You're a Ego Maniac and you know it.i'd love to kno asside from the comment about the pre-shout out, which was a joke btw, where was i exploding with some ego thing?
is it the money matches i wana do? cuz thats not me thinkin im gona win all my mm's. its me comming back from the north and realizing thats the best way to get better when your not playing tourny matches. i challanged alot of people in maryland to money matches and lost over half of them.
for example i Money matched ninjalink before the tourny got 2-0'd and lost 5 bucks. but i had to play him in tourny and was prepared and 2-0'd him back. i just dont see putting a price on getting better is all, which is why i dont mind money matching anyone. its a shame more people dont have this mind set really. people would get alot better, alot faster.
And yea, i infinite grab with the C-stick, thanks for playing.