I found some interesting things out about

last night. Some of this may be known but sharing it here just incase...
Most people already know that Marth's Ftilt and Utilt will move him forward slightly when you use the moves repeatedly (effectively, when you buffer the second Ftilt/Utilt), similar to how his Brawl Dtilt did the same thing.
However, I discovered last night that this extends to
all the moves in his moveset.
Effectively, if you use an Ftilt/Utilt, and buffer the following attack, it will start that small step forward. It doesn't matter what move you use, be it a Jab, a Dtilt, a smash attack, or even a special attack, the buffered move will start a small step forward.
This does extend to aerials, however the small step forwards extends instead to a small momentum boost to your buffered jump. I haven't tested if this extends to his standing grab, but something tells me this is an exception.
You can test it yourself if you like; pick Marth and roll to one side of a stage so you're exactly on the ledge facing inwards. Using Tilt Stick, Ftilt and then buffer a Jab or a Dtilt. Do this around 3 times and you'll notice Marth is now standing a small distance away from where he started.
It isn't something revolutionary, but it's an interesting property. There may be a random time when somebody air dodges Utilt on their way to the ground and you buffering Fsmash will give it that extra reach needed to tipper it, who knows, but at least now we know why it would happen.
I love looking into things like this.
Oh, and this doesn't work with

because her Ftilt and Utilt do not move her a step forward when she buffers them.
But at least she keeps a tiny bit of momentum from a walk if she uses Jab, Utilt or spotdodge out of it.
Oh, and

's Dsmash won't hit Lucina when she's stood underneath a battlefield platform, but it will hit Marth.
Yay for minor differences!
And I saw a post about


somewhere above which got me thinking...
I used to think that Pit was the far superior character out of him and Dark Pit; to me, Dark Pit was pointless.
However, my friend & doubles partner, and the best Ganondorf in the UK, has been picking up a couple of objectively better characters to help alongside Ganon (for reference, he's been using Palutena and Dark Pit too).
I can tell you now that he's much better with Dark Pit in ways that him playing as Pit would not reward him as well.
It's possibly a side effect of playing Ganon, but his reading ability and ability to read/predict airdodges etc is very good. It's not fun him predicting an air dodge at 70% and dying to an aerial Electroshock, or him reading the correct getup option and dying to a grounded one at 65%.
We have been killed by Electroshock at sub 20% before too (Thanks, Smashville platform).
While I still think that Pit is arguably the better of the two, the differences are minimal overall and Dark Pit has niche's about himself that can indeed mesh with certain playstyles better than Pit does.