I can't really speak for the members or the mods since I don't know how things went down then, but I'm thinking quite a few of those people possibly deserved thier punishment. I'm not saying they deserved to be treated bad, just that what they did was against the rules or whatever. Although SuSa isn't neccesarily a true Link main, I think he does alright. I can definitely see why that would upset people though, not having one of your very own as a mod. Like, I'm pretty sure on AiB Deva is a mod on the Link boards, right?
After a little bit, people in the clean-up group for the Link boards noticed that the only way the boards would ever get going is to have Link mains come back, lol. I see at least one AiB'er posts sometimes on SWF, which is good...I guess. If you guys wanted to ever post on SWF again, then I'm sure you could work something out with an admin, that is, if you guys do it in a mature way and not cry about past experiances.
As for myself, I would go on AiB and hang out, but I just can't, lol. TBQH, I can never be a part of a huge community like the Link boards, or the Peach boards, or any board. Thanks for the offer though.