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Adventure Time Mafia | Game Over: Aren't You Cold...?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

nope, i don't buy it. sorry kantrip.

regardless of my role, i'm not claiming before ryker purely because there's a high chance he's scum. giving ryker the opportunity to claim a role after me provides him a level of safety and security that i don't want him having. in the event that ryker claims my role, i have every intention of counter claiming him and seeing him die.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
That's fine Bardull, but I'm thinking you're more and more scummy. If you're town then you are playing really badly.

Ryker, Bardull. You guys fight this out all you want. When deadline comes and we haven't finished the mass claim I'll be mad.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
I believe Ryker asked for my read on Vlade.

Early game he reads very much as town to me. His behavior towards Radical Fiction is either townie or scummate behavior. With that in mind, Rykerscum would make Vladescum more likely to me. Additionally, he has been very lacking as of late in content and the townie drive I noticed from him earlier. The drop in activity really only brings the strong town read from earlier to a weaker town read.
Not sure if this changes your opinion of my connection with Ryker but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that Ryker is one of my scumpicks. Could you please provide an example or two which suggests this connection between myself and Ryker/RF?

The second half I can agree with but I can't increase my activity much more when I've got school.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Excluding Ryker's proposed order, if I haven't missed anything I've seen 2 people in favour of Bardull claiming first and 1 person in favour of Ryker claiming first. Can't one of you just ****ing go first lol?

I'll claim now if you guys can't decide.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Bardull, claim in your next post or I will post a series of images that will all say, "Lynch Bardull" in each post from this point on if you do not do such before Ryker.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
don't see the town motive. explain it to me RR. ryker reads as scummier than me, so i think you're just trying to be overly assertive for no real reason.

like i said, not gonna claim. i have my reasons. but if it really bothers you that much, i'll say that we can safely assume that ryker is going to claim VT, right ryker?

anyway, if it makes you feel better rr, i'm going to respond to your other post now.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
My wanting to lynch him is more for being a liability and less for doing scummy things.

Still you fail to show his scummy intent with lurking, show it.
yeah he's a pretty big liability. still feel he's scummy as **** though. explained my reasoning already. lurking makes him a liability, not scummy. i'd go as far to say that raziek + lurking as VT doesn't make sense considering his activity in F&L as VT though. could be seen as a scum tell. obviously i can't show you his "scummy intent through lurking," don't waste my time.

You're being vague and deflecting me.
no, i'm really not. you've been skimming and you haven't been reading my posts. read my posts please. (inb4 i'm deflecting you again.)

Show me posts and things that gave these town tells. The whole explosion for the most part was null to me, his case on me was super reachy and relied on bad meta, but I could see his intent and why he did it.

When I read a lot of his posts back to you, they were super defensive an begging for a reason to be wrong. Either alignment would have done this to a pseudo guilty.
basically, kantrip reads genuine. you're too robotic with your approach to the game rr. this is kind of suspicious actually, gonna jot that down. but anyway, kantrip is probably the most anti-town player in the history of mafia, but he isn't necessarily scum because of it. he's just really, really ****ty town. the self vote, clinging on to the puppeteer theory, his entire response to my gambit was too genuine to be reading him as scum. kantrip is a really, really bad player. he doesn't know what good play is. he doesn't even know what bad play is.

I can agree with the first part, but not with the rest.

I disagree with how OS was handled but rereading it an trying to be in his shoes. I probably would have done the same thing if someone was being reluctant to help town.
i was pretty sure of my read on OS, i'm genuinely upset that your slot isn't dead right now.

Raz is a disagreement with you and him on a read.
no, even his partner swiss said it was an over sight. no one felt raziek was a town lean at the time except ryker.

Still you admit to him being productive, so where is the intent from a scum perspective to go for Nabe like he did?
if ryker is scum, it means he was trying to push a legit case on nabe to appear town on nabe's flip. why are you asking such dumb questions?

