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0C3 Pearl - July 20-22! CHECK 1st ROUND SINGLES POOLS!

what type of crew battles would you want at 0c3? (plz vote only if u r coming)

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Smash Master
Jun 12, 2006
San jose
I'd REALLY prefer if the image was on the front. FC's image was on the back and nobody ever notices/sees it "/.

Also, manacloud, Kate wants to know if she has to register for being a spectator and how to do so.
I would like to know also...


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
the worst is when focus band activates twice in a row:(

but the 10 day deadline isn't a cutoff per se, it's just you'll have to pay $100 at the door if you haven't registered by then

so it's more like "FC was so awesome, i think i'll go to OC3!!"
"**** i wish i registered earlier, coulda saved $25...."
Oh!! You can pay at the door?! ****, I got mindgames by Ken, lol! Beautiful Diamond and Pearl metaphoric explanation though.


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2007
Please Please Please!!! Does Anyone Know Bomb Soldier's Flight Schedule!!!??! Im Gonna Transit Through Japan And Its A 18 Hour Flight to PAX!:urg: Ima need some company!! Booking my tickets by Friday so If Anyone can tell me I'll be grateful! Speak great Japanese so i can help translate for him if ANything!!!!!


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
stop asking

Please Please Please!!! Does Anyone Know Bomb Soldier's Flight Schedule!!!??! Im Gonna Transit Through Japan And Its A 18 Hour Flight to PAX!:urg: Ima need some company!! Booking my tickets by Friday so If Anyone can tell me I'll be grateful! Speak great Japanese so i can help translate for him if ANything!!!!!
there is no possible way for you and him to meet up with each other. bombsoldier is flying in earlier, we told you many times. So stop asking please! This is the Third time. Nobody here knows his flight info except for Ken and he doesnt even know it right now because he has to go get it. So seriously stop asking.

PEOPLE WHO ARE SPECTATING DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER. sorry if we havent announce this before. In the beginning we wanted to make them register but it became a hassle so we just said they can just pay at the door =). Also spectators fee is 50 bucks, but you also get food for 3 days, housing, and all the friendlies you want after each tourney ends each day. Take full advantage of this spectators. And Milktea I know kate doesnt play smash and all that, but we cant give anyone special privileges for paying less because then everyone will want it too. So shes basically paying for food and watching kaiser play hope she understands.

Also, ive noticed that as well with the t shirts being on the back and people just really do not notice the image. Ill take your advice and put it on the front =).

as for lock up times and stuff Ken will announce that later in his post.

Also i really hope this is not all the banners for the contest lol. The judging is going to be quick, so far we got like 5 banners. People are saying the prizes suck so they want to save them the trouble of making a banner, but think about the prize its 20 bucks to play bombsoldier and a t shirt which is 30 bucks. Thats 50 bucks you're saving. Second is a game with bombsoldier which is 20. and third is a game with disc which is 10. No matter what it is a prize and you do get practice with one of the greats. If nobody enters =), looks like milktea and zjin will go heads up seriously for a battle for first lol.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Milktea's banner is beasting with amazing skill and power but Zjiin's is balling and mad retardedly funny like the Dramatic Chipmunk. I wouldn't know which one to choose but both are great.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
...Zjiin's is balling and mad retardedly funny like the Dramatic Chipmunk.
That's exactly what i was aiming for, which is good, since artist are usually so misunderstood in their time.

manacloud1 said:
looks like milktea and zjin will go heads up seriously for a battle for first lol.
That means a guaranteed match 4 stockin' by bombsoldier!? rawkin'.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Yeah LOL, I'm going to get 4stocked by bomb! LOL

Manacloud, don't worry! She wasn't expecting a lower price, she's fine with paying what you ask for, even for just spectating :). I'll let her know she doesn't need to register, thanks!


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

That's exactly what i was aiming for, which is good, since artist are usually so misunderstood in their time.

That means a guaranteed match 4 stockin' by bombsoldier!? rawkin'.
a reminder for all those who already made their final banner please post your banner in the thread i made in the art emporium thread. So we can just look at all of them once to judge when the time comes , thanks.

here is link



Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Will the venue be open the day before the tournament starts? I'll need a place to stay, and I intend to fly in the day before and out the day after.

