personally i dont want to go to a tourney thats 15 for entry and have a wack *** rule set like this lol
What he said.
Just use MLG rules for all the tournies and be done with it.
Except SoS's random one that is, cause it's random and all =)
Also update first post asking people to bring TV's cubes, extension cords, whatever's needed, and put who is bringing what. Yes TV's too if this is going to be more then 50 people then you want a lot.
Also make a list of people interested in going and add a working pot amount. Leave me off this list as right now this tourney seems wack.
Find out what the venue fee is going to be or are you taking out of the pot to pay for the place? Have you confirmed with the store that they can accommodate this large number of people on both days?
Add a list of the people that need housing and who can house.
Pools/RR(just thought that should be added again)
Maybe a list of crews or people that want to be in a crew that way we can more easily find people to crew with.
Just get more organized and do what's best to make the tourney a good one.