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Arkansas Smashers Chat

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
okay yoshiman at what point do you realize you a being a big bag of douche these guys had it rough.

@ chams what kind of question is that, all in their grills about not having a car. This has obviously become the jerk thread of the year.
Don't be to harsh on the guy. Yoshi's had sucky life; even compared to arbustos's, it's sucky. I think if anyone has a right to call them whiny babies, it's Yoshi.


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2009
Fayetteville, Arkansas
I have the best reason for not driving. I failed the driving portion of the driving test twice and was passed on the third try out of pity.
It's not that I'm a bad driver; it's because I drive like an old British lady.
Slow, Meticulous, and In the left lane.

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
So I got back from a great smashfest that lasted more hours then I thought could be spent playing smash and still having fun. So from my experience there I took vts's ranking list and updated it according to how I saw people play at the smash fest and adding some of the new guys into it.

Old List
1. Chamberlin
2. Ace
3. G.Vice
4. VTS (or Saberguy)
5. Saberguy (or VTS)
6. Altus
7. BMW
8. Sky
9. Seif
10. Tree
11. Soma
12. Cellton
13. Arbustos

New List
1. Chamberlin <---To intense for me.
2. Ace (or 3rd)
3. G.Vice (or 2nd, amazing ganon, speed and strength)
4. VTS (or Saberguy)
5. Saberguy (or VTS)
6. Arbustos (4th or 5th when he's playing well.)
7. Altus (Who the **** is this guy? Didn't play him. I'll assume he's well ranked.)
8. BMW (Never Came, Didn't play him.)
9. The March Hare (all right, still made it to top 10)
10. Cellton (Don't know why vts put him so low.)
11. Sky (nice link, needs practice against sheik)
12. Seif (nice dr. mario, needs practice against sheik)
13. Tree (needs practice against shiek, I think he was a link player as well.)
14. Soma (Don't know who this guy is.)
15. Raven_Knight (needs practice against link if he wants to be placed higher)
16. Snes Noob (impressed me with his improvement, can beat me in c. falcon ditto now. :( Unfortunately he loses to everyone's main.)


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Tournament Results!

1. VTS
2. Saberguy
3. Arbustos
4. Skye
5. Tree
5. Cellot

now that top 10 list i'll remake and altus is coming here and going to see if arbustos can beat him.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
Tournament Results!

1. VTS
2. Saberguy
3. Arbustos
4. Skye
5. Tree
5. Cellot

now that top 10 list i'll remake and altus is coming here and going to see if arbustos can beat him.
Lol at the fact that many people weren't there for that including me... :D We should have had the tourny earlier when all the people were there. Props for beating Saber though VTS.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Did you guys see tipped off 5 results? Midsouth did well even though there were bracket cancels and stuff. Sugoi Kawaii Moe Chan is apparently from MS and plays Falcon and got 5th. I think he is my idol for being so unknown yet being so good.


Smash Cadet
Jul 8, 2005
Heber Springs, Arkansas
So I got back from a great smashfest that lasted more hours then I thought could be spent playing smash and still having fun. So from my experience there I took vts's ranking list and updated it according to how I saw people play at the smash fest and adding some of the new guys into it.

Old List
1. Chamberlin
2. Ace
3. G.Vice
4. VTS (or Saberguy)
5. Saberguy (or VTS)
6. Altus
7. BMW
8. Sky
9. Seif
10. Tree
11. Soma
12. Cellton
13. Arbustos

New List
1. Chamberlin <---To intense for me.
2. Ace (or 3rd)
3. G.Vice (or 2nd, amazing ganon, speed and strength)
4. VTS (or Saberguy)
5. Saberguy (or VTS)
6. Arbustos (4th or 5th when he's playing well.)
7. Altus (Who the **** is this guy? Didn't play him. I'll assume he's well ranked.)
8. BMW (Never Came, Didn't play him.)
9. The March Hare (all right, still made it to top 10)
10. Cellton (Don't know why vts put him so low.)
11. Sky (nice link, needs practice against sheik)
12. Seif (nice dr. mario, needs practice against sheik)
13. Tree (needs practice against shiek, I think he was a link player as well.)
14. Soma (Don't know who this guy is.)
15. Raven_Knight (needs practice against link if he wants to be placed higher)
16. Snes Noob (impressed me with his improvement, can beat me in c. falcon ditto now. :( Unfortunately he loses to everyone's main.)
Sorry TMH, but there is no way you would be higher then me or sky on that list. I was beating you over 90% of the time all weekend. My Marth, Fox, and Puff all beat you pretty bad. Also got you down to 1 stock with both my Doc and Mewtwo. Both of which i rarely play as. So No way you would be up on the list. Can debate it with other people that saw us play, but yeah dude no way...(not trying to sound like a jerk) And Sky seemed to do really good with his link against you...i dont know who won most of the matches with you two...

