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1/10 Orlando Full Results Posted Melee + Brawl


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2007
Down the street from Gigs
if you have a lighter, that's as good as a sensor bar for playing melee

It'd take longer to warm up a soldering iron than it would for me to build one of these that would be wired or wireless and probably twice as easy to use. Depending on what LEDs you get it'd probably also be useable from much farther away than the ordinary bar and could be made to run really easily on just about any power source.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
for the record i went marth twice i only played randomish chars

i played zelda, dk, marth, fox, falcon

marthnext to my name is blasphemous i have no main!

except ken but thats a dif game


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol halberd ur bro is cool but he is waaaay too enthusiastic about this bad game
even the top brawlers dont take it that seriously


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Full Results:

Melee Singles:

1. HungryBox (Jiggs)
2. Slumdog Millionaire (DK/Ganon)
3. SheerMadness (Falco)
4. Dop (Peach)
5. Zoro (Falco/Link)
5. ManaLord (Marth)
I should have gone link against queen too...i dont like seeing falco up there first :(


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
k real shoutous ill go by who i played

qdvs- nice meetin you man rep dk some more he's a beast, counterpick great bay if you ever can, cargo uthrow on bottom middle is insta win!!!!
GFAQS 4 life btw

DRD, long hair chill dude- pichu ftw!!!!! hes so small and cute i couldnt hit that ****!

not sure about the next two

hungrybox's bro/dj ****nugget (i think LOL)- nice sheik dude keep it up, v any falcon tho at around 90+% you gotta DI AWAY hard all the time or uthrow knee is insta kill!

falcon dude who asked me for help, action man i think or something- dude keep reppin falcon, heres some stuff i forgot to tell you and percentages i like
v marth-dthrow anywhere from around 60-ish to higher to knee
v sheik-uthrow cg at low percents, uthrow at 100ish percent to full jump knee
v peach- dhthrow around a hundred a lil lower to full jump knee
v fox/falco/falcon!!! forgot to tell you this one it works great if they don't di away almost always a kill, around 100% uthrow to fsmash!!! thats right fsmash **** works im tellin ya

then i played dop i think the pakistan peach guy- nice peach i almost got you on poke floats i tried to let the stage beat u and not me lol cheap i know but hey i couldnt keep up peaches play dif in new york

ggs everyone that mayve been the only time ill ever play y'all!!! i'll cherish it forever or until i forget


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
the **** is lio and that other guy that got 2nd?

Lio is the fastest toon link i've ever seen, and Mampam is redhalberd's amazing brother

Who beat Lio?

Who cheated?
I beat Lio 2-0 (close matches) in winner's bracket semifinals


Hungrybox beat him 3-1 in loser's finals.

He's freakin really good, and I think he'd be able to take top 5 at gigs, if he got a decent bracket.


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2008
Palm Coast, Florida
Well I had fun for the whole hours or whatever I was here for. Lol.

Def had a lot of fun at hbox's the night before tho. That pretty much made the trip.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Ocala, Fl
Really fun tournament, need to pick another char up for metaknight...Rx you were able to just use B and destroy my IC's cause nana doesnt know how to shield for that long.. :[ but Lio our matches were epic, so close and surviving my 100 percent spike then killing me from a 100 percent disadvantage is insane.

Peeps i drove: meowmix, masky, zergum, and lio, the drives and such were pretty ballin, made it fun lol, and mampam, it was nice seeing you again man, i had to think about fast 1 and i remembered you somehow lol, you got so much better man, nice placing and such, and for all who i forgot, good games and lets dew it again.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
People i can never beat :
Dop,Sheermadness, qdvs they are just too good
I definitely should not be included in that list. You suicided on the last stock of the last game. And you play a mid/low tier char while I play Falco. You're definitely better than me.

Melee is a lot more fun than brawl but I still like brawl. Masky, Dark Sonic, and Zergum owned me though. I was playin melee friendlies between all my brawl matches which probably didnt help.


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Galuuda's Ice Climbers were really good.

I was able to use my melee knowledge to help me win that matchup, because I've never played against Icies in brawl before (except beating hylian's at FAST)


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
i tried brawl again without success :/ i wanna get good with falco but i just dont like to practice

i wish we could go back to '05 and '06 :/ melee was soooo muchhh more funnn back then, although i still have fun playing it


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
i tried brawl again without success :/ i wanna get good with falco but i just dont like to practice

i wish we could go back to '05 and '06 :/ melee was soooo muchhh more funnn back then, although i still have fun playing it
*** yeaa lets go to mlg orlando 06!


