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Active Player Thread: Ones who does not have Triforce can't go in


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
u-tilt, bair, any smash, d-tilt, any ledgeguard is a decent chance at a kill
yea his moves kill us earlier but i dont think we should be getting edge guarded much cause his moves hit up and we can di it to get back most of the time. Also we get sooo much free damage every time hes close and when hes offstage.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
Light, to continue from the other thread

that isn't me getting freaked out

you do understand this is the SHEIK forums right? and if you post results, you're giving us the impression that they were achieved via SHEIK unless you state otherwise (which you never do). You in fact used ROB and MK to get your most important wins

That'd be like me posting in the Marth forums how I beat KORN and Omni to get w/e placing at w/e tournament and negelecting that I used MK to do so (hasn't happened btw, just an example)

Do you get the offness about how you post your results now? They have NOTHING to do with Sheik LOL

BTW strong *** start vs Gnes Sheik vs Diddy, watching it now. You're def probably the best Sheik ;D


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
ive literally watched the vs gnes match like 3 times now ROFL

the beginning is sooooooooooooo ****

edit; WTF @ d-throw banana b-air combo.. stolen

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Hey guys, haven't been around lately since my connection has been bad. How's it goin?

Hey ankoku, how come the pr closed?here I am getting hyped for mlg! Hope to see some peeps there!


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Light, to continue from the other thread

that isn't me getting freaked out

you do understand this is the SHEIK forums right? and if you post results, you're giving us the impression that they were achieved via SHEIK unless you state otherwise (which you never do). You in fact used ROB and MK to get your most important wins

That'd be like me posting in the Marth forums how I beat KORN and Omni to get w/e placing at w/e tournament and negelecting that I used MK to do so (hasn't happened btw, just an example)

Do you get the offness about how you post your results now? They have NOTHING to do with Sheik LOL

BTW strong *** start vs Gnes Sheik vs Diddy, watching it now. You're def probably the best Sheik ;D
your right, sorry about that, i had meant to update those results originally w/ the characters i used, for each but then got sidetracked on the whole not maining sheik anymore thing. Also thank you for the complement on my vid, in the middle of the match i just kept thinking to myself... why am i not getting ***** harder? and then it happened lol


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
I have

Even if he lost I think it holds more weight because it's against a better opponent than what I've seen you/Ed vs


Smash Rookie
Apr 5, 2010
Hey, I have been a lurker for a while and I recently decided to make an account.
Lately the Sheik boards are dead, it makes me rather sad.
So lets kick things up with a discussion.
For starters, the Chain.


Smash Rookie
Apr 5, 2010
if i pull out the chain for anything but recovering, its an accident
So you think it is bad?
Couldn't we use it for, spacing? Like doubling back and pulling it out to hit them.
I read something about a chain lock once. How does this work, because I always get hit. Far from a lock in my opinion.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Using the chain as an attack is like a blatant attempt at abusing the other player's unfamiliarity with Sheik.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Boring day, so I thought I would stop on by.
I have been playing some recently and deeply studying what all is happening and further learning Sheiks faults and her ability to punish.
Here are my high points:

DA can be used to punish almost everything. If Dash Attack can't then needle's will.
Dash Attack can, on average, be punished if your foe is under 50%.

Sheik suffers a lot of punishment when her foe is between the percents of 0 and 40.
This is because her combos are not combos yet.
The only semi reliable things are:
(at 0%)
jabx2> grab
Nair> grab
f-tilt> grab
Nair> d-tilt/f-tilt> grab
Nair> DSmash (20% +)
Needles also help and so use those a lot.

I have noticed a lot of needle punishing. So as a general rule, remember if they are just outside of your chain hit box then they are to close.

I have noticed a lot of gimping. Remember that if you jump before you use Vanish you increase its initial boost. Also remember that at a certain point of Vanish you can't be hurt. The idea is to time it to where when you are about to get hit you wont get hit due to... being unable to be hit.....

Chain should be used mainly as a gimp on certain match ups (to answer Nashota's question). On the ground people can get close to you, or escape and set up a way to punish you. When used over the ledge their options are very limited and it is very hard to punish Sheik because they cannot grab the ledge, they have to literately go for the stage. On some people this may help with a tipper set up.
As an off beat question, isn't Nashota Native American?

Grabs should never be followed up. It is way to risky because of punishment.
Instead you should mainly use B-Throw because it sends them far away and then charge needles. This is a camping strategy. Almost everything Sheik has can be ended with a grab, take advantage of that.
They will sometimes DI in, this will allow your Bair to true combo.

DO not pummel when they are under 40%.
After that, do not pummel over 2 times when they are under 70%.

