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07/05/09 — SC Bi-weeklies!


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
@ Devin: im a humbled guest, honestly.

Im down for smash practice, lol :p

And yea... its too far a trip with too many variables for google maps. It got us lost on they way here... a gps is my sure fire way. 80 Bucks for a cheap nexstar. Doesn't have to be flashy.... I just need to get my bank positive again to afford the trip basically. Sorry to burden, really


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
First and foremost, JMan I'm really terribly sorry to hear about your situation. If you need any help at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

Meta Knight got his power on his dsmash/upb nerfed, which were his two main killing moves outside of gimping. To say he didn't get nerfed is ********. Snake, yeah he could use a little more work, but so what? It's the first installment, cut them some slack. You act like it'll be perfect on the first try. And DDD's chain grab isn't his whole game, he's good outside of it, it's just the thing that makes him top tier. They should just limit %s on his and not take it out completely. But who cares? DDD is gay anyway.

Brawl+ taking Melee's spot is laughable at best, as I play BOTH of those games on a tourament level and Melee is superior. People will not flock to Brawl+ if they play Melee.
Ok, neither BBrawl or B+ is done so that obviously means they still have some work to do, so it wouldn't be fair for me to bash it now. I mean, even B+ is enjoyable for me but I still prefer Brawl>Melee>Brawl+.

But everyone complains so much about how brawl's CG's and infinates are soooo broken and screw up the game, yet the best 3 characters on the tier list don't even have them. Then most of them go on to talk about Melee and it's combos and such when basically the ones they talk about is just them getting hit over and over, unable to do something until your opponent messes up. That's pretty much the definition of a CG.

IC's infinate for example. People always complain about it's brokeness and it's not even near broken IMO. IC's horrible grab range, Nana's stupid AI, the difficulty of getting the infinate down, and having PERFECT consistency? Most of the time when IC's even get grabs the opponent is on the verge of dying. I mean, Lain can't even CG every single character perfectly. He could harly CG Ally's Snake more than 2 or 3 times in a row. (Though he could have if he had listened to me and hobbled. :| )


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Balanced Brawl looked pretty interesting to me, imo. They're at least making a conscious effort to preserve what Brawl was, instead of turning it into a personal side project. Most of the data seems pretty interesting, I just haven't gotten a chance to play it yet because my idiot cousin knocked over my wii and bricked my copy of Barl. I hate relatives, I really do.

They could of at least increased the size of his F-Smash
umm... wat? Luca's Fsmash needs to be bigger? that's silly.

read the warning for DDD if he edge grabs someone it spikes them and most gimpable characters can't get back up from it Oli etc.

They also made pika and DDD's upthrow go down WTF this is REALLY balanced.
That's a result of trying to balance the game. The code doesn't allow direct alterations to a move, so it is instead altering launch physics. Honestly, if you get grabbed over the edge against a D3, you're kind of an idiot anyway, and deserve the stock loss.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX

So... half of Marlene's stuff is gone... I got spared the comp for the sake of having SOMETHING to do for the next day or two b4 we move it all... GOD, im bored and lonley...

Anyone wanna hang out?? Come by my house and pick me up, i dont have my car... :-/


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2009
Getting grab on the edge by DDD isn't hard he has the grab range of a beast any way. I'll just stick to regular brawl anyway.


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007

So... half of Marlene's stuff is gone... I got spared the comp for the sake of having SOMETHING to do for the next day or two b4 we move it all... GOD, im bored and lonley...

Anyone wanna hang out?? Come by my house and pick me up, i dont have my car... :-/
I can house you at my place.
But I won't promise to play host hahaha.

Since you're bummed, care to chill with my family for 4th of july? We always have a big get together and do lots of mini activites. It's almost always fun.

Respond either way. I'll drop by your place sometime tommorow(lemme know when you'll be there) and we'll get it sorted.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
First and foremost, JMan I'm really terribly sorry to hear about your situation. If you need any help at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

Ok, neither BBrawl or B+ is done so that obviously means they still have some work to do, so it wouldn't be fair for me to bash it now. I mean, even B+ is enjoyable for me but I still prefer Brawl>Melee>Brawl+.

But everyone complains so much about how brawl's CG's and infinates are soooo broken and screw up the game, yet the best 3 characters on the tier list don't even have them. Then most of them go on to talk about Melee and it's combos and such when basically the ones they talk about is just them getting hit over and over, unable to do something until your opponent messes up. That's pretty much the definition of a CG.

