La di da~
Neutral B: Ephraim chugs his spear over head, in a long arc, that goes farther horizontally than vertically. The spear then reappears in his hand in a unexplained fashion for simplicity’s sake. (Think of it in the same manor as Link misses his boomerang on the return, and suddenly has it again) The arc can be tilted into two different versions, one shorter but faster, and the other longer but slower. The damage output is good for a projectile, but the knock back that comes from it isn’t anything to be proud of, and will not KO, unless the opponent’s percentages are very high.
Forward B: Ephraim crotches down somewhat, and pulls his spear back. The move is chargeable, and once released, Ephraim will rush across the ground, with his spear still held back. If he hits the opponent, he’ll make a second strike where he pushes his spear out, but otherwise will keep it back. The longer the charge, the farther the distance or the dash, and of course a shorter charge will only have a small amount of charge. The move will fly over edges if unchecked, but Ephraim can switch directions of the attack if the control stick is flicked sharply in the opposite direction. Unlike Jigglypuff’s move though, Ephraim’s charge doesn’t continue once the direction is changed, and he will automatically stop and make a short thrust. (Which he technically won’t do if he charges straight and misses) The first strike knocks the opponent up a bit, but the second strike has a nice amount of knock back. It can be used in air to help with recovery.
Up B: Ephraim makes a short uppercut like attack, while spinning his spear like a buzz saw. The distance of this recovery is not much either vertically or horizontally, but recovery can be aided by the side B. If the opponent is trapped in the spinning blade, they will enter into a screw attack like effect, where they are sucked in, and take multiple hits before being knocked out. It has moderate knock back if the opponent is hit by the final spin, but the other attacks have barely any.
Down B: Ephraim faces towards the screen, and starts to spin his spear around like a windmill. The move hurts any opponent to close to the spinning blade, and will also reflect projectiles. If it does hit an opponent, the opponent will be hit up a bit, and will be in place for a second strike, if they don’t get out of the way fast enough. While the speed of the move initially starts off fast, as long as B is held, the speed will steadily decrease, along with the ability’s defensive capabilities. This is because the blade is the only thing that will attack of block, and Ephraim can be hit if the opponent attacks where the blade isn’t. Thus it is hard to counter this when it first starts, but easy if prolonged. Ephraim also lags a bit when he stops spinning blade, and can’t move when using it either.
Final Smash: Ephraim and Eirika (who just appears besides him) hold of a ball of light composed of the sacred stones. The ball of energy swells up to a size that is about as big as a Banzai Bill, and they both throw it down in tandem. If the ball hits a platform, it will stop, and create an explosion (much like a Banzai Bill’s explosion) which of course damages any opponent trapped in it. If it doesn’t make contract with an opponent, it will just fall of the stage, so watch where you aim it. Even at the begning when it is being charged in the air, it will do damage, and still continue on until it hits a opponent or exits the screen. It does a great deal of damage as expected, and Ephraim (along with Eirika) is invulnerable while the attack is going on.