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10/11 Gigabits Melee - Falling into Melee


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Friendlies don't fix anything for me. I've been consistently inconsistent in friendlies for 3 years.

Thus why good players like Queenie and Dop actually think I'm good, because I randomly go even with them for a day.

But I'm very consistent at getting owned in tourneys.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
Friendlies don't fix anything for me. I've been consistently inconsistent in friendlies for 3 years.

Thus why good players like Queenie and Dop actually think I'm good, because I randomly go even with them for a day.

But I'm very consistent at getting owned in tourneys.
Dont worry, i'm in the same boat :psycho:

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
Friendlies don't fix anything for me. I've been consistently inconsistent in friendlies for 3 years.

Thus why good players like Queenie and Dop actually think I'm good, because I randomly go even with them for a day.

But I'm very consistent at getting owned in tourneys.
oh trust me i knwo what im talking about. play me then


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
sheer your matches against me are coin flips, everyone who watched knows it. you almost 3 stocked me the first match and the next two were to the last stock high percent. maybe we can friendly a couple next time before we play if we meet!

Edit: Who else you fight?


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
dagai I played very well against you. Great matches.

But after I played you I lost to a bowser with my falco whom I've never seen before (yes, in the tourney). :confused: No offense to whoever you are man.

I did manage to get bye him but then Reno owned me. So I ended up going 1-2, which is just about the usual for me.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
1 Hungrybox
2 Linguini
3 Lambchops
4 Colbol
5 Dop
7 Exarch
7 Rockcrock
9 HarriettheGuy
9 Synikal
9 Dark Sonic
9 Green Mario
13 Otru
13 Toobz
13 Reno
13 Crom
17 CmRoddy
17 Bob Hazzard
17 Sighrax
17 Rx-
17 Zoro
17 Ballistics
17 Angry Lobster
17 Apollo
25 Nick
25 DJ ****Nugget
25 Cult of Rubik
25 Marin
25 Sheer Madness
25 vZakat
25 Leafgreen
25 Garbanzo
33 Finch
33 Doc
33 Frames
33 Jeremy
33 HeavyHands
33 Plup
33 JungleFever
33 Tkydrew
33 BrownBear
33 Pengie

1 HungryCock
2 Get Goten
3 Mafiosos
4 Gainesville Geodudes
5 TallaASSie
5 Swollen Tip
7 Noob Testicle
7 Purify
9 Are you here for the buttsecks?
9 We're here for the buttsecks.
9 Team Tubgirl
9 Metal Phobia
13 Double Jointed
13 This ****'s bad ***
13 2 girls 1 cup
13 **** 'N BALLS
17 Duck Tales
17 Bad Rubber Pi
17 Los Negros
17 Beefcake

Props to us for an NC-17 rated teams tournament.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^Nah dude, I was only half. The other half was the worst player on the opposing team, since I'd just beat on him and swat his partner away when he came to help.

And I really do not mind racking damage on two guys at once. I deal with that all the time with Pat anyway, since he gets knocked away a lot (it's understandable, he's Jigglypuff).

It's as much my fault as it is your fault dude. I was off too and I noticed I was hitting you a lot. You did a decent job of saving me from edgeguards and stuff. We just didn't get enough team practice to really figure out how we both play in teams (we kept screwing up each other's edgeguards).

Now that I think about it, Pat is really good at 2v1 also. I honestly don't know which of us play better in teams (I'm gonna go ahead and say Pat, since he just wrecks people out of nowhere with rests and stuff. In the middle of all that chaos)


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
^^Nah dude, I was only half. The other half was the worst player on the opposing team, since I'd just beat on him and swat his partner away when he came to help.

And I really do not mind racking damage on two guys at once. I deal with that all the time with Pat anyway, since he gets knocked away a lot (it's understandable, he's Jigglypuff).

It's as much my fault as it is your fault dude. I was off too and I noticed I was hitting you a lot. You did a decent job of saving me from edgeguards and stuff. We just didn't get enough team practice to really figure out how we both play in teams (we kept screwing up each other's edgeguards).

Now that I think about it, Pat is really good at 2v1 also. I honestly don't know which of us play better in teams (I'm gonna go ahead and say Pat, since he just wrecks people out of nowhere with rests and stuff. In the middle of all that chaos)
Basically, it doesn't matter which of us dies first, because we can both **** 2 on 1. Us = too good. We are going to own in Kansas, I can't freaking wait!


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Shoutouts (Finally) In Placing Order.

Hungrybox: Way to own mangz.
Linguini: You beat Chops twice? Pretty incredible. I'm not going to be dash attacking your shield as much next time we play... Linguini for PRings.
Lambchops: Hah we never play. How's your COCK?
Colbol: Aw we didn't play this tournament. I'm always disappointed.
Dop: Nice placing buddy, and both DF and I were saying you saved your team's butt in the second match against us.
QDVS: Great set, no complaints here. Well, maybe I should play more often and I wont forget little things. Nahhh...
Rockcrock: You made my Roy so sad!
HarriettheGuy: Yehs! Your playstyle is hilarious.
Synikal: Good to see you again man, it's been what, a year or two now?
Dark Sonic: I got lazy and stopped DIing then tried to jump out. I'm such a scrub when I play (sometimes). Good set though.
Green Mario: Wanna team next melee gigabits?
Otru: Truuuuuuuuu
Toobz: Wow I was really impressed! Gave me some trouble, fortunately I got that sweet dsmash combo on you on corneria. XD Don't underestimate what basic fox can do... look at masashi. Good stuff
Reno: Hot samus, nice to see you around again.
Crom: How did you unlock snake in melee??
CmRoddy: Great seeing you bud, much <3.
Bob Hazzard: Good set, I don't know what happened that second match though : /
Ballistics: Fun set to you as well, I just lubs playing samus.
Angry Lobster: CF is really not a great counter to falco... you know that right? Much love.
Cult of Rubik: I watched one of your sets and I've got a few suggestions if you hit me up on AIM sometime. Nice getting a face to the name though.
vZakat: I watched you ripping apart a few fast fallers... It looked like so much fun. Glad to see you around again.
Leafgreen: Nice meeting you! Great to know who I'm actually teaming with online now.
Frames: <3 Chilis was too much fun, and your fox is getting more and more solid. Keep it up!
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