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  • I hate how much lag tells me if I can do my lovely chains or not. Sometimes I also see you get hit by an obvious waddle dee and it makes me cry. I do use them more now though, having them around to annoy.

    Either way, some games were nice :).
    Nice games :). You completely owned me when I tried to lure you to the walls :(. I think I must use my uair and certainly maybe dair more as it can poke shields and punish spot dodging.

    Always loved the Dedede song :).
    Got mood to own me again? :)

    Are you already feeling better? Even when you were not feeling well you did good I gues.
    Maybe I must play Wolf instead online and only spam my forward smash :p.

    Shield cancel grabs I can't do I still don't know how to do it even though I read about it.
    I took Chemistry, Physics, English literature and Maths

    Did you have an ISA today? I did :/
    You get a lot of profile messages, sorry for adding to them? :(

    So, how's life? And what did you pick for A levels by the way?
    GG's Rick :D

    Is my Sonic getting better? Your leave was random though :o

    Any reason you left?
    Offline chaining works perfect yes, with a few incidents here and there which are normal. But I usually do some headbutts before I continue the chain.

    We are all better offline that is no secret. But just like you online is for me the closest thing of playing a lot of good people.
    That was short and laggy :p.

    edit: sucks you don't have some sort of messenger as I am not so often online on these boards.
    You avaible already for some games? Or still busy? I don't want to sound annoying though :(.
    Lol there's definitely more coming ;) One on japes and some on FD that you all win :O I didn't outplay you =) I think infzy is uploading them randomly because he has so many uploads to do from other players xD
    Hey I got those Zelda/Peach matches uploaded. Playlist is here ^^ :


    There's one missing but it'll be uploaded soon in which you pound me to the ground at japes lmao, thought it was a fun fight! So expect to see that one added most definitely! Also they're not in order of when we played. Matches 1, 2 and 3 are alright, 4 and 5 should be swapped, and the upcoming 6th one is the last one ^^

    I can't change the titles can I? I shall PM Infzy! He's been great uploading these!
    Hey Rick you got time now? Or do you go offline right now :p.

    edit: seems like you indeed went offline :(.
    Long live going offline when you message me :(.

    I saw you already found an opponent. One I do not have. Maybe we can play later.
    Oh sorry Rick, I did not knew you did not mind. I know certain people in the social group who will do no contest -_-.

    On purpose I do not focus on chaingrabbing heavily as I find his other options more important. I was already happy Dedede got added together with Wario. But I know many just screw me and do no contest when they get infinited or whatever. I will be chaining more though in the next few days :p. I am practicing the shield cancel grabs so I do not glide so much and can down throw more, I also try to add in headbutts before I continue the chain. This timing suits me better than Bowser his grabbing.

    Too long story already :).
    Nice games Rick. As you noticed I did not infinite you against the wall off Delfino Square when I could as I find that a no no in our matches. Or any wall for that matter. Unless you don't mind :p.
    Hey Rick you up for some games? Been a while for our doing :p. I might want to use Dedede though a bit if you don't mind as I just feel sympathy for the misunderstood so called bad guys :).
    In that case there is only one way to save you.
    I would need to IP ban you as it is the only type of ban that would prevent you from being able to see the social group.
    You'll thank me later.
    Forgot to say I did not had any time in the later evening yesterday.

    Was playing quite a while with Dedede against my friend and won every match :), granted he is not as good as you are. Plus he sticks on the ground to much so he kept falling for my floating above his head fastfalling bair move. For those reasons I love a floating character but I am sure you will punish me for that :).

    Wolf seems so easy online a character he uses often. I picked Wolf once and only did forward smash and blasterspam and using down smash for the kill and won -_-.

    I know this has nothing to do with you though but too bad you could not make it :(. No worries though as we play so often :).
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