Also, if my ride to the venue isn't guaranteed (since I'm flying in early) I'd just like to know in advance.

And finally, if I need to stay at somebody's place, is anybody willing to keep me? I try to be a neat and courteous houseguest. And I like to play Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube, so if you like that game then we can play "friendlies" and have a lot of fun.

Thanks in advance; and I of course apologize if its been asked before, but there are a LOT of pages to sort through. My AIM is excelexcel25 if anybody wants to answer without further clogging the thread.

Oh, and should I be flying into LAX or somewhere else?


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
as long as you register your flight info on the first page, you should be good to go in terms of us transporting you

as far as housing goes, there are several threads in the pacific west forum, i suggest posting your request there:)


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Will the venue be open the day before the tournament starts? I'll need a place to stay, and I intend to fly in the day before and out the day after.

Also, if my ride to the venue isn't guaranteed (since I'm flying in early) I'd just like to know in advance.

And finally, if I need to stay at somebody's place, is anybody willing to keep me? I try to be a neat and courteous houseguest. And I like to play Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube, so if you like that game then we can play "friendlies" and have a lot of fun.

Thanks in advance; and I of course apologize if its been asked before, but there are a LOT of pages to sort through. My AIM is excelexcel25 if anybody wants to answer without further clogging the thread.
if you are talking about july 19 then no the venue is not opened for housing this night. Meaning you have to find a place wobbles to stay at. Also as for people housing you in so cal things look grim, i made a thread specifically asking smashers from so cal to step foward to house people in need of it but no replies so far just tons of people who need it posting. So i suggest you get together with alll the others who need housing and just dont beg anymore just get a motel if you are planning to fly in earlier.

everlasting yay

Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
In a little house on a grassy hill...
Lmfao @ the paying $20 to even play a friendly with those guys...talk about milking it for all it's worth. Get real. I'm sure the tournament will be great. But the fact that you have to pay for every action you make might drive people away. Tournaments are supposed to be there to give to the smash community, not take away.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Are you kidding me? This tournament looks like complete bull****.
Why the hell would anyone wanna pay ****ing $50 to watch dudes play a video game?
Then spend $75 to enter a video game tournament that they will probably most likely end up losing and have no chance of winning.
Then to pay some more money just to play some other guy at this game for a friendly? In which you probably have no chance of winning against.
Thats some complete bull**** right there. You guys are ridiculous.
Gerbil was right:

Plank: I have your back.

Mike: You're about to watch some crazy ****.

Alpha: When you come across this, you're probably gonna call me a ******* for stepping out of our region, but this is where it has to be done. Plus I'm pissed.


Hello. My name (obviously) is Gerbil. I'm from the Atlantic South Region, and I live in Georgia. I havn't kept up with this thread very often, until it was brought apon me just tonight by my good friend Mike. It seems Plank needs some backing up, and I'm here to do that with my own viewpoints.

First. By no means whatsoever. Should the hosts, be *******s. At all. You. are providing the service to the community. It was your voluntary choice to decide to run such a large event. This gives you no right to be an ******* to community. So take a chill pill, and cool the **** off.

Second. It is not our problem as a whole, that you decided to invite the Japanese. Who really gives a ****? So there are hard core smashers who'd love to meet them. Great! So you guys invited them over and kindly paid their air fare. Awesome! But that was YOUR choice. NOT ours. We ARE greatful. BUT THAT GIVES YOU KNOW RIGHT TO CHARGE ME ****ING 20$ EVERY TIME I WANT A FRIENDLY WITH ONE OF THEM! That's trying to milk my wallet for all it's worth. Not that I'm going to OC3 or anything, but IF I was, I'm coming from ****ing Coumbus, GA!!!! ****ING 3,000 MILES AWAY!!! I SPENT ENOUGH MONEY TO COME OVER!

Third. Because I made that 3,000 mile trip, I will have want to bring my camera, seeing as how it may be just a once in a lifetime thing. I should not be charged to use my own **** camera in a public place. I am here to record me and my friends having a **** good time in LA. I should by no means have to pay a stupid *** fee to use the camera that I paid my own money with just for this 3,000 mile trip. You must be trippin on acid.