Havent played or meet BMW or Altus so dont know how i would do against them.

Arbustos- Nice to meet you man. Disappointed that i didnt get to play with you at all. Watched you play and think we can have some decent matches. We def. gotta get some friendlies next time i come down.

PS- So remember the midnight release tournament all the gamestops had for brawl. Sure you do!!!! Well here is the trophy i won......... SOOOOOO GAY!! LOL!!



Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Few random questions from someone that might be willing to travel to an AK tourney.

Where do you guys usually hold your tournies?
What's your average turnout?
When's your next tourney? :o


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Few random questions from someone that might be willing to travel to an AK tourney.

Where do you guys usually hold your tournies?
What's your average turnout?
When's your next tourney? :o
[I am not trying to be a jerk]

First of all, this is Arkansas(AR) not Alaska(AK).

Second, someone else will have to answer the rest.

And to TMH, all I have to say to you is **** you and stop being such an arrogant prick. You think you are in the top ten when your not. I have always been able to beat you in c. falcon dittos. Cellton is soo much better than you, along with Tree and sky. Raven_Knight, has just as much skill as you do. Did you forget his crew battle match against vts's iceclimbers?

And, on top of that, you can't rank people according to how well they play against a sheik.

And, thats all I have to say for now. Until, TMH tries to troll me at least.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Few random questions from someone that might be willing to travel to an AK tourney.

Where do you guys usually hold your tournies?
What's your average turnout?
When's your next tourney? :o
We usually hold our tourneys at Chamberlin's(number 1 in the state) house in Little Rock.

Average turnout? Let's see, this is our first "real" get-together and we had about 12. So I'd say probably in the neighborhood of that. Just note, that a good many of those twelve are actually like top in the state(chamberlin power ranked in the midsouth).

Next tourney? I'm not entirely sure. However, we are indeed talking about making this a triweekly event. Also, we go to memphis' tri weeklies to play the top guys from the mid-south. Arkansas and midsouth smashers are pretty crazy fun actually lol

Also dude, you're from LA tech? That's cool, cuz I live right down on the LA/TX/AR tristate line. You're just a little from my house, and I'll drive you up if you can just get to my place. Hit me up sometime.

btw, as far as shoutouts go, I'll get to it tomorrow when I have more time.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Few random questions from someone that might be willing to travel to an AK tourney.

Where do you guys usually hold your tournies?
What's your average turnout?
When's your next tourney? :o

Well we might have a big tournament and get memphis people to show up in arkansas again and have like a 20-30 tournament.

but I know some people that will let me use there space to host tournaments (one for free other for $5 door fee to him).

and the free guy lets me barrow like 4+ (like 8 max) 20'' TVs that are great for melee.

u should come and bring that fox if i'm thinking ur that fox player ;)

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Cellton, I remember you beating me about 70% of the time at 4 am when we first played. About 50% of the time playing after that. So you probably might be ranked higher then me.

And yes, will, if a person plays link and I play sheik, I can judge how good they are according to how well they play against me. It was their choice, not mine. I put Raven_Knight that far under me because he did not beat sky or the other guys, and I beat him in one on ones.

My list was entirely based on how people played against me. If they lost to me then they got put under, no matter how well they did against my sheik.


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2009
Fayetteville, Arkansas
1. Chamberlin (or arbustos)
2. Ace (or 3rd) (or arbustos)
3. G.Vice (or 2nd, amazing ganon, speed and strength) (or arbustos)
4. Saberguy (or arbustos)
5.VTS (or arbustos)

The reason arbustos is on all of them is because of how inconsistent he is as a player. Sometimes, arbustos destroys me harder than chamberlain and sometimes he didn't.
Everyone beneath 5th place I didn't add in because the differences were to minuscule to note. I did better against some people than others and worse in some other match ups.
For me to be willing to rank myself, I want to be able to beat some one on the top 5 at least half the time (and I'm not counting a peach versus ic matchup on dreamland, yoshiman).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
uh... lol? nice list there raven.

