Maker: Anyone, I'm just glad for someone to make me a sig
- What you are requesting: Sig
- Render/ stock (for everthing): I would like a sig with Mr. G & W, Lucario, Meta Knight, Snake, and Marth
-Color/ style (everything but renders): I would like the characters posing, taunting, or whatever please (each in the order I listed). Under each character I would like these descriptions of each character
This is wut I mean: Mr. G & W (Balance) Lucario (Energy) Meta Knight (Flying) Snake (Power) Marth (Speed)
The background/color I would like to be some kind of Final Destination theme (just do wutever u think is good please)
- Text: I would like my nickname (DINO) (italicized and bolded) and my friend code (2578-2848-2921) at the bottom or top of the sig (wutever works best)
-Other: Thx I really appreciate this, please do wutever works best