ok time for some of my shout outs:
sensei- great matches man. your game and watch really pissed me off. sorry about your match with rx. you'll find a way around that tornado next time.
pasqual- hey thanx for those matches with peach. shes really hard for me. we should definitely play next time. keep practicing. and btw, you weren't the only peach there. i saw marin using peach as well. kickass!
ginger- it was really nice to meet you. i enjoyed those friendly matches on the pirate ship

. lets play again with your partner trying to down air me again with ganon, lol.
mask- man your ness was sick! i know you told me its not worth the effort to try to master ness, but i'm gonna give it a shot. sorry about what that pikmin did to you. stupid pikmin. lets play again in the next gigs.
marin and zoro- those were some great matches i saw you two play in. keep it up! and zoro, i really wanted to mm you against your ganon, but maybe next time (i can still only give a dollar

afro thundah- thanx for making me the center of attention for a moment

. i wanna play your snake next time, so let me know if your up for in the next gigs.
weeg- how i hate your luigi. **** i never seen a luigi that good! i'll get you next time! lol.
nevershootme- thanx for recording those matches of me and my partner playing. really appreciated. let me know if you ever post them on youtube. thanx.
lime_backwards and polmex- great matches you guys. lets brawl doubles again at the next gigs. i'm going to do better next time!
sworddancer9034- hey man you're a decent rob. keep practicing and you'll get better.
h1roshi- hey man, glad that you got your car problem taken care of. keep representing kirby and i'll do the same.
h-box (hako)- hey man glad to see you again. can't believe you forgot who i was! that was an intense match with you and h1roshi on halberd. you'll get em next time.
sprinkles (i think thats how you pronounce it)- great to see you again. represent yoshi some more man. he's too awesome he need more rep! and your melee sheik rocked. see ya next time.
sheermadness- those matches with your kirby were sick. looks like i got another kirby rival. keep it up!
and gigs- thanx for hosting awesome tournaments. i'll hopefully be there for the next gigs tournament. thanx a lot.
and to everyone else who i didn't get to, i had a lot of fun. hopefully i'll see you guys at the next gigs. peace.