Something to note the best thing I could get it to combo into was f-tilt on gannon at like 80% nothing esle works i've tested and tested and tested. however something to understand about d-throw if it didn't have that ending lag it would be a perfect copy of sheik's d-throw in EVERYWAY. if you watch mario gets comboed like wise sheik can jump out at 0% perfect with great timing and di. You have to know what works on the player. I've tech chased marths with d-throw and it should last till like 60% vs sheik
You have to know how they will react for it to be useful. If they tech combo or tech chase if they try to jump out sometimes combo or upair them and they don't have their 2nd jump. If they try nair sometimes you can be faster and combo them or sheild and then up-smash if they air dodge out just nair them. also di is a sigh they will tech maybe airdodge they won't attack. It's prediction IF they know how pichu's d-throw works or they try to always do something by reaction.
Unless it's like mario or something i'd just up-throw. Space animals just tech chase if they mess their tech jab reset f-smash is **** as all get out.
Really I think f-throw is more solid for combos like vs puff f-throw nair also as falco I play some mean mindgames with f-throw i'll f-throw into f-throw into DD regrab into fsmash or dair just know how they will react and this does more than just gives you extra percent it really gets in people's heads that you know everything they'll do. I mean to do it as pichu but up-throw upair dair is very nice damage when I fight sheik/falco(up-throw combos be fun) but mindgames is what pichu just totally ***** at.
after so much f-throw like different throw into combo.
mother f***er I could write some pages on pichu.