Rant time:
I don't think I'll ever be able to go to one of these again. It was around 12:30 I convinced my parents to let me go. So my mom went to go get ready...it took her about an hour: 1:30 So, it takes about an hour to get there, but I was like "no worries, I wasn't going to enter dubz anyway."
THEN it turns out my little sister wants to come, So being all optimistic and cool and stuff, I'm all like "alright that's fine, she doesn't really have a bed time so I won't have to go home any earlier" (Keep in mind, my parents weren't going home after they dropped me off, they were gonna drive around for about an hour, catch a movie, and go out to dinner. Enough time for me to finish the tourney, hang out some, and be ready to go.)
NOW MY LITTLE SISTERS FREGGIN FRIEND WANTS TO COME. So my mom has to call her mom and make sure it's alright to take her to Lancaster. They say yes. So we all hop in the car. We are driving for about five minuites and my mom and dad needed the address, I give it to them. They start spazzing out because it's in your apartment (which I told them several times) And are all like "it's not safe for a child to go to some strangers house alone" And i'm like "Duh. I know that......Firstly Devin isn't a stranger, I've met him atleast 10 times now, you would've too, had you been socialble. Secondly, I'm not gonna be even close to alone, there are going to be about 10 other people there."
Surprisingly enough, that worked. They were still very skeptical but a begged them to trust that I knew what I was doing. EVERYTHING WAS GOING JUST FINE, I was in a PERFECT mood: My parents are starting to trust me more, I'm going to a tourney for the first time in forever, etc. I'm feeling just peachy. 15 more min into the ride, we are about halfway there, at around 2:00. My dad says "I'm just letting you know now, Your only going to be able to stay till 6 or 7 o'clock." I say "That's really not enough time, We are gonna get there at like 2:30, and they have to do doubles which last about 2 hours, then singles at about 5:00 which last longer." ( I was hoping for atleast 8:00, MAYBE 9:00, but 8 was fine.) They say "Well [my sister's friend] has to be home before late, and we have to get up in the morning and take [My brother] to his college orientation"
So really, the orientation is at like 11:00. I was only asking to stay till 8. We'd get home at 9, [sister's friend] can go home, and my parents could do nothing like they always do. Plus, this trip was for me, I didn't want my sister going because I knew she'd screw something up. Well guess what? She did. So there was no sense in me going, so we drove home.
We get home a few minuites later, I go up to my room and supress my anger. about and hour later, my mom comes in to ask me if I want to go to Sports Connection. EFFING SPORTS CONNECTION, ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I simply said "No." and she left. GUESS WHAT!? They went FOR MY SISTER AND HER FRIEND TO HANG OUT. Her friends parents could have perfectly taken them, OR my sister could've just played at her house. NO, They HAVE to ruin my day, by going with my FOR NO REASON AT ALL. They get back around like 6:00 and GUESS WHAT ELSE!? MY PARENTS SIT AROUND THE REST OF THE DAY WATCHING MOVIES AND TV AND ON THE COMPUTER DOING ABSOULUTLEY NOTHING. I'm just really ticked.
Point: I'm not going to be able to go to any of these unless I can get a ride (and I'm fairly sure that's not happening)
But seeing as how I actually convinced my parents to let me go to your house, it's a possibility.