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3/28/09 GIGABITS - A Smashing Good Brawl


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2008
i think the main reason theres no low tiers is time. if theres ever a gigs 60 people and below i see no problem doing it along with reg. singles
That does make sense. Would be nice to have one.

And yes to Lamugi, I will most likely go. Life permitting.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2008
mehhh too many d3's, and mine certainly isnt amazing, time to use someone else for this one XD


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2006
Orlando, FL
Here are the seedings that will be used for this event:

356 hungry box
350 Afro
308 Rx-
303 cdoc
297 seibrik
283 Colbol
274 Lambchops
265 xyz
264 Fenrir
248 Sheer Madness
229 Hiroshi
220 TommyG
183 Angry Lobster
181 snakee
180 gdx
180 co18
175 chaz
163 Gmoney
162 Skrach
151 QDVS
137 galeon
134 Dguy
131 Thomas
130 Zoro
113 O tru
107 linguini
103 Bane
103 RadiX
102 Vericz
99 Fearless
99 Polmex23
98 The Law
96 Phanta
94 Dark Falchon
94 Derf
94 equi
94 Hozart
94 Splinter
93 Petey
92 Galuda
91 Crom
91 Vision
89 Reno
87 Ted Boosley
86 garbanzo
86 Rock
84 Raistlin
83 Juib
83 Loto
82 Dark Sonic
81 DaShizWiz
78 Bonesaw
75 Red Halberd
70 Riot
65 Abe
64 mk18
62 CassaNova
61 Bergoth
60 Apollo
60 Go jin young go jin
59 Marin
59 Lio
58 kei
57 Keep Speeding
54 UI
54 retro gamer
53 D_B_S
52 doodah
52 Uuaa
51 Kyon
50 sensei
48 c-po
48 Green Mario
45 Nick Riddle
44 Sighrax
44 Spike
43 xoff
42 raef
42 ryo
41 weeg
40 Ares
40 Rohins
40 The God Meow Mix
39 walnut
38 Action*******
38 Monk
38 Space Ghost
36 Lee
35 Ice Kid
35 Dreadz
34 Desert King
34 ghaude
34 solidneku
34 neo
33 Pure Korea
33 raven
33 jssn
32 Cory
32 HeavyHands
31 Dragonxero
31 mars
31 SheikSSBM
31 Dr. Whogiggle
30 8-bit
30 xif
29 ScaryLB59
28 kirbydude36
28 Renth
28 Mampam
28 masky
28 dedweight
27 nero
27 Redd
26 Cult of Rubik
26 Pasqual
26 stafu
26 KBM
26 TheeIncubus
25 chudat
25 D21-Diego
25 hunterSFL
25 Inui
25 Matt T.
25 papi
24 Ecky X
24 ******
24 leafgreen386
24 Hirol
24 craziecuban
23 Mr. Anderson
23 RFX
23 Hala
23 Jim K
23 Virg
23 Zelda_Master_Timmy
22 Aurae
22 Golden Felix
22 Nookin
22 Pritch
22 S
22 sworddancer
22 Zip
21 BluRay
21 Doc
21 Max
21 Mr. ShowTime
21 Razr
21 Smashmac
21 The Betta Playa
21 Joe
20 HardcoreBO!
20 Hazzard
20 Oreo
19 Frames
19 jdiggz
19 zergum
19 d-torr
19 Hulk
19 Mr. Ftw
19 Pichu
18 black jinjo
18 jeremy
18 Ken
18 Lazu
18 lbron
18 Ronin
18 WeLikeIke
18 Angel
18 Dercs
18 Mero
17 jewario
16 Cash Mooney
16 DogySamich
16 Jarlax
16 RenardMf
16 vZakat
15 acorn
15 dewdadash
15 Japanman88
15 alex
15 Grunj
14 Eliott
14 Helios
14 Mstry
14 Fuct
13 AT&T
13 Fzero
13 Harriettheguy
13 hawk
13 pink
13 rip
13 Titain
13 Akuma
12 BunZ
12 CJ
12 Couch Commando
12 Det
12 Exdeath
12 Kira
12 Kram
12 Lime
12 Locojoe
12 msgno
12 Otaku
12 SD
12 sprinkles
12 Vince
12 Shyne
12 Timus
11 <3
11 Dooder
11 Dustin
11 force
11 gindler
11 ginger
11 orange xplosion
11 Finch
10 Chaddd
10 circular geometry
10 esper
10 Guess who?
10 Legion
10 mankosuki
10 Plairnkk
10 Rice
10 saetanquo
9 cdc
9 Chris
9 cobrax
9 dare
9 gibz
9 Gopher