IC's infinate for example. People always complain about it's brokeness and it's not even near broken IMO. IC's horrible grab range, Nana's stupid AI, the difficulty of getting the infinate down, and having PERFECT consistency? Most of the time when IC's even get grabs the opponent is on the verge of dying. I mean, Lain can't even CG every single character perfectly. He could harly CG Ally's Snake more than 2 or 3 times in a row. (Though he could have if he had listened to me and hobbled. :| )
lol What are you talking about...

Brawl has the dumbest **** I've ever seen in a video game, seriously. Ice Climbers CGs are the least of my worries, it's the ******* ftilt locks with Sheik, dsmash locks with Zamus, standing and small step infinites with DDD, jab locks, laser locks, Pika's pretty much 0-death on spacies, the grab releases, all of that stupid *** **** plus more added up into one broken *** game where a lot of characters JUST CAN'T WIN. You can't even do ANYTHING to get out of those combos. Don't you DARE compared it to Melee, it's obvious you have NO experience with the game on a tournament level.

Melee has combos, but you have to follow DI/predict to get them. It takes actual skill and precision. In Brawl, it's auto-combos. If I get a grab with Pika on a Fox in Brawl? Stock gone, and there's nothing they can do about it. I get a grab on a Fox with Marth in Melee? I have to follow their DI, predict where they will go and follow up accordingly, with a margin for error. These ******** *** Brawl "combos" don't have that, it's just, "welp, I got the first hit and now I'm guaranteed x amount of damage or even a stock."

You may love the game, but you can't say that it doesn't have its flaws. There are MANY things in that game that are just completely busted and shouldn't be in there at all.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
i enjoy brawl as opposed to melee simply because, unlike yay, i cant think THAT fast. simple. brawl takes a lot of speed out of the equation.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
lol What are you talking about...

Brawl has the dumbest **** I've ever seen in a video game, seriously. Ice Climbers CGs are the least of my worries, it's the ******* ftilt locks with Sheik, dsmash locks with Zamus, standing and small step infinites with DDD, jab locks, laser locks, Pika's pretty much 0-death on spacies, the grab releases, all of that stupid *** **** plus more added up into one broken *** game where a lot of characters JUST CAN'T WIN. You can't even do ANYTHING to get out of those combos. Don't you DARE compared it to Melee, it's obvious you have NO experience with the game on a tournament level.

Melee has combos, but you have to follow DI/predict to get them. It takes actual skill and precision. In Brawl, it's auto-combos. If I get a grab with Pika on a Fox in Brawl? Stock gone, and there's nothing they can do about it. I get a grab on a Fox with Marth in Melee? I have to follow their DI, predict where they will go and follow up accordingly, with a margin for error. These ******** *** Brawl "combos" don't have that, it's just, "welp, I got the first hit and now I'm guaranteed x amount of damage or even a stock."

You may love the game, but you can't say that it doesn't have its flaws. There are MANY things in that game that are just completely busted and shouldn't be in there at all.
Every game has it's flaws, Melee had Pichu, lol. And well, people did stuff to Melee that was obviously not intended to be there IE. Wavedashing. Brawl has a lotta grab combos. We have very different opinions on what is "dumb." And it does take skill to do x amount of damage by getting one hit. >.> Get that hit, you gotz skill.

EDIT: And also, the locks and stuff you were talking about are super hard to pull off anyway. If you get trapped in a lazer lock, you deserve that stock loss. And for those people who have infinites on certain chars. Just don't play that matchup. Every character has bad ones which is what having secondaries is for.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Every game has it's flaws, Melee had Pichu, lol. And well, people did stuff to Melee that was obviously not intended to be there IE. Wavedashing. Brawl has a lotta grab combos. We have very different opinions on what is "dumb." And it does take skill to do x amount of damage by getting one hit. >.> Get that hit, you gotz skill.

