****, this tourney was fun as hell. I spent most of the time in Silvermine cause it was just too hot in gigabits. Silvermine was less crowded and had 5 fans. Good stuff. Anyways, here's my shoutouts.
Solid Neku: Always good teaming with you. Maybe next time we won't get matched up against Chaz/Bonesaw and then Rx/xYz lol. That last match you had in singles was ridiculous.
CRSN: Keep coming to these tourneys and you'll get better quicker. Good job taking down that BEAST ganon that none of us in the room at the time could lol.
BEAST GANON: Really sorry I didn't get your name, but man....your Ganon is at least B tier lol.
Puma: Good matches, thanks for not doing the infinite on me; not sure if that was intentional or not. I was actually doing good against a D3 for once, until I suicided.
Adam B.: Holy ****, man. All 3 of our matches were epic. In the end it came down to a spacing/timing error by me. I hate to lose like that, but GGs.
Virg, Mata, Spike, Gindler, Kei, Tony: Good seeing you guys again
<3: Your set against Afro was epic. You'll get him next time.
Everyone else I played: GG's and see you next month.