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Arkansas Smashers Chat

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Seriously, don't do the tombstone at all. Even though there are good intentions, it really is in bad taste.

Also, clashing art styles is something you don't want.

I don't like the tombstone either. Yeah it's in NES's honor and all, but there's some things you don't mess with and I really feel like this is one of them. I agree with you BunBun. Just put up "In honor of NES Noob" or something, but don't do that :/

Also Zilvilyn Bane, I love Skies of Arcadia :)
also we are melee only just about, but Brawl's being offered to get more of a gathering. Come play us :D


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2010
You guys really aren't that far from Springfield, MO. Do you ever have any large/semi-large tournaments in AR?

Hey guys, A.R.K. III (Arkansas' largest fighting game tournament) is coming up on April 2nd at Conway Gaming Center in Conway, AR! We are expecting at least ~120 people at this tournament featuring games such as Melee, Brawl, Project: M, SSF4, BB:CS, Tekken 6, Arcana Heart 3, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, and more! The Smash portion of the event will be run by your very own VTS and we will have a recording station available for you to record whichever matches you deem necessary (just work it out with the station manager). If you have ANY questions, please post on here or on the official tournament thread where you can find more details about the event located at http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=298654. Please try to make it and show your support not only for us, but for the Arkansas (and regional) Smash community as a whole. Thanks guys!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2006
Jonesboro, Arkansas.
If you guys don't want it that's fine, it might be better in the long run that we don't include it.

I suppose I'll just leave it up to you guys to decide what goes on it.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Seif, have you played Dragonquest IX yet? I've heard some good things about it. I just remember seeing two unopened copies in your living room floor, and I didn't know if they were yours or VTS' or Ethan or Kevins.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Hey Arby, I was thinking and I'm pretty sure that the best possible song we could follow up besides "Push It' is "Dragula." It works though, and has alot of unique moments in the song that you could do things with, not to mention the song "ends" with about 12 seconds left, and that's the perfect amount of time to have the end credits.

Also, I don't recall any of the combos on there that we had that one session that we got alot done on. Like that 2 hr session where we got like 10 combos? Or was that just one of the ones you hadn't converted?

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
it was all there
Hmm..I guess the combo I was thinking about was the uair, uair,uair, fair combo I got on your Marth on FD...maybe it was there I didn't see it.

I just wanted that one on there because it didn't have another uair chain in Devour 2.

And because Rockcrock said that he liked the Captain Falcon-esque combos in Devour 1. It's good to be called Falcondorf :D

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
Also Zilvilyn Bane, I love Skies of Arcadia :)
also we are melee only just about, but Brawl's being offered to get more of a gathering. Come play us :D
Thanks, I loved it too.

Anyways, Springfield is like the same distance from KC, Saint Louis, and you guys. We'll most likely make it to all sooner or later. In fact, I think our group is planning on making A.R.C.

If you guys are interested in a smashfest/free tournament, we run monthlies at a great venue with tons of room and TVs (local church). The March tournament is expected to be especially big, with the Columbia crew making the 3 hour drive to play us as well.

If you guys wanna come or at least check it out, here are some links...


Myself and Zantetsu are pretty good competition, and LinkMO from Columbia is pretty darn good too. A few more of the Springfield melee players are getting a lot better every day. Lemme know if anyone would be interested.

Note: Disregard where it says it's starting at 5pm. This is a special one with more players than usual, so we're starting at noon...and we can go as late as we want. Without you guys we are easily expecting around 20 smash players and possibly 10 TVs.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Thanks, I loved it too.

Anyways, Springfield is like the same distance from KC, Saint Louis, and you guys. We'll most likely make it to all sooner or later. In fact, I think our group is planning on making A.R.C.

If you guys are interested in a smashfest/free tournament, we run monthlies at a great venue with tons of room and TVs (local church). The March tournament is expected to be especially big, with the Columbia crew making the 3 hour drive to play us as well.

If you guys wanna come or at least check it out, here are some links...


Myself and Zantetsu are pretty good competition, and LinkMO from Columbia is pretty darn good too. A few more of the Springfield melee players are getting a lot better every day. Lemme know if anyone would be interested.

Note: Disregard where it says it's starting at 5pm. This is a special one with more players than usual, so we're starting at noon...and we can go as late as we want. Without you guys we are easily expecting around 20 smash players and possibly 10 TVs.
Sweet! Well alot of our smash group here is in school, and me and few others go to church so weekends are hard for us to make alot of trips. But some of the other smashers here travel alot, and they might be interested. Also we're trying to get some serious smash going around here locally, so maybe I'll get to see you sometime. Make sure if you do come to Arkansas to let me know, and I'll make a special extra effort to play come out and play you guys!


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2009
Hey Chamberlin, I think i run into you like 3/4 times this month. LOL crazy ****.

Anyways, I hope everybody make it out to A.R.K III.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2006
Little Rock, Arkansas
Okay, I totally claim Cheria Barnes for my Graces f. I've grown to like this whole healing thing. Plus she learns Indignation. Suck it, Arby.

@Vice The DQIX copies are Ethan and Kevin's so you'll have to ask them. I'm positive they won't mind you playing 'em.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Healing is what wins any game so 75% of the time in any game I pick healer :)

Few game I don't since in LoL healer blow I have to go CC or dps ><

Also guess anime later tonight around 7-9 pm start gotta see how long I'll be at the gym


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Once you go white, you've seen the light!
Gettin' ripped
like a beyblade!

You probably think Lucas will think he's better than you think he should think he is if he does well or takes a game off of you or something. This is somewhat of a problem I still have but I learned how to deal with it mostly. You just need to really let go.

