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Arkansas Smashers Chat

The March Hare

Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2009
Apparently, Brandon Sanderson's fantasy is all part of the same universe: the physical realm, i.e. the planets (shardworlds) his books take place on; the spiritual realm, where the dead go (the happy place at the end of Mistborn); and the cognitive realm, which is a big secret right now. There's a meta-mythology going as well with the various god figures, source of their power -> related magic systems, and reccuring characters and concepts. This is the most ambitious and amazing project the guy has going, and it'll last him a lifetime. Incredible fantasy building individual worlds, then eventual crossovers and meta stuff? Hell yeah.

Also, the Final Empire is located at the North Pole of the Mistborn world, but there's something at the South as well.

It's actually a lot like Stephen King except more overt. Hopefully this doesn't end up like the Dark Tower...
It's a cool idea. Hopefully Sanderson won't mess it up as much as king.


10 thousandth reply

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Grats Yoshi! Sounds awesome.

Ps, I'm down for smashing tomorrow if you guys want. I just need to know when!


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Holy ****idy **** ****!

Some black girl hit was hitting on me, here is what happened.

Arby and I walked into our dorm. We noticed that the regular roomies were there partying like usual, but there was that black girl with bleached hair. O.o We casually try to act like we're tired and ignore them on the way to our rooms, but this girl called out to get to know us. Rusty gives her a hand shake and leaves. Then, I give her one, but she tries to give me a hug afterwards.
My instant thoughts: "what if she isn't American and she takes offense to me avoiding it? Guess I'll do it, what will it hurt?"

Meaningless stuff/

I go into my room and prepare for sleep and checking to see if my Internet is back. Next she comes into my room asking if these are anime wallscrolls. I answer yep...blablabla. She starts humming the salior moon theme song, but I played it off for a few moments pretending that I just remembered.

Personal thoughts: " time to check her power level."

I said that I liked outlaw star and bebop, but it was obvious that her power level was zero :/ I then assume she wants a conversation. Shortly afterwards she proceded to whisper in my ear, "You're cuter than that ""other guy."" :@

My instant transmissional thoughts: FFF****, she must have gone to talk to arby because black girls like him for some reason and he most likely gave her the super cold soldier. FFFFFFFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu arby. Damn it all, now I've got to find a was to deal with this."

I try to play this off like, ok I don't care. She continues to point out the new awesome risk game I bought. So I start opening it up and she if fascinated by how awesome it is. I finally got the attention off me. Next thing I know, she is rubbing her body next to mine. :(

Thoughts: get the **** off of me!!!

Thankfully my roommate Matthew came in and was looking at the board as well. I quickly started a conversation with him about my story behind buying it. She continues to try to get my phone number and give me hers. I play it off by ignoring and pretending to be immersed in conversation with Matthew. I think she got the picture, because they both walked out of my room to get drinks. I went to the door and told them I'm going to sleep. The other guys say good night while she proceeds to invite me for a drink. I say, I don't drink. She says how about a soda. I reply, I can't because it will keep me from falling asleep(me lying). She says oh ok. I close the door and slam the lock closed saying in my mind, "stay the **** out."

I get on my phone and start typing this because I don't know why. And I find out I have no Internet ;-;

If this is the result of me getting a new car, I'm probably going to sell it. This should have never happened, unless she likes fat guys for some strange reason. Ether way, I'm not into black girls. Screw her for making me feel all awkward and **** before going to sleep, and if my assumption is correct about arby giving her the cold shoulder, fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu arby.

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008
Damn yoshiman wtf? I would have definitely made a move and probably would have gotten a STD but from what I hear most of those curable.

Seriously though, was she hot? If so then I see no problem.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Damn yoshiman wtf? I would have definitely made a move and probably would have gotten a STD but from what I hear most of those curable.

Seriously though, was she hot? If so then I see no problem.

this is seriously not something I expected from a man of the cloth ;)

btw ARBY

how's that combo video coming?

