a second. I was just agitated that I couldn't find a place to get a bottle of Vault before the singles tournament started, I was parched. You're a very cool guy though. Sorry to hear about your struggles

. Hopefully you can make it out of those troubles and can attend another circuit tourney.. I'd definitely like to play you again, this time equipping an anti-metaknight stone to my Pikachu >: )
Sliq - I saw that loss to Kel's metaknight.... we're all feeling the MK heat man

. Your Bowser is crazy, I enjoy watching it a lot. Can't wait to see you at WTON.
Dr. X - Still repping the Pit I see! Good to know that you haven't lost confidence in the character you enjoy using. WTON is gonna be crazy.... I also never got the MM I proposed to you in the shoutouts from SaC2. Maybe we'll have one then?
JBro - Why am I shoutouting you, I talk to you everyday lolz.
Kyari - **** you Kyari! You got so bracket *****.... and your G&W was blowing balls too. Work on that shiz yo.
Jkbuk - Your G&W surprises me with those random smash attacks lol. Those can be pretty dangerous. Are you going to be attending any tourney outside MI?
Ace - You've got a pretty good Falco sir. I enjoyed playing you when I got there first thing, hopefully we will be able to play again.
Omniswell - Your Wolf is surprising, and the very first serious Wolf player that I've ever met. I'd like to friendly you a bit, I think we would enjoy ourselves.
And now, for others that didn't make it to the bracket or didn't enter (did you see what I did there?):
Jekyll: Yo man, you gonna be with me to WTON? Get your **** ready to come by on the Thursday of that week then, cause WTON may very well be a 2 day tournament. Also give me your cellphone number please! I hate having to use SWF for everything >_<.
TheBlueBlade: Sure thing man

I would definitely like to play you at WTON, and not in a Bowser ditto @ Skyworld XD. Although that was fun. Also I played the way I did vs you with my PT vs Link because Link is my hot sexy videogame ****buddy and I refuse to give him damage. It wasn't an offense to you or anything, I wouldn't be that unsportsmanlike.
Scotu: You're a pretty cool guy. I saw your name on the forums over and over again with the frame data stuff, so glad I could finally meet you. Do you have that DK vs Fox match vidcaptured yet? I want to show that to my friends.
Vayseth: Mad props to hosting this tournament. You had to put up with a bunch of bull****, some of which is mine and for that I apologize

but seriously, that area is too confusing to navigate. Now I know the REAL reason no-one travels outside of Michigan for tourneys..... it's too **** confusing to find your way out! (haha take that

). But yes mad props to you, and you're a cool dude, hope to see you at WTON and maybe we can play a few matches, like Marth vs Dedede (Marth is out for revenge

Holy *** that was a long shoutout.
If anyone else remembers me that I didn't shoutout, feel free to bug me about it. I don't like leaving people out.