Man, I go away for a day or two....
Weapons and money are necessary to incite violence, but alone they are useless without a belief in the legitimacy of violence.
Right. But what I'm suggesting is that those beliefs have been implanted by people with political motives. Attacking that doctrine won't help in that setting because when people feel like their beliefs are under attack, they do not take that kindly, and they will not abandon those beliefs in the face of rational debate. More importantly, it's hard to hold discussions when both sides are armed.
Again I'm not as politically knowledgeable as you, but do American communists believe murdering and subjugating advocates of capitalism is the best deed they can do in life? Do they believe it grants them instant access to Paradise?
The movement is split. Some are militant; others are not. But, yes, the militant branches believe that change must happen by any means necessary.
They don't believe in Paradise, but they do believe that the society that they'll set up after the revolution will be better than this one by spades.
If they don't then maybe that's why they're not revolting against America as the Islamic world is.
Quite simply put, they don't have the means. The Soviet Union no longer exists, and even if it did exist, it's hard to say if the Soviets would be willing to fund an internal American revolt as they funded revolts elsewhere, as the Pakistani intelligence agency funded the Taliban in Afghanistan.
I've heard you speak of Muhammad being admired for his charisma on previous occasions. Can you direct me to anything to support this view of Muhammad as a charismatic leader?
I think people view him as charismatic because of the way the fundamentalists have doctored his character. I don't know if that is consistent with his portrayal in the text.
"The greatest weakness of the Ikhwan model of political Islam is its dependence on a single charismatic leader...rather than a more democratically constituted organization to lead it. The obsession of radical Islam is not the creation of institutions, but the character and purity of its leader, his virtues and qualifications and whether his personality can emulate the personality of the Prophet Mohammed."
--Ahmed Rashid,
Now if you're saying that Muhammad was not confident and charismatic, then the impression of him as such is a fabrication by the radicals, which leads me to believe that their interpretation of Islam is at odds with everyone else's.
A distinction should be made between defence and inciting violence and causing death. That said, I think the best approach concerning terrorism is education and addressing Islamic doctrine.
I also forgot to mention one major point about Islam and violence, at least with regards to the Taliban (again, from Rashid):
"...Jihad does not sanction the killing of fellow Muslims on the basis of ethnicity or sect.... While the Taliban claim they are fighting a jihad against corrupt, evil Muslims, the ethnic minorities see them as using Islam as a cover to exterminate non-Pashtuns."
The conflict in Afghanistan has been drawn along distinct ethnic lines. This serves to undercut the Taliban's claim that they are fighting a holy war based on the principles of their religion.
Could you link me to anything about practising Muslims challenging such traditions in their own societies?
I think you're trivializing 9/11 way too much.
Maybe. But Thino has a point.
Grief is a natural response to tragedy. But so is recovery. The inability to recover is usually a sign of another problem.
Though I'm not happy to say it, the focus that is put on 9/11, all the tributes and the moments of silence and the proposed monuments, all of that has done very little except to bring people back to their pain. And once that wound has been exposed, politicians leap in to take advantage of people in their moments of weakness.
We are in an election season. One party is currently the minority, and they would like to be the majority. So they are willing to re-ignite the same old passions that kept one of their leaders in power in 2005. They are the ones sticking the knife into the 9/11 wound again. If they keep doing that, that wound will never heal.
They, like the people they profess to be at war with, are benefitting from the fear and the trauma of the attack. They are also playing a game with people's emotions.
We can't do anything about the past. It's the present and future we have to worry about. And sometimes I feel as though we have to steel our emotions in order to think rationally, or else leave a gaping wound open to manipulation by people who have the money to buy lots of air time.