EDIT: And also, the locks and stuff you were talking about are super hard to pull off anyway. If you get trapped in a lazer lock, you deserve that stock loss. And for those people who have infinites on certain chars. Just don't play that matchup. Every character has bad ones which is what having secondaries is for.
Way to cop-out, lol. Getting a hit in Brawl doesn't exactly take a lot of skill. Getting a grab on a DK, with DDD, the largest non-tether grab in the game...haha, no. Not skill. Simply shielding will get you a grab in that matchup. You see, the things that weren't supposed to be in Melee balanced the game. The stuff in Brawl that isn't supposed to be there made the game broken. There is nothing in Brawl that is super hard to technically pull off, I've never had to take more than 5-10 minutes to learn anything in the game. I even learned how to alternate chain grab in less than 30 minutes.

Characters shouldn't be deemed obsolete just because of a stupid *** grab infinite that someone can pull off effortlessly. If you think that's balanced, you have no idea what competive gaming is all about.

Also, even Pichu could win. See: Chudat.


Both players are of tournament level.

The Director

Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
North Carolina
Yay, Melee is far from balanced as well.

As a matter of fact, every fighting game ever made is unbalanced, making this whole stupid argument pointless. Competative gaming will always suffer from this, atleast fighting games anyways.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
Way to cop-out, lol. Getting a hit in Brawl doesn't exactly take a lot of skill. Getting a grab on a DK, with DDD, the largest non-tether grab in the game...haha, no. Not skill. Simply shielding will get you a grab in that matchup. You see, the things that weren't supposed to be in Melee balanced the game. The stuff in Brawl that isn't supposed to be there made the game broken. There is nothing in Brawl that is super hard to technically pull off, I've never had to take more than 5-10 minutes to learn anything in the game. I even learned how to alternate chain grab in less than 30 minutes.

Characters shouldn't be deemed obsolete just because of a stupid *** grab infinite that someone can pull off effortlessly. If you think that's balanced, you have no idea what competive gaming is all about.

Also, even Pichu could win. See: Chudat.


Both players are of tournament level.
Cop-out=/=Letting a tiring argument end. Plus, DK loses that matchup regardless of the infinite, it's just icing on the cake in that matchup. And anyone can be good with any character with plenty of work. If they look for ways to get around their characters weaknesses they can make there character good. It may take more work than playing a different character but it's their choice. And if their character has a bad matchup, counterpick someone who is better at it. People do it in Melee too. IC's is another great example in that situation. Playing pretty much any character on Brinstar, Rainbow Cruise, Norfair, etc. is very tough. Not impossible but it makes some of the easiest matchups almost near unwinnable (especially Snake) So that's when we need to know when to CP and who to CP.

Oh, and the Pichu bit was just a joke.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
So how far away is this from Myrtle Beach? I'll be at the beach for a week starting July 4th, so I might come to this if it's not too far away.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
a lot of free time on my hands and a saudering gun. and kack, you havent met me yet. so you havent seen my ears. but yeah...


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2008
Columbia/Clemson, SC
I just got it today, it's absolutely delectable. <3

But I just realized, I never RSVPed in this topic, so... consider this mine. I'll be there, along with three or four friends :D



Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2008
At my computer, making you lose The Game
hey guys. look what i made. for my ears.
Good ****, Snap.

About the Texas trip: Bad news with housing. My aunt's nervous about having so many strangers over. No matter how much I ask, she won't let us stay at her place those two nights. My friends say they don't have enough space in their houses so we won't be to stay with any of them either. :( Sorry guys, I tried. Looks like we'll have to ask for housing in the Houston Thread or stay at a hotel.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
He's asking about your GAUGE SIZE, Snap.

You're talking about two different things.

Let's get on the same page here.
Snap aint asian...


But he aint black...


but im both...



WTF is BlazBlu?? i saw a buddy playing it on ps3 today.
Adam and i are a go it seems.... Yay for mind-removing time!


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
Lol *lost*
I think I've convinced my mom to take me to this one. I tried really hard because Noob is going.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Aww... people that don't even know the random Ganon main still want to meet him.

Also, I'm bringing a set-up just in case we need another one.

EDIT: kackamee agreed to a $1 CF ditto MM. LULZ.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
1. He challenged me
2. Who the **** uses Sonic? :o
LOL Comming from a Ganon main.
EDIT: Good idea is good. $1MM CF quadrouple FFA (including JMan, and possibly Adam)
Everyone puts in $1 and you have to win 2-3 times to get muneyz


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Lancaster, SC
Lol, I want to meet Noob now.


Your posts make me laugh more than anybody else on SWF.

And now, your sig makes me laugh, too.

You're the coolest Smasher I've met.

And you like cars.
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