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Active Player Thread: Ones who does not have Triforce can't go in


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan

I just started working on the new look...at school :3

edit: it's a WIP, I'm going to continue to dumb it down for the next 40 mins(although I can't think of how besides to remove the fricken decay numbers and write smething like "9 Ftilts in a row") and write up a new how to read as well.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
27 frames? Jesus. That's like half a second.
To bad that isn't the total duration.

If you think that is crazy I believe that DK's ^B has like 74 frames over super armor.

I just started working on the new look...at school :3

edit: it's a WIP, I'm going to continue to dumb it down for the next 40 mins(although I can't think of how besides to remove the fricken decay numbers and write smething like "9 Ftilts in a row") and write up a new how to read as well.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
To bad that isn't the total duration.

If you think that is crazy I believe that DK's ^B has like 74 frames over super armor.

It's soo limited in how it can be used though.

Oh and I just broke the mold again, http://i38.tinypic.com/2vd0kug.jpg <-- I'm not going to fill this thread up with my little updates.

and chok :ohwell:. I'll make a epic "How to read" for you.

and sooner or later guys I'm going to be making a thread which I've already titled "Sheik Ftilt the move that's more complex then the game Smash." which I'll go as far as I can into depth on what I think about the Ftilt and know about it as well.

edit: update http://i37.tinypic.com/2di0bkj.jpg
I'm debating with myself if the lines around the options are necessary or not since as they are now it makes the chart look too busy for my taste.

Feedback would be nice.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
I like the outlines around the options. I don't know if it is just my computer, but the Fair on the top looks bold. Also, what do you mean by 2nd up smash?

I think it would be a little easier on the eyes if you put a dash between numbers instead of the word "to". For example: "80 - 85" instead of "80 to 85".


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I like the outlines around the options. I don't know if it is just my computer, but the Fair on the top looks bold. Also, what do you mean by 2nd up smash?

I think it would be a little easier on the eyes if you put a dash between numbers instead of the word "to". For example: "80 - 85" instead of "80 to 85".
Up-smash has 2 hits, the untippered hit, which is most of the hitbox, and the tippered hit which is basically where Sheik's hands meet.

The thing is, it's actually possible to hit both hits of up-smash in succession off a single attack (either untippered then tippered which is most common, or tippered to untippered (probably weird SDI), but unlike most moves like this, it actually stales if you hit both hits.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
It's soo limited in how it can be used though.

Oh and I just broke the mold again, http://i38.tinypic.com/2vd0kug.jpg <-- I'm not going to fill this thread up with my little updates.

and chok :ohwell:. I'll make a epic "How to read" for you.

and sooner or later guys I'm going to be making a thread which I've already titled "Sheik Ftilt the move that's more complex then the game Smash." which I'll go as far as I can into depth on what I think about the Ftilt and know about it as well.

edit: update http://i37.tinypic.com/2di0bkj.jpg
I'm debating with myself if the lines around the options are necessary or not since as they are now it makes the chart look too busy for my taste.

Feedback would be nice.
I still like it. It is way more user friendly now too.

lol... poor Chok. He needs a step by step guide. tsk tsk tsk
Up-smash has 2 hits, the untippered hit, which is most of the hitbox, and the tippered hit which is basically where Sheik's hands meet.

The thing is, it's actually possible to hit both hits of up-smash in succession off a single attack (either untippered then tippered which is most common, or tippered to untippered (probably weird SDI), but unlike most moves like this, it actually stales if you hit both hits.
*her elbows also have tipper properties


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
next weekend is saviors' first tourney haha

hopefully you'll get out of pools, shouldn't be too hard

unless my pools is balls hard i'll get out...every tourney there's at least one or two of those...ex. someone got blue rogue overswarm and count all in the same pool, OS and Blue Rogue being PR and Count being MW's #2 Diddy


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
I like the outlines around the options. I don't know if it is just my computer, but the Fair on the top looks bold. Also, what do you mean by 2nd up smash?

I think it would be a little easier on the eyes if you put a dash between numbers instead of the word "to". For example: "80 - 85" instead of "80 to 85".
I REALLY don't want to back track and fill in all the sets of numbers with the “-“sign especially since it’s not too critical. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could cut and paste but for me to this it would mean I'll have to manually fill in all the numbers and for how many I have now it would be like doing the complete Meta knight chart again and that took hours. @_@

I'm very sorry.

edit: and yeah it was in bold for some reason...Fix it though :3

Up-smash has 2 hits, the untippered hit, which is most of the hitbox, and the tippered hit which is basically where Sheik's hands meet.

The thing is, it's actually possible to hit both hits of up-smash in succession off a single attack (either untippered then tippered which is most common, or tippered to untippered (probably weird SDI), but unlike most moves like this, it actually stales if you hit both hits.
..Are you 100% positive about that?

edit: on a side note I like to say how funny it is there's not a single mention of frames on that chart. Just %'s

edit2: oh and another lul before class. I doubt you guys be able to see the numbers on the bigger one but the downgrades is just too great.

First : http://i33.tinypic.com/aczsra.jpg <-- don't look directly at it you may become a skeleton or worst...me.
Second: http://i34.tinypic.com/2mn2ool.jpg
Third: http://i37.tinypic.com/2di0bkj.jpg

I'm not making a 4th.

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
I've just realised how bad my chocking problem is. I normally play well, keeping up with my opponent, often leading. Then last stock, once they hit high percent, my brain freezes and I do the most idiotic things that get me killed. For example, I've played a Luigi. I know I had recovered in the same way several times. What do I do? The exact same chain auto reeled in right into a Bair which killed me. Again a ZSS, I know I need to keep the fight very close to her and use lots of jabs and Ftilts to pressure the shield. What do I do? Try and outspace her in the air.