i don't think i can safely be ranked because i never perform the same for very long (like you said). it's only fair to judge me based on how i play most often, and since summer started that has been generally poorly :(

basically this is the real ranking:

1. yoshiman
2. raven knight
3. chamberlin
4. skye
5. vice/ace/saber/cellton/tree/everyone else
6. march hare
7. arbustos

looks pretty good to me

cellton: sure thing. i want to play everyone fully awake and in non-suck mode :D

(teams are cool)


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Yoshiman, my bad. I'm not good with state abbreviations. <.<

G. Vice, yeah I go to LATech. That actually sounds really good to me, btw. Of course I'll help pay for gas too. :] Just need to know when there's a tourney. I'm glad you guys are actually starting to hold some tournies. Last year I was looking to drive up to AR for some but there weren't many (or any? :x).

Vts, I do play a Melee Fox. No idea why you know my Fox though. It's nothing special. Unless you count the rocket boots of course. Rocket Boots ftw.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Skye has an 'e' at the end, guys.

Just sayin.
Totally does. I didn't wanna be all assertive and stuff, but my boy Seif here has no problem letting peeps know how it is. Just ask that Taco Bell/KFC down the street lol

(shoutouts still coming I'm just lazy)

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
After talking with Arbustos, I found out that you guys were insulted by the list I had made. I did not mean it to be insulting, just to show how people played against me and others at the smashfest irrespective of characters. If someone played link and the other played sheik, I put the victor as higher in the rankings.

Cellton was a trickier player to place. Because, yes, he did beat me the majority of the time, but he also lost to skye who I put under me because he lost to me. At this conundrum, I just gave up trying to come to solution, instead picking the easier choice of putting them all under me.

My list didn't use any complex algorithms, just a bias view of who I saw lose to who.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Ok guys, I am changing my name. It will no longer be Yoshiman.

It is now s.n.e.s. noob.

Or, in other words Super nes noob!!!!
Somethings to note....

1. Someone is gunning for that title already as crazy as that sounds. lol =/

2. I am terrible don't do that. Name yourself after Sugoi Kawaii Moe Chan that guy is beast.

I still feel honored though. =D

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009

Chamberlin: You're gay.
Gvice: Your Ganon is fast and amazing. Best ganon in the midsouth. And **** whoever says otherwise.
Ace: Intense marth and c. falcon, combos the hell out of everything in front of it.
Saberguy: Love the c. falcon. The combos you pulled off left me saying "****" for seconds straight.
vts: Gay iceclimbers, fast gay peach, and intense jiggs.
Arbustos: I've always loved your c. falcon and marth...oh why can't you be consistent.
Skye: Don't know what to say about your link....item spam, comboing gayness, amazing no matter how you look at it. These somewhat cover it.
Seif: Seriously intense Dr. Mario. And I really hate pills now. So much hit stun.
Tree: Another link, I don't even know why there were that many links there, but this link as well showed me all the spam a link can generate.
Cellton: Your fox ***** me hard most of the time, and pretty hard the rest.
Raven Knight: Whorish Peach Camp Those ICies.
Yoshiman: This guy ***** me in c. falcon dittos.

Note: This Post was censored of all self-aggrandizement because I do that to much already in my other posts.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007

Chamberlin- You've gotten too amazing at this game. You've become my motivation to improve at this game. Thanks a ton for hosting man, you rock. Next time, I'll help out by buying some cheap 2 Liter drinks at Walmart for us. Good games, hope to see you soon <3

Ace- Thanks for everything dude. The ride, letting my buddy tag along and crash at your place, and the great teams/singles matches. Tons of fun going back and forth with you man. Can't wait til next time <3

Saberguy- Dude, you trip me out so much. Had a blast playing melee/64 with you as well as just chilling until 5AM watching anime next to you on the couch lol. Thanks for picking up the tab for real man, you rock. Fun MM! Much love <3

VTS- Props on taking the semi state tourn! You're too good at hosting and setting up smash stuff man lol. Thanks for the great weekend, can't wait to play you again <3

Seif- Thanks for helping host dude. It's always too good to see you...aniki <3

Skye- Thanks for sandbagging me in the money match. You're too sweet <3

Tree- Reppin' that fox in tourney.