I read gut and stopped there.
he's actually super scum to me now, if it makes you feel any better.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL

nope, i don't buy it. sorry kantrip.

regardless of my role, i'm not claiming before ryker purely because there's a high chance he's scum. giving ryker the opportunity to claim a role after me provides him a level of safety and security that i don't want him having. in the event that ryker claims my role, i have every intention of counter claiming him and seeing him die.
Hm, very interesting. So you recognize why you should be claiming first?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
like i said, not gonna claim. i have my reasons. but if it really bothers you that much, i'll say that we can safely assume that ryker is going to claim VT, right ryker?
Is that so? My, my, that's news to me. Last time I checked, I was going to get to do my big reveal. I thought it was gonna be all cool and ****. You know, especially since I you and I met up last night. I guess we're at an impasse. Not going to get anywhere with this. Guess we move forward.

I claim Jake and I have an investigative result on Bardull. That is all I am claiming at the moment. Bardull claims now.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Bardull, please claim now.

I'm also skeptical on Ryker's claim and I want to hear more about it.



Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

Vote Count
T-block [2]: Kantrip, Ryker
Raziek [2]: J, Vlade

Red Ryu [1]: T-block
Bardull [1]: Raziek
Kantrip [0]:
Vlade [0]:
J [0]:
Ryker [0]:

Not Voting: Red Ryu, Bardull

With 8 players alive, 5 votes are required for lynch.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
ooooh, an investigative role huh? with an investigation on me?

Jake The Dog, good guy. I'm a VT.

explain. inb4 you retract and say "i was just doing that so you would claim." :|

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Is that so? My, my, that's news to me. Last time I checked, I was going to get to do my big reveal. I thought it was gonna be all cool and ****. You know, especially since I you and I met up last night. I guess we're at an impasse. Not going to get anywhere with this. Guess we move forward.

I claim Jake and I have an investigative result on Bardull. That is all I am claiming at the moment. Bardull claims now.
I lied. I also forgot to delete a sentence in there when I realized I was mispelling the word "Lying."

I'm Cinnamon Bun, VT.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Is that so? My, my, that's news to me. Last time I checked, I was going to get to do my big reveal. I thought it was gonna be all cool and ****. You know, especially since I you and I met up last night. I guess we're at an impasse. Not going to get anywhere with this. Guess we move forward.

I claim Jake and I have an investigative result on Bardull. That is all I am claiming at the moment. Bardull claims now.
Better formatting.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
figured as much.

ryker, if you're town, your mistrust for me is awkward and unfounded. what were you afraid of?

on another note, i've been informed that i've come off as disrespectful to some of the players here. admittedly, i have the tendency to come off as over confident and overly aggressive with my reads on players. as a result, my actions have the tendency to come off as scummy and abrasive. however, there is a rhyme and a reason for my play; baiting other players with over aggression and drawing out stances and responses through my own behavior is one of the strongest assets of my play and what i have to offer to you all as town.

outside of the game, i have deep respect for just about all of you, except maybe kantrip. LOL. kidding. but when it's game time, i get down and i get serious. that's the bottom line.

anyway, back to the game.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
yeah, looked over my paragraph about why i read my interactions with kantrip and how i've talked about him. was never trying to inflate my e-peen, that's really how i feel about kantrip and his play. it may be mean and harsh for me to say these things outloud, but i have to say the mean thing even if it means hurting feelings in order to get my point across and have a stronger town union in the end. friends will say the nice thing, true friends will tell you how it is even if it means hurting your feelings.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
yeah, looked over my paragraph about kantrip, as well as my interactions with him and how i've talked about him. was never trying to inflate my e-peen, that's really how i feel about kantrip and his play. it may be mean and harsh for me to say these things outloud, but i have to say the mean thing even if it means hurting feelings in order to get my point across and have a stronger town union in the end. friends will say the nice thing, true friends will tell you how it is even if it means hurting your feelings.

10 char


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Oh cool they claimed.

Now is when I can say what I wanted to say.

I don't like Bardull's gambit at all, for multiple reasons. The only way I could have thought it was okay was if he was actually the Watcher but got a different result. With that in mind, kudos to Ryker for baiting his VT claim and whatever else you did there. I enjoyed how it worked and stuff.

For one, Watcher was a role that was believed to be in the setup; several people brought attention to the existence of a watcher. With this in mind, Bardull's claim of watcher with a pseudo-guilty on me was very likely to out the real watcher. They would have to counter-claim to avoid a lynch on me. That's one strike for Bardull's fakce-claim: Outing Power Roles.