Fourth. I decided to bring my VCR and some tapes to get some matches for myself, and to get the commuinity to help critique me. I have my own editing materials at home, so it's no fuss. Oh wait I can't due to another fee????? Same issue with the camera. **** that.

Fifth. My friend came with me. He sucks at Smash, so only wants to watch. Oh wait, he has to pay a god **** 50$ fee to ****ing watch!?!?! He didn't even bring his own **** camera, and you're making him pay 50$ to watch???? He's staying with relatives, he doesn't need your housing or food, but to watch??? >.>

Sixth. Oh man my other friend just said he's coming to. But wait, he doesn't have access to a CPU, and this was short notice so he's already on the way? 100$ fee now??? >.< Be serious, that's ****ed up too.

Seventh. Sorry Mr. Local, this is a ****ing expensive tournament even though you live 10 blocks away, you still have to pay 100$. Only watching? It's still 60$, even though, you know, you live 10 blocks away.

Eigth. Turns out the tourny sucked, because the hosts were *****. Who cares who they actually are, I'm more concerned with how I'm treated. Looks like I won't be returning for the next one. Jaa mata!

To conclude this. It's nice you guys tried a fundraiser. But it is NOT the rest of our responsibilities. WE should not be punished for YOUR actions.

For those of you who completely agree with me, once again I'm from GA in the Atlantic South. Be sure to check out my sig in the future for the next G4S tourny, as the series is quite large. Join me and the rest of us, where tournaments are done RIGHT with GOOD FOOD and GOOD PRICES and FREE RECORDING!!!



Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
$75 is cheaper than what it would cost to get housing for 3 nights and food for 3 days....why the **** are some people on swf so god **** cheap?


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Are you kidding me? This tournament looks like complete bull****.
Why the hell would anyone wanna pay ****ing $50 to watch dudes play a video game?
Then spend $75 to enter a video game tournament that they will probably most likely end up losing and have no chance of winning.
*Yawn.* Then don't go.


Smash Cadet
Feb 23, 2007
T-town, california
well for the local guys i know me and evryone else from
cali, wipe our a** with $50 every day!! j/k

no but seriously we pay $3.25 a gallon in gas!

$75 isnt that much


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2007
there is no possible way for you and him to meet up with each other. bombsoldier is flying in earlier, we told you many times. So stop asking please! This is the Third time. Nobody here knows his flight info except for Ken and he doesnt even know it right now because he has to go get it. So seriously stop asking.
lol..Sorry. I knew I posted 3 times but I did'nt know you replied =P
So sorry If i came out as annoying. BTW when is the dead line for the oc3 challenge banner? looked over the thread and did'nt see one.

AND YAY ^_^ FLAME WAR.. Why the hell is the smash community in the US so divided? I mean, its small enough as it is


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2005
Southern California
Hey, I have a concern.

I'm planning to go to this tournement (as it is the only one that is within driving distance of my house), and I was wondering what the community would be like assuming that I go, which I really want to.

I'm on the younger side of the Smash community, being around 15, and I wanted to know how old the average smasher is. I really don't like being a misfit in a community, so I just wanted to know how well younger people are welcomed in. I get nervous over the most trivial things, but if anyone could annnswer this, it'd really ease and prepare myself for what's going to come if and when I go to OC3.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
Hey, I have a concern.

I'm planning to go to this tournement (as it is the only one that is within driving distance of my house), and I was wondering what the community would be like assuming that I go, which I really want to.

I'm on the younger side of the Smash community, being around 15, and I wanted to know how old the average smasher is. I really don't like being a misfit in a community, so I just wanted to know how well younger people are welcomed in. I get nervous over the most trivial things, but if anyone could annnswer this, it'd really ease and prepare myself for what's going to come if and when I go to OC3.
I think the Average smasher would be around 19-21, around that age group. Not exactly sure, but there are youngin's. Bombsoldier has just turned 16 for example, and I don't think that is young at all, especially for smash.

