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0C3 Pearl - July 20-22! CHECK 1st ROUND SINGLES POOLS!

what type of crew battles would you want at 0c3? (plz vote only if u r coming)

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Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
thats why people should bring their own tapes. Hope i made that clear.
...wait so we're allowed to record our own matches if we bring our own tapes?

If so, will there be any dvd recorders hooked up or is it all vcr's?


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
Hey, I would like to make a request. I read the information packet and read the information stating that if you're called for a match you have 5 minutes to be there. After that, if 5 more minutes pass you're disqualified. I would like to request that the person who doesn't show up for their match be completeley disqualified from the tournament and not just sent to loser's bracket. The reason why is because it's not fair if someone REALLY good gets disqualified and then screws everyone over in loser's bracket.

For example, let's just say that Ken gets DQ'd and sent into loser's bracket. Would it be fair for the people in loser's bracket who have a good shot at placing high to have to face Ken and lose and not place at all?

One time I had a REALLY good shot at placing high at a tournament with my doubles partner and winning money but then we had to play the team who got first place and got eliminated early because his partner showed up late and he was DQ'd and sent to loser's bracket. I mean, that sh** right there cost us money.

Also, can we request then that if you're called for a doubles match and your partner is not there, that you can't substitute with a lvl 9 computer? Same thing as above. If Ken and Bombsoldier have a doubles match and Bombsoldier is late, would it be fair if Ken used a lvl 9 comp, loses, and then Bombsoldier returns and they screw everyone over in losers bracket and take first place?

This gives me an idea. Maybe you should also collect cell phone numbers so if you're late for your match, someone can give you a courtesy call so you can show up.

Thank you!!


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Hey, I would like to make a request. I read the information packet and read the information stating that if you're called for a match you have 5 minutes to be there. After that, if 5 more minutes pass you're disqualified. I would like to request that the person who doesn't show up for their match be completeley disqualified from the tournament and not just sent to loser's bracket. The reason why is because it's not fair if someone REALLY good gets disqualified and then screws everyone over in loser's bracket.

For example, let's just say that Ken gets DQ'd and sent into loser's bracket. Would it be fair for the people in loser's bracket who have a good shot at placing high to have to face Ken and lose and not place at all?

One time I had a REALLY good shot at placing high at a tournament with my doubles partner and winning money but then we had to play the team who got first place and got eliminated early because his partner showed up late and he was DQ'd and sent to loser's bracket. I mean, that sh** right there cost us money.

Also, can we request then that if you're called for a doubles match and your partner is not there, that you can't substitute with a lvl 9 computer? Same thing as above. If Ken and Bombsoldier have a doubles match and Bombsoldier is late, would it be fair if Ken used a lvl 9 comp, loses, and then Bombsoldier returns and they screw everyone over in losers bracket and take first place?

This gives me an idea. Maybe you should also collect cell phone numbers so if you're late for your match, someone can give you a courtesy call so you can show up.

Thank you!!
thomas i understand your concern about this, but we cannot just dq the person, they did pay 75 bucks to enter and it will be pretty mess up if they traveled all the way to california just to get dqed and sent back to new york or where ever they came from. Lets say they happen to get dq'ed and was sent to the losers bracket to face someone who had a good chance. Well if the person is good they can defeat the opponent. This question for us is a double knife no matter how you change it someone gets angry. So we have to stick with the original idea, atleast the match determines the winner and not the person not being there. So sorry if this upsets you.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
the staff wants to be clear on this

manacloud under kens name.

remember guys, if you fly into oc3 you only get housing for 3 days.

The event has bathrooms with sinks but does not have showers. WE the staff are planning to rent a motel and transporting people to the motel for showers if they want. This is a reminder for all those attending.

In addition to this remember it is not our responsibility to find you housing before or after the event. A lot of people are asking us for housing before the event and after, which we cannot do ourselves. We are very busy and let alone cant house everyone because we this year we made it possible to get a place to house people.

HOUSING ISSUES- SO CAL players seriously need to help out people flying in from other states prior. I am dissappointed to see nobody in so cal put forth the effort to offer housing. Ive mentioned this before hand. Some people want to fly in earlier to enjoy themselves so heres a chance to make friends so cal.

AS for the players like i said it is not our responsibility to house you or find you housing the days before or after the event or take you sight seeing. You must find your own housing at a motel or ask someone from so cal to help you out. There are about 300 players here alone. Look at the registration list of so cal players. Find someone and ask them. Post in the pacific west thread for oc3 housing before or after the event. I am sure so cal will be kind enough to house you for some smash lessons or friendships.

methods of getting housing if you are hopeless and already bought your tickets to oc3.