The first thing Bardull asked for when he claimed was for me to claim. He wanted me to claim, and in his first posts he didn't even say why. I'm not sure if it was an afterthought or if Bardull was always planning on splitting up the posts, but he didn't even do his "gambit" until a few posts after he asked me to claim. That's why I thought the claim was genuine: It was an afterthought and he was more focused on lynching me than getting other people's reactions.

That's another thing: Bardull says later that he wanted more people to react. It's funny because Vlade stated his opinion that Bardull apparently "missed" and then Bardull says "oh yeah it was a town reaction Vlade I forgot". This makes it pretty clear that other player's reactions to the claim weren't his main focus. Come on, someone executing a gambit for a specific purpose wouldn't be missing what they're looking for. This is the third strike for me.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh cool they claimed.

Now is when I can say what I wanted to say.

I don't like Bardull's gambit at all, for multiple reasons. The only way I could have thought it was okay was if he was actually the Watcher but got a different result. With that in mind, kudos to Ryker for baiting his VT claim and whatever else you did there. I enjoyed how it worked and stuff.

For one, Watcher was a role that was believed to be in the setup; several people brought attention to the existence of a watcher. With this in mind, Bardull's claim of watcher with a pseudo-guilty on me was very likely to out the real watcher. They would have to counter-claim to avoid a lynch on me. That's one strike for Bardull's fakce-claim: Outing Power Roles.

The first thing Bardull asked for when he claimed was for me to claim. He wanted me to claim, and in his first posts he didn't even say why. I'm not sure if it was an afterthought or if Bardull was always planning on splitting up the posts, but he didn't even do his "gambit" until a few posts after he asked me to claim. That's why I thought the claim was genuine: It was an afterthought and he was more focused on lynching me than getting other people's reactions.

That's another thing: Bardull says later that he wanted more people to react. It's funny because Vlade stated his opinion that Bardull apparently "missed" and then Bardull says "oh yeah it was a town reaction Vlade I forgot". This makes it pretty clear that other player's reactions to the claim weren't his main focus. Come on, someone executing a gambit for a specific purpose wouldn't be missing what they're looking for. This is the third strike for me.
hmm. you make a good case. but you're wrong. i had no intention of outting power roles. i took the chance that watcher wouldn't claim, if there was one. i read swords' and j's "watcher on me" posts as ways to try to deter night kills away from themselves. they were wifom posts. not legitimate claims that watcher existed. i used their wifom posts as an opportunity to claim watcher the following day in order to get a read on you, kantrip, who was looking to get lynched along with rr toDay. your play so far had been, in my god honest opinion, extremely anti-town and exceptionally scummy.

your perception of ryker's play is absolutely fascinating. you don't nearly give me enough credit though, probably because i haven't proven myself in d-games. here's what really happened though: i feigned a PR claim against ryker so that ryker would be too afraid to claim VT (this is all going under the assumption that ryker is scum, btw). ryker claimed a PR role with an investigation on me in response. i read it as a lie though since ryker would have to be too ballsy to CC my character claim as well as an investigation, hence my "inb4" in my post. i respond with VT and an "inb4bait." ryker claims it was a bait. in the end, the question we have to ask ourselves is "why did ryker do this?" what was the point? why go to these lengths to get me to claim first? i have a theory that it was because he was afraid of a legitimate watcher investigation claim from me on his slot since there's still a chance that watcher exists. but then again, i could just claim watcher right now and that would be that, but it would look more suspicious. i'm not watcher though, so i wouldn't do this.

i never asked you to claim iirc, i said "claim now if you must." that was actually part of the gambit to make it seem more real and convincing. that's how gambits work. the entire point of the gambit was to make you believe that i had a legitimate investigation on you.

yes, i legitimately missed vlade's reaction to it. nothing that can be done about that, sorry. i vaguely recall seeing a vote count from circus, and when i refreshed my page later on, the page skipped from circus' vote count to new posts (missing vlade's post in the process), and i just kept on reading. the claim that my gambit is fake because i missed vlade's post is weak, because i acknowledged his post later and admitted that i felt he was town.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

silliness aside, i agree 100% with a kanty claim. i won't say much further, but we can safely assume kanty is a visiting role of sorts.

care to explain the visit to swords, kanty? =)
Yeah this is not

"you can claim if you want".