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Melee is a lot more fun than brawl but I still like brawl. Masky, Dark Sonic, and Zergum owned me though. I was playin melee friendlies between all my brawl matches which probably didnt help.
You definitely owned me and Zergum in doubles though lol


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
*** yeaa lets go to mlg orlando 06!
That tournament was the ****, not gonna lie. Sitting right next to azen while he and chillin wreaked people in doubles was too good. That and shiz almost taking azen out back when no one knew him outside of Fl. Good times.

Though my pool of me, xif, doodah, NBPMike, Kaiser (the known pro for our pool), and whoever else with only top 2 advancing was rough.:( Waaaaaay too many good-yet-unseeded fl people at that tournament.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
Guess Ill do shoutouts and what not.
Um lets see....
first to the gainesville ppl (ocala included). We stuck together man that was pretty sick. Honestly I think Im gonna take a recorder to the car next time we go somewhere and just record all the stupid **** we talk about. Its too funny. Plus, who plays melee on the way to and from a tournament???

Mampam: not sure if you check the boards but man did we have sync for all those double matches...I actually had a lot of fun playing with u as a partner and coming up with half a$sed strategies that actually worked. Definitely look forward to teaming again

Galuuda: dude, our matches were really F'ing epic. My toon link had to go super saying and ****. I am so pissed we didnt record them. Honestly, who pauses in the middle of a chaingrab and gets a free smash to the face to compensate. lol! Oh, and also, thanks a lot for driving us there :)

Meowmix: Your Tlink is getting pretty crazy. You've gotten really freaking good at mindgames. wish i had that :(

Hungrybox: You got lucky! :laugh: lol, no but really, good job figuring out my TL, Ill come up with some gay strategy to counteract the gay chaingrabbing. you'll see :)
Also, thanks a lot for housing us the night before. Wouldve sucked to have to wake up early to drive all the way to orlando.

Rx: Dude our matches were soooo close. I always get hit by that stupid up-B >.< Ill have to come up with a gay strategy for mk as well. On a side note, where do you get that fancy water filter thing. Thats the best water I've ever had! Thats why I constantly had to go pee in between matches.

Everyone else I played against good matches and you all better be at Gigs!


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx

what did you go by during the tournament?

i remember you saying you were dark templio at the tournament, but i don't remember your smash name...

i'm guessing you were the 2nd person i played in the brawl singles bracket? i just can't remember for the life of me...

I played Galuuda first round,

then ???? you i guess

then i think dark sonic

then Lio winner's semi's

Then Hbox in winners


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
ok ok imma break it down for ya'll

My name is Lionel but people call me Lio.

When I played starcraft back in middle school my favorite unit was a Dark Templar so I figured, "Hey why not combine it with my name somehow!"

Darktemplionel sounded ridiculous so I just went with Darktemplio and thats been my tag for every game I play since.

I prefer being called Lio rather than darktemplio so I always go by Lio in tourneys.

Hope this clears up all the confusion. good job figuring it out QDVS :laugh:

EDIT: now that I think about it...people usually have this problem...maybe I should clarify on my sig that I'm Lio. lol

EDIT EDIT: Hopefully with this new sig ppl will know who I am :rotfl:


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
whoops, i have sigs turned off so pages load faster

well then i need to figure out who i played second round...


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I definitely should not be included in that list. You suicided on the last stock of the last game. And you play a mid/low tier char while I play Falco. You're definitely better than me.


you call that a suicide? I clearly got owned
plus i havnt beaten you yet so ur still on the list lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
Hope everyone who came to this can come to WATO 5

memorable day for me, was my first time playing competitively, even if it was a free tourney

Zoro/Marin: Haha me and Brendan (don't know his screenname) only beat you guys once in doubles friendlies, and that was only because I got that free fsmash from the car on onett haha, you guys are an awesome team

Marin: My first tourney match and I was understandably ***** (by a woman =[ ). I was surprised at how much change it made just counterpicking corneria...but then you picked dream land so I was like "ahhh no more low ceilings =["

Brendan (who are you on here lol?): Fun friendlies, funny my doc kept losing to you and then I 2-stocked you with my pichu haha, hope we can play again

Mana Lord: Wow, first experience at playing against someone at that kind of skill level, I didn't expect it to be that hard. Honestly I don't know what happened with that pichu, but I definitely want to play you again if I can. Maybe if I get good enough at melee I'll be able to travel to some bigger tournies OOS. Hope I can play you again sometime

Dark Sonic: Pathetic doubles work on my part, I thought you were going to win single-handedly at some points. Awesome Sonic, didn't see any of your melee matches I don't think, though

Like I said, you all better be at WATO 5 !
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