Play center between the ledge and the middle of the stage.
This provides maximum breathing room. You can fall back a little, but most of the time Sheik shouldn't have too because of her speed.
When fighting attempt to put them close to the edge.
There attempt to knock them close to off stage and perform jab. I try and get them there around 40%. You can combo f-tilt, Fair, Nair and Bair into jab at these percents.

Bair is not as good as you think it is. I see it getting punished more and more often.
DACUS is not as good as you think, I see that get punished a whole lot too.
I also see DSmash getting punished a lot.
Do you know what I don't see getting punished a lot? jab
Jab is very quick and an interrupter.
I'm not saying that Bair, DACUS and DSmash aren't good, I just see it being used wrong.
You shouldn't space with Bair a whole lot. You can only attack with Bair upon your landing because of its awkward angle. Nair is a better spacing tool IMO. Mainly because you attack first and then you can move backwards.
DSmash is a combo ender, not a panic tool
DACUS is for punishing SH (be warry) and a combo ender.
You cannot go wrong with jab. Just make sure they do not use a translucent attack or a disjointed attack. In which case you should shield and punish with DA.
Oh, never use f-tilt to start a combo. Thing should combo into f-tilt. ie Nair, Bair, Fair... and f-tilt.

Mix up your return to the stage the best you can.
Also try dropping from the ledge, tether, drop the tether and perform a rising Fair.
When rarely used it will confuse the foe because they think you are just going to pull back up.

*Final words*
Sheik should be played more campy. Think ahead of your foe and take advantage of her punishing game.

Anyways, peace everyone... your boards are dead! xD
(and) BTW, Tristan would never in a million years main MK. He is using MK just to learn how he works.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
I like using the chain every now and then. It CAN be good but u gotta use it at the right times. on the stage or in the middle of the stage it should almost never be used that dumb you'll get hit for it. Guarding people on the ledge with the chain when spaced right (ie just outside their getup attack range) can be great i have used it against countless good players and gotten good results (ie Logic, OS and Kel it all worked fairly well against.) Most importantly tho when using the chain dont think of it as a "ha you cant do anything about it" but more of a im gonna sit here and use it and stop once u figure out a good way to get me to mess it up. Sry if that doesnt make alot of sense.

There are some character like olimar, marth, ike, DK, MK and others who have a very hard time getting around it when u have them on the ledge. Just make sure DK is over 100% or his getup attack is too hard to stop. Also if the stage u are on has trasformation you dont like or are bad for the matchup hopping under a platform and using it can be pretty safe. On the first phase of CS i used it against OS and Kel and they both took about 80% trying to get around it.

Lastly i recommend always always always use sh chain! sh chain is soo much better cause it gives alot more room for ur error which is essentially the chains down fall. With sh chain we cant be perfect so we are asking to eat a free hit. Unless u are feeling really lucky or are desperate for damage i would recommend grounded chain much. I do however punish shield breaks with reverse grounded chain locks and have gotten good chunks of 80% out of it on good players.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I like using the chain every now and then. It CAN be good but u gotta use it at the right times. on the stage or in the middle of the stage it should almost never be used that dumb you'll get hit for it. Guarding people on the ledge with the chain when spaced right (ie just outside their getup attack range) can be great i have used it against countless good players and gotten good results (ie Logic, OS and Kel it all worked fairly well against.) Most importantly tho when using the chain dont think of it as a "ha you cant do anything about it" but more of a im gonna sit here and use it and stop once u figure out a good way to get me to mess it up. Sry if that doesnt make alot of sense.

There are some character like olimar, marth, ike, DK, MK and others who have a very hard time getting around it when u have them on the ledge. Just make sure DK is over 100% or his getup attack is too hard to stop. Also if the stage u are on has trasformation you dont like or are bad for the matchup hopping under a platform and using it can be pretty safe. On the first phase of CS i used it against OS and Kel and they both took about 80% trying to get around it.

Lastly i recommend always always always use sh chain! sh chain is soo much better cause it gives alot more room for ur error which is essentially the chains down fall. With sh chain we cant be perfect so we are asking to eat a free hit. Unless u are feeling really lucky or are desperate for damage i would recommend grounded chain much. I do however punish shield breaks with reverse grounded chain locks and have gotten good chunks of 80% out of it on good players.
Lately I have to the realization that some of Sheiks things are just to hard to do, ever.
Like Chain camp, chain jacking, swan combo, saltus combo/any footstool combo, needle boosting, needle w/e it is called (sliding off and canceling your needle throw animation) and the Natuke Step or w/e IR called it.
We just have to use her speed and combo ability or we will lose, period.

BTW, Ike and Marth can both get in. Simply counter while in the air and they will fall down and hit Sheik.
Just about the only person we can truly camp is Ganon and Oli. Both of those are really hard too because they can pivot grab/wiz kick in the air.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Lately I have to the realization that some of Sheiks things are just to hard to do, ever.
Like Chain camp, chain jacking, swan combo, saltus combo/any footstool combo, needle boosting, needle w/e it is called (sliding off and canceling your needle throw animation) and the Natuke Step or w/e IR called it.
We just have to use her speed and combo ability or we will lose, period.

