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Q&A Ask about Pikachu! Hosted by Axe and N64! feat. dkuo!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2009
AXE you played realllly well in crews dude.
that stage + mango's spaced bairs just don't go well together.
how many pikachu mains are 100% (or close to that) sure they are going to pound?


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2007
Axe, in the crew battle u managed to get out of two up-throw uair setups by lovage. Did you Smash DI's those on reaction or is it simpler than that? You're too good.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
AXE you played realllly well in crews dude.
that stage + mango's spaced bairs just don't go well together.
how many pikachu mains are 100% (or close to that) sure they are going to pound?
haha thanks man, i tried my best ^^ mango's way too freakin good o.O i'm not 100% sure about pound sadly, but i'm probably at about a 50% chance right now

Axe, in the crew battle u managed to get out of two up-throw uair setups by lovage. Did you Smash DI's those on reaction or is it simpler than that? You're too good.
haha yeah... it's smash DI =) the moment the first kick of fox's uair hits you, you just push the control stick upwards. at least, i always try to smash DI it upwards. thanks to this, it makes it SO much easier to fight fox's :)

oh and also as you saw, as soon as the first kick hits you and you smash DI it, when the 2nd one misses, you can fastfall and counterattack with an ariel. VERY useful on fox players that love to uthrow uair

Axe, seriously, how the **** do you get hits on Fox from a neutral position? I feel really comfortable once I get a hit on Fox, but really patient DD happy Foxes are just unhittable for my Pikachu :(...
haha well... on fox's that like to DD a bunchload, and it seems like you can never hit them, i always try 1 of 5 things

1) approach with a full jump thunderjolt. many players don't think about doing an ariel through the jolts. whenever they don't know how to counter this, it's AMAZING because you can follow it up with an up smash, a running downsmash, a grab, or a Nair (at least, those are the moves that i always use to follow it up).

2) Short hop at them like you're about to shffl a nair, but instead at the last second, waveland backwards. you have no idea how many fox players will try to grab you once you land. if you waveland backwards, unless they expect it, they'll always whiff a grab, which allows you any free hit on them

3) SHffl Uair approach is actually really awesome. too many fox players think you're too far away to hit them, but then the very tip of your tail will reach suprisingly far and flick them behind you. most fox players won't tech that, and you can run backwards and Usmash while they're on the ground. i love this =) i probably shouldn't have said SHffl uair though, cuz it's most likely better if you don't fastfall. just uair right before you hit the ground so that way the tip of your tail extends its furthest forward

4) running Dsmash. this is risky, but most of the time i do this, the player will run into it. if you miss, you could get punished, so don't spam this. this is just a suprise move if nothing else works

5) running Dtilt. i LOVE this. this is the approach that i use the most on DD happy players. most of the time, the Dtilt will miss though, but that's still a good thing, because this move has such little lag that you can't be punished for using it. if you watch my vids, i use dtilt A LOT, i love that move lol. it's probably my main approach move. if the dtilt misses, i usually do a shffl neutral, and for some reason they always misjudge and get hit by it. Dtilt -> grab is awesome too. this is pretty much my safe move

Scumfever: <3 :)

SoldierRift: although i'm black, i suck so bad at making up raps lol! good luck with that man :p


Smash Cadet
Oct 1, 2009
Uh <-- Super noob here, but what's DD fox mean? xD

I'm relatively new to smash in general, but I love watching your videos Axe, so I'm really taking to heart the advice you give. I'll have to try this stuff the next time I get a chance to =D.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
It's just a way people like Marth and Fox can be super gay.

You run back and forth so you can be in a position: to attack at any moment, run away at any moment, counterattack, be annoying and do nothing, camp, or have something to do between stocks.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
oldie but so so goody


not quite "rap" but whatever XD
not gonna lie, that was a pretty awesome vid lol!