Stop lying, Bardull.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
and by the way, agreeing with J and asking for a kanty claim was to make the watcher claim seem real. you're just grasping now. :/


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
i love you too.

kantrip, claim now if you must.

i feel rf is the most likely scum candidate next to vlade. i'll post my thoughts on this later when i have free time, going on a ride. no one hammer or put kanty at l-1 please.
this is the post i was talking about btw.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh cool they claimed.

Now is when I can say what I wanted to say.

I don't like Bardull's gambit at all, for multiple reasons. The only way I could have thought it was okay was if he was actually the Watcher but got a different result. With that in mind, kudos to Ryker for baiting his VT claim and whatever else you did there. I enjoyed how it worked and stuff.

For one, Watcher was a role that was believed to be in the setup; several people brought attention to the existence of a watcher. With this in mind, Bardull's claim of watcher with a pseudo-guilty on me was very likely to out the real watcher. They would have to counter-claim to avoid a lynch on me. That's one strike for Bardull's fakce-claim: Outing Power Roles.

The first thing Bardull asked for when he claimed was for me to claim. He wanted me to claim, and in his first posts he didn't even say why. I'm not sure if it was an afterthought or if Bardull was always planning on splitting up the posts, but he didn't even do his "gambit" until a few posts after he asked me to claim. That's why I thought the claim was genuine: It was an afterthought and he was more focused on lynching me than getting other people's reactions.

That's another thing: Bardull says later that he wanted more people to react. It's funny because Vlade stated his opinion that Bardull apparently "missed" and then Bardull says "oh yeah it was a town reaction Vlade I forgot". This makes it pretty clear that other player's reactions to the claim weren't his main focus. Come on, someone executing a gambit for a specific purpose wouldn't be missing what they're looking for. This is the third strike for me.
I agree with pretty much everything in this post.

Ok... time for me to sit down and play some mafia.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
actually wait i don't think rr spoke after i claimed watcher.

the reason why it's important to see posts from them after i posted this is because, as scum, the three of them would be on a heightened state of paranoia. fear. afraid. they would be thinking "he is reaction testing kantrip, but if he's town watcher, he must know i'm the one who killed swords!" and it would show in their posts.

unfortunately j made me give up my act too early for this.
Oh my god is this ever reaching.

This reads to me like nothing but an excuse to fish for a CC.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
If you agree with everything that was said in that post, why did you have a town read on me after it was all said and done? :)
My Town read ended the moment I posted the one picture. The Town was from skimming the game. Your post set up a red flag.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
kantrip reads disgustingly bad town. his insane reaction to my claim was...ridiculous. pinning j as scum was insane. kantrip's scum partner/s would not have let him do this or act the way he did. he couldn't make a lick of sense regarding what the hell was going on. he didn't even understand why i would watch swords, or why mafia would kill swords. it's just too dumb and silly. if you've seen death note, he has matsuda syndrome going for him.

i don't see kantrip as being mafia. perhaps indy. but leaning mostly town for now.
I absolutely hate the qualifiers all over this post.

"Perhaps Indy?"

"Mostly Town?"

"For now?"

There's backdoors all over the place here and it looks like you're trying to slip out of this completely.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
t-block, your perception of raziek is interesting, i will say this though; raziek's reaction was not indicative of town alignment. a vote followed by an immediate unvote showed a lack of confidence and uncertainty in his own play. using the excuse that he saw some light in kantrip's theory that a puppeteer role was at play was peculiar considering the substantial evidence against kantrip that was already present. the immediate cave-in to pressure is also unlike raziek, at least to me; the raziek i know is strong town.

this seems like a perfectly good lynch to me, in all honesty.
You've yet to illustrate why any lack of confidence or uncertainty makes me scum. If I was scum I'd know whether he was Town or not, so I would've had no need to be uncertain. Arguing that I did so intentionally would be WIFOM territory.