Arbustos- I was really impressed with your games dude. Much props to you. I love your Marth/CF and your DK is straight pimpin' too. Keep it up. Next time we play I bet that my win/lose ratio won't look quite as good as it was this time. Add me in facebook, I wanna talk smash with you.

TMH- I was a bit disappointed with the "money match" that was basically unofficial. I did see improvement though, and that pleased me. After I lost that one match with Ganon, I just had to make myself play smart, because you do play just about as gay you can. Pick up some alts. It'll strengthen your entire game.

Ravenknight- Also for you, I'd pick up a couple alts. Play more gay on Dreamland plz. lol

Cellton(Dav)- You've picked up your game a little dude. Good to see it. Also, fun CF vs Fox match. Good stuff. Keep the trophy though...lol

Yoshiman- Keep working hard. Playing Chamberlin/Arbustos/VTS alot should get you good soon. Keep ya head up, and don't let smack talking sheik's get to you okay bro? lol

Thanks to everyone for the fun times. Also thanks to everyone for letting my friend Brad kick it there. I hate that he was so..."negative" about everything lol.

Much loves Arkansas! <33

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
NES lol. Dude, I want you to make my falcon something to be remembered too. Also, I want to try to do like pro ganons and keep up with your CF D:

can't wait to play you...and if you can get Sugoi Kawaii Moe Chan to come, tell him that I'll love him long time.

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
NES lol. Dude, I want you to make my falcon something to be remembered too. Also, I want to try to do like pro ganons and keep up with your CF D:

can't wait to play you...and if you can get Sugoi Kawaii Moe Chan to come, tell him that I'll love him long time.
I heard that ms sugoi guy beasted on tope in a money match which was happening right next to me while I was money matching Full metal. What a glorious day it was for the mid south victory be ours.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
vice - done. why is your name so cool :(
Lol I thought your name was awesome. Both RL name, and smash name D:

thanks for the add! keep in touch :D

LOL Iori! Nice. I know that you guys are too pro. Wow...beastin' Tope is crazy.

Also! I heard that this long named fellow who ends with Chan also beasted on FREAKIN' LAMBCHOPS in pools?? Tell me this is true plz

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Lol I thought your name was awesome. Both RL name, and smash name D:

thanks for the add! keep in touch :D

LOL Iori! Nice. I know that you guys are too pro. Wow...beastin' Tope is crazy.

Also! I heard that this long named fellow who ends with Chan also beasted on FREAKIN' LAMBCHOPS in pools?? Tell me this is true plz
Sugoi played lambchops in pools and beasted pretty hard, but then lambchops said he thought it was just a friendly and kept harassing until he got a rematch. Then sugoi lost. :(

That tope match was bracket, but Iori put down money for Kawaii.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Sugoi played lambchops in pools and beasted pretty hard, but then lambchops said he thought it was just a friendly and kept harassing until he got a rematch. Then sugoi lost. :(

That tope match was bracket, but Iori put down money for Kawaii.
Sounds like Lambchops was being a meanie. But that's okay, because it's a crazy hard match for CF anyway. I think Sugoi is my hero. And you can tell him I said that.



Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
Gvice - <3

Ace - You're a pimp. We all froze in crews, but you owned everyone.

Saberguy - I offered to be your sex slave and you didn't step up to the plate... Don't worry though, my affections can still be bought at a low price.

VTS - Lol at you winning the tournament

Arbustos - By far the best out of all the new people that I've seen, and definitely one of the better people in the whole state. Your potential is crazy.

Skye - You're never on the boards will probably never read this, but your Link is sexy.

Seif - Play more Smash instead of Blazblue. It's a better game.

Tree - You will also never read this, but you're still sexy.

Cellton - I don't think I got to play you, but from what I saw you were looking pretty good.

TMH/Raven - You guys play really easy characters and most of your game is based of punishing people's mistakes and gay strats with either Shiek's grabs and Peach's downsmash. I suggest you learn some new tactics or else you'll never grow past the point of a noob, because the better players have gotten past those tactics a long time ago and don't make many mistakes (although those tactics are still valid when not spammed).

Everyone - Sorry I kinda spaced out sometimes this weekend, but I was having some issues with a girl...

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
It's okay Chamberlin. We understand that the female race has a hard time readily accepting the fact that your wanted by not only them, but also by the male gender, as well as the gender of Captain Falcon.

I talked in the power ranking's thread about maybe reupdating that. So it's quite possible that Chamberlin may get a little recognition in the near future regarding his new found skills.
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