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Arkansas Smashers Chat

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Hey what I can do Chamber's is just crash at my friend's apartment like I did this summer. That opens up an extra bed. Oooooooooooor I could sleep in your room and we could cuddle :D

...your choice.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
Hey, this is very much a possibility. So long as you do not step on my amps or on the wires to the amps I'd be cool with it. I wouldn't expect any money, but let's make a fun wager. We'll MM at some point during the weekend, and if I win you can pay a few bucks. If I lose, you can keep it and I'll ride you home anyway. Sound okay?
Dude, you have to save that match until you get here.

Maybe we can put it on Youtube.

Oh yeah, as far as sleeping arrangements go, we have a giant L-shaped couch with part of it that turns in to a bed that can sleep Max 3 people. We also have some extra mattresses lying around. The only thing we don't have a lot of is covers/pillows, so you might wanna take your own or maybe just a sleeping bag if you feel like it. Between our house and the dorms at UALR, you should be able to find somewhere to sleep.
My room is now clean, so it can sport at least two or three people on the floor, if they don't mind the fact that I sleep in the nude

Iori you had your chance, but you denied me my spooning.

So now it's Chamberlin's turn.

You can spoon with me, I'll even be the little spoon...


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2009
Fayetteville, Arkansas
I don't mind sleeping on the cold hard floor of Rusty's and Will's room. I also don't mind sleeping on the cold hard floor of chamberlain's house. As long as there is easy access to smash I'll be perfectly happy.

Last night, I went to the math/comp sci party. I destroyed everyone there in singles and ffa's. The best player there besides me played shiek. I jd 4 stocked him with peach. That's the best anyone did against my peach all night.
I then switched to shiek, and they remarked on how fast I was :(. That's not a good sign.
I left the room to go play Rock Band 2 on the Xbox 360 when they switched to brawl. :(

Btw, I am voting for the underdog in TMH's and G.Vice's fight. Go G.Vice! :)

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
I don't mind sleeping on the cold hard floor of Rusty's and Will's room. I also don't mind sleeping on the cold hard floor of chamberlain's house. As long as there is easy access to smash I'll be perfectly happy.

Last night, I went to the math/comp sci party. I destroyed everyone there in singles and ffa's. The best player there besides me played shiek. I jd 4 stocked him with peach. That's the best anyone did against my peach all night.
I then switched to shiek, and they remarked on how fast I was :(. That's not a good sign.
I left the room to go play Rock Band 2 on the Xbox 360 when they switched to brawl. :(

Btw, I am voting for the underdog in TMH's and G.Vice's fight. Go G.Vice! :)
What are you crazy TMH plays shiek his, vice won't stand a chance.

ps out of spite post

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Seif, I'd totally spoon with you, but your lady friend may have a bit of a problem with it.

Also, I didn't ask for all this publicity! I just wanted to make a fun, friendly wager. And how are we gonna record it? Does someone got a set up?

Iori, you're a meanie. But I still <3 you

And Raven_Knight, GVice is no underdog. Everyone knows that Ganon ***** sheik.

Besides after all the sheik practice I've had vs Chamberlin, I'm pretty confident that I'm somewhat decent at the match. I fear no Sheik but Chamberlins. And Iori's is really good too, so maybe that one scares me a little too lol.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
He also has better wave land tricksies than sheik.

btw Raven, do you mean you JV 4 stocked him? lol

I haven't heard of **** measured in the unit of JD stocks o_o


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2009
Fayetteville, Arkansas
I haven't heard of **** measured in the unit of JD stocks o_o
Obviously, a result of limited life experiences.

btw Raven, do you mean you JV 4 stocked him? lol
It's not I that's wrong but life.
If you ever see that my information is in conflict with any information that the world holds as true, It is usually wiser to believe that the world is in the wrong.
For the world is variable and constantly changing while I am a universal constant.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
All that matters......is that I will beat all of you eventually even if it is one match. Then I can laugh at how gay I played.

I don't mind sleeping on the cold hard floor of Rusty's and Will's room. I also don't mind sleeping on the cold hard floor of chamberlain's house. As long as there is easy access to smash I'll be perfectly happy.

Last night, I went to the math/comp sci party. I destroyed everyone there in singles and ffa's. The best player there besides me played shiek. I jd 4 stocked him with peach. That's the best anyone did against my peach all night.
I then switched to shiek, and they remarked on how fast I was . That's not a good sign.
I left the room to go play Rock Band 2 on the Xbox 360 when they switched to brawl.