D'oh, I always try to go around it because I'm afraid of it and get ruined.
haha yeah, i had never thought about it until Forward did it to me in a tournament match. i got completely wrecked because back then, that was pretty much my only approach. ever since he did that, all the other players around my area started doing that to me too after watching him, so i really can't use it anymore =( but i'm willing to bet it'd still work if i went out of state =)

Uh <-- Super noob here, but what's DD fox mean? xD

I'm relatively new to smash in general, but I love watching your videos Axe, so I'm really taking to heart the advice you give. I'll have to try this stuff the next time I get a chance to =D.
ahahaha thank you so much ^^ i'm glad you're getting to know pikachu, he's the best character in the game XD

anyways, as insane crazy guy said already, DD means Dash Dance, which is just dashing left and right.... i suck at explaining this lol. you should look it up. but basically, there's those few people that you'll fight that LOVE to DD, and will just DD all day until they find an opening to attack you. their weakness, though, is throwing out a fake approach, because they'll think they see an opening and go for it, then you'll do something completely unexpected and they'll be like WTF i got owned :p


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
haha well... on fox's that like to DD a bunchload, and it seems like you can never hit them, i always try 1 of 5 things

1) approach with a full jump thunderjolt. many players don't think about doing an ariel through the jolts. whenever they don't know how to counter this, it's AMAZING because you can follow it up with an up smash, a running downsmash, a grab, or a Nair (at least, those are the moves that i always use to follow it up).

2) Short hop at them like you're about to shffl a nair, but instead at the last second, waveland backwards. you have no idea how many fox players will try to grab you once you land. if you waveland backwards, unless they expect it, they'll always whiff a grab, which allows you any free hit on them

3) SHffl Uair approach is actually really awesome. too many fox players think you're too far away to hit them, but then the very tip of your tail will reach suprisingly far and flick them behind you. most fox players won't tech that, and you can run backwards and Usmash while they're on the ground. i love this =) i probably shouldn't have said SHffl uair though, cuz it's most likely better if you don't fastfall. just uair right before you hit the ground so that way the tip of your tail extends its furthest forward

4) running Dsmash. this is risky, but most of the time i do this, the player will run into it. if you miss, you could get punished, so don't spam this. this is just a suprise move if nothing else works

5) running Dtilt. i LOVE this. this is the approach that i use the most on DD happy players. most of the time, the Dtilt will miss though, but that's still a good thing, because this move has such little lag that you can't be punished for using it. if you watch my vids, i use dtilt A LOT, i love that move lol. it's probably my main approach move. if the dtilt misses, i usually do a shffl neutral, and for some reason they always misjudge and get hit by it. Dtilt -> grab is awesome too. this is pretty much my safe move
1, 2, and 4 haven't been working for me, they've been my default :p.

I'll work on the uair and dtilting, thanks for the suggestions :)

I'm gonna post a teams match tonight from this weekend where I had 8 KOs with Pikachu :p


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2007
Scappoose, Oregon
Pika is amazing in doubles. I should have taped the doubles matches I had this weekend. It feels great coming back to melee.

^All those suggestions are things I knew already, but using them in matches is a bit trickier than doing them in training, apart from five.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
mogwai - **** dude, I didn't realize how many pika vids you had. I searched for that doubles match to see if it was up yet, and saw like a million. I'll have to watch those, I think I've seen all of axe, anther and chads vids and all 2 of N64s.

wad - yea, pika and melee are amazing, so is your avatar


Smash Cadet
Oct 1, 2009
Ah ok, I was thinking about it after (I've watched AHTP videos and I've been slowly practicing them) and that's what I thought.

Thanks for the confirmation though =D *runs off to practice*


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
It would be amazing if you guys had pichu's up-B not joking. It's really good for approach and to get people above you like jump around quicky up-B away and upair juggle maybe up-smash. But yeah I just got *****. thunder is good very puff when she is high and he quickly learned never try to rest a pichu.