Otherwise, everyone else is quit friendly. Of course there are some exceptions, but what can you do? every community has bad/good people.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Wow SK. Great job on flagging me for spam.

I don't really see how that was spam, but whatever.

Edit: srsly though. wtf. How is that spam? All I did was agree to Gerbil's post, and honestly, I don't see how thats spam at all. :\ But once again, I don't really care. So i'm just not going to post here again so I don't piss anyone else off. I'm just kinda annoyed that you would flag me for something like that.

Edit: Oh. btw. learn how to Moderate dood.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Yeah wow, mark me down for some spam too then cause...

I had expressed interest in this to one of my friends, cause sounds like kinda of a crazy trip to take you know, all the way across America, but then I learned It'd be cheaper to buy a Playstation 3 and sell my soul then go to this. I really wanted to go but the price really makes it impossible for me. But who am I right, some loser from South Carolina... All I really wanted was to be able to play Isai and some doods from the west before this game comes to an end, but... **** it -_-

At least consider dropping or lowering the camera fee, cause some people like to take pics of great events such as this for their memories sake. I know I wish I had pictures from a lot of tourneys I was at, and I try to bring my cameras and take pics of my friends and rivals and such... This is just really a shame, is all, that people won't be able to.

Hope the event runs smooth and everything, though. Cheers...


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
Yeah wow, mark me down for some spam too then cause...

I had expressed interest in this to one of my friends, cause sounds like kinda of a crazy trip to take you know, all the way across America, but then I learned It'd be cheaper to buy a Playstation 3 and sell my soul then go to this. I really wanted to go but the price really makes it impossible for me. But who am I right, some loser from South Carolina... All I really wanted was to be able to play Isai and some doods from the west before this game comes to an end, but... **** it -_-

At least consider dropping or lowering the camera fee, cause some people like to take pics of great events such as this for their memories sake. I know I wish I had pictures from a lot of tourneys I was at, and I try to bring my cameras and take pics of my friends and rivals and such... This is just really a shame, is all, that people won't be able to.

Hope the event runs smooth and everything, though. Cheers...
we've already explained that Camera's are allowed, but camcorders aren't. People can take as many pics as they want, no problem. However if we find people recording with their cameras, they will get a warning and the next time we catch them, then they get kicked out of the venue.

The Reason he was warned is that we've already explained ourselves, like 10 times about why it is so expensive, why camcorders aren't allowed and why there is a fee to playing bombsoldier. Furthermore, if people have any negative things to say feel free to PM me or any of the staff and ask questions why things are going the way they are. There is no need to constantly Spam the thread about why you don't agree about our tournament and why you think it's shady. People are already having a hard time keeping up with the thread and even our staff miss some very important details regarding smashers who need help. It's people's choice if they want to attend, and it's also peoples choice if they want to play bombsoldier.

PS: I'm doing a great Job moderating. The tournament discussion room hasn't been very active lately and the only mod in this room that is constantly doing their job is me. So thank you very much for the compliment, I appreciate it very much. :)

Edit: It's funny how the people who are bad mouthing our tournament seem to be in the SC/GA/FL area and is connected with Gerbil


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
we've already explained that Camera's are allowed, but camcorders aren't. People can take as many pics as they want, no problem. However if we find people recording with their cameras, they will get a warning and the next time we catch them, then they get kicked out of the venue.

The Reason he was warned is that we've already explained ourselves, like 10 times about why it is so expensive, why camcorders aren't allowed and why there is a fee to playing bombsoldier. Furthermore, if people have any negative things to say feel free to PM me or any of the staff and ask questions why things are going the way they are. There is no need to constantly Spam the thread about why you don't agree about our tournament and why you think it's shady. People are already having a hard time keeping up with the thread and even our staff miss some very important details regarding smashers who need help. It's people's choice if they want to attend, and it's also peoples choice if they want to play bombsoldier.

PS: I'm doing a great Job moderating. The tournament discussion room hasn't been very active lately and the only mod in this room that is constantly doing their job is me. So thank you very much for the compliment, I appreciate it very much. :)

Edit: It's funny how the people who are bad mouthing our tournament seem to be in the SC/GA/FL area and is connected with Gerbil
I'm sorry, I'm sure some of this has been answered throughout the thread, but I really don't feel like diggin through 60+ pages to find the answers.