Btw, I am voting for the underdog in TMH's and G.Vice's fight. Go G.Vice!
I am pretty sure TMH is the underdog just because G.Vice has had more experience has proven his skills more, but I guess from your limited experience position and what characters they play, I guess it is natural for you to think that. My sig has changed again. I love it.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
I am pretty sure TMH is the underdog just because G.Vice has had more experience has proven his skills more, but I guess from your limited experience position and what characters they play, I guess it is natural for you to think that. My sig has changed again. I love it.
Take your logic and overall correctness elsewhere Noob. It has no place here.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Don't kick noob out of here! ...He's talking good about me :D

and I wouldn't say either of us is an underdog though, dude. NES noob beasted me the same he'd beast you, Darkrain, your mom; It makes no difference to him, he's just broken in every facet of the game.

I'm just ready to see all these new smashers! And to be reunited with my dearest crew mates Chamberlin and VTS <3

BTW just talked to Ace, my other dear crew mate, and he proposed the idea of us teaming during doubles.

So G.Vice + Ace = team Upsmash aka the Winning Team. I can't wait.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Ok ok Clay I'm sorry. I forgot that you two noobs used a move as cool as the upsmash. Clay who you gonna teamsies with? I wanted to team with you, but Ace got me first ;~;

But yeah, G.Vice + Ace = Team Captain Dorf.

Prepare to be 3 stocked.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
You don't play gay! I loved playing against you. Sooo much fun.
Thanks man, but all you need to do is click on my sig on scar's. You can also search my name on the thread there after you look at his post and see other people think I play gay, too. :)

So I was up all night doing homework and eternal darkness. I was playing eternal darkness than one of the sanity meter things tricks came out then another one came out. It said "Gamecube disc error, please see instruction manual" or whatever and I was like hah that is a pretty neat trick. After waiting a while then taking out the disc, I realized it was no trick and it actually happened. HAHA

Edit: <3 Vice

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Saber's coming too?? Now it's gonna be a realllll party :D

Saber I can't wait to play you~

Edit: NES can I birth your babies?

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
This makes things far more difficult for me and Ace than I initially suspected...

Drats. G.Vice + Ace = Team Captain Dorf, prepare to be 2 stocked.


G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
What's the melee Back room? And yeah dude, I was talking about like actually hanging out with those genetically programmed smashers when they get here.

Awesome yoshiman! I love Ganon vs Falcon(but I hate it so much too). It'll be too fun :D

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Chad not in it?

or iori? lol

or you nes noob?

WTF! congrats jack for being a deadly with samus :)

so when u coming up g.vice?
It is not just about being good in the game or being active in the scene. It is also how active you are on the boards, how intelligently you post and how much you know about the game, and what kind of, in a way, "reputation" you have, and also if your region has been represented. Well we needed one representative and Jack got it and I suspect that is all they want from the midsouth cause we ain't important. :(

Supposedly though there will be more additions made for just people who are good in the game. That won't be me. Nite has a better chance of getting in then I do because well of his reputation of which I have none except a few areas. Iori won't get in cause like we all know why with the way he posts and well he only posts in midsouth forums anyway. Chad for MBR though I know he won't want it?

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
It is not just about being good in the game or being active in the scene. It is also how active you are on the boards, how intelligently you post and how much you know about the game, and what kind of, in a way, "reputation" you have, and also if your region has been represented. Well we needed one representative and Jack got it and I suspect that is all they want from the midsouth cause we ain't important. :(

Supposedly though there will be more additions made for just people who are good in the game. That won't be me. Nite has a better chance of getting in then I do because well of his reputation of which I have none except a few areas. Iori won't get in cause like we all know why with the way he posts and well he only posts in midsouth forums anyway. Chad for MBR though I know he won't want it?
I wouldn't want it even if they begged me to take the responsibility. And noob I take that as a compliment, at least you understand my complex behavior.

ps XD tango bingo legos

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Me and Saber could mirror and get ***** by you guys in Team Captain Dorf. :D
I agree you sure could Chambers :D

hehe I'm jk' I love smack talking those who are much better than me at this game XD

besides you know how I adore your Ganon <3

oh and btw VTS, I'm gonna be coming up sometime on Friday, depending completely on when TMH and Ravenknight's last class is. Oh and my classes lol. Btw you got a big bed buddy, mind sharing it? lol no homo I'll bring my own pillow and stuff regardless though :D
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