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  • I understand, it was very tricky for us.

    We started off very lagless, and then it just.... went bad towards the last 2-3 matches :?

    Hopefully we regain our green connection, I enjoy fighting you!
    That crossed my mind to, Rick is too populair :). I know however that I have plenty chance to play him.
    Oh fudge now I feel double ashamed I just send something else and at the moment I play with FinNess but I gues you can join to.
    Hey Rick you got somewhere today mood for some games with me? I do not know if you can make it earlier in the weekends.

    Or do you grow a bit tired of me? I do want you to be honest though so if you want a week rest, just say so.
    No worries as I said before I don't mind if you don't want to. It is just you are one of my best buddies for Brawl online.
    Hey Rick you up for some brawls? I feel almost ashamed asking so much :p.

    Btw I did read your wall of text in the Sonic thread about Bowser. You seem to adjust your feel quickly. But I think most Sonic mains are also a bit too biased. I can't see why Sonic should have the advantage even if it is a small number.
    GG's Rick. It seems as if your Peach has gotten better. But I rarely see your Sonic though...

    I went a bit random near the end, sorry for all the SD's :/
    I'm fine thanks. Like 15 cm or something. I've never seen it so deep. I got Monday and Tuesday off. I'm hoping for a snow day on Friday too.
    Up for wifi Rick?

    [/shameless request of your time]

    But how are you? Did it snow again for you? I'm still waiting for the expected 'snow' to fall again. :/
    Your general view? We got to take lag in account of course. Were some nice matches and some nice suicides :p. Either way I think bair spacing with Sonic does not work on Bowser as you saw I have multiple options to punish your predictable bair spammage :). Is there just a way to get around Sonic his pain of killing someone?

    I was hoping you would take Peach out of nothing and own my Bowser hard :).
    Uh no. The only thing I have not sorted is the grab releasing as online is so mean to me. But yeah I can take Bowser if that is what you like. Not like it is a character I hate like Yoshi. I can come online now.
    You did not see my message? or you simply had no time :(. Anyways I can almost always play around this time as I eat always later.

    This becomes almost a daily question and I pollute your profile with it :p. But can you play?
    Hey Rick at the moment I play 1on1 but you can join if you want. I think he will leave soon so we can do 1on1 if you got time that is.
    I did had a peak already in there. They are more or less confirming what I said and I already use bair a lot. I got to look into spaced fairs more though. It has quite the hitbox. Although I have a lot of trouble using my up tilt which is such a great ko move.

    Thanks for the link though. Your helping is appreciated.
    I don't know how the matchup is with Peach with Dedede but I got the feeling my only true weapon vs her is the chaingrab but even that is not so sure as you are darn hard to grab. I have to admit I like Dedede. That is also the reason I am no longer active any more in that group as they will only throw stupid words to my head like gay or something.

    So you could say I main him and I am still looking for a secondary for his weaknesses :). I really try to be more tourny viable these days.
    We posted at same time :). No I just sometimes like to play a lot of characters. There are some characters though I never want to play such as Lucario, Yoshi and the pk boys with their nice grab releases :p. I got to admit Peach plays nice sometimes but I can't do that to you as I play you so often that I will have nightmare of toads abusing me :p.

    Bowser is not really a character I want to focus too much on as we have sometimes tournies here in The Netherlands and I don't think I perform that good with him.
    Gosh my focus was on some spots rather weak :(. You even beat me with my own characters :(. I must downgrade myself and learn more metas :p. I also can't count how many times I failed something as easy as my short hop.

    Either way seems like you hardly lose your focus. I just can destroy my focus so badly facing your hard to approach Peach. That is a compliment though.
    I fear that if i don't leave you a PM, you won't read this.

    First off, it's fine that you've been busy, it happens to all of us.

    Second, I'm really sorry that I can't help you with your matchup problems, I hate D3 myself and I don't have enough experience with either D3 or Falco to feel confident about preaching it to you. I think I would only lead you into a pitfall if I tried to help you.
    no worries, we'll definitely play each other at some point. Will do about those replays.
    I know! It has been too long =( I can't play at the moment but possibly later tonight... like 11ish? Maybe that might be too late? I might try out jigglypuff, I've been using her quite a lot recently, wanna see if she could be effective in a real match!

    Also... those replays have yet to be uploaded :/ I shall follow them up... xD
    I gues that last match was no random :p. Random gave me some suspicious characters, I am already happy the Wario was not the navy one :). I really hate that Snake stage so much. I was Peach to and get owned by pokemons :(. I also hate Yoshi the most as I can't do nothing with him and his shield sucks for me hard.

    Nice games though :).
    I did quite well though vs him/her/it? what is it now? not that I care. I won my fair share of matches which is good sometimes to.

    Anyway you up for some games now?
    Sorry for not letting you join yesterday Rick but I already said I would play a few with Kataefi. You remain one of the hardest opponents I have in my list, your spacing with Peach is for me so hard to deal with. Maybe I must only use Peach counters :p.
    GG's Rick.

    I didn't like the lag though...

    So is it snowing where you are?
    I already played for quite a while and everytime I pressed my shield button I made my finger hurt :(. No sort of excuse though as I know you are better, so gg for those few games :).
    Hey Rick you mood for some team battles? We only need one. We would be team red if you want. You don't have to though if you don't want then I just do ffa with them :).

    edit: or you could come for ffa if you don't like team battles, either way we started.

    edit2: I see you are offline :(. Msn is so good for this.
    At the moment I am in a ffa Rick, you can join if you want. But prepare for stupid stages sometimes :p.
    That would be to nice, I don't want you playing with a handicap :(.

    Your leaves are getting very random though. My friend already asked me in msn if you were not scared and went because he knocked you out of the taunt. I of course corrected him :).
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