Sorry I haven't been posting here guys. It's been pretty inactive here and my internet's been down for a while too
Anyways... Without touching any walls/floors/ceilings, the only direction that you can go twice in with your up-b is Up. Ch3s pretty much hit the nail on the head with how to perform that technique.
It's a different story if you're touching a wall/floor/ceiling. You can go left/right twice across the floor if you start your up-b on the floor and do your first zip of the up-b diagonally downwards in the direction you want to go, then go directly horizontally with your second zip (you can also do the opposite, going horizontally with the first zip then diagonally downwards with the second zip). This isn't really useful though, because the lag that you suffer after doing this is tremendous.
I haven't actually tested it, but I'd imagine that the same concept could be used for going downwards/upwards twice while touching a vertical wall. I'm pretty sure that this works, but I'll test it next time I get the chance to just to make sure.
Apex is in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited, and I can't wait to show everyone how much my Pikachu has improved
I hope I see many of you guys there!