1. split a motel with someone else who is also going.
2. go on the pacific west forum and ask smashers in so cal to house you.
3. get your own motel.
4. ask someone who has a motel to share it with you.
5. beg like hell.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002

is there going to be an OC4 next year?
depends on how the staff feels and if my family still decides to hold zero challenge tournaments. HOwever i can guarantee you oc3 will be one of the craziest tournaments around for a long time. Its not every day bombsoldier comes to oc3. this is the only chance people can meet him in real life. seriously.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2006
Blah.. I wish I could go, but California has year-round schools which means I start school in July -.- so I can't go til next year when I graduate..


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2006
Crew and Teams

I noticed that some people on the thread do not have a team mate or a crew to join with. I'm not sure as to how the 0C3 staff is going to accommodate for them, but me being "crew-less," I have a suggestion.

I was thinking that people who do not have partners to join doubles with or for those who would like to compete in crews but don't have a complete group to do so, would sign their name to a list. This way, at the front desk or where ever it's most suitable, one list can be formed of those who do not have partners and another of those who don't have crews. From there, the names on the list can be called out and teams/crews can be formed from there.

I'm not completely sure if this would work, being that most people plan to come with a partner or a crew, but it may help out those that paid the full 75$ and want to compete in all parts of the tournaments (they just happened to not bring along 4 others to form a crew).

In my case, I have a teammate who I plan to go with, but we don't have a crew to compete with. Also, others may have emergencies such as: Their partner got sick and couldn't make, Their crew is too small (1-4 people, need an extra), they just simply don't have a partner, etc. etc.

This is just an idea, but if the 0C3 staff doesn't have the time to deal with this, i'm sure there are other ways. Thanks. .


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2006
Also, I just wanted to thanks the 0C3 staff for taking time to help out on the thread.

You guys are putting a lot of work into this, so i just thought you deserved a thank you. . .


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

I noticed that some people on the thread do not have a team mate or a crew to join with. I'm not sure as to how the 0C3 staff is going to accommodate for them, but me being "crew-less," I have a suggestion.

I was thinking that people who do not have partners to join doubles with or for those who would like to compete in crews but don't have a complete group to do so, would sign their name to a list. This way, at the front desk or where ever it's most suitable, one list can be formed of those who do not have partners and another of those who don't have crews. From there, the names on the list can be called out and teams/crews can be formed from there.

I'm not completely sure if this would work, being that most people plan to come with a partner or a crew, but it may help out those that paid the full 75$ and want to compete in all parts of the tournaments (they just happened to not bring along 4 others to form a crew).

In my case, I have a teammate who I plan to go with, but we don't have a crew to compete with. Also, others may have emergencies such as: Their partner got sick and couldn't make, Their crew is too small (1-4 people, need an extra), they just simply don't have a partner, etc. etc.

This is just an idea, but if the 0C3 staff doesn't have the time to deal with this, i'm sure there are other ways. Thanks. .
we got this under control already, on the day of the event people who do not have partners will get to pair with random people and people without crews will get to pair with random people.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
FC has a cap and now OC has a 10 day before deadline? Diamond and Pearl are gaying us, lol, jk jk. Just feels like certain people that only signed up for FC may be like "Holy ****!! FC Diamond was f-ing awesome!! I'm definitely going to OC3 next WEEK!!!111" till they find out registration closed days ago. :/


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
FC has a cap and now OC has a 10 day before deadline? Diamond and Pearl are gaying us, lol, jk jk. Just feels like certain people that only signed up for FC may be like "Holy ****!! FC Diamond was f-ing awesome!! I'm definitely going to OC3 next WEEK!!!111" till they find out registration closed days ago. :/
that's what Diamond and Pearl does to you. It's nothing but gayness. Imagine getting hit by four criticals in a row, followed by being frozen 6 turns in a row. Yes, pure gayness, Nothing you can do, but strategize earlier and plan Ahead.


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2006
that's what Diamon and Pearl does to you. It's nothing but gayness. Imagine getting hit by four criticals in a row, followed by being frozen 6 turns in a row. Yes, pure gayness, Nothing you can do, but strategize earlier and plan Ahead.

That is the best quote ever.



Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
that's what Diamon and Pearl does to you. It's nothing but gayness. Imagine getting hit by four criticals in a row, followed by being frozen 6 turns in a row. Yes, pure gayness, Nothing you can do, but strategize earlier and plan Ahead.
lol awesome analogy


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2005
that's what Diamon and Pearl does to you. It's nothing but gayness. Imagine getting hit by four criticals in a row, followed by being frozen 6 turns in a row. Yes, pure gayness, Nothing you can do, but strategize earlier and plan Ahead.
i once used hyper beam with snorlax then my friend used ice beam it froze me, i unfroze on the next turn and didnt have to "recharge" so i hyper beamed again:chuckle:

my post is useless just thought u should no


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

loooks like pokemon is invading this thread. Are people not excited? oc3 is like 3 weeks away and bombsoldier is arriving in 2 weeks. Also on a special note, I think oc3 will be the largest smash tournament in terms of how many female participants are comming to play. Can i get a yeahuzuzuz?