Could you please post in the first page how all this money is being spent. That would probably alleviate some complaints.

$75X200 people =$15k

Even if the pot is comprised of $3k, where's the rest of the money?


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I'm sorry, I'm sure some of this has been answered throughout the thread, but I really don't feel like diggin through 60+ pages to find the answers.

Could you please post in the first page how all this money is being spent. That would probably alleviate some complaints.

$75X200 people =$15k

Even if the pot is comprised of $3k, where's the rest of the money?
Thats like, 15k + All the money you would be making off Spectator fees, Recording fees, and all the other fees combined which will probably not be more than 5k, but probably more than 1k.

So thats like 16k-20k right there.

Yea. Thats a good question.
Im pretty sure that would stop people from complaining about everything.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Uhhh... guys... wtf? We're not even going. So why bother to post in here, I made that post 2 weeks ago. I mean come on... I was making a general point, and I'm gald you guys agreed with me but... >.> I, personally, don't need this turning into personal attacks. >.<


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Uhhh... guys... wtf? We're not even going. So why bother to post in here, I made that post 2 weeks ago. I mean come on... I was making a general point, and I'm gald you guys agreed with me but... >.> I, personally, don't need this turning into personal attacks. >.<
Don't flatter yourself Gerbil.

I intended to come to this, I have the money for a plane ticket. I just wanna know how this is all spent.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina
Hello. I am Kidd from the South Carolina region. I don't normally come on the Cali threads, but I'm here to put my POV on the entrance fee.

For those of you who may be a bit iffy at the thought of having to pay $75.00 (OH NOEZ.) for the entrance fee, let me do some simple math here for you.

First of all, we have the fact that you are going to be served with not 1, not 2, but FOUR events with $75.00. If you divide this all by four, it comes out to to about $18.75 per event. Now, is that really so bad? MLG made you pay $20.00 for entering their tournaments.

Technically your $75.00 is now used up, but since the OC staff is so kind and generous, they are adding something else. FOOD!!! :DDDDD. You are getting food EVERY DAY you are here. As a matter of fact, two out of three of your meals are PAID for. Why, it's probably good, AND they are providing the service of giving it to you themselves.

Wait....what is this...you don't have your $75.00 AND THEN some? It's okay! Because OC is so generous, you now have free housing. Because I love you, we'll say you have the $75.00 AGAIN. So, $75.00 divided by two.... $37.50 A NIGHT? THAT'S IT?! OMG HOLY SH*T THAT IS AMAZING. After all, OC could always be a bunch of floozies and kick you out for mad expensive Cali hotels(they are expensive to us southerners, lolz). But no, because of their awesome generousness, you get to stay at the Venue over night. I mean srsly, that ***** any hotel. You could always argue " Well um, I've been to tournies that let us sleep there for free.". But, then again, I can guarantee you it wasn't A. In Cali and B. As big as this. MLG makes you sleep elsewhere, why not here?

As for the Spectator fee....who the hell would come just to watch anyways? ALL should Smash. >=D.

For those who complain it's expensive on top of transportation...This thread was made around March. Surely you could have saved up for this before then.

Call me goofy, call me a ******, but maybe...JUST MAYBE, you're getting MORE than your money's worth?

Edit- I'm sure the rest of the money is going toward tournament expenses plus the airfare coverage for the Japanese Players.

Edit- If you spread the $75.00 evenly between everything (12 things. 2 days, 4 events, 6 meals) That's roughly $6.25 for everything. Lol.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Hello. I am Kidd from the South Carolina region. I don't normally come on the Cali threads, but I'm here to put my POV on the entrance fee.

For those of you who may be a bit iffy at the thought of having to pay $75.00 (OH NOEZ.) for the entrance fee, let me do some simple math here for you.

First of all, we have the fact that you are going to be served with not 1, not 2, but FOUR events with $75.00. If you divide this all by four, it comes out to to about $18.75 per event. Now, is that really so bad? MLG made you pay $20.00 for entering their tournaments.

