Hey guys, I'd like to start off by saying, yes I am new, but falco is my fav character and i've been playing him for awhile now, and I have some pretty easy questions.
WARNING: Some of these may have already been asked
Q1: When I'm doing a SHL, for example. When I do the SH do I press b when falco is at his peak hight? in the middle of jump? or towards the end? no one really ever explained this in tutorials.
Q2: Via the SHDL, whats the point of it? I get that you do the DL if the char wants to jump or if its a taller character, aside from that and a dmg plus, why?
Q3: My friend is an annoying little ***ck with fox, I mean this is pure nub works here. Running up smashes, FS spam, and shine stall spam, whats the easiest way besides CG'ing to deal with Foxes?
Q4: I know how to do that gatling combo, and I can laser lock almost at anytime (i've even laser-locked icylight =p), but do you guys have any simple and easy tips for doing this boost upsmash thing?
any help would be great!