You know, Brain Freeze? Cause I know you haven't thought twice of Devour 2 :(

edit* Also Yoshi, how's Chrono Trigger coming along? I kinda got caught up in it this time through, and I'm currently on my last sidequest and unlocking the final ultimate weapon for Robo. Then...the Black Omen!!

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008

this is seriously not something I expected from a man of the cloth ;)
we all have a "vice" that we struggle with. So I posted my initial thoughts on the matter, but lately i've learned a lot about self control so part of it was in jest...

Chrono Trigger is amazing, I got all the ultimate weapons and completed all the sidequests and finished the game. Too much amazing.

@Yoshi and @G.Vice

which characters are in your main team?

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
we all have a "vice" that we struggle with. So I posted my initial thoughts on the matter, but lately i've learned a lot about self control so part of it was in jest...

Chrono Trigger is amazing, I got all the ultimate weapons and completed all the sidequests and finished the game. Too much amazing.

@Yoshi and @G.Vice

which characters are in your main team?
Hey, I definitely agree. That'd be my vice as well bro, I was just kidding anyway.

Yeah I've been playing this game since I was a kid, and this here recently is just my most recent run-through. I love Chrono and Frog, and I've been using Lucca mostly through this time. But I always have to have Ayla handy so I can charm rare items from bosses/enemies.

So if I had to pick my favorite three it'd be:

1) Chrono
2) Frog
3) Ayla/Lucca


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
then again arby sandbags when there is pressure lol
Kind of. If playing for realz is stressing me out or ruining my enjoyment of the game, I'd rather take it easy and have some sort of fun.
FFF****, she must have gone to talk to arby because black girls like him for some reason and he most likely gave her the super cold soldier.
And Bingo was his name-o! She was the absolute worst package short of being a man. Hammered drunk, black with blond highlights, abrasive personality, reeal ugly. Told me I should stop with the games and anime and be social. Dumb *****.
btw ARBY

how's that combo video coming?

You know, Brain Freeze? Cause I know you haven't thought twice of Devour 2 :(


G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I don't know, I've always wanted to like Robo and use him, but I just don't. I just...don't like him.

Frog is just awesome. I mean, how can you not use a sword-wielding frog who can replace the healer and offer a strong blade as well? Magus is really solid yeah, but I don't know, I just feel like I miss him being able to contribute physically. I like physical attack, what can I say?

I like Lucca because the Wondershot has potential to really bring some serious hurt, and her magic/magic defense is naturally awesome. And fire is my favorite element.

Also, Arby. Don't worry about working on the combo vid. If we can somehow get me the footage I'll work on it and try to make something of it. I don't want you having to work on something that you're dreading so. Regardless, I'm wanting to smash tomorrow if you guys are up for it, let me know.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Tell me what you want in the credits and it'll go up tonight.
Are you being for real or are you just joshing me?

I mean seriously, or are you kidding? You know it has to be quality... but if you're for real.


"Special thanks to the Midsouth Smash Scene

Arbustos IHSB Iori VTS BunBun

Chamberlin Yoshiman TheSaberGuy Seif Myztek

HyperDragon -Chad- Jon_Z J00t Ace

also OOS smashers

Zivilyn Bane Dark Atma Sinister Geno Jace DMac


-new screen-

A special thanks to all my fellow Ganon mains keeping it real out there

Kage Linguini ACE Rockcrock

Bl@ckchris Renth

-new screen-

Dedicated to Ryan "Nes Noob" Roberts.



And that should do it. Is it looking okay?

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I think I should get some kind of mention there in the "Special Thanks" section.
You should, and I completely forgot MO smashers!

lemme tweak it

also Arby if you want to mention that it's an A.S.S Production you can as well. Or did you do that in the opening?

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
How much longer is it going to be? I'm getting pretty tired lol

Lol, and now I'm excited! If Arby likes it, I'm sure to love it!
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