Furthermore, I don't think we're qualified to "know" each other at this point, given that our last encounter was our pseudo-hydra in SMRPG mafia. Don't assume anything about my meta.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
hmm. you make a good case. but you're wrong. i had no intention of outting power roles. i took the chance that watcher wouldn't claim, if there was one. i read swords' and j's "watcher on me" posts as ways to try to deter night kills away from themselves. they were wifom posts. not legitimate claims that watcher existed. i used their wifom posts as an opportunity to claim watcher the following day in order to get a read on you, kantrip, who was looking to get lynched along with rr toDay. your play so far had been, in my god honest opinion, extremely anti-town and exceptionally scummy.
So you never believed there was a watcher in the game?
Good to know that you wouldn't have any fear killing Swords then, just saying. :cool:

But really, if you took it as WIFOM all along in an avoiding the kill fashion (I don't disagree with this), then there's really no problem with what you did. However, it wasn't like it was confirmed there was no watcher you could have been outing. Eh, this is fine though as it's what I perceived as well.

your perception of ryker's play is absolutely fascinating. you don't nearly give me enough credit though, probably because i haven't proven myself in d-games.
I give you the credit your play has shown you deserve. You said yourself your biggest asset to town is faking and baiting to make people react, and it's already been shown that you flop around amongst a variety of different views and opinions. You also have a strong tendency to tunnel and lack an open, creative mind. This isn't about that, though.

Rather than explain what Ryker did, I think it would be best if he could describe it, since you and I both think he's scummier than me at the current time (as far as I know).

So, Ryker, could you explain your inentions and thought process going into your bait claim?

here's what really happened though: i feigned a PR claim against ryker so that ryker would be too afraid to claim VT (this is all going under the assumption that ryker is scum, btw). ryker claimed a PR role with an investigation on me in response. i read it as a lie though since ryker would have to be too ballsy to CC my character claim as well as an investigation, hence my "inb4" in my post. i respond with VT and an "inb4bait." ryker claims it was a bait. in the end, the question we have to ask ourselves is "why did ryker do this?" what was the point? why go to these lengths to get me to claim first? i have a theory that it was because he was afraid of a legitimate watcher investigation claim from me on his slot since there's still a chance that watcher exists. but then again, i could just claim watcher right now and that would be that, but it would look more suspicious. i'm not watcher though, so i wouldn't do this.
Actually, you bring up a good point. I'm very curious as to why Ryker would try to character claim as the same character you claimed earlier. His slot didn't try to CC that you weren't Jake then, and they just went along with voting me, so it's pretty clear to everyone that Ryker is not Jake. What I'd ask you bardull, is what do you think his intent was of claiming a character he very clearly is not?

i never asked you to claim iirc, i said "claim now if you must." that was actually part of the gambit to make it seem more real and convincing. that's how gambits work. the entire point of the gambit was to make you believe that i had a legitimate investigation on you.
Don't try to turn this into telling me how gambits work. I know how gambits work. :smirk:

Besides, you didn't recall correctly.

yes, i legitimately missed vlade's reaction to it. nothing that can be done about that, sorry. i vaguely recall seeing a vote count from circus, and when i refreshed my page later on, the page skipped from circus' vote count to new posts (missing vlade's post in the process), and i just kept on reading. the claim that my gambit is fake because i missed vlade's post is weak, because i acknowledged his post later and admitted that i felt he was town.
My question is how did you expect to get anything conclusive from people by claiming a watcher guilty? If I did that, I would expect a vote from them and nothing else. What I don't buy is that you were concerned with other player's opinions in the first place. If you were, you should have asked for them and not expected them to have something to say about a pseudo-guilty.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
this is the post i was talking about btw.
Just noticed in that post that you request I didn't get put at L-1. Cool stuff that at least lets on that you didn't intend to lynch me.

You've refuted everything scummy, so I'm just left feeling like it was a badly executed gambit where you missed things you were looking for, but hey at least you got something out of it.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Kantrip I don't really see why you're letting it go so easily.

You had a very legitimate point in the outing PRs concept and let him WIFOM it away. The only thing that draws me caution to that is that I'm uncertain there's 4 scum, so playing so blatantly aggressive doesn't seem sane if there's only 3.
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