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Ask a quick question, get a quick answer (The Marth FAQ's)


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
There isn't any definitive way of landing it :p you just need to trick your opponent into putting up his shield.

I.E. Yesterday, I ground pivoted a shield breaker and broke DEHF's shield.

I...guess the most consistent way of landing it would be to wait for your opponent to land on the ground (while you charge it, or use it right away once they land).

You could also try and use it as your opponent gets up from the ledge or when he get ups while on the ground (not too early so that they power shield it, but not too late so that they realize how much danger they are in by holding up their shield.)

Pivoting the shield breaker can really psyche your opponent out, too.

I dunno :-X it's all mindgames, I guess.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2009
Contra Costa County, California
There isn't any definitive way of landing it :p you just need to trick your opponent into putting up his shield.

I.E. Yesterday, I ground pivoted a shield breaker and broke DEHF's shield.

I...guess the most consistent way of landing it would be to wait for your opponent to land on the ground (while you charge it, or use it right away once they land).

You could also try and use it as your opponent gets up from the ledge or when he get ups while on the ground (not too early so that they power shield it, but not too late so that they realize how much danger they are in by holding up their shield.)

Pivoting the shield breaker can really psyche your opponent out, too.

I dunno :-X it's all mindgames, I guess.
Thanks a lot for the informative post! :D
I usually only use SB if I see the opponent shields too much and/or they're on the defense.
I just have trouble actually hitting them with SB because it's kinda slow and has a weird hitbox.

The Marth

Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2007
The max shieldbreaks that I've done on an opponent in one match is 2. I don't overuse SB, no matter how sexy it is.

What are some followups for grabs? Usually I just follow up with a fair.
Usually more grabs, on heavier characters, did you see the star foxes CG combo? Sometime your opponent will airdoge out of the fair, so use a grab here and there to mix itup.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2008
Discovered: Sending Napalm
I mix it up so their DI has to be improved and then my reaction is changed. Like I D-throw and if they DI toward and up, I'll bair or uair. If the DI away, I'll dash a fair or dashed U-smash. Depends.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Bthrow is only good for throwing your partner out of the **** after he used Rest in Brawl+.


Don't use that whackass move

Fthrow > DB is more likely to land than Dthrow > DB also considering most DI tendencies.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2008
Discovered: Sending Napalm
Bthrow is only good for throwing your partner out of the **** after he used Rest in Brawl+.


Don't use that whackass move

Fthrow > DB is more likely to land than Dthrow > DB also considering most DI tendencies.
I still use F-throw because then I hit him into my opponents, and guess what, oftentimes into a rest. Collision rests are ****.... except....

One time, in a double tournament, all my opponents were at high percentages and by accident my partner got launched instead of my opponent. So I perfect rested him instead of my opponent, and I got a lot of damage as a result.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008

That. You can do so many different things after throws, especially Fthrows. As long as you keep mixing it up, you'll probably get better results.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2009
Wasn't sure whether to ask this in the neutral air thread or here, but if you ff into hitting your opponent with the first hit of nair does that generally mean you can smash them? (And not miss obviously) Does it depend on how much damage they already have or the character it is?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2009
You can link first hit nair to almost everything.
ah now I get it.

When I read that before in a different thread I thought "How are you supposed to stop marth from doing the 2nd hit?" So I tried doing some nairs in game and just mashing shield and other buttons to see if I could stop marth before he used his 2nd slash. (fail)

Today though I playing and accidentally used ff nair to usmash, and I thought... "that was weird." So I started trying it in training mode and kept registering as a combo... So I was like "o what's this?? New secret discovery by meh? I'm so amazing." (jk)



Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
ah now I get it.

When I read that before in a different thread I thought "How are you supposed to stop marth from doing the 2nd hit?" So I tried doing some nairs in game and just mashing shield and other buttons to see if I could stop marth before he used his 2nd slash. (fail)

Today though I playing and accidentally used ff nair to usmash, and I thought... "that was weird." So I started trying it in training mode and kept registering as a combo... So I was like "o what's this?? New secret discovery by meh? I'm so amazing." (jk)

Relying on the consecutive hits counter to tell whether or not something is a combo is setting yourself up for failure.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
so you can ff nair so the first part is the only that hits to like, an fsmash or a grab?
I'm not sure if it will link into an fsmash, but definitely a grab and lots of other things. Just going by the frame a grab comes out I can tell you that DB, DS, Jab, Dsmash, and I think utilt would work. Anything with more frames than grab I'm not sure on


Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2009
I main Lucas and I'm just wondering, how good would Marth be as a secondary for Lucas? I know he's up there for dealing with Lucas's bad matchups.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
I main Lucas and I'm just wondering, how good would Marth be as a secondary for Lucas? I know he's up there for dealing with Lucas's bad matchups.
I should just copy paste this to everyone who posts this, because this is pretty much my feeling on the matter:

Marth arguably has the second best matchups in the game after MK and is very capable of beating his bad matchups. However, Marth is not simply one of those "pick up and beat your bad matchups" characters. Even some of the matchups he should win in take dedication to Marth as a character. For me, personally, I still have some trouble with characters like Falco and Diddy, even though Marth does win those matchups.