If you're not playing up to your full ability then YOU know that and ultimately that SHOULD be good enough. You don't HAVE to let anyone know that either.

Thing is, Melee is what it is and you can either learn to live with it(and enjoy it even as I try to do and am offering to help you do) or get mad about it over and over and over and over.
VTS! (and to a lesser extent yoshiman) whatever progress you've made in terms of johning flies out the window when you get frustrated. maybe him^ saying it will drive the point home.
Every character is difficult to play well, but Fox is just the best of them. Remember this and accept it and it makes dealing with silly things that happen easier.

If you think Melee is flawed because every character doesn't punish exactly the same and isn't what YOU think should be cool in Melee, then that's on you.

Everyone sees the game differently in some way, Josh. That's part of the beauty of smash(Melee anyway since I know that game better). If we all agreed, I would honestly be bored seeing the same few characters played and the same matchups worked out. Don't forget, you enjoy those matchups you do more because you have "boring" matchups to compare them to, or at least you can appreciate them more that way. Once you get past this barrier of understanding you can click with people a lot easier, even if you don't agree with them, and it makes talking about and playing Melee soooo much more fulfilling.
people complain about puff or ICs or whatever (falco in my case, although I think I'm over that), but he makes a good point. you enjoy your "fun" matchups more because of the contrast.

there isn't a character in this game that doesn't have haters. I was just trying to give you a little perspective on ganon, vice. you had complained about sheik and falcon shortly before that point, and I feel like you believed everyone loved fighting ganon because he was combo bait. he can also be really gay, and most of the high tiers are combo bait as well. I personally love fighting him, but I wanted you to realize that melee is ALWAYS a two-way street.

*I know he isn't as good as the high tiers, but like we discussed two nights ago, he has the tools for any matchup. falcon is gonna camp your balls off until he gets an opening, then try to kill you. think about why you (and many others) hate that, then kind of apply it to ganon. it's also much more true of ganons in general than the proud warrior race of suicidal aggression falcons.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Yeah, I guess part of the fun of melee is getting past those "bad matchups" and figuring out a way to deal with that stuff. It just takes time, but I will be the first to admit that when I'm getting combo'd 0-death consistently and I don't see a way out of it, I get frustrated, and when I get frustrated I don't perform as well as I normally would which just continues the vicious cycle.

And yes, I assumed EVERYONE liked fighting Ganon because he's big and slow. I guess y'all don't like playing me afterall :(

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
cut that out
Hey, you guys are the ones who in the past few nights explicitly were stating "Ganon is not fun to fight." or "Sir there are more fun things than getting through that wall of attacks." Ace tells me all the time how my Ganon is boring to fight...so what am I supposed to think? Huh Mr. Arbustos?

Lol I just like to be emo like veets sometimes :D


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
Hey, you guys are the ones who in the past few nights explicitly were stating "Ganon is not fun to fight." or "Sir there are more fun things than getting through that wall of attacks." Ace tells me all the time how my Ganon is boring to fight...so what am I supposed to think? Huh Mr. Arbustos?

Lol I just like to be emo like veets sometimes :D
OH MY GOD don't be like that. how do you get "Ganon is not fun to fight." out of what I said?

"Sir there are more fun things than getting through that wall of attacks."

well duh! that's not to say beating your character's winning strategy isn't fun either. it's as rewarding to me as beating any other character's. I like playing ICs and puff for that reason.

BUT plenty of people don't enjoy working through certain characters, or like some more than others. c'mon now, you know this.

as seif pointed out, he plays doc. who likes fighting the mario bros? and we have a freaking ICE CLIMBERS in our tiny community. sucks to be that guy :awesome:

I don't care if you're even half-kidding. there's some saltiness behind those words that definitely doesn't belong.


G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I don't care if you're even half-kidding. there's some saltiness behind those words that definitely doesn't belong.

You must be a horrible taster of words sir, cuz salt was not the ingredient. I don't know why, but that whole last post seemed a little dramatic.

Let me translate.

I know Ace doesn't enjoy it cuz he said it's boring to fight me.

I was joking about you guys meaning it because I said I like to be emo like Veets.

End of convo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2008
The Past and Pending
You must be a horrible taster of words sir, cuz salt was not the ingredient. I don't know why, but that whole last post seemed a little dramatic.

Let me translate.

I know Ace doesn't enjoy it cuz he said it's boring to fight me.

I was joking about you guys meaning it because I said I like to be emo like Veets.

End of convo.
you've said and meant that before (recently), and you wouldn't say it again if you weren't still feeling even a little something. that emo thing at the end felt like a dismissive "... lol" like in chat when you really mean what you just said to some degree.

it's only dramatic because I've put up with and argued against this stuff (and worse) from certain other people and hearing it from anyone period puts me on edge. I think you know how badly johns bother me.

-going from hearing your voice when expressing those thoughts about everyone not really liking ganon the other night to seeing that post, I don't know how I could read it any other way. you know there's no hard feelings though :)


this guy


No More Free Jumps!
May 24, 2009
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States of America
95% of the time, when someone says they hate your character, its because they keep losing to it and they want you to give up on it. When I say someone character is bad, it usually mean that I'm trying to give myself confidence. I use to say it as a john and make myself feel worse, because I would think you are playing a character in a bad way and that I wasn't good enough to punish it. Sooo, everyone stop johning and practice hard through the easy and tough times. Greatness is in your reach if you play falcon. Everyone... switch to falcon!

Hypocrites are awesome XD.

So arby/yoshiman are u guys going to smym?
If we had a ride, but I think we don't.
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