BTW, Ike and Marth can both get in. Simply counter while in the air and they will fall down and hit Sheik.
Just about the only person we can truly camp is Ganon and Oli. Both of those are really hard too because they can pivot grab/wiz kick in the air.
Nah marth and ike cant get in when u are guarding off stage cause they cant counter at the angle where it would hit us. They can counter the chain but they have to do so at the end of the chains reach so it wont hit then we hit em after. Everyone i named is legit trust me. Idk if u were referring to on the ground or not but oli can standing blue or white grab us out of chain so we cannot just camp him.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
The chain is a very situational tool. The way I see it, the more you climb and get higher in level of play and opponents, the less use you will have for chain.

As Ankoku said, its main use is tacking on ridiculous damage at times versus opponents not so familiar in the Sheik MU.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
Lol@everyone taking sheik so seriously/overthinking her. Just put your cursor on zelda, click sheik, change your name, go to battlefield, and press the green button when youre close to an enemy! Failproof!


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
You're getting close to actually warranting infraction points.

Besides that, it's not March 2008 any more.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Nah marth and ike cant get in when u are guarding off stage cause they cant counter at the angle where it would hit us. They can counter the chain but they have to do so at the end of the chains reach so it wont hit then we hit em after. Everyone i named is legit trust me. Idk if u were referring to on the ground or not but oli can standing blue or white grab us out of chain so we cannot just camp him.
Of stage Marth can DS you and Ike can set up a super armor.
If done correctly try and true lock them under the stage and then no worries. When they go to recover they is screwed.
Lol@everyone taking sheik so seriously/overthinking her. Just put your cursor on zelda, click sheik, change your name, go to battlefield, and press the green button when youre close to an enemy! Failproof!
you piss me off
Besides that, it's not March 2008 any more.
I missed the pun.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Of stage Marth can DS you and Ike can set up a super armor.
If done correctly try and true lock them under the stage and then no worries. When they go to recover they is screwed.

you piss me off

I missed the pun.
Marth cant get on stage because i am keeping him off with the chain. And ike cant super armor anything cause he cant double jump high enough off the ledge.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
The thing about the jump into chain is that it takes a second to come out and another half to be useful (most likely a little less) so to use it you can either blindly throw it out and hope for the best or read your opponent a second ahead. If you can't spare a second or more then you can't use the chain, if you can't predict your opponent wont hit you a second or more then you can't use the chain. It's not about skill with the **** thing it's all about player skill, and match up experience and THEN skill in using it.

I'll argue to my grave though the thing is useful especially against characters who by nature are predictable... like Snake or peach.

edit: Kenni since you quit I imagine you are only here now to cause problems and harass the remaining sheik mains. I ask you respectfully that you please stop spending your time here and go elsewhere.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Sheik forums are dying...because people are quitting on Sheik. I thought I wouldn't but it looks like I will switch over to MK, if I continue to play competitively of course. The funnier thing is the Sheik mains switching over to MK seem to be the ones considered to be the top players.

Perhaps it may be the eventual outcome for all Sheik mains once the reach that wall. After a while one simply realizes that Sheik is ideally a monstrous character if played frame perfect, however this isn't possible and thus leads to inconsistency. Eventually it becomes needles and punishment - a camp game, followed by setting up traps for the kill since many opponents don't fear Sheik much when they are at high damage.

It turned into Pit all over again. I quit Pit because I like an aggressive style of play and getting better meant shooting arrows. Now it's needles.

I'll never drop Sheik altogether, since she still is my favorite ninja since Melee, but in order to seriously consider competing in MetaKnight League Gaming, well... yea.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I will never quit Sheik altogether as well, however, if I go to some tournies this summer I will be playing a lot of Olimar.
Olimar fits my play style like a glove.
I will still use Sheik, but not as a main, as a secondary.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
You're getting close to actually warranting infraction points.

Besides that, it's not March 2008 any more.
Im actually surprised that ive never gotten a single infraction here yet o.O ive been banned from aib like 3 times lololol

Edit: wanna pop my infraction cherry, tony? ;)


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I can ask a supermod just for you. They have access to more permanent options.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I'm not quitting sheik any time soon.
To be good with Sheik it will take that kind of an attitude.
Uh! Um, i mean im a good kid dont hurt me ._.
I may get pissed off and rant on here (which I shouldn't do that), but you are just plain trolling and acting childish.
At least a I have a slight excuse (j/k) about my temper! xD *genetics
Really and truly, if I would call my mother old right now she would hit me with her stick (she carries a large walking stick to hit people with) and bruise me up in several places.......

What's your excuse, age?
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