Technically your $75.00 is now used up, but since the OC staff is so kind and generous, they are adding something else. FOOD!!! :DDDDD. You are getting food EVERY DAY you are here. As a matter of fact, two out of three of your meals are PAID for. Why, it's probably good, AND they are providing the service of giving it to you themselves.

Wait....what is this...you don't have your $75.00 AND THEN some? It's okay! Because OC is so generous, you now have free housing. Because I love you, we'll say you have the $75.00 AGAIN. So, $75.00 divided by two.... $37.50 A NIGHT? THAT'S IT?! OMG HOLY SH*T THAT IS AMAZING. After all, OC could always be a bunch of floozies and kick you out for mad expensive Cali hotels(they are expensive to us southerners, lolz). But no, because of their awesome generousness, you get to stay at the Venue over night. I mean srsly, that ***** any hotel. You could always argue " Well um, I've been to tournies that let us sleep there for free.". But, then again, I can guarantee you it wasn't A. In Cali and B. As big as this. MLG makes you sleep elsewhere, why not here?

As for the Spectator fee....who the hell would come just to watch anyways? ALL should Smash. >=D.

For those who complain it's expensive on top of transportation...This thread was made around March. Surely you could have saved up for this before then.

Call me goofy, call me a ******, but maybe...JUST MAYBE, you're getting MORE than your money's worth?

Edit- I'm sure the rest of the money is going toward tournament expenses plus the airfare coverage for the Japanese Players.
I'm looking for how they spend my money. I don't want somebody to tell me how "cost efficient" everything is.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I don't really see why everyones so concerned about the money. Paying 75$ for one of the best experiences your going to have seems tight to me.

So regular picture cameras are allowed, yah? Awww yeah, just got a new 10.1 megapixel sex machine. :D


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I don't really see why everyones so concerned about the money. Paying 75$ for one of the best experiences your going to have seems tight to me.

So regular picture cameras are allowed, yah? Awww yeah, just got a new 10.1 megapixel sex machine. :D
Personally, I'm not saying that the price is unreasonable. I would simply like to know where the money is going.


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Venue, Gas for transport, Food, materials (miscellaneous gadgets: extensions, power strips, spare vcrs and tvs, etc.) large transportation vehicles, prizes, and I'm pretty sure there's a bit more to the list. I can't tell you how much money is apportioned to each of those categories simply because I don't know. However, you can imagine that the costs stack up pretty fast. Imagine food for 200 people for 3 days, that alone is pretty extravagant. Not to mention most if there's any left over money will go to help out the Japanese.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Personally, I'm not saying that the price is unreasonable. I would simply like to know where the money is going.
Azn lep hit some of our costs, however,
simply that is none of your business and so is nobody elses. We arent going to sit down and tally everything on paper just so you can be satisfied, we don't have time for that. When you pay 75s you are already being fully compensated with what we offer and if you do not like what we do or trust us with "your money" do not come to our tournament and stop posting in our thread.

I already mention that you are paying 75 dollars for housing for 3 days at the venue which didnt come cheap to us to rent for 3 days. Do you know how much it is in california to get a venue? ask mlg, venues come for 15000 plus here. Our warehouse accomodates up to 400 people and people can sleep over. In california there is a law against sleeping at the facility. Luckily for us we know the friend of the owner and after countless hours of agreements and extra money to pay out of our pockets people can finally have housing for 3 days. Your mere 75 dollars doesn't even cover a desk space area at our venue. On top of that you are getting 3 days of food with 2 meals a day. 6 meals total. Do you know how much californian food is? not to mention tax? How about our gas prices to get the food and accommodate you with rides to and from the airport to the venue. Not to mention our time stuck in traffic just to make you get to the tournament on time. Gas is around 3.50 to 4 dollars a gallon, why dont you do the math? Your money is going towards gas. For many people this year the venue happens to be a warehouse meaning no showers. So we the staff decided lets rent a motel for people to shower. Meaning where is that money comming from? You of course.