9 Groceries
9 maka nuts
9 n3xus
9 NutritionFacts
9 R!S3
9 artic
9 Freakazoid
9 J0n41
9 Peanut
9 Roflcopter
8 aki
8 Captain Crunch
8 Crazy
8 Lvl9cp
8 Noishe
8 Nova
8 sasha
8 Zone
7 Basthole
7 Captain Ken
7 Charles
7 Esam
7 poltergeist
7 r4ze
7 Sick
7 Slim
7 snikz
7 titan
7 zero
7 Andrew
7 Kat
7 Krash
7 Mata
7 Zyzzx
6 112
6 aeon
6 BossMagnet
6 Broke
6 Bug
6 c
6 Caesar
6 Campin' Chris
6 Chauncey
6 crown
6 CT
6 deleted member
6 Devastation)
6 dirtyrice
6 Dutch
6 g
6 G1R
6 gary
6 Gino
6 halo5
6 Hyo
6 Jadin xquire
6 jimiisama
6 kaeko
6 koops
6 Larry
6 laugherisdeadly
6 Mike S.
6 Nicky
6 nth
6 Nzxer
6 pb&j
6 Pepe
6 Saint
6 shoon
6 sly
6 space penquin
6 sub scorpion
6 Tyler
6 AoE
6 Chaboi
6 Enigma Lies Broken
6 Flat Soda
6 Link64E
6 Msas
6 Skinlow
6 Spark
6 Taco
6 Xfactor
5 2bit
5 88
5 boomstick
5 cmroddy
5 emowolf
5 f-18
5 Fabulous
5 Falcor
5 FedEx
5 Hospitality
5 Jim W
5 JJSlim
5 Lizardface
5 lobo
5 Low Road
5 Next
5 Nushi
5 Oryx
5 over9k
5 prodeus
5 Rawn
5 Ryu Deathstrike
5 Sky
5 Vivalamoo
5 Will
5 zeus
4 Adam
4 amr
4 anub1
4 argh
4 c.hill
4 Charlie
4 CKRikou
4 Dameon
4 Daniel
4 Duckels
4 Full Metal
4 Ga Wes
4 geta
4 Guardian Knight
4 Hbus
4 Jan
4 jbaly
4 jesus
4 Johnny
4 Kenyu
4 lukas
4 Makis
4 Merc
4 Misto
4 Momo
4 NBP Corey
4 Nooboob
4 pooky
4 ram
4 Saab
4 Serpent
4 Slynkee
4 teeco
4 The Author
4 Thunderbunny
4 TomG
4 Tropical Taco
3 .Com
3 19666falcon
3 Abid
3 Aero
3 AJ
3 Al
3 Albino
3 anoobis
3 berto
3 bfa
3 bleak
3 blind
3 bubbleman
3 butah
3 Chase
3 chiviq
3 Christian Parra
3 Cmen
3 cocaine
3 daveo
3 diesel
3 DJ ****nugget
3 Earl
3 Evak
3 Fizzi
3 Flaf
3 fried rice
3 Fyrewolf
3 gee
3 George
3 GhostofSparta
3 Grant S.
3 James
3 Jason
3 Jeff
3 Josh
3 juilo
3 lugia
3 memk
3 Michael
3 mike L.
3 newkid
3 ninja
3 Ninjastar
3 nixon
3 onyx
3 Paul
3 phrrn
3 poe
3 renki
3 retiredgamer64
3 Rika
3 Ruben
3 Rust
3 sb
3 schoobs
3 sci
3 sebastian
3 Sepu
3 Shadowe
3 sketch
3 Smash your mom
3 the_shiek
3 tkk
3 Tony
3 trent
3 Trick
3 uber
3 underscore
3 vigilant gambit
3 Wash
3 wesley
3 Zach
3 Zaebdil
3 zift
2 Andre J
2 Andres
2 Andrew D
2 Bamn
2 Blue Link
2 Bo
2 Brittany
2 Chinkasaurus
2 Darin
2 Dasho
2 Dave
2 Eric S.
2 Flashman
2 Gamefreak
2 G-Haad
2 kirin
2 Lime Fury
2 Locke
2 Luigi Prime
2 Nerv
2 orfn
2 Riac
2 Ruka
2 Sam
2 sato
2 Sebas
2 Showtime
2 Smilez
2 Tank
2 Zion
2 BrownBear
2 JungleFever
2 Pengie
2 plup
2 R4D3
2 Synikal
2 Tkydrew
1 _red_
1 Aaron Palmer
1 Aasem Ahmad
1 Alvin
1 Andrew Wheeler
1 Bino
1 Blitz
1 Bryan
1 Brzn
1 C Stick King
1 Chris D
1 Christian I
1 Confuse
1 ****Punt
1 DMT52
1 Dom
1 dyno
1 Emerald
1 Gii
1 Governer
1 Greg
1 Gus Castellanos
1 Hayato
1 Iain
1 Izan
1 Jared
1 Jimbo
1 Joey
1 José marrero
1 kaze
1 Kenji
1 Kuju
1 Little Man
1 Majr
1 marcus
1 Martin Rogers
1 Matt
1 Matt Page
1 Mechasheik
1 Mike Falk
1 myneh
1 Nelson
1 Nick
1 noucles
1 osh
1 pinata
1 qin
1 QueenDBS
1 Ragnell
1 Reggie N.
1 Reid
1 Rhett Davis
1 roze
1 Ryan Rhyce
1 Ryuu
1 Sapphire
1 Shawn Ladd
1 Shin
1 Sopf
1 Steve
1 Steven B
1 Sundown
1 tad ganger
1 Tasty
1 Toboe
1 Toobz
1 Touken
1 Troi Tran
1 Tyler S
1 UndeadIrish
1 vman
1 zero one zero
1 Zmb
1 Zota
1 Ballistics
1 Duck
1 kmay
1 phaeri
1 Publix
1 ransom
1 t00bz