I seriously need to get some quality practice in.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Yeah, you've just gotta keep fighting and never give up. I done that in the one Yoshi match and survived to 200+ percent. The reason why is if your foe has victory right in front of them they will do as you did.
Never let that happen to you. In fact save your most clever tricks for the last stock so that they will be faced with something new and will only have a few seconds to adapt. Thing is you move onto a new trick and finish the match.

Right now my whole game is about out smart them in approaching. I try to get them to play into the palm of my hand by getting them to try and punish something that isn't punishable.
A fake out, or I just out space them with Bair.
After that I try and put them into their worst possible position (character dependent) and since Sheik is good with multiple play styles this is really good. Cool thing is Sheik's best two fighting style's **** Snake. So you can switch between both of them.
While I am playing with my foe I try and force an action, usually upon their landing. Since I know their options are limited I'll have a counter for anything they do in my head and punish by just reacting w/o thinking.

I also try and stay in a foe blind spot.
A blind spot is where their options are limited and easy to predict.

One thing you also gotta remember is that Sheik is an expert at punishing. She is like lightning and has a lot going for her when it id down to the wire. Usually jabs, grabs, Bair and OoS Nair takes care of all of this.

Then all I gotta do is throw in a bunch of tricks and KO set ups and I'm golden.
I have worked out KO set ups for each option and they're all pretty awesome.

To bad everything is easier said than done. I'm still working on being able to fight w/o thinking. If I can do that then my reactions to my opponent just flow. That means that I can spend more mental energy watching what the foe is doing. Then learning counters for their habits. If they don't have habits then I can work more on finding a way to force an action so I can punish any counter they have. To bad I also need a fluid reaction for that too.
Basically I just need practice to become better. That and lots of mental training, but at least I know how and where to push my game.

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
I can do fine in friendlies. I destroyed a Peach in warm ups with DACUS. Admittedly, lack of practice (Wii broken) ment I could only do it to the right, but still, I have the tech skill down to the level where I can punish anything with it.

I just do one really stupid thing because all focus on mix ups goes for what I think is the safest option. Which it rarely is.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
i just do the same "mix up" over and over essentially jumping in circles and doing shield dashes, then approach differently based on what they do, its kind of like playing paper rock scissors, but you make them go first =]


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
i just do the same "mix up" over and over essentially jumping in circles and doing shield dashes, then approach differently based on what they do, its kind of like playing paper rock scissors, but you make them go first =]
Exactlt one of my points. Try and make them perform an action and punish them for it.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Has anyone noticed that, although dair is rather stupid and laggy, it'll hit since no one expects it?

I like to throw it out once a match...
Actually Dair is underrated. It has two good use's:

#1 Use it in recovery.

#2 Use it to hit air.
Since you have LANDING lag it is safe to hit most airborne opponents.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
So.... Any fellow Sheik mains going to this: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=243754 ? It's at the end of this month.

Unknown? Scary? <3?

I'll be going, and I'll need a team mate. :)

If someone from OoS places top 4, they get $50 extra added to their winnings. ;)

There are already 40+ people going, including Reflex, Kismet, Sebrik, and maybe Chops.

Estimate Pot (quotations are OoS winnings)
1st - $320 (370)
2nd - $162.5 (212.5)
3rd - $95 (145)
4th - $72.5 (122.5)


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Hey, I just got Brawl+
Brawl+ Sheik < normal Brawl Sheik

Brawl+ Sheik sucks. I feel like she was just nerfed. The only thing she gained was more hit stun..... (and less lag on the Needle's)
She lost the lock, Fair combo's, Bair combo, Chain (either that or the timing is different), Needle Boosting and staying in the air longer (she falls faster in that game)

Those minus's and nerfs should tell you something about how good Brawl Sheik really is.
Beast in B+ my ***.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
So.... Any fellow Sheik mains going to this: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=243754 ? It's at the end of this month.

Unknown? Scary? <3?

I'll be going, and I'll need a team mate. :)

If someone from OoS places top 4, they get $50 extra added to their winnings. ;)

There are already 40+ people going, including Reflex, Kismet, Sebrik, and maybe Chops.

Oh how I wish I could go! This looks like soooooo much fun. I'll keep track of my money and see if I can do anything about this but for right now at this very moment I can't make it. :(!


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
@Unknown: Ah well. Maybe next time. Have fun at the wedding. :)

@Scary: Hopefully everything works out for you and you can go. It would be cool to finally meet you.

@<3: Sweet, hope you find a ride up there. Try posting in the tournament's thread and see if someone will give you a ride. It would be cool to finally meet you, too.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Hey, I just got Brawl+
Brawl+ Sheik < normal Brawl Sheik

Brawl+ Sheik sucks. I feel like she was just nerfed. The only thing she gained was more hit stun..... (and less lag on the Needle's)
She lost the lock, Fair combo's, Bair combo, Chain (either that or the timing is different), Needle Boosting and staying in the air longer (she falls faster in that game)

Those minus's and nerfs should tell you something about how good Brawl Sheik really is.
Beast in B+ my ***.
she's broke in b+ what the **** are you talking about

just play her like melee sheik...the style that they were going for is the SAME


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2008
irvine, ca
^When I first got b+, it was when it still had crazy hitstun and sheik was broken as ****. Ftilt was pretty much 0-100 and you could chain fairs with your eyes closed. Then they nerfed ftilt so it could only do 2 or 3 in a row and I was sad...but I rarely play b+ so I don't really care anymore

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I just PMed GDX about it. we'll see... I don't have a car or I'd kidnap you and bring you.
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