Now what else oh yeah, i totally forgot about the prize money this year for the winners. A lot of your money is going towards the winner of the event and not us also. So the 15000 all the geniuses came up with isnt comming into our pockets. WE still have to pay the winners. Oh did i forgot to mention trophies cost money also prizes?

The issues about recording was even simpler. Camcorders werent allowed becasue the venue owner is a businessman. He has merchandise stored in his warehouse that he doesnt want to be recorded. So he told us no and we are following his command. Why charge the 10 dollar recording fee on vcr for people who want to play bombsoldier and record it? because bombsoldiers ticket was 2700 dollars including his bro disc. Bombsoldier isnt rich. He promised to help with ticket costs however much he can. So if you really want to help bombsoldier pay 20 to play him and another 10 to record it. Its not tough. If you dont want too because its too much to help him out then dont play him. This money isnt going to us because we already spent our money getting him here, instead its to help with the costs. Meaning after all is said and done it is the people who truely respect the japanese players that got him here and not just us.

With all that said lets be reasonable, you are the one gaining from this event and not us. If you go to any other event that has 3 days you will pay more than 300 bucks for a singles ticket. If you include hotel costs thats even more money and they dont even feed you. Here you are getting the luxury of everything we are kind enough to offer. Plus thats not including the tournament cost alone. Do you know major tournaments run for about 20 to 40 dollars an entry to the event whether it be singles or doubles.

Just because we arent a business like mlg doesnt mean you question us only as if we are here to scam 300 people. We have successively ran an oc2 without complaints and the people who did went knew where their money went. At oc2 we also did the canadians laundry out of respect for players, so please ask them what they thought of us being scam artist. So instead, why dont you go off and question mlg with what they do with all the halo guys money? Oh yeah they need it to be a business and they dont care who you are. That is because to them you are just a participant who enjoys smash and wants to play smash. You pay to play because you want to win money and if thats not true then you pay to enjoy yourself like most people are such as egg. Besides all this Fc is also 75 dollars to enter, same ac oc3, so please go complain to the kishes about where that money is going. As kishsquared has mentioned earlier in this thread that 75 dollars a person isn't enough to cover our cost and he's right. I agree with him, but we are still doing this because we know tournaments make this community stronger. This topic has been dropped many times before but it seems the less appreciative people who do not have nothing better to do keep comming in here and complaining.

Then you wonder why ken is giving you warnings?

you seriously make me laugh.

This topic is dropped because weve explained our reasons many times about these issues.
So please stop spamming our thread , or ken will issue warnings and ban you if he has too.
aznlep thats a nice banner too bad you are staff, and cant enter the banner competition, you would have stood a chance to win first too i think lol.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
I really don't see the point of asking where the money is going. If you don't trust the tournament staff, then you shouldn't go. If you do trust them, then what's the point of asking? It's not like they are going to change the price because you enlightened them with complaints. It's 75 bucks... deal with it. Jeez.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Just a quick question about housing here. For those of us who aren't staying for Evo West, and are planning to fly back on the morning of the 23rd, what housing options do we have? As in, will the venue still be available for us to stay at, or will we have to find a separate place to stay the night?


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Just a quick question about housing here. For those of us who aren't staying for Evo West, and are planning to fly back on the morning of the 23rd, what housing options do we have? As in, will the venue still be available for us to stay at, or will we have to find a separate place to stay the night?
i think we have to clear out the venue monday morning , im sure arash or ken can give you the exact time if you are wondering. Of course we will drive you to the airport, and if you have to wait, its better to wait there and catch your flight home then not go home at all. Just bring something to keep you busy. AS the date nears more exact questions will be answered.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
That brings up a good topic, is there a thread on/dealing with those which are staying the whole week for EVO west? I know it was breifly mentioned before, but before i make a thread for it, i was just wondering if people were already talking about splitting motels/hotels those days after OC3.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
uhhh yeah, I just paid $65 for a full tank of gas today and drove for an 1 hour and 1/2 and 1/2 of it is gone already.....

now imagine driving to LAX back and forth let's see..... 20 times? :urg::urg::urg::urg:

thinking about it now, makes me want to cry. I'll cry a storm, then send out kingdra and surf everything.
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