Legendary Pikachu
Smash Ace
LDPK, your posts look like advertisements. X.X You're mighty excited, lol.
I'll mm your brother for $3, Pika vs. TL.
YOU BET I AM! This is like the first (and maybe the only one for a while) time I actually can go and play against so many different people! You've seen me beg and grovel for rides for two years straight now, and now that all my rivals and foes are within my grasps in one place and time, my mouth is watering at the thought of it. You have no idea. Humble that I am usually, I have a lust for battle and competition whenever it's within my grasp. ^_^
About my posts: I am a biologist and marketer by expertise, so it is no surprise that my posts either look like PhD discertations or advertisements. ^_^ I'm happy you noticed!
I am also a decent cook, so if you are around during a pika dinner at roller's, you'll get a taste of the best of NC's chinese cookin' (and maybe also the taste of defeat >:D.... (lol, half-j/k)
Sidenote: Although I am cool with MM's, My brother prefers friendlies among friends more than mm's. EDIT: He says he'll take you on on that request, but he'll most likely go for a series of intense friendlies (with some other kind of wager besides money... like cookies or something) after that frst MM (if you still want to face his toon link). ^_^
I'll most likely bring a wii/disc setup of my own to rollerking's place if anyone over there has a spare TV. I also will bring a dazzle recording set and my laptop so everyone can friendly or MM me and mybro all day long or so and record and polish their videos on the spot.