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
the worst is when focus band activates twice in a row:(

but the 10 day deadline isn't a cutoff per se, it's just you'll have to pay $100 at the door if you haven't registered by then

so it's more like "FC was so awesome, i think i'll go to OC3!!"
"**** i wish i registered earlier, coulda saved $25...."


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
thomas i understand your concern about this, but we cannot just dq the person, they did pay 75 bucks to enter and it will be pretty mess up if they traveled all the way to california just to get dqed and sent back to new york or where ever they came from. Lets say they happen to get dq'ed and was sent to the losers bracket to face someone who had a good chance. Well if the person is good they can defeat the opponent. This question for us is a double knife no matter how you change it someone gets angry. So we have to stick with the original idea, atleast the match determines the winner and not the person not being there. So sorry if this upsets you.
Yeah, it is a double knife because then the person in loser's bracket who has a good shot at ranking also pays $75.00, only to be sent home because "so-in-so" decided to leave for some tacos and then ruined their chance of ranking, and prevented them from playing more matches that they paid $75.00 for. At lease if they're DQ'd for leaving, it's no one's fault but their own. If someone is eliminated in loser's bracket because so-in-so left for 30 minutes to get tacos, it's not their fault.

Either way, someone's going to be upset, but I'd rather the person who made the decision to screw up suffer the consequences for their decision rather than someone honest pay the price.

Please look into this some more.

Even if you don't choose to go this way, I at least hope you understand why I would think it's the way to go. I hope other people start enforcing this for future tournaments.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
Can i get a yeahuzuzuz?
Cort said:
yeah uz uz uz

so anyway ive been trying to arrange a ticket to OC but it doesnt look likely anymore. i have an important appointment the thursday night before the tournament begins so if i came i would probably miss friday's events entirely. :(

i was hoping i would get to visit cali, but oh well. ken i hope the tournament goes well, maybe if there's ever another one i can attend >_<


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
that's what Diamon and Pearl does to you. It's nothing but gayness. Imagine getting hit by four criticals in a row, followed by being frozen 6 turns in a row. Yes, pure gayness, Nothing you can do, but strategize earlier and plan Ahead.

It sounds like you were annoyed by your battle with Nicky :-P

Just a lil' bit ;)

Ken! I just got your IM, are you down to play some pokemon? :] :] :]



Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2006

It sounds like you were annoyed by your battle with Nicky :-P

Just a lil' bit ;)

Ken! I just got your IM, are you down to play some pokemon? :] :] :]

rickster, when is the next staff meeting. i need to go and we all need to talk. oc300 is too close!


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
Elmont LI, Queens. Philadelphia during semesters.
blah.... i wish the first time like 4 years ago i read about wave dashing.. i looked into it and knew about smashboards....maybe i'd consider myself somewhat fit to come.

but OMFG Bombsoldier. wonder if he's still good. lmao at caking off this guy. for the record... ken as well as any marths / roys are forbidden to use downB against Bombsoldier.

im excited and theres no way in hell im going. i just want the viiiiiiiiids. this tourny cant come any faster. btw bomb soldier is like michael jordan right now... but will he return as #45 or as the wizard player :\


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2004
Mahopac, NY
If only CA weren't so far away. Even if we would be blowing the same amount as at Pound 2, the no showers sounds a little off putting....


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

thats too bad more new yorkers cant go =(.

anywho, updates on the shirt, still lots to do, hope i finish on time. Also im wondering do people prefer the image to be on the front or back?


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
Are Arash and Jenny gonna do pickups in the morning and drop offs at the end of the day like at 0C2 or do we have to find our own way?


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
since there are only 6 registered airport pickups, things should work out just fine...

besides, we have a lot more drivers this year (supposedly) so we should be there on time


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
yes if u have your wristband on then you can do so. If you lose it then u wont be able to enter.

plus there will be certain times when we announce lock up meaning everyone enters the building and we lock the doors meaning no access to the outside.
lol, i can see it now. "Let's get (insert pro smasher's name here) outside and try and get his wristband so he can't re-enter!"

no johns.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
I'd REALLY prefer if the image was on the front. FC's image was on the back and nobody ever notices/sees it "/.

Also, manacloud, Kate wants to know if she has to register for being a spectator and how to do so.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
so what times are these lock up things at? i assume these are at night. and also, about what time will things start up again sat/sun morning? because i don't think i'll be staying at the venue.
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