If you want to use these points for your own event, you need our permission!


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
This is the REAL power Ranking.

except I have points from the Otronicon Gigs that haven't been added to it yet :)


edit edit


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
RX- is really defensive and he almost always beats me.

Red Halberd is really defensive too and I lost the 1 or 2 games I played Kirby vs him.

Unfortunately any decent Metaknight has figured out that Kirby can't really approach Metaknight so all of them are defensive when they play against me.

This might help....if it wasnt inui.

Gonzo took a game off of me at Chus biweekly in our MM, though I dont think I'm near as good as I am now (I can't play regularly so I get better by massive gaps everytime I go to a tourney).

Im really happy with myself learning the GaW, Falco and Snake matchups this time around.

Now I need to get better vs. Wario....and Chops. :D


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Tampa, Florida
Imma need a ride for this one. Ill pay like 50 bucks for a ride to gigs and back. Its a 55 min drive. Ill post again (in a month or so) if necessary.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I should actually enter this one, think I've only entered 2 gigs...for singes anyway


This might help....if it wasnt inui.

Gonzo took a game off of me at Chus biweekly in our MM, though I dont think I'm near as good as I am now (I can't play regularly so I get better by massive gaps everytime I go to a tourney).

Im really happy with myself learning the GaW, Falco and Snake matchups this time around.

Now I need to get better vs. Wario....and Chops. :D
I hate fighting grab-happy kirby's. Or just kirby's in general :p

his DK is ****

lol @ seeding points. I guess thats like consistence PR's or something.

Brawl sucks.


Afro should be at the top btw
Amazing and modest?


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Lol i have the 23rd highes t seeding and ive never even placed well at a brawl gigabits

thats just how professional i am at melee son!

hiroshis is crazy...he gets last at every gigs and he still has an insane amount

btw u guys owe the existence of gigabits' nastee tourneys to hiroshi


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Lol i have the 23rd highes t seeding and ive never even placed well at a brawl gigabits

thats just how professional i am at melee son!

hiroshis is crazy...he gets last at every gigs and he still has an insane amount

btw u guys owe the existence of gigabits' nastee tourneys to hiroshi
I thank Hiroshi :shiek: :kirby2:


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2008
Florida bwoyyyy
Lol i have the 23rd highes t seeding and ive never even placed well at a brawl gigabits

thats just how professional i am at melee son!

hiroshis is crazy...he gets last at every gigs and he still has an insane amount

btw u guys owe the existence of gigabits' nastee tourneys to hiroshi
yall aint ready for zoro's ganon


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
If for sure theres gonna be 100+ ppl would there be a way to have the whole lan place to ourselves? I mean, we ARE bringing the people in. That way we will have less miscellaneous ppl playing computer games and taking up chairs, table space, and bawl space. (I <3 my bawl space)

Also, we should have some sort of organized list of ppl bringing wiis and tvs so we can have about a gagillion tvs and the tourney could go a little smoother, more friendlies, MMs, etc

EDIT: ESAM and Retro, Ill MM you guys.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida

This might help....if it wasnt inui.

Gonzo took a game off of me at Chus biweekly in our MM, though I dont think I'm near as good as I am now (I can't play regularly so I get better by massive gaps everytime I go to a tourney).

Im really happy with myself learning the GaW, Falco and Snake matchups this time around.

Now I need to get better vs. Wario....and Chops. :D
that didnt really help, it was entertaining to watch though lol, inui was way to aggresive thats why he got ***** so hard


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
If for sure theres gonna be 100+ ppl would there be a way to have the whole lan place to ourselves? I mean, we ARE bringing the people in. That way we will have less miscellaneous ppl playing computer games and taking up chairs, table space, and bawl space. (I <3 my bawl space)

Also, we should have some sort of organized list of ppl bringing wiis and tvs so we can have about a gagillion tvs and the tourney could go a little smoother, more friendlies, MMs, etc

EDIT: ESAM and Retro, Ill MM you guys.
K. Pikachu vs your main.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
If I team with anyone this Gigs I'd like to team with either of the following(in order of priority):

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