So it's up to you, if you want to dedicate yourself as if to make him a second main. Then again I don't really know what Lucas's bad matchups are either.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Be a good player first before you pick up Marth as a secondary to beat up your bad match-ups.

The road is less painful that way.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2009
Relying on the consecutive hits counter to tell whether or not something is a combo is setting yourself up for failure.
Yeah that's why I came to here and asked...

training mode -> consult smashboards.

Disclaimer: The above symbol is a dash and a greater than sign therefore being an arrow. Training mode is not greater than smashboards.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Does anyone have the lyrics to "The Fresh Prince of Altea"? I can't find them much, and it reminds me of the "Emblem Lord" days.
Fresh Prince of Altea

Now, this is a story all about how
My Marth got flip turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I pwn noobs all day using Marth's forward air.

In the west side of Altea born and raised
On Final Destination was where I spent most of my days
Short hoppin' and gimpin' and tippin' all cool
And takin' some random online scrubs to school
When a couple of noobs
Who were up to no good
Started qq'ing in my neighborhood
I powered up my Wii and they all got scared
They said 'You're not allowed to use Marth cuz he has a broken forward air'

I whistled for a smash ball and when it came near
I broke it with a fair and all the noobs shed a tear
If anything I can say this final smash is the s***
And I thought 'eat this you qq'ers LOL CRITICAL HIT'

I put down my controller 'round seven or eight
And I yelled over vent 'Yo homes brawl ya later'
Time to eat dinner, but never despair,
I'll be back on tomorrow to spam some more fair

The Marth

Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2007
Fresh Prince of Altea

Now, this is a story all about how
My Marth got flip turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I pwn noobs all day using Marth's forward air.

In the west side of Altea born and raised
On Final Destination was where I spent most of my days
Short hoppin' and gimpin' and tippin' all cool
And takin' some random online scrubs to school
When a couple of noobs
Who were up to no good
Started qq'ing in my neighborhood
I powered up my Wii and they all got scared
They said 'You're not allowed to use Marth cuz he has a broken forward air'

I whistled for a smash ball and when it came near
I broke it with a fair and all the noobs shed a tear
If anything I can say this final smash is the s***
And I thought 'eat this you qq'ers LOL CRITICAL HIT'

I put down my controller 'round seven or eight
And I yelled over vent 'Yo homes brawl ya later'
Time to eat dinner, but never despair,
I'll be back on tomorrow to spam some more fair

you earned it lol that was win.


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is my favorite show, and that had to be the best remix ever, Marth-esque at that. I'm saving that post lol

Nelo Vergil

Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Where you aren't
I have a serioushy comment (Not that Fresh Prince isnt win, it really is =D)

Today I was looking up things on other chars, hit the Dorf boards and saw this Salmon Stepping thing (the name could use work) in which its like a super stutter step. I than decided to test it on Marth, and what you get is basically a Fsmash where he takes a forward step, adding to Marths already great range and allowing for a safer tipper smash. Of course anything past 5 minutes is old on the internet, so I was wondering if this further Fsmash has ever been discussed.


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
I have a serioushy comment (Not that Fresh Prince isnt win, it really is =D)

Today I was looking up things on other chars, hit the Dorf boards and saw this Salmon Stepping thing (the name could use work) in which its like a super stutter step. I than decided to test it on Marth, and what you get is basically a Fsmash where he takes a forward step, adding to Marths already great range and allowing for a safer tipper smash. Of course anything past 5 minutes is old on the internet, so I was wondering if this further Fsmash has ever been discussed.
Never heard of Salmon Stepping, but definitely Stutter Stepping, and certain characters need that in order to do FThrow/DThrow --> Tipper Fsmash. But you probably know that already.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Morehead, KY
I have a serioushy comment (Not that Fresh Prince isnt win, it really is =D)

Today I was looking up things on other chars, hit the Dorf boards and saw this Salmon Stepping thing (the name could use work) in which its like a super stutter step. I than decided to test it on Marth, and what you get is basically a Fsmash where he takes a forward step, adding to Marths already great range and allowing for a safer tipper smash. Of course anything past 5 minutes is old on the internet, so I was wondering if this further Fsmash has ever been discussed.

This is called stutter stepping for sure, and is indeed useful on marth. its pretty good for taking a step back to fsmash too. You'll see MK's utilize the back step to fsmash alot... too much really, anyway the back step is pretty nice for marth too, just dont spam fsmash too hard of course :3 . edit - reread that and you said its different than the stutter step, my apologies.

Nelo Vergil

Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Where you aren't
Well SS for Marth he goes backwards correct (Back+Smash) as a defensive move. Salmon Stepping is (Forward->Back JS+Smash CS), in which he steps forward. I believe any Dorf SS char's (Sonic atleast, but CF and Mario likely to) they take a Huge step and smash. Others like Marth more or less get the effects Sonic and them had just stutter stepping.
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