Hey what's the best way to deal with puff? run around random attack and sometimes a B and bait her by jumping up really high but yeah what esle?


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
Best way to deal with a Puff?

Got your MU info right here:

aw dude pikachu against jigs. pikachu ***** jigs. so you have an easy match to begin with anyways.
but like they said your up airs **** jigs your up smash kills her at 40% seen it kill at less pending the stage your on. just dont get rested lol. but even if you do get rested just use pikachus bad @ recovery.
and spam the heck out of the thunder. even a human player with jigs will fall prey easy to thunder.

for instance try to catch jigs at the hour glass top part of the stage. do a thunder on her at that level its an intant kill. but realy you should have no probwith that match up. for one jigs is the perfect personto thunder cancle on. her moves when teching right dont even phase pikachu.
Good stuff.

@ new/gullible people:
don't believe everything you read


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
Fine, against most conventional MUs, SHFFLs are to be the way to go, but I feel that full hop approaches are better against Jiggs.

I like fairs and nairs against Jiggs too.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
yeah but jigglypuff can easily just bair you in the balls I tryed it doesn't work normally. fair can't really do much it's 7% at max and it won't set-up up jack.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
mogwai - **** dude, I didn't realize how many pika vids you had. I searched for that doubles match to see if it was up yet, and saw like a million. I'll have to watch those, I think I've seen all of axe, anther and chads vids and all 2 of N64s.

wad - yea, pika and melee are amazing, so is your avatar
I'll post it here when it gets up, but yea, there are at least a few vids of DJN and I playing double Pikachu and there are probably 1 or 2 of me doing Pika with XYT's Sheik.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2008
Torrance, CA
i play pika against my sister (a complete scrub) and i was favorably impressed with pikachu's nair. it seems to have good priority and knockback, and sh nair seemed to be a good approach.

but then i watched some of y'all's videos and i noticed that you guys never use it for that.

what're your opinions of nair?


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
Posted this in the matchup thread as well thought it would be better here.

How would you bait a Sheik for them to mess up?

Like just Nair and run away and hope they miss a grab?

Thats a thing I dont know when I fight a sheik how can I bait them?

Any help?


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Behr - one of the simpler baits, conceptually, in Melee for anyone really [especially against someone who likes to grab and/or shield-grab a LOT] is to full/short hop toward them when they're grounded and waveland backward [or forward through them, depending on how close to them you're landing]

they'll whiff a grab and you're free to punish if possible

good/decent options: running usmash, JC-grab, SH-d/nair, fsmash, running dsmash [meh], dash attack [meh], f/d-tilt [if you feel it's your only appropriate option quick enough to hit before their whiff-lag is over]

you can make this work with like...medium-level spam.

- when it can set up a gimp
- when you can 0-death CG a fast-faller [=D]
- when they're at enough damage to be effectively edge-guarded
- when they're at enough damage to die from the appropriate smash attack

non-Pika example so you can at least picture what I'm talking about:

Another setup, instead of simply jumping and wavelanding, is to time any aerial so you still have time to waveland...that way if you approach with an aerial, they're more likely to shield and take the bait [picture Doc's SH-bair and how he can still waveland after the bair is complete...or hell even Pika's SH-uair!]


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
good stuff. Nice gimps.

2:16 made me o.O

also, I never thought I'd say this to a pika, but I think you uair a little too much. Just a little. I mean, it is amazing and all, but yeah.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
lolll I was thinking the same things about the uairs

as for 2:16, my [educated] guess is that the Marth was dtilting or dash-grabbing [or one of the many other moves that extends Marth's hurt-box due to his hand being extended to do a move...which is also how you can effectively "outrange" Marth's fsmash with Pika's..if you bait it, anyway XD]

good stuff, though!


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
The same principle the applies to the knee applies to Pika's uair as well.

Any time not spent uairing is better spent uairing.

OK, maybe not that extreme, but you get the point. XD
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