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    He used Ike for one set and then Sonic for the next. His gameplay was 90% jumping up and down using fair with Ike. With Sonic... He is a god-awful Sonic player, he rolled into a ball and fell off the stage about 8 times. I started taunting him about grammars and he left unfortunately.
    I knew Max's time on Smashboards was about to end, so I friended him before it was too late. Me and him actually played online once.
    my sister is bringing both her boyfriend and on of her other friends over here tomorrow and i want nothing to do with it.

    what time? i'll take the bus
    victor, i need to get out of the house tomorrow. any smash anywhere before sunday?
    Yeah, he's my 3rd worst matchup with Samus. Top three hard matchups is generally Sheik then Marth/Jiggs. That's how tough Falcon is for me. ): My sheik on the other hand is one of my favouruite matchups when against Falcon. It's a big match of wits. :) And Fox is my favourite matchup with Samus too.

    Why'd you stop playing Fox anywaty?

    Also, yeah. She's also my Jiggs counter too. Idk, she works good against high tiers, minus like, Falcon and Marth, some sheiks. She's a beast, lol. I'll show you next time we play.
    Yeah, I heard about that earlier when I was asking Fox advice. My fox is alright, just... uh... stuttery. Slower than some Foxes, but still a nice smart Fox that can have speed boosts when my fingers can catch up. And my Zelda is on par with it. Daaayum, she's awesome. haha. Totally opposite to what i thought back in early Nov/Late Oct all the way from like... ever. idk, she's awesome. Probably my strongest character I have in my lineup against Falcos. God I hate their lasers. :/
    They're just get togethers like friends hanging out at the end of the week except we play brawl xD
    Yeah but I was thinking of melee recently too but I've never played it before xD but since I got used to the GC controller I was thinking if I should give it a shot somhow
    I saw you on the SFU Tri-smash in BC list, that's the next tourney I'll be going to :D
    It was a good experience and lots of fun :D if you got that on your first tournament the main point was acheived 8D
    I was close in my pool...Not bad for my first tournament but a really huge and faraway one xD I was happy I got to play Chudat in my pool and take him to the 3rd round xD
    Whaaaatt come visit :D not enough brawl smash weekends =( though the weekend I wasn't in town xD I went to Maryland for a tournament and am still in America haha but I'll be back on wednesday xD
    nah mang. spent time with some family tho.
    This next weekend fo sho. I have the whole weekend off, we must smash. I wanna get my falco reqt.
    who's hong kong disco ?_?
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