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I've posted this elsewhere, so I might as well share it here. It's a bit of a rant, so bear with me.
I've posted this elsewhere, so I might as well share it here. It's a bit of a rant, so bear with me.
Lately, I've been feeling more and more that our generation has been had. We were born in the 80's, were kids in the 90's and came of age in the 2000's, and all we have to look forward to for the next ten years is the wasteland that's been left to us. The Baby Boomers and Generation Xers spent the last 30 years building a house of cards, and we enter the beginning of our adult lives just in time for it all to collapse.
It just feels like we got ****ed before we were even old enough to realize it. They're calling this a "young person's recession," because layoffs have been bad, but the real problem has been a total freeze on hiring. Who gets hurt by that? You and I, the people looking to start careers. But careers dissapeared a long time ago anyway. Now there are only jobs that we hold until we're downsized to maximize profits for people who's parents benefited from the greatest expenditure of government resources in human history, but now rant and rave about taxes and big government.
Older people treated debt like a commodity, and now we're left to clean up the pieces after it became painfully obvious that wasn't a good idea. Worldcomm, Tyco, Enron, Lieman Brothers, the entire newspaper industry, guess who ran those companies into the ground? Not people in our demographic. The levies collapsed, there was no WMD, Hope and Change turned out to be more of the same, and who's left to foot the bill? We attended public schools that have produced a group of 18-29 year olds where 1 in 4 of them don't know who America beat in the Revolutionary War. And all the while, the same dinosaurs in media, politics and industry refuse to release the reins. We get sued by the RIAA when we demonstrate that the distribution model for music that makes rich men richer is absurd and outdated.
We're still fighting the culture wars of the 1960's because the people who tell us how to think never got over them. Do I support or oppose gay rights? What about abortion? Interracial marriage? How about this for an answer: I DON'T ****ING CARE. People can make their own personal decisions about their lives, and it's none of my business or concern. I remember a Newsweek magazine cover from the 90's heralding the existence of bisexuals, as if they were a newly discovered species. All I could think was, are you kidding? Isn't this common sense?
The world I was promised was just an illusion in the end, and the dream came to am abrupt end thanks to the bumbling ineptitude of the Greatest Generation's children. Fine, whatever, I can live with that. But when is the day coming when the Masters of the Universe are going to say, "Okay, we ****ed up big time, now it's your turn to run the show?" Robert Byrd was 93 when he left the Senate, and only by death. Rupert Murdoch will be 80 next year. If the nitwits running things now have longevity rivaling that, I won't be holding my breath.