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  • Was more luck on both our sides I think. I got stagekilled twice on pokemon stadium. I rarely play the map but once I am under I can't get back up :(.

    Luigi Mansion sucks hard if I go down as I can hardly move.

    I forget what more I wanted to say :p.

    edit: is also annoying when some lag comes along as Bowser his recovery sucks then. With Wario I just can use bike and ride back :laugh:
    Hey Rick got time now?

    I played yesterday with Kataefi and felt why Bowser his huge frame will never get him into top tier :p. bair and fair are my nemesis :). Either way I did win some and had some great close and tense matches. Maybe we must do sometimes ffa :).
    Gosh sorry to hog your wall again =( but is it possible to send you replays of my Zelda vs other characters so your friend can upload them? I have ones with snake, lucario, bowser and marth (there aren't that many though).
    Hey Rick you got time to play a few rounds with me? I have not played in a while though and I might pick other characters next to Bowser.
    But you always trash me a lot more than vice versa in general! But I suppose to compensate I have a lot more killpower! So it balances out. I'm beginning to understand Peach's struggle to kill, but amazing ability to throw her opponent left right and centre!

    Zelda has a really good comeback on Peach if she dies first because of a fresh USmash. Peach has this to some extent but that lies in her Fair being the most reliable - Fsmash won't always kill.

    This is actually one of my favourite matchups in the game ^^ But for me to even remotely win I need to always be on the defence and be passive aggressive =(

    I think I've sent you all the peach dittos now??? I have 2 more peach/zeldas replays but these were at the start of the first time we played and we both made some unwise mistakes =O e.g. you toading the complete wrong way and ultimately dying, and me just standing there doing nothing as you come with float dairs =O
    Sent some more zeldas. 2 Final Ds (peach bomber stage spikes me in the first one =( I was not amused!!!). Also that upsmash on my recovery was amazing =O I got ***** that last stock, though did okay at the beginning.

    Anyways the other one shows you using toad excessively, which is very fitting considering it's your most favourite move!
    Sent you some peach/zelda battles. One on smashville (in which you batter me) and the other on battlefield ^^ let me know if you get them.

    Did you get the other peach ditto ones as well? Also... when will you upload them? =p
    I've been a bit busy recently, havn't played the wii in the space of 2 days ^^ wiil tonight though so I shall send more replays tonight
    Hiya rick! Got more replays coming to you soon!

    Did you get the final d and halberd ones? I think they were some of our best! I've also got a norfair, battlefield and lylat one coming as well ^^ Definite ones we should upload in the future!

    After that... lé zélda et peache matches arrivéz soon. ^^ busy busy. Sucks I can only send like 2 at a time =(
    lol, does it really clank? That's odd.

    I could really care less if Gimpy is reading this, it's all true. We all stated valid points but once he comes in with his "oh so funny" one liner, we just hear nothing but ******** nonsense. I'm sick of Sonic being constantly mocked as a character just because of who he is, and them ignoring the blatantly obvious potential he has and the fact that his tournament results display that. It's not like we're arguing he's top/high tier. We're just saying he's MID tier, because it's true. He places 2 times better than the other characters in low tier. It's FACT.

    Well I appreciate it :p

    It seems that only EP and the Sonic mains can post intelligently...everyone else is just like "lol gimpy posted omg sawnik sucks lololol *gimpy pole jock*"

    Really? =/ I thought I got ***** on lylat!!! I had a lot more fail moments than you ^^

    Check your wii now, you should have some sent
    I've sent some up to the limit. Smashville, lylat and yoshi's island should be there (or are there just 2?), either way expect replays daily ^^

    Also... do you mind if I send some of those peach/zelda battles to your wii too, you could post them on the peach boards!
    Okay, problem =( I'm only allowed to send you 2 (or 3) replays everyday. It won't let me send anymore.

    How strange!

    I sent you some though... check if you get them.
    Thanks rick! She's not as solid as my Zelda against the whole cast yet but I think I'm slowly learning. I copied a lot of your tricks as well if you noticed =p, like attempting to toad (but still getting a crown to the face!)

    7428 4640 4799 6427 <-- my wii number

    I'll look through and give you a large selection of the best ones!

    Saved every single one! EVERY SINGLE ONE! They were amazing! I love your peach rick!

    When can I send them to you? I have at least over 20!
    I just watched them. Lol at the forward smash clashing with f tilt, you saved that one to :p.
    Hey Rick, do you have AIM or something we can use to talk a bit faster?

    If not, I would like to ask you a favor, When I go back to doing the Peach write-up back in my thread, I would like you to take a look at the editted versino when I complete it, and you need to tell me if anything is wrong with it.
    Hey Rick, I do not know if you still want some replays with me. I have no idea when you post the new ones. I play these days also other games along with Brawl so let me know if you still need and/or want some with me.
    I know, I was gutted! When I pressed the save replay thingy and it wasn't working I quite literally facepalmed. But next time there'll be replays for sure!
    Hmmm, we'll have to try again another time. Maybe later tonight or tomorrow?

    It's weird because we had near lagless matches, and now we can't even connect =(

    I might see if I can connect to any other players and see if the problem arises. I'll message if I find anything out. For now though, GGs! How did peach do? She's a bit rusty, but I hope she's getting there!
    I got the same when trying to connect to yours


    I'm so confused. We both have green connections. Also... it says on my roster than your brawling when I know your not =X
    Okay... I'm 100% ready lmao! I've checked EVERYTHING! --> team attack, 2v2, me as Zelda, final d. Where all set to go!
    Wait one second! I havn't activated brawl through the homebrew channel, let me switch off and come back on and then we'll do some more peach matches after our team ones! And then we'll get replays. I might switch to Zelda everynow and then though to